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� ' 99 106677 <br /> _ _, __ <br /> receipts for all or any part of the purchase price or other con- <br /> sideration. <br /> 9 . Ta sel 1 D �r�h��e, rP- cri �t-ar <br /> bonds and o h r Gac-�i�ri t� c, refPrred Gt-nrkc <br /> stocks, bonds, and other securitiesrorlinvestments indtheenameeof <br /> a nominee or in the name of the attorney-in-fact for the account <br /> of the principal and to hold, invest, reinvest, sell, purchase, <br /> pledge or otherwise dispose of such common and preferred stocks, <br /> bonds and other securities or investments as otherwise provided <br /> herein. <br /> 10 . To cic�a9�i t- monevs Wi thr7raS� i nvaGi- anrl ptharWi 4P rioal <br /> with int-ang�_���� To deposit any moneys which may come <br /> to the hands of my attorney with any bank or banker in my name, <br /> and to withdraw any of such money or any other money to which I <br /> am entitled which now is or shall be so deposited, and either <br /> employ such money as my attorney shall think fit in the payment <br /> of any debts, or interest, payable by me, or taxes, assessments, <br /> insurance, and expenses due and payable or to become due and pay- <br /> able on account of my real and personal estate, or in or about <br /> any of the purposes herein mentioned, or otherwise for my use and <br /> benefit, or to invest such money in my name in any stocks, <br /> shares, bonds, securities or other property, real or personal, as <br /> my attorney may think proper, and to receive and give receipts <br /> for any income or dividend arising from such investments, and to <br /> vary or dispose of all and any such investments or other invest- <br /> ments for my use and benefit as my attorney may think fit . <br /> 11 . �'o vo P at �tnCkhold r � m Ptin � <br /> �herw;se Suh�t-i tnta g XP�„rP �rnxi a� anr3 <br /> fnr ownPr, To vote at the meetings of <br /> stockholders or other meetings of any corporation or company, or <br /> otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitu- <br /> tion, in respect of any stocks, shares, bonds, debentures, or <br /> other evidences of ownership, or securities, now or hereafter <br /> held by me and issued by or on account of said corporation or <br /> company and for that purpose to execute any proxies, limited or <br /> general, or other instruments . <br /> 12 . To XPf'7]}"P deed bi 1 1 � nc�fiaG anc3 Gi mi 1 ar i <br /> m�. For all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter <br /> into and sign, seal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any con- <br /> tracts, deeds, or other instruments whatsoever, and to draw, <br /> accept, make, endorse, discount, or otherwise deal with any bills <br /> of exchange, checks, promissory notes, or other commercial or <br /> mercantile instruments. <br /> 13 . To dra�,y anc3 end�reP }�Pr+lrc To draw checks against my <br /> account in any bank, to endorse notes, checks, drafts or bills of <br /> exchange which may require my endorsement for deposit as cash or <br /> collection in any bank, to accept all drafts or bills of exchange <br /> which may be drawn upon me in the usual course of my business . <br /> i <br /> 3 <br />