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<br /> . i�owprai�i�uNO..d sWM be ewe�d�ta�ed.:d wppi�i�c tle Mata�4 dMt o�Tn.c as,sa�sitx�4� � - .
<br /> �g�ty i�p�")ot tie��e d�s�i�+�!►tiis C�"��*�to slw,t�1er[d�re�i/1aj��MM , ,
<br /> ��t�P,�.l�.�i�1�.
<br /> - - _ - R��i,ct,e Etue"Piae") to........�.#��R. ..............:_.....................:............ -- --
<br /> - ��Ca�k��'��O��Ci�mGQLgi111�CQ1t[1��Cp[O�L�I�ILT�� ;-- -
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<br /> ��p�ity�snd bCated a� , . - . � - � `
<br /> ... Z10 Nar Pf�er St. #1Q, �rand Ialefad, !1E 68803: ..�,»...»..»..»»....:..»»;„„�,.;,,,,�,...» .
<br /> . . . ..»...... .................»......�,. ��...�•.... »'�•.
<br /> '1'i�Mqf EtAMTAMIi lIIpY�E�IM ALLdIM�I�p01t CMAN��N TiE NT�T M7E ,
<br /> AIO t1E rOM11�Y IMM�r 7!E IIQ1�1.M/R 71S A�IOI�iT T!E�01�'S .
<br /> . NTeliT M7�CAM CIIANOE A?ANY 0!�lrE A!p t1E MAX�M 1M���M�'
<br /> IIQ��11�T 111K.
<br /> Ao�orrw�uLCovm�xr�-Lsdditiatotbecovewatsaad.a�eementsmideiatLeSeauit�liest�nest.8aro� -
<br /> � ad l.e�d�+r fiWELer c�a��t asd,a�roe a�fdb+rs: - . . .
<br /> A. �T RA1L►A1�ID MOM�II.Y lAYM�'�'!I11NG�Ei .
<br /> ' 'iti Na�e pt�ida for a�i�1 isterest nteof 9�»»�► 'l�e Kate pr�avida far eYn�s in tl�e iata�aK rsta a�i tiR .
<br /> __ �, -- — � nowtri�i�Ya�a�tai�� � �_
<br /> - . _ . .: :�:._
<br /> �. Q�T RA7Y A1�iD MON170.1!`lAYM�TiI'CHAA'1C� . ` � � .. `
<br />,- �A�Crye Di�M► . . .- .
<br /> . Tre i�tawc r�►re 1 w�t F�Y�]►��..au thn s,�a aay or.....!lus�.:............�......».:�19»..42,�na oa tie�c-�► ..
<br /> eK,ry 12tL ma�tir theceAfur. Pacb date an wbscb n�y iat�at nte oould chan�e is d�lted s"CGin�e D�te:��.'" ` __
<br /> __ ����� . _
<br /> ` Bejianids vritb tbe fi�t.Chanje Dat� my interest nu will be base3 on sa tadex. 'fbe"iade�c°ia dre.woddy _
<br /> areia�e yidd oa Uated 3tsus Tra�wry sacadtia�tA41 to a oo�tant matnrity.o[.I:yat.aa m�ide avaitaWc6Y.tLe
<br />_-` Fadaal Rae�e Bard. 77k mo�t rooent ledes s�r�e an►t1�bk as of tbe dAU 45 days6efoie aiclr Cban�e Deaoe�.oll�d �
<br /> - tMe''Crrreat i�dex." . �
<br />-- It tUe I�dac is ao l�oo�ec ava�aWe.the Note Hdder w�l cboae a new indes wbicb is 6ased upon oomprs6k � .
<br /> " bfa�tion. 7'he Natc Halder�n7t;ive me notice ot tlris c�oicc. � .
<br />= (C)C�icittwa�f t'Y�n ' �
<br /> . Be[are ach C6saae Date.the Notc Holder will cakvlau my new iaterat rute UY addia=.»..�e�..aAUd.....�..•
<br /> . .....onw.l�a2�............perceatase points(...3.SQ....96) to tbe Cusrent fndeu. T6e Note Hoider v�n'll t6en soaad tbe .
<br /> rewit of this addition to the nearest ane-�iji►tb of one Pen:entpae point(0.12596�. Subject to the limits st�ted in Soctian "
<br /> 4(D)below.tbia roundod amouat will be my new interat rate untii the next Cban=e Date.
<br />-=,r Tbe Note Haider wip then detenniae tlx unount ot the montblY pRyarent that wouW be wfl'icient w repay�e
<br /> _ w�id priacipil tmt 1 am eacpectod to owe at tbe Chanse Dnte in futl on the maturity dste at my nea intercst rau is ,
<br /> - wbWaatislty a�al PaYment�. The rault of tba cakwlation wil!be tbe naw amouat of my montblY P41��-
<br /> - � (Dl llwits�IMrrwt Itste Ci� �
<br /> .',= "'•--,�•►�e rate I sm requirod to pay at the Rnt ChanEe 1Date witl not be�rater than..��..�5.. ......96 ot lastlas
<br /> �'-'- ...... 7.7h5....»..96. Tberafter.my interat r�u wiU never 6e incrasod at docrwsed on any sin�ie Chan�c De�u by morc
<br /> '. tLao two perccnta�e points(2.096}t�m tUe ta•�^�intereat I have ban psyia6 far t6e prccodi�twelve monttis. My ,
<br /> = - iMar�st ntc wilE�ver be jrater than..,,,�.�+•.•?�...`�.
<br /> _ - (B) Flafi�e DrM�f C�es
<br /> _- Aty ne�interat nte will becoitte eBoctive on each Chaage D�te. 1 wtll pAy the amount ot my new n�oathlY pYmat
<br /> _ bqi�ins u�tLe fust monthlY paYment due after the Cliaa�a Dite until the amount of my monthlY payrt�ent e�a�1e�
<br /> ,. �• ' �
<br /> �, �' (F) lVNirc of Ct�� . --
<br /> 't'Nt Pkte HoWer will deliver or mail to mo a notia of any chartg,es in my intcrat rate and the amount of my moet6ly -
<br /> p�yerau 6efore tUe eBective date otany oh�nae. The notia will include information requicod by law to be=iven me�ud _
<br /> _ �1w tba titk and tekphoRe�mber of a persoe who-W ili nuwer�a�r question i m�y lwve re�ardia`tLc notic�. _
<br /> /. 7'RANS�E�aF THE!lOPF�TY 0�t A dENE�lCiAL I�£&7'IN e(M�OWER
<br /> ",�:; ry Udfarm CoYp�qt 17 oF tbe Security i�atrument is amended to ee�d as foUows:
<br /> ,, :. - Tra�fie�f Iie Ph�unt�r�r sM�/eil�rerwt is Mr�wer /f all a aey part ai the PropertY+oF ooy lntsrat ia it i�
<br /> !�
<br />- � aoid a tn�rtarsd(ar it a beneAaisl iecer�st in Borta�Fr.la aoid or uamterred and Borrower 1s not a m[un1 penoa)
<br /> s
<br /> wi�hout l.e�dtr's pia written consee4l.encler may.a1 iN apian.require immadiate psymen►fn tull ot all suma seared
<br /> t
<br /> !ry tl�Secnrit�r lattwmeet. However,thls option sLall not be esiercixd by Le�1er if exercise is prohibited by federal lsw
<br /> as at tiie drte.ot thit Security l�atrumen� Lender�tw sball na�exercise this aption if: (a) Horrawer causas tu be
<br /> s�aitted to Leeder iefonnitioe roguired bY Lender toevalwte the inteedad t�nsfaae as ih new 1au wer�be�m�de `
<br /> . _ to ttie traa�[�and (b) Lender reasoeaDty detetatines Wat L.ender'a aeeudtp will rtot be ie�ptirad by t�e ku . .
<br /> : - �wniqies artd/6at th�e risic ot a breacb ot any cavenant ar s jrament�in Wis Security lmtrument if acQeptabk to �
<br /> .. j� � . .
<br /> .. y �
<br /> -.1 Z� -
<br /> - � y - _ . _ . _ .. . .. ... . . ' ' ' _'_ ' . . _ .. _ ..._ . _ ...
<br /> , _r
<br /> . �..
<br /> .. �'y . ���E�t��'l��������� - =� -��17���-. .._ .._. . .
<br /> ��� �F��1NIy aI10 fa1SL hIC. .
<br />