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<br /> '. . I7.Tfa��tl�! �!�1s�'ACW I�las�t r 1�rls'we�'.�al!O[�r p�t d tAe�a�►I�Ma�t��1 � �:.
<br /> is�aiA a tne�k�ed(ar if�i n t a s s t i n B o n o�t u i s a o W a r a a m f e n e d a e d S c r e�n�r e r i s a o t a a r u c a t p a r�o a i M►�1 6 a�
<br /> �,e�der•s pricir wtktarcao�eat, Ltndei msir.ri its aption, mMpnedi�te PaYme+�t is taU of� s�mas�enuod b�► dus
<br /> 5ewrity Imttumeat.E[utivcvet.t!►ts ept;oo s 1 y 1 1 no�6 e�e c c i x i�i r n d e r i f�c e t r�e is p i o l u b i o o�b y faterai fnr a of t6e d�1e "
<br /> otthis Savrity Iu�uua�t• . .. : .
<br /> if La�det�a►this.pp�oa.I.eoder a1W1�ivo BoKUwer aotioe oE aooeie�ion.Tht aati�e siyU pcwide s period of abt ,
<br /> � �kss tlwa 3Q dry�from ttic.d�to..tAe notiae.is delive�ed or m�ited witlon wluifi Bimrrower mut p�y�it saa�eaweod b�r 16is
<br /> Secutity Imtrument.If Borr+c►�ve�f�s to p�y the�suaaa prioc to the�ion oi tNs period.t.endmr mag involoe aa�r e�aoodies,
<br /> petmitted b�S�avrityr Imttumeat�vit6out futt�er nouc�a or dem�d aa Borravres. :
<br /> I�, s��it M Y�drf� tf Bormwer ma��ts cc�tain maditi�s.,Hormwcc siWl twYa tbt.right to�hive
<br /> eoforad�ent of t1►is SecuntY Is�mc dis°°ad°�ed at�°Y �P�°r�o t6e nttigr oF ta)S daYs(or siich other periad as
<br /> �pplk1�61e Is�r mty_speeity far eioM�lea�nt2 b�o�e.s�e of tl�e PrQPeetS► P�rswnt to a�r_P��of s�le rnetaioed ta tl�s
<br /> Sewr;ty lmttume�t;or(b)a�*�oE a3udEment enfo�siag th[s Secvrity Insttuma��11nse coodiuons arc tt�t Ha�m�Nei:h)P�!►s
<br /> I.ader�It sums which d�ar�wuld be due u�t�s Sewrity lmtnu�ac a�d tLe Nota as if�o accekratioo t�d acaured;(b)
<br /> cates aay deErilt of�sy atber'eorentats or�oemaxs;te}pys�Il ea�peases in�rtt�d i�aifaeinE thi$Socvnt�i�trumdit.
<br /> includia�,but not timited to,t�abk auame�►s'tas:aad(d)ta�es svcfi aet�oa as La�dec mag �anbty requicc w�n
<br /> _- tlut tbe.lien oC this Saurity I�ttumeM.l,eader s�ig6ts ia tLe Pe»perty aaa Hamower's abllg�poa�ta p9y the wms sav�+ed by..
<br /> - Wis Sa�ritY J�n� staU eoatLaue amhanBed. Upon ieim�tmrcat bY Bocmwer, t6is.SacuqtY,Insuutr�at �nd t6e -
<br /> - ����h�y.sw11 tert►�in fulty ef�ective as if ro aoceler�tion had acwme�-Nowever.thia nght to�eii�utaoe st�a11
<br />;:� ` oot�iy in the ca+e of�ooelet�n unde��u�r�ph 17. .
<br /> - -f! Sde ot Nate: Cr�e�Law Sa�►ia�r.Tbe Nooe a Y puaai uxenst in the Note (togeU�er witb tdis Seaui�l► .
<br /> Intaume�rt)m�y be soid ooa a mare cin�es without pr�or naice to Bon+nwer.A sate�y�esalc in a cban�e ia the eatity(f:npt�#.�:._
<br /> a`�=w a�tl�e" �Loan Secvic�et")tlat oolkAS morM6[Y P�Y�dae uader tl�Note ud this Secunty Ia�ttameM-.The�+c also may 6e uue .
<br /> = er ma�e�of the Lotn Sezviaer uncelated W a s�te Qf.tUe A1ote.if tl�erz is a change of d�La�Sen►icer,Botmwer�i13�c.
<br /> �_ S vae
<br /> - given wnKaA�of tbe d�r►ge in acc:ondance wiW►pataSraph�l4.aboYe sad�pplicable Iaw.'t'be notice vuiU at�e th���#nd:�;
<br />-�. .
<br /> ~ _� .---._ addness of_the.�s�t L�aain Seivi�er and thG add�rss.ta wl�i�,fi MY�Ms�shoub de�m�de.'l7ie notice will atsa c�at,vin a�►..ot� •_ _
<br /> .. . .... . . .: ,, .
<br /> inform�tion Kquitvd by aPPlicabk taw. • � - .. :�. . . .. . . . � - -
<br /> � 2�.H�S�bw�oe+.Barrower shalt nat eaus�ac pe�mit tix p�.use, disposal, sto�:.av nek�se oF�rg `
<br /> �` .N�at�doas Sub�anas oa or in the ProQ��'fY. Borrower si�all not do, nor allow,anyone else to do, anythmg afftctia�,'t4�c-
<br /> . . p�ope�ty ttwt is in violation of any Eavironmental Law.'if�e pta�fing twa se�shall not apply to the pcesence,use:bii .
<br /> . storage on tbe rtyr of small quannaes of HuaNa,s Subsranees thac are generdlty recognizeA cu be appropriace co noruwi
<br /> bs a
<br /> -� - - resideM�usas�to mainteaance�f tf�e Prape�ty.� .— - - -- __ _. . _. . ..._ . ---- v ---
<br /> Horrovcrer shall pmmptly give l.ender written notiaa of any investigation,claim,demu�d,lawsuit or other aixion by any
<br /> � govemmental or regulatory ageACyr or privateparty mvolving the Froperty and any Narr�+douc Substance or�nvironmentai Law
<br /> - -" �of wfiich Borrower hu actuat luaa►tedSc.If$osrower learas,or is notified by�ny govenunentaf.or cegulatory authoriry,t1x+t
<br /> �'• any removal ar uther mriediatioa of any Ha�rdons Substanc�affacting the PrupeRY�s nocessary,Borrower sh�ll pmmptly talce
<br /> . �11 necxssary cea�clial aetions in aecordanee with Envirawneatal taw.
<br /> �s used"uE th�s�arag�ph 20. "Hazardous Substu�ccs"are.those substances defu�at as toaic or Ga��substa�es by
<br /> ' �nvironn�eatal I�aw and tbe following substances: �ine. kerasene, otber flaa�abie.or taxlc pemotesut►�raducts, toaie
<br /> •� pesticides and herbicid�s.vatatile solvents,matcrials oosc�.,�ning as6estas or fom�ydc,and tadiaactive�ais.As used ie
<br />. s:,; '.= this pua8raph�0. "Envimmncntal Law' m�ns f�e�F taws and Iut�tF of the jarisdictioa wke�,ibE Praperty is tocated tl�t
<br /> '`_�:;� nlate to bealth.safety or enviroameatal.protection.: . -
<br /> � N�N-UNIFORM CQVENANTS.Borrower and l.ender fiinher cavem�nt and agiee as fviloNSl-.
<br /> -- - �1.Acaela'atloo;Remediea.l.ender sba0 give�otiae to Romnwer prMr,to;acceleeaHaa tdbwi�RomDx�.'s brc�c6 �;�.n�
<br /> � _ -- - -- --- �= at atry oovewid or agreement In this Secneity I�truma�t (bnt not prlor to Acceieratinn anda' 17 unte� .,��T---
<br /> • `>�� i appliable laiv pravides aberrvke).77�e,alloe s6aD specity: (A)�be detauit;lL)t6e�dion t�r care fbe detadt. ------�
<br /> (c)s d�te.aat tess than 30 dAys trom t6e date the notice iv given to BorroWer,Dy wUich the dd�alt mnst be cured:and ,,�,�-
<br /> (d)Wit i�s to cnre ehe ddsaN on or beto�tUe dsite spocitkd in the natiac mAy t+esalt ia�ooderatlon of tUe smns �.__�--
<br /> sa�nu�ed by tl�is Sea�ty Instnuneat sAd sale ot the Pn►pe�ty.The notWe s1w0 fartiKr intocm Bornuwa ot tUe r166t to gr�:g:^
<br /> ' ' e�dmtMe aftet'aocikration aed t6e rls6t W brlog.a oourt skNon to a4seA the nonexlsten�s ot s�det�wtt.or a�ry M6es ..f�:;:�_
<br /> dde�ee ot Bon+ower ta aocete�sttoo aud sde:(f the defaalt is�w1 cue+ed on or beta+e the dAte specitied in the notia, _;3;;_.-:
<br /> � Lender,at its optbn, msy nqaice.tmmedlate�aS'ment in idi ot aU sams secw+ed by t6i�Security I�tipn�ent wkhoat �"- " _
<br /> pa '
<br /> fiu�ther d�and and may im�oke the pa�r�ot sak and any aher n�nedks permined by,s�ppdiabte law.�.e+�er sl�all be , .,
<br /> '��,. e a t i t l e d t o o d l e d�I I e s p e n s t s i n c a m d d i n p a�t h e re m e d k s p r o v l d e d i n t h i s R x�8 K a P 1 t�1 4 incl n d i n g.bat not li�tited ;`, ,�_ ,�
<br /> to,rwoRabk sKonKys'tees and oosis ot title trideooe. • �,..:._^=::.••'
<br /> � If t6e poper ot sale�S ievoked.Tn�stee sfw�l record a notice of def�ult,��n�esrA c�ut►r�t in�vlm��►y piut�tBe . :. � -
<br /> 0
<br /> pnoperty is lacated and s�wll maii copl�of sucb natice in the mpnner P�c�S6�nY APPt�e law to Ba�tower�to � Y ���;.
<br /> • �. t6e W6er pe�aoa�pre�cr,�td b y appikabk Inw.Attee the Nme nequined by appfkabk law,Trugta shaMi give pablk aoNoe' x.
<br /> ot sde to the perroag aad in t h e marmer p n s c r 1 b e d by s p p t i c a b t e t a w.T r u s t e�<�v i t h o u t d a n a n d u n B o n+a w e r.s 9 h s N s�1 1 . ��`���'-;
<br />,.�;i �� tUe prupe�y at pubHc aactbn to t6e 6ighes1 bidder at the time and pinoe 9ad amdee the terms d�ted in tlie noliacci � _
<br /> �;' �le ie a�ne or ma�+e pae+eels and te any oNer Tr�nstee determiaes.Trustee m�PostPone sale ot�ll or amy�y of aie , -
<br /> - - �� groperty by{wbllk�en/at the time w�d pt�ee of pnY l��8 sshedWed sak._I.ender or its�d��aaF
<br /> � ' i porcUage t6e Pi+opMy at any�le. .
<br /> �,
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