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<br /> . '`�ppiiabie is�wr may specifjr tar�)��Wc af'tb�s Aoperty Purw�nt b+nY Power d`�te�eanttfned i�this
<br /> .. �Y�ql�atb)�Y������t tbis Se�urkjr tnsaumm� 9liare aoadNions�e�e tbM Banaw�er. (�}
<br /> psys l.rader dl aums whicb.then��rould De due ueder thia Sa.�uritY Imt�ua�ent aed dx�Note at if!��1�� hd
<br /> ' accAUre�(�)cu�es any defaoitofmy ather cov�a ag�eements:(e)WYs+dl eupa�ses incvr�ed in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> �iaeiudina.6at nat timited to.nasonabla�ys'fea:aod(d�tal�es wd��tiae a�i.ender msy reason�l�tY
<br /> �o��e tbu tbe liea of t6is Sxariry lastrument.I.enderI�dg6ts;ie the Pkope�ty aod Baruwer�s obfiguion to pay tt�e
<br /> sum�aecured by this Secuciry I�umdnt s6all mn6nue w�6ed. Upon �einstatemertt by Bormwer. thia Seciuity
<br /> _Instn�t and 1be o6lig�tjcns�exaued banby sllall remain fuliy etfective u if no acaIerttion tad o�cumed. However:tUis
<br /> .. , .right w ieinidte still aot appiy in the case of acceleratioo nrider pac�gt�lph tT.
<br /> 1! Sate d Na.k;�d Lea�Senti�e� 'Fhe Nate or a puti�l uueiest in the Note(together with this Security
<br /> rnsanmoaul may t�sot�oae or m�e ames.�[ca�pr�r r,a��go�mwec A s�le miy tewit in a chat�ge iti the e�dtY
<br /> (la�o�m a�tLe"Lwn Se�viar°?:�ds��a�s�ci�3�I�Y��e uader tbe Na�aad this Securiry InstrumeoL 'E�ere�iso
<br /> m�y be aae ar mae cl�ao8e�qC.,� ...t�Lr�Se►�icx�w a s�te a�drc Nooe. If et�e is a cdoge of the L.amu Serviar,
<br /> Banowar�ettE�EivRa w�i��t�`��?�`,��'�!!�P�14 above md applicabie Iaa. 17�e notice
<br /> ,� WI�5�3�`t�.II���fC�Oi'�i�!`Sl��f�,17l,.T'�`,�1'il'd1E�.� .�_ L�9�I�Qa���bC II1�C.Z�1C�W1�
<br /> , � . alao oa��������e or pei�`�ie pisseac�,ase,disPosa!•staa8c.a r�leasa of�'::
<br /> ' �:
<br /> �.�:,'�b s t a o c e s aa or in the Peope�ty.. Bomawer sl�ll aot do.nor s�l�o��ii�one else m do.aaythiag aB�n$�tTie.�,.•
<br /> ,t�.t�t.js in violstion of pty EaYifomlenhl l.aw:_1Le}�recediag two se�m�ces sitaH not apptY to t6e Preseai:�;�+se.as:< .
<br /> - ',�����y of sin�ll qa�suf Haza�uS�Substances thu�z generafIY r�o�r�d s�6e�pp��tu� _
<br />--° � �:a�sand w�intinance o€t�z Pmperi�r• �. �
<br /> , `:`.`.`,����P��P�S�S�YC I�WIIttC[I IIQtICG Of 3II�IIIilCStl�,,C�tRf.�Ctll�fld.�dW5f11t Of Ot�BC�t1011�7}►9D�':
<br /> � . ��i1�Iti�t7F!�'��1�Y����P��Y I�YO�YIII�1AC Pl0(1ERy 70�.�11Y�'` .,�i1CC d[RJIYILQ1117iCqf3'� J'.':.' .
<br /> ..,T,�vc;of v�iac�Bofmwa Las actna�tmowkdga If Botrowu lwms,a is nritefied try any governmeatal or,regulatac�::'� : .,. ::
<br /> . iemoval or dber i��diadon of any Fatallou4 Sats�ace affecdag the PtaperCy is necessary.BoROaa,
<br /> �cncg;�:�sY e a
<br /> - ----shatt'pu.-s��-,!.�e al!n�ry��e�ons in acccmtance with E��mnmental I.a�r. ..: , : - -
<br /> . , .I�t;�i�s.�is pAt�graph 20.�ts 5abstances"ane those s�i'bstanees d�fiaed as tuxic.a�.fiaTSCdous substances ii�!::'..;_ .
<br /> _- . ,,'<I�i�Iaw smd tlye following.�nces: g�aline•korose'i�ot�er flammabie or ts�iic ipeimleum pmducts,t�rir . �, ,`
<br /> ��3�sa��hefiic3des,volatile solve�s,-mateiiatsaa?.tainin8 as6estos or formaldehyde,aa�9 a�oactive na�t�azxis.. �.
<br /> .�ts��pl�20 "Fnvit�aunentst#�►w".arpias�al Iaws and laws of t1�e jtuisdiCtibn�i�the Pmgart,��(�o�,,�'t� : ,
<br /> . . . ... a
<br /> ';:�i��';����it1s,safetY aras�m'rn�ase�f�te�o'ii: . - . .; � ;. �
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<br /> • . ,t�r�'1a,'�V:'*t�ORMCOVENANTS:'�a�+awett:8����rfut'P�+.rcovenantandag��'�mu:� . �' ' . .
<br /> : . Z�.':�arid'eistios;Ra�atdies. .�ie�s1��icr:'�otic�e�s Earro�r p�ia�1����'� ' '
<br /> �;• . !��ai�syo��!t��rtew�e+�t n4 t�Sea�aeds,�Tat�dr+a�t,�ot uot�i�����'���' .
<br /> ,,, �as ` at�e�.:�t�pe�s�f�ta)��.till;t��e�HL�at�et�'�.• ':,, :� , .
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<br /> tYe w�r s�r�ed by t�b Security I�tr�t as+�sq�e ot tik Propert' The natice s6a11 fo�thes iafono Borrower ot
<br /> w�
<br />- ' tYe ri�4t to�a�tate sRee�ecelerattae a�d tbe ri�¢t to brl�a ea�rt adlop to mert tl�e aaa�e�cbten�e of a defatdt or
<br /> any otLee ddeose d Borro�vtr to aecekratbo and sAla If t6e default is ao1 cured an or betone the dste speciAed in
<br /> tMe iwtiu,I.eoder at ib opfion awy nquire immedl�te pa�aent is faY ot al!aunn secared by this l�rity Iastruracnt
<br /> witMoet t�r deiaaad aad msy inroke tlie poeer ot sale aad any other nn�edies permitted by spplicabte Isw
<br /> Leader sw14 Oe eAdtled to cdket sdl expense.v incurred in puesaiag tbe remnHes provlded in tbi�ParagraPb Zl,
<br /> i�cludia�Eai aot Iia�i1M ta reasonabk Attocaeys'ftes and oosts o�titk evidenca
<br /> It tAe poRer or a�ie b invoked,7lrastte s6s11 rccard a notke d deta�tt in ach county in whkh aay psrl of the
<br /> = Praperty b bcated and s�M�ll mail copks of such notloe in tUe nw�er Pre�c�ibed bY sPV�k+iWe law to Borro�rer and to
<br />- ��' tUe dlier pe�prescribed by applka6k Is�v. After t6e Nme reqaUM by• icabk 1a�v.'Ilrustee�YsY Sive puWk
<br /> �v
<br /> - � �otke d stk to tbe pe�so�a�d in t6e msnner presc�ibeA by�appUcsbk Isw .witMout dansad on Borrarer,
<br /> � aMM�ell ttie PropeAy d pwbUc aacHoe to the f��iKSt bldder at tUe t1n�e w�d pt�ce ad ua0ee Ihe teea�s desi�a�tcd is
<br /> the aotice ot sak in one or na�e pnrce[s and in any order 7lrusta determiaes. 7Yustee ma9 Postpone swk of all ar any
<br />- psml of tie Propeety by oabNc aaeouncemeM at the time and place o�any previously schedukA s�k. Lende�a it�
<br />- dest�ee npig parch�e the Property at any sak.
<br /> llpon receipt o�p�yment o�the price 6id,7tustee stall deliver to the purchASer 11r�rstee's Qeed cosveying the
<br />_ propests; 7'be rtctlsb In the 1lrustee's deed sdall 6e prim�tACk evideece ol t6e truth o�the statements made thereta.
<br /> - 71�wtee�II spoly the proceeds otthe s�k in t6e toUowing order. (a)to all cosl.�aed eape�es olexerctsias tl�e po�ver
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