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IUi ir�uauoe policies and teaewals shatl be acceptabk,ro Lwd4r.acid shatl include s suad�td mort;�t ctw�e.Ireoder <br /> s1q1�l�ave the ri�ht to hold the potjcia aad r�oew�is.If L�der requit�;Borrowet sd�ll PtomptlY H�Je to i�eader ali neoe+pts af <br /> _ p�id`premiamt md�saewai notkes.fn tbe oveu�of lossr B+nmovirer sTi�II giye pion�p[nntioe m tire ingur�ooe c�rrier.a�L�eqdes <br /> I,mder may m�e p�c�of o�tosc if na m�de P�P�9 bY Ao�rower. <br /> � Udess Iander aad So�rower dher�vise agree in writing,instu�oe piv�eds'sln11 be appliod w cestoratian or npir of 1he <br /> ptope�tY d�m�ged+if tAe Kstor�tion oc npair is eaoaomicalty fexsibk aod Leader's secarity is nat lassened.lf the nstor�tion or � <br /> �pir is aot eoonomic�llY fe�sibk or Leader's savrity woWd 6e kssenod,tba.lmv�aooe Prucads s6a11 be�ppliod m tLe swns <br /> ` s�,ymd 6y tbis Socurity Instrum�nt,wUaUer os rot thu�doc,witb�nY e�ccess P�d to Bormwer.ff Bonower abrodons�he <br /> , pmpeRy,ar das not aaswa within 30 days a mtice fraan LeMer th�t tlre inwiaoce caaier lus offerod ta.settle�cl�im,dim- <br /> L�eader may voUax th�insuraace pracads. Lender a�y use the procads to iep�'v or iestote t6e Piop�rty or to pvy sums <br /> secared 6y this SxuritY Insuuroent,whed�er or oot theo dne.Tbe 30-day periad will 6egin when the notia is givta. <br /> t7nles's Leader and Bormvrer otherwise agoe in writing. aay.application of prixeeds w pm�cipti sbatl mt extoad or <br /> � - postpoot d�e dae d�oe of the mont6ty paYa�aas refesed to ia�hs t�hd 2 or�e the amawt of the p�ymenu.i� <br /> a�er pauagraph 21 tbe Pt�ope�ly is acqairod by I.eMer.Somnwec`s right to any ina�r�x Polieies�ptuooeds nesulting fmo� <br /> - � d�nge ta ttie l�c'oPeetJ►P�iot W the�:quisitioa sAalI p"�ss tn�I�adec ta_d�e extem of tue sums sewnad by tbis Se�vaty Insttdment <br /> ... <br /> imae¢iapdx prior to the xquisibion. , . <br /> -_= - . -_- - �r�! <br /> �'etsess�l3oa.-b�ti�e_aa��estb�s eE tt�e Reopest�B�e��I�a�'1p�n:_. .. . _ _::.-- -.:.: . <br /> - �mwfr�wdt occupy.astaWisb,aad nsc the Pmptrty as Hoc�+nwer's principal tes"tdena withtn sixey 41sYs after tve eaeorti�o�of <br /> t�S�t[rity'iamumeat aad sh�ll oontinuaw occapy tbe-1�.Kty as Bomawer's priucip�l residexe for at leastaoe}eir afcer <br />�,: tiredate of accapaucy,Untess Lender odietaise agrees ia writing,which consent stialt not be unmacon�bty wid�d,ac unless <br /> -•� .eatt�uuatin8.�rcumsiances,exist which ace 6eyoQd Borrowet's control. Bormwer shal l not destroy. dama8e or;tn�"s the <br />_ ,., <br /> property,allow the Pmperty to deteriorate,or commit wagte on thc groperty.Borrowei sfia�i be in Qefauii if�3dy�fo�c - <br /> � adion or pcaceeding,wlx�er civil or crimiaal,is begun that in Lei�der's gaad faith judgment could res�ilt in forfaitur�Qf t5e <br /> - �+opeRy or a6erwise materialty impair the uen c�ated by this Security Insirument or Lendes's security in�.Borrower auty . <br /> atte such a default and provided in paragsaph pusing the accian or ptnceeding to be dismissed wtth a roling <br /> _ timt,in Ieuder's goad faith dctemuaation,prectudes forfeiture of the Borrower s iat�rest in the Propetty or other material <br /> � iuoputment of tfu lien cnateA 6y this Security Instcument or Iender's securiry interest. Borrower s6aU also be in def�It if <br /> Berrower,during the loan appllcation pracess,gave materialiy faise nr inaccurate infomiation or statemeats to Lender(aF.f�e�ed <br /> "_ - topmvide Lsnder with any rt�terial infom�atian)in connectioa w�xdse loan evidenced by tbe Nae,inciuding,but noc limimd <br /> tFi,tepresentations concemiag Borrower's accupancy of the PmpaR�as a pdntipal residence.If thig Sec�ity Insirument is on a <br /> fsasehald. Borrower slwll comply with al! the provesi�css of the tease. If Bocrowcr acquires fee tifle to the property.the <br /> Ieasehold and the foe tiQe shall not merge unless l.endcr agrces to tf�e merger in writing. . <br /> 7.prutecNon ot Lend�r's Rig6ts in t6c Propestq.If BorroRer fails ta perfortn the cavena�ts and a�eeinents.�ntai�xd'uy <br />. '� thia Security Insuument. or there is a legal procecding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pcaperty(such as a <br /> procoeding ir►bankruptcy,probate,for wndemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulatians), thea�ader�ay do and <br /> pay for whatever is nocessary to protect the vatue of the Praperty and l.endcr's righu in the Property. Ler�'s actions tnay <br /> �:t�' inclocle paying any sums secured by a lien whicb has priority over this Security lnstrumen� appearing in court, paying <br />::�=3,° rpsotsabie attorn�ys'foes and entering on the Praptrty to make mpairs.Although Lender may tatcc action under ihis{�atagnph <br /> . , '7,Lend��does not have to do so. <br /> '�: <br /> Arry anwunts disbursed by Lcnder u�der this paragrapb 7 shall become additional debt of Burrower secured by this <br /> ' Socurity tn�trument.Untess Barrowcr and Lcnder agme to other temu of payment,thesc amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> ti: date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabte, with interest. upon noticc Prom i.ender to Borrowcr requesting - <br />,;:.� ���. <br /> ' g,Mort�ge I�uraece.If Lender r�quired mortgage insurance as a candition of making the loan secured Dy titia Secarity <br /> Insuumeat, Bonower shaU pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insumnce in cffece. if, for:;�y reacon,the <br /> moRgage insurance ooverage c�quired by Lendcr tapses or ceases to be in effect.Barrower shall pay the pte�.ms required to <br /> obWin ooverage substantially equivaient to the insurance previously in effe��t,at a cost substantia�6y�equivalent to the <br />• cost to Harrower of the mongage insurance previousiy in effect, fram an altemate martg�ge insurer appra�cd try Lender. If : <br /> , substantially equivaient mongage iasuranco coverago is aot available.Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> - one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bonowcr whcn the insurance coverage I�sed or ceasod to <br /> bc in effect.I.ender will accept.use suxl retain these pay��ents as a loss rcscrvc in lieu af mortgage insuran:e. Loss reservc <br /> � Fonn 30?� !I!0 <br />. . � Vape 3 of 8 <br /> . . <br />� . ' :�_�,..,..-.p73T.f,=P� , . _ .. _ ... .-'-.— .----- ...-:--- �-. - - '- _ _.._ -- . • .-_- . ' :-.- -�'_��.'. . --- � - ---_ <br /> :,r--.. __ . - ' <br /> � ;. <br /> , . "" ' a .� .. .- . ... .. .�. . . .. . . . . , <br /> . . . . ' . - . �./. 1 .� <br /> . ' ���'.•f .. ' . . ' -,I, ` . . . <br /> . . .. . � ,"`l. ' . ' � . 1 ' .{`, , ' . <br />...�__- '_ � .�.1�.'.._ ._. .. . , . � . . . . . . . . ....' ... ' . <br /> . . .�: 1 - . . � � . . , " • <br /> S � � , - � . ' � . • . � . . . • ' . <br /> ' li - .� . . . 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