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200402304 Loan No. F- 195588 <br />Peters <br />EXHIBIT `A' <br />Legal Description To Be Released <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the SW1 /4 of Section 27, Township 11 North, <br />Range 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of said SW1 /4; thence running <br />southerly, along and upon the west line of said SW1 /4, a distance of 450.0 feet; <br />thence deflecting left 89 051'48" and running easterly, parallel with the north line <br />of said SW1 /4, a distance of 250.0 feet; thence deflecting left 48 026'34" and <br />running northeasterly, a distance of 300.69 feet; thence deflecting left 41041,38" <br />and running northerly, parallel with the west line of said SW1 /4, a distance of <br />225.0 feet to a point on the north line of said SW1 /4; thence deflecting left <br />89 °51'48" and running westerly, along and upon the north line of said SW1/4, a <br />distance of 450.0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 4.132 acres, more <br />or less. <br />RECORDERS MEMO: O ! , S cc nd L S ct 6. <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />