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<br /> _ ,. .
<br /> - �-_ ��- - �- _ .- . - ;��: - � - -�-�- - _
<br /> �i .�_ s. _ , . . .. " f _-
<br /> � .
<br /> , , ..: -._. _
<br /> , _-- - ..:, .>_.: _ _ .. .
<br /> r -- -- - -- - ' . _ -
<br /> -4.in� 'J���.`` . ., ----- . ...... � . . . .. . . .. _ �. _... _ _ . .. . < . . .__ _ _. __--�-z Y ,`c ( ,
<br /> -- 4 � .. _ _ � . � � � �Z� f����}��. .
<br /> _ „_ _ _ . - � ,;: . : -- , _: -. - _ - . _. . _ , . . - .
<br /> ' ' ` �spQlic�ble IaM►m�Y s[�ecifj�for reimt�t}befae stk d tbe��,��Y Po�d ask.coatsioad is d�is.' . -
<br /> Security teq�aeo�a(�).ma�ot i Jv!�a�°�'��46��Y ��ce tA�t Boriow�er. (�) � ,
<br /> , . Fa�n 1 snd�er d! snms vrMucd�Len�u7d be due uo�r lbis Saviity.Yt�unkae wd tbc Nooe ss if n4 uxekr�tjao hrd
<br /> �
<br /> �occ�ed:lb)cunes aoy defaW�otany�x cavmsnts or agcameat�(F3 WYs all expeases incumd in enfo�ring�his Securiry, `,;` � � ,
<br /> (nunaaent,incladio�.bu[oot IimiKd.to.teasa�bte AaomeYs'fas:�ad.(�iakes such actioa ia iendec maY.rGnanab�j` .
<br /> ra�iie to ss�uie t6�t th�lien of tiiis Securlry inshct�eni.t.eAder�ri�htss irt the PmpectY and Baiovrats d�E���O�Y��
<br /> �sums eeCUt�d byr`dris Sacueity 1� ahaU cnotiaue tmch�ed. Upat reiasWement by Borrowdr. this SecurcJcy
<br /> � tus�u�ueni aod tLe abli�atioos seaared heoebY&hdt ranain fully cffeai�re as if t�o accelsntion dsd acsurred. Haweva.Ibis
<br /> . ri�bt w r�einco�e sAitl aot apply ie tl�ecase of a�xkration aMecp�agcsph t7. �
<br /> .Il.�3+lte a[-N�1�,.�,���._..�k�Nutz or a p�ti�l intaest in the N�te t�o8s�vritb�his Saluity<
<br /> Ias�woent)msy be s�qiil.at.�ar�e�.M'i��notioe tu Bormwer. A sak maY�It jn a change in�he a�tity
<br /> (�pqMm as tbe"Lflan SeMoet')rYMiieen a�aa1WY PaY��dne tmder tt�e Nora�nd this Sxuriry lasau+n� 77�e�e also
<br /> msy ES aae.a more ch�Es�t.'IbeI�lSeevibet wuel�ted to a sale of tlre NotG if thR+e is�change of the l.o�n Savica:
<br /> . Bomawer r`ril�t�e,given wdneo i�atia at die.chn�e in acca�daaoe with p�ph 1�aiiove and appliq�ie taw. '1�ie twtke ,
<br /> . �iu s�e t�. �aa�eu of t5e nev�r Lo�n seri►i�c eoa wo�q'i?+�jf�P���n�maaa Tt�e twtice wiu
<br /> �w . ,�vt�er iAfo�iae ta�ixd b!►�PP�isw. ace.nse.disposaf stora8�a tiekase of ,�
<br /> �;p��,�s S�Me�Oes._Bacm�er sl�U not cat►ge o�, Y yth` S e�!!8�
<br /> ya�ald�+t�_Set�stu�oes a►a•�e,•.d�e. Baaowet sf�ll no��,�'a�tlow an ane else to�o.an m �ff
<br /> p�ty tlat is ia viol�tian��►•�t►�L.aw. The proced'in8 tvro sttuences�iI not appiy to the presencg:�}se.a�
<br />-- � �stange on the PtupactY of sn�i Q�'�t'ties of Wzardous substances thu ar+e grneraUy cecogniud w be appmpcsa�e t�{41��
<br /> residential uses ard w msummaoce of tbe Ptnpetey: .
<br /> � Borrower ssUall pcanpdY Sive I.eoder written csotice of any inves�igapon,ctaim,dea�and,tawsuit or other actihon by any
<br /> - — govamnaM�l a cr�gulataY�CY a Pn�ate P�Y involving ihe PtopenY and any Hazardous Subs�nce or Envic�anmental .
<br /> Law of Nfiich Barowa bas actu�l l�towkdg� If liatower Ipms, a is notified b9 �Y Savemn�entat or reSulat�Y
<br /> -- —
<br /> autt�xity.th�t�►y�lnvai a other iemedi�6on of any Hazardous Subsqnce affecting tbe�mpe�ty
<br /> ts necessary,Barrower
<br /> _ __ - - _ __ -s�it pia�npdy aicci8i tia.��►.�f r�i acticrn�►iit acr�stce ai!!s Esevitoarneat�l L.aw. � -
<br />-= As used in this pua�nph 20."Hazardaus Sub.stances"are those sabstu�ces de�ned as toiic o[hazardous substaoces-�
<br /> - Environmentai Lav�c and the fo�lowm�subsiances: gasotine.i�erosene.wDec flammable or toxic petcoletna pcaducts.toxic
<br />:�i�' �pesticides and l�bicides.volatile soivetsts.materials containing asbestos or fartnaldehyde.and radioxtive materiaLs..As
<br /> -- �uy��s puagraph 2(►.^Fnvimnm�i Law"means federal Iaws�d laws of the jurisdiction where the Pt�opetty is Iocaued
<br /> , � that�et�te to heaith,saFely or emironuseiirat pmtertion. " - ' ` ' . -
<br /> NbN-UNIFORM.COVENAN75. Bom�wer and i.ender futtt�ercoveoaat aad a8�e as follows:_
<br /> �:� '� tl. Aceele�;Rearedies. Le�dec s6W[g�ve notke to Baero�ver pm�to aooelaation fdbvring Ba�rawpr's
<br />,;�`, �: b[escY ot aay oovnast or a�eeaieat ts t6is Sa�cit�la�tsu�eet t�wt oot Prio�W Aec�esstiw°°de�'M�S►AP�l� .
<br /> ��Ip�sppUcsbk bR p`ovides otMer�i�1• Tbraotke sb�ll specify: lA3 tbe defaWt;(b)tbe adion rcqajred to cure tMe
<br /> ` defart;(¢)�date,�a�t Iws tia�r 3i dsss irom tlie d�te tYe notice is giveo to BorroRer,by�rbic6 t6e defsnit m¢�t be
<br /> cwsd;a�d(d)ti�t tailYrc to ewre tie defaak oa or beforc tUe dsk specN�i�!t�f�say res�lt i�accekrstio�d .
<br />,,;�;.,,': tMe s��aat secared by tMla Secarity Iwstrucknt ae�sq�e at t6e Propertr 'f�aaRice srsY firtMee idor�t�orrower u�
<br /> - ,i tlie ri�t W rei�atate af�accelaraties au�d 1ie rfB��t�o bt u�s��ourt act�ou to assert tM!eo�!/iCe�A dl��YII Or
<br /> �� a�9 dUer defease ot Borro.ver to x�leration aed sWe. it tie�W,�t is not c�uw or hefore_tbe d�speci�kd ia
<br /> t�e�wtice.l.eader at ib optio�msy�+e4uke immediate Psyae�� ��,qll�all su�secured by tbis Security�n��
<br /> � �ritAoot tYrtUer deownd aad m�,� invdce t6e povrer ot s�te a� any otker remedies permitted b�applicabir It�
<br />_ ' l.endee s6s!! be entitkd m cdfect alt expeasea incurred_br Qorsuiag tA�e re�edies provided in this p�ra�qrap�2!;
<br /> _. indadio�,.�M1��Ibnited t�reasorw6ie attorness'fees and cosis at titk e,�denca
<br /> � It t pn„w�er ot ssde is invotced,�,iry,�tee s�secord a aotia of default in each rnuoty ia R'hicl�a�Part�16e
<br /> -. ; propertf�beriled and sfwll mail ots�ucb notice in t6e m�aner prescrthed by applicAb�law to Bvrcower a�d to
<br /> cri
<br /> � tf�e W6es person4 prescri6ed by a� ble k►w �cs tlre:ti�se required by applia�bk tAN'.7Yu�tee s6a11�ive�uWlc -
<br /> . eotiee of sale to tLe persons and in the mamier pcacn'bed bp applieabie taw 'Ilroste�wiWout deata�d oa Bom�er,
<br />- srW seU tUe PropertY 9t paWic Auctlos to ibe 81g1resE�at the time and plaoe and uaAer tYe tt�d�at�ia
<br /> �• tbe eotia a�sak is oae or more pp�cels and in�9 order'�rrstee determiees. 7lrusiee n�y po�tpo�e sate of aN as aay
<br /> p�rai.o�l6e Propest��Y pubik pnnauacement at tde time sad pts�ce o!any previoNSly sclKdukd saf� 1.eader or its
<br />-° ��Y P�chase the Property at any sala
<br /> Upo�rwcipt oP paymeat of tl�e prke bid,7lrustee sls�U detiver to the pnrc6aser 71r�ta's deed conveyi�g tbe
<br /> '. . property. 'i'6e rept�in the 7bustee's deed shall be prima f�cie evidence ot the truth o�tha statemeats mnde t6etEi�t:
<br /> 'I1rmqK s6ai�app�y tt�e procceds of the sale in the idbwing atder: (a)to�ii costs aed expeases o�exercisiag itle paWer
<br /> .. f .
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