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<br /> � �io�a�c t�aa�c� ������aK��n ix�no�e�t�►s«rows��,t«m 1�� . _
<br /> 4 . '�fOYiI WI11CIl 5�1fII OOt b0 U1YC�OUiDIY W1tbI1CW. If R«W1IY�I�IIS�O fllilYl7t11 CAYL[�G dtSCA-17C��OYC.�.lIIdCP i�1y.9�
<br /> Lender�oEieioa.d�uun oavaage to pcotect I.ender's rigMs in the Ptuperty in aa.�Y vaidt p�agraph 7.
<br /> All instuaoce Poi�c�es�}d�new�is sfeit be accept�to Lender and sbatl inclitd�a staixl�d�aortg�ge cl�iue. Leader
<br /> - � • � a1Wl hvc the rigbc to hold the puLici�s aod tenevwrts. If l�ender rcqaires.Borrower s1�I!pi�mpttY Bive to Lender at[rec�ipts
<br /> �P�P�mns and naewat notices. In tde event of toss,Borrowtr si�all give prompt natice to the inaum�ce c�r+er and
<br /> Lrnder. Leader may cn�ice puof of toss if na raade pranpdY t+Y Borcawer.
<br /> �niess Lender and Boerower othervrise agne in writing.inwr.mcY proceeds shall be applied to restoration oe tepair of, .
<br /> - efie pYOp�sty damaged.€f the c�storatiaa ur r�Pair�ecoaomitalty fe�asibic and l��iders sceunty is.not l�secxd. If t6e .
<br /> �esto�atioa or reptir is t�ot economic�ltY feasiDk or ixt►der's sectuity,wou{d be i�ed,the inwrance Pmceeds sh�ti be
<br /> applied to tha sums secured bl'ihis�ity Inanu�u.wlx�tl�er or not tlren du�wich any e�asc paid to Borrower.. If
<br /> Bacrowa�idoas the PropeAY.or does not answer within 30 days a notice f�om[.ender that the iacar.usce caRier figs
<br /> off�red to selde a cl�im,tLai i.end�er!naY co{kct the inwr•u�oe Pm�ds. lxnder may use t6e gtooecds to rep�ir os restorc
<br /> die P�opntg a w l�aY sums secured by this Securiry tawume�u.wlxther or not tben doe. 1�e 30�day period will 6egin.w1�en ' .
<br /> ������. Itratiat of eeds to principal,sh�ll not eatend a
<br /> Uaias Lender aad IioROV�er atlierwise agre�ia writing,anY aPP� P�
<br /> �����e of the mohttily p�yments refeeed ta in puagcaphs 1 and 2 or change tbe auwunt of t6e payme�ts..tf
<br /> — under.pafagr�ph 21 ttx Propeay is ac9ua�ed by Lendcr.Borrowet's right to any inwrrnce pulicies aad pro�d�S r�1un8
<br /> fro��8�to tl�e Prope�ty Priar to d�e aaWis�tion shatt pass ta Lender to the exteAt of the sums seruted by this Security
<br /> �nscnunent immediatety prior co�he xquisi�ion.
<br /> Barro�er's-Gi�r�PPiication:--------��-�
<br />- — �► �°P�� ��+ ��E � ��w�� residence withut sucty days after
<br /> i�oids. Rorrower sball accupy.establish,and.use tl�e Ptopeny P�P�
<br /> = tb��xavtian of tbis Sec�uit7r Gtstr�unent�d shalf;�ro�inue_to oc�py tbe Pmperty as Bo�ower's principa[c�idence for at <.
<br /> -� least one year a�'ter tGe date of accupancy,.miiess i.ender othecwise agrees in writing, wfiich cansea[sh�ll na be .
<br /> l � ---- ----uRr�hly iriWh����s.extem�ann�u�.�tis�,whi�h ate_beyad Sorrower's con�oL Batrower shatl nw �
<br /> - - dat�ay.damage or impair the Ptuperty.ailow the'Ptoperty ro detenarate,ar commit waste an che Fropert9: 3iu�cowcr slsalt-------, .
<br /> -- �be ia defaulE if any farfe�hue xtiem or proc��.w�r�iv�.ar criminal.is begun tUat in Lender's gaat,faitb J�S� .
<br /> � contd nesult in forfeiwne of the Pcopecty ar ot�wise m�rialty impair the lien create�by this Securitg:Inswment ur
<br /> ' Lenckr's secuiity interest Bortowec may cure sucIt a�efaait and neinstate,as pravided in pars�apb l S.6Y.ca��cn8 the action
<br /> - or�ing-to 6e dismissed_with�lulalg.�ttat.icr Lendeis gqad faith determination,pmcludes forfeimca of tf�e Borrower's
<br /> - intemst i�the Ptoperry a other rnaterial impaicrnei�c af the tien created by this�ecurity Instrurnent or Lsnder's sacuritY
<br /> interesL gamawer Shall atso be in default if Borrawer during the lo�n'application proces•�, gave materialty false or
<br /> „ inaccutate infomiation oc statea�ents to Lender(oe'fa�Ted to pr+ovide l.ender with acry mauriaf informaiion?in cannec�i of the -
<br /> � the toan evidenced by the Note. inctuding, but no�limited to. representatians conceming Borrower's occupancY . _
<br /> property as a principad residence. If this Security Itp�uument is on a te�sehotd.Borrower sball camply with aIf 3he prov�s�ons
<br />, of the kase. If Barower acquires fee tide to the Ptoperty,the leaselwld and the fee titte sftalt cwt mcrge unte�i.ender agrees
<br /> � ta the rt�erger in writing. Ip goRpwer faiis to orm the covenanu and a� •
<br /> .r . 7 �/�p�1 Ut�.lOdt��S ��1��O 1�It pP�lrn: � .
<br /> cantained in this Secuciry Instrume+�t.ar then is a tegal proeeeding that may sign�ficandy affect L.c�der's�f1�:?1�e
<br /> . , �y(such as a proaeedin$ta bat�Ic�uPtcy.Probate.for condemnation or farfeimre vr tn enforce taws or reeuLuiurts t�t�??: °--..
<br /> ` I,ender may do and pay for whatever ts necessar!'to protect�he value of the PropeRy and 1-ender:s right�im_�fte;Qta�pecs�'.
<br /> Lender's•actions may include paying any sums secucrd by a IieR which has priority aver this Security(ns��:�°8
<br /> in court.paying reasonabte attamey.+'fees and entering an the gtopesty to make repairs.Although lxnder nsay�a3;e•aa?°°
<br /> under this paragraph 7.Lcnder dces no[have to do so.
<br /> Any�mounty disbuned by Lender under tfiis paragraph 7�hall Necome additional debt of Borrawc�secured by chis �
<br /> ; Security InSnumem. Unlecc Bomnwcr and Lender agrec to other tcrm�of paymem.these amaunts shall bear interest from the '
<br /> date of disbursement at the Notc rate and tihall bc payable.with interest.upan notice fram Lendcr ta Rormwer requesung
<br /> �
<br /> °. PaYmen� _
<br /> °�- g,, Mart� Insuranca If Lcnder mquired mortgagc insunmce ati a condiGon o!malcing ttie[oan secured by this
<br /> � Securiry Inmumen� Barrower tihall pay the premiumc reywnd to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any
<br /> _�=, reason. the mortgage insurance caverage required hy l.rnder lap�es or cca.�to be in effect. Bamwer shall p•ry the
<br /> premlum�.required ta obtain co�erage substantially equivatent to the mortgage inaurance previously in effecK.at a cost
<br />_ - ..,.j,. wbstaniially equivatent to the coci to Borrower�f the mortgage intiur.u�ce previously in cffect,from art altemate mortgage
<br /> insu�er appmved by Lender. It�ulntantially ryuivalent martgage intiurance cover�ge�s nut:�vailable.Bormwer shal!pay to
<br /> -. l.ender each manth a sum equal ta onc-twelfth��f ttre yearty mortgagc insurance premium heing paid by Bortower wh�n-�he
<br /> it�u[ance coverage la�s+ed ex reatied to be in effect. L.ender will nccept.use and retain the�c paymentti a�a loss reserv�tn:iieu
<br /> - of mortgage insurance. l.nss reserve paymenty may nv tonger F+e required.at thC aplion of LetNler.if rtwttgaSe insurance .
<br /> � coverage(in the amount and for�hc perial th:�t l.ender reyuue+►provided by an in.urcr appraved by I.ender again i�ecomes
<br /> :;�,, ' available and is ob�aincd.Bortawer shall pay�he premium.y reyuired to maintain mo�teage insurance in efTa:t,,or to provide a
<br /> • toss reserve.antil the requirement fur moAg:rge in�urance end�in:ucardance�cith any written agreement It�tween Bam�wer
<br /> an�f Lender vr apQlicabte I�w. •
<br /> • �. 9, (asptction. Lender ur it�agrnt may makc rca+anabte rntricti up�m and intipc��tion�uf the RapeRy. Lender�hall
<br /> . give8orrower notire at the tima�yf or prior to an in�pectian�pecifying rearonrbte cau.e far the impectian. �
<br /> - - 1� Coadet�n�tion. Thc prucced+uf any award�u claim far damagcti.dinct��r con�eyucntial.in connectian with:u�y
<br /> , .�,� - Singlcfymlty��Fannir�lae,iYeAdk�tacl'�IYI3R�11�tiiRl�1��'i••l"nAarmCu�rn:unti 91911 ip��,.•±,In�rcr.v
<br /> . � rrrat/:dti Bm76ess F��in%IM' ■- .
<br /> '. - � Y����fe'rcait tanu:,aaxf7t n Pnx4lRivt•tt3t
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