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<br /> �- �'rwtaR'. �r D:��+lschr+�d� _ : _.�
<br /> ss, fie ttii l�l[t of TM�itabi��uildtei'a�d Lo�A As�o�istie�uE(iraad,ItU�i►��7• ..
<br /> T'r�qt'.Jui� 30 i� ��_ .. ��dsreor�d�tM $�i�a�D�!lE •.
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<br /> -,_ .�-�:- - -_ - - -CQii,etjr_p,�brs�itsp�tl��� _ :_ -
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<br /> . �eri�tiat t1�t l�d.ot R�eo�r��rsea b�e:ecut�d and d�ns�ss co��M its e�t b�ar. ,
<br /> � It eo�i�t�►tia�„ut.�eil,,p��t aod iar a�oocdssa.wltl� th�s,�9ve�R at ti� H�&i�'1..t1M:�r�st�e �.
<br /> � �ri�s w.tL�:p�t�ai,ae pet+�ors eatitied tiw�to�li tM tt�i�t,titik istuwt ud ei�aoqnie'ad b!►t�e�.
<br /> � 1y'y�l�P�!�,to tir�D»d,at Trw�t ia tl��felis+►�: A ce�rtefn p�rc�l of. r�sl. sststt locat�d in.-
<br /> ` th� Sout,��� �r. of the Sou�M�Mst Qusrt�r f�) cf S�ctior► Ti�nty On� (2i}. To�hiP _
<br /> E1svN� .(13) NoFth�. Rei�11 fl�s: (9) M�. of. tM &th P.M., �ors pis'ti�ul�ly.d�fCrtb�d e�.f�l�"`•`.`
<br /> �
<br /> C�ci4ng at a poin6, 163.3 fnt West of th� SouChwst corlMr 4f tha:Stwth�+t q��� pf
<br /> tha.Saut�L Quaitp.F (SM�fS�i�. af. aeid Section Tw�nty One E21)..runnif�l thance Nar�r an�.i�r a .-
<br /> lin�,.R4�12�1 with .t,iw�-Ea�t bai�fd��Y lin� af �h� said SoutM+�st 4uartsr of�th� Southwest
<br /> QuA�r 4�A4). A dista� of �40..7 feet, tt�cs et right� angles end in an Esstqrly dir�ctiocF
<br /> tq_tht.East bou�t�I► li;� of seid Southwest Quartsr of the;Soutt+we�t Quarter tSi�SMOi) �th�nc�
<br /> Y d�ctlon sI esid Eest boundary 2irM to the Soutf�as��corner of asid �
<br /> - ;�s .n.r_t�rt _ ' ong
<br /> ----�SotttF.Irl�st.Quarrer. oF fi�6 S�ssi� Guei�i.e� ��sl �tts�c8-a�=ri�l�-��-�.tt�=l�te�jF-.=l -
<br /> dis'ecttoR to tF�e piacs of bsginni.�, fn Hall Courtity. i�ebrss .
<br /> _ _ _ _ ..
<br /> � � Ju],y 15, iBSi ..
<br /> Tra�tM
<br /> 38
<br /> QQZTN'�Y,Q� HAU.
<br /> Ths�a�vgutAB i�strumeat�vas sckna�►ledged 6efcce ma on JuIY 15, 199t
<br /> � Ee 1 D. Ahlschw de, A Memher of tha Nebraska State 8ar Association � ��,
<br /> . . � -! 9 wNr.v�
<br /> Notary Pnbtic , �Mwi►4�tR1M �
<br /> Tbe•H�n�fieiar7►re9uests tbe Trnstea to reeonvey the sesl estate descrilx�sbove to ths person ar pec:
<br /> eons eatft�tbento. �
<br /> . . The bk uildin Assoeistios
<br /> a
<br /> :., • a`�-�
<br /> , � � � . ,; J. W. Olson.�President/CEO �itk
<br /> Beneficlary
<br />- UPiTY OF- HA�.L �� - - .
<br /> C4
<br /> Tbe foregdng�iastrumettt wss aekaawletlged before me on... July 15, .19 9Y _�by
<br /> J. W. Qlaon Prestdent/C�0 ttitte) for he Equitabte.Buildin� and�I.oia
<br /> Aaoeist34q.ot Grand.YaLnd.ss Henefici�ury►. �
<br /> ZL� . �
<br />_ � �M`1�4� N� Fablie:- 9��/q9
<br /> F.+ �
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