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<br /> tn�sLee. for. tt�e.benef t af fQE fEdERM- '�i1ft�M� AtO I.OIW I�S'� i�OM�.I� GiilYiD ISL.AlD.
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<br /> graeiti, re�fse, •release and recart�ey ta tt�e Person or persa�s entitled there�o._a1� the
<br /> intesest and estate derived ta.;�d Trustee by qr thrau�t said Irust:�eec! ir�•�f.�+e fol- .
<br /> - iawing de��i6ed pre�ises.�buti��r�ily as to stx�.h pre+eises; .. .
<br /> . .,: . , . _. •
<br /> Lot Qn� .('��.��lfe's Second Subdivision. C��� �if��and Island, "
<br /> ' �tiall Cwnty, Nebraaka.
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<br /> _ togstt�er vith all 6ulld�tx�sr €lx#.ures. S.inBrave�rets end appurter�ancea 6ela�ging to
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<br /> ; Notasy Public duly caiwiss oned and clualifie� for in said Cax�ty, psrsanelly ea■s
<br /> �� Arend R. Haack , Yrustee, to �ne kr�n to 6e tt�e identical p�rsan
<br />—s rA�c�e na�e s subscribed tv he foregoing Trustee's Oeed o� Rec�anreya�nce and adcr�- .
<br /> �_� .ladged tfte executicn theseof to be his voluntary act and deed. _
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