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<br /> _ --- �l�O�.MI�L�71Q�t�' ''�������I!G CUOfd1�BOfL4�[CC!{1�'t i0 I.t01� . .
<br /> ' at�rUich sd�ll not be u�+eeawn�b�y!N�tl�. If�arowes fu"b to mti�tain covc�e descdbed�l'so+re.t.endec m�y:�t
<br /> , . `�� p Laidere s ia�hc pe�opertY in a000id�ce arith p�nyraph 7• �
<br /> l,a�lesk.optioo.obtael covsra�e pro� M�� < <
<br /> Alt in�r�noe policie.+aod cenewats shall be aQCeptable.to l.entkr and ah�ll inctude a stu►d��mat�$e clwse. t.ender . ,
<br /> aM�vats..If Lendes raluires►Bon°w`er stall peu�nptly give w t.ender ai[receipts.
<br /> . sLil�Tvive the,ii�t to i�otd tl�e policks tatict w tl�e ias�l�.'�cattwT�d .
<br /> � , of p�id pem'iwris and rsnewsl aotipes• tn d►e event�of 1as�'Soctowa�siwll give pcainpt ; .
<br /> l.aid�er. Leaaer may mal�p�oof of loss if n«maJe proinapdY hs►Ba�m"'a• .
<br /> !�
<br /> w .. � snsuraoce sball be applied ta�sseoratian a rep�tir o�
<br /> , tJnlas Leader ard$aaovea othecwisdagroe' wntm8. p��
<br /> �: _�p�y_��y���:��:is`a�dtiomiall�+.fnsi'61e:and 1»ende�'s securitg is not lessened. If�he < . ,
<br /> rtstot�tion or iepvtr is not e c o n o m i c�I tY f e a n'b i e or�.e n¢e r�s securi t y would 6e kssened.tHe insdcaoce pro�ads sh�i 6e� �° .
<br /> applied tia the Sums saaued by t6is•SecvdtY lns�umrn�whether oa nc�thm due,with any eaoess paid to Bamvvec If •.
<br /> Bomowa ab�odaas tLe Ptoperty,ot das aot aoswer witl�in 30 days a natice front i.c�utkr ti�at tl�e inwr�nce sarrier!� `.
<br /> afFenod w sdtle:claim.then Leades may colkct the instrcauu�Procads• l.ender maY use the p�o c e a l s to n��x� .
<br /> swms socumd b}►,�1�Secunh'1�ume�t4 w1�F,°1,int that due. 'fhe 3Q�daY PR� B�
<br /> die�pc,to,pRy. . -
<br /> ��. , .�!�'. ` a ' - a����,� of proeeods to priacipal s6aff tiot ext�ead
<br /> U ead°�j�' '
<br /> ��,P���lY �P?4Y�� f9,lp.P��S��Z or ctaage the sanow�t of tl��P�Y� !Tf,
<br /> P� 'c�es a,d nesul6n�,.
<br /> � ��Zi�.�y;s�bg�c���wer�s agLt to any ��P� � ��.�,•c.�� -
<br /> --- fran d�e to tfie Pnqpf;�y P����4°�qOP.; : L�w I.ender to the exteat of tdc swas�y`��
<br /> , L�ea }�odiately.pnor w the acquisitioa.
<br /> _ _ . . � �.p����,.•�aee aad Frotection ot!he Propert�, B�orroRer� l.ait App�q� _
<br /> • � `LareMoW�. �ower s1�aU oocupy,atabtish,and,use the PropeaY as Barowers pnncipat res�dence within siaty days at�er
<br /> : the ezocwian of this Security Insunment and �I���O°O�PY� 5�.,�°R'�"er�s printipal�dence for at
<br /> IeaSt oae year after the date of�occuP�ncY�s L.ender atffe�v�nse a ..p� b'{!d°8� �� ca�sent sh�lt.nat be .
<br /> -- � u�easanably vritfiheld.oc.unless exunw�titng au�st�u�ces exist wbich are 6eybt��wer�control. Bom�wer sl�ll nat
<br /> ���p�t�,;albw.the_PtnpenY w det�ri�+or coamut waste on the Fiope�rty. Borrower sir�lf
<br /> — --�- d�caY�� •
<br /> : �� �f any forfeiture att�oa o1�P�'��&whether civ�7'ba crimi�a3;is i�egoit tha��f�cc�-guod fais�3ad�'� ; —
<br /> � could re�, �in foReiture of the Pirop�ty or otherwise materp�Jg ttn1�t�ie_6en cteaterl bY this Secunty��; ._ . ,_
<br /> l.ender's security inurest. BoROwer m1y curc such a defauit an�ceinstate.as proYided in Para�aPh 1��bY��8��� .
<br /> . or praceading to 6e dismissed with a ruling thaf.in[.ender�gaod faith determination.Prcc{udes forfeiture of the Borrower's•
<br /> interest in tho Piopa,rty or otber materi�t,impairment of the iien ercated by this Secudty [nsuuiuent o�I.eader's s�m�5! , _
<br /> intenst.. Borcower shall.also be in default if Borrower. durmg tt�e la�n applicatioa pracess. gave materialty fatse or .
<br /> ' • jnac�urate infomtation�:�����r(or failed to provide Leader with any�naterial information�in conr�ection with
<br /> "z tl�ee loan evidenced by the Not�, inctsi�d"ing,but not limitdl tu. c�P�rsentaeians conceming Bormwer�s accupancy of the '. . .
<br />_' pmperty as a principal resider�. If ti�s�curity:I�arument is on,a feasehnld,Borrowet shall comply witb aU the provisians (
<br /> - of the kase. If Banuwei accNires fee title to the Pt�pertY,tt�e ieaselioW and��.title shall not merge unless 1.ender aSrees
<br /> _ tottu me�rger in writing. � � wer fails to rfam the covenants and agreertxnls, .
<br /> T. Protecttoa ot Leades s�b�ia tt+e PropertY t$��'F!�P �
<br />,_ �tainecj ;n this Seewiry Insuu�n 'o�there is a tegal proc4�l,�sr ,.that may sigmficantly affect Lender's rights �n tt�,
<br /> _ Property(such�s a prr�ceedmg m ban,� cy,probate.for cond.��l�on or fo�feiture or to enforce laws or regulations),ti�eit
<br /> _ Lender t�iay do and fQ�,wt�atevr�r is necessary to protect the vatue of tl�e P,r4peny��nder�s righu in tt�e PropertY.
<br />- �� �ums secured by�lien which has priority over tbis Security.lnstc}��g�{j�apprarin8
<br />� l.ender?s actions may InFlude payin�.any. ���
<br />",:� in courl,paying reasonabl�attomeyc'fees and entering on the Propercy to male repairs.Atthough Lendei, tak�action
<br /> under this paragr�ph 7,Lender daes.apt have to do so.
<br /> __ pny amnunts disbursed by Len�,er under this paragraph 7 shall become a+dditional debt of Borrower securcd by Ihis
<br /> _ Security lnstrument. Un�P,ss Borroiyer and Lender agree to other terms of paymen�the�t amounts shali bear intFrest from the
<br /> = date of disbnrsemenf,�t,i11e Note rate and shalf be payabte.witb interest,upoi�„qQ,t,��e from L.ender to Bo((ower ceyuesting .
<br /> - p�yment.
<br /> g, M�g�g��q��Oe, i€L,enc�er requit;d mortgage.insurance as a,c�iqQition of making the toan secured by this
<br /> Security..lnstntment,Borrower sh�l,;p�r the premium.�reyui�d�tq,maintain tlie mortgage insurance in effect. if.fo�r aqy
<br /> reason, tfic mortgage insurance cav�ge required tsy Leade�,��p�u� or ceases to be.in e�f�,ct. 8orrower shall pa}r t�ie
<br /> pccmiums reyuired to ohtain coverag�,substsu�tially equivalent;to ihe mortgage insurance pg.�+.iousty in effec� at a cost
<br /> � ` substantial1y equivalent to the cost co Borrower of the mortgage snsurance previousty in effect.from at�altemate mo»gage
<br /> '' insurer approved hy l.ender. If substantially ectuivalenY mortgage insurance coveroge�s not available.Sar{�}yer shall pay to _
<br /> — Lender each monlh a sum equal ta ore�twelfih of tf�e yearly mortgage insurance premium bein�paid by Bq(�ower when thc
<br />-''_ " insurence coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wdl arcep�use and retain thece p�yments as a lt�f.reserve in lieu
<br /> �����; of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments rt�ay na longer be reyuireJ.At the option of Lender,if crYartgage insurance
<br /> -` coverage(in the amount and far the periad that Lender,requires)provided by;u�inturer approved by L,e�er a�ain becomes
<br />`'==�T available and is ob�ained.Borrawer shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain ma�gage msurance in efFeGt.ar to provide�a
<br />'�� los.�reserve.until the requirement for mort�age in5atance endv m accordance wi�h any written ugreemert[xtween Hurrower ,
<br /> ,,..• and Lender or z�pplicable law.
<br />- ��•= 9. lnspection. Lender ur iu agent may makc rca�onAble entrics upcm nnd impections ai the Propetly. L.ender shaU
<br /> •rY give Borrower notice at the time of or pdor to an inspection tipeciiying rearnnable cau+c for the intipection.
<br /> , _ 10. (:ondtmn{�tbg* The prnceecls of any awurd or etaim Par damage�,direct ar consM{uential.in connection wilh:u�y _
<br />.<;.;
<br /> .. q�� Sincic F.umly..F'annk 4iad�;�'{¢4ie Stae I;ti1FUR�11�itiTRU,�1xtiT•-Unifomt Ct��cn;u�t� 9/9� 1/xrgr 3 r�G p�i.qe.,►—
<br /> • . Creat Lakes a�uteew,Fm�.1ae.■
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