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<br /> -- p�i��ar aMK�i�,af�c p�et.cEli��ka�e�y nr fa�caMVe��oe i�t lie�af����� ,� .
<br /> � �it�t��at.e�dec - �yil:b�wpplied;q�(1e swNC sawrod 6y'd,�:�etwit��
<br /> � a�tYl�Qfi101�����x���� ,
<br /> ��,�Y�C�Itt 4�AOi.1��MC.�Ml�x Cl�i`+Mk�1D�O[IOW� �ri ibG E1�ClIG Of a{�,Mlt�i����� ` .
<br /> Y��IC�.IMC-�E��!��Il'Df�C�CRY����OIC 1�1C���d��D Or�k[;
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<br /> �s�ea xc�d sr,t�i�.sec�eier.�,��R�'°Y dr`a�no�nr d'the pr�c�s mun�piKa by dK ra�s� .
<br /> fr�ctior (�t1�1�ni NneediM�e[y befae the tskin�..divided by Zb3 dte fair mariuec v�lne aP tbe.
<br /> on +�r�owK oE tf�sW�s spc�ed
<br /> W�
<br /> --— ._ -- ' ea B�e€.: br tha�enc_�a p�.tial,�1tin� .
<br /> p�ope�,iw�ed�pc[�6eWrc tActai�ig, lte�b�.�E 8e-pad°
<br /> Wc
<br /> Mt�licR tAt�f�mrr�et vah�s�the�P�ope�t�.�a4edi�tety befae tbe_talcin8 i�tess..tMrt ttie arnount d ti�o�tw► `
<br /> �� bei��eet�Ae dF�+��!►�aad Lender o�hecwisc�gtec iR writ�a unks9.app�icabk is�
<br /> secreod�iniaedieMe�.
<br /> oaenvix Qca'idra.dkµa'eeds"sh�l!h�aQplied ta�the sua�secwed by this Securicy i�trument whether ar rmt sunts a�
<br /> dks dre -` $a�qwa',or iF aRer noticc by t.end�{t�B�er tfait tbe ca�teaMwc offas to mdce
<br /> g Ik�lrorett�!is�sb�io�d 1�'_, - .. ���.����-within 30 Qays af�er tho dwia.tha notise i�E��M..
<br /> au sw�a�qrk�s chint.l�,d�►� a of tha Ptq�enY or to the
<br /> �,ndec isau1�otexed 1ot.�1k!c��d�pP�i��P�at its aptiart..either iQ rcsrot�tiort. . �l�
<br /> . sums aa.�wad h�dri�Sa�it}'!�tsd�ue�,+�he�ber o�twc then d4e•
<br /> � tfnkss,x�e�ee��Borirower_aheEwtsc ag�e ia wdti�8.�Y�icatiaa.of pnuceeds to Pl�Pa����a
<br /> � ,po�tpoe��hec�cdM�oFtAemaMLtYPoJ�aKf��oin�.laixt2aaci�geti�amowu
<br /> ri::1�+Mi'�rRt.NiM�eis�e� �h' L� ��.Waiver. Euensiar oF d�c dme fa p►�ent ur
<br /> ��f�w�tiiarioQ of the suais sa.�by this Secar+tY�sd�u�5���'L�"�to anyr svccessor in.��
<br /> oE Bano�rer s0alt not apee�c to tsk�e thc ti�bihq of the arigiq�Bc�mwer a Borrowec's successo�s in iMenest..l.endev .
<br /> oa coMra�eoce P�u�eedi"���9 succes.ca ue intetest or refuse to eatend tirn�for p►lm�enc oc
<br /> �p�hfX�aoortrtation of tbcsums secaced by this Savrity Luttun�eet bY sea&art of any danand.nw�de by thc anSu�t .
<br /> . g��u� Any farbearatk�e by l.ender it►excrcisin6�Y ri8�a��Y sltail tal be a•
<br /> � Ba�towet,A!`8a�r . - --
<br /> �r�ro�ra[-prc�iud�tlsc c�tristQ€a��5���s1�'•-—
<br /> � ���Asiipa���JiMR�Sa�rerat�' '���iit7+'�a��a 'tt�ti��+�+it�'+w�»���suf tiiis -=—` -
<br /> Sec�ity�esau�arnc s�lE Mnd�nd benefit th successors and assi8�s of Lender•ap�d Bosmwer�wbjoct to.Ifie prov�i�ons�f
<br /> pa[agrap� t7.Bormvrer��'aY�s�'88�sbal!6e joint and severaf,:Any Borrower wtw co�signs this Security •
<br /> - •� 6�xaent:l�doesnoo ex�t6e.N�oe: [a)is casignirrg this SecuritS!In��tn+ment onty to mongage:8rrnt and convey that -
<br /> Hort�nwet's�imeiest i�thcProperty u�der the uans af iAis Securiry Insirur�enG (b)is not persaqtaltq obligate��p►y the s�m� _
<br /> �Q. ;�es Secucity Ins�wxu�and(c}ag�ees thu Lender and any aher Sarower may agsce w extend,modify.fotbenr<:.�.: -
<br /> u
<br /> ���pby'��with tegard to tlfe term.s qf this Seeunty insirument or the Note wiil�out that B�'toyrer's.:`•..
<br /> C0�~ Insaument is sub' to II law which sets ma�imum toart
<br /> , �fi�Cdr�. if the loan securcd by this Sccuriry J�
<br /> i�rLthat tarv is finaUy�so that t�F inte�est or otber 1a�ui cha�gts colkcted or ro be collected:in conneciiort.
<br /> w�:Ipa�rexcco�ttr petmit�ed limifs:tben: (a)any such Iaan chatge shall be t±educed byr tbG amount necessarY to�tdrfC€:::. .
<br /> cco
<br /> the tAtlu permittcd limic:aMl:(b)�any sumsalreadY cdtecteci F�am�amdryaer wfl�owed�t�nder th N�ote or�by makin�>'�1..
<br /> t��fi�ai��orrowa..i.ender may chot�se w malce this refwid by rcducin"g tfrc pnncipal �• P�P�Y� ..
<br /> di�rcrt payment w HamrY�:c If a refw�d c�duces principal:the neductim wilt be:tre�ted as a �al nt wittaut aay,: <
<br /> IMPoY�E��5�under fHe Notc. .
<br /> ��.�iOqces. qny notice to Bomower provided far ia this Security insaument shall be given by deiivering it or by
<br /> mai(ing i!by firct class mail unless applicable t�w requires use of another method.The rw�ice shul!be diiected ta the Propetiy.
<br /> Add�ess a any other address Boriuwer desigmrtes by norice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal!6e oiven by fiRt ciass
<br /> ��°t�nders�n��jx�myed to have been gv en o�B�orrower or Lende�when gi en as tpcmided m this
<br /> in tAis Securiry
<br /> �13. Gaverai�Law; Sereeabilit}. 1Uis Security insuument shall be govemed by federal law and'tFI�.law af che
<br /> � jarisdiction irt which the i�noperty is tacated. b►slx event that any provisian or clau•5e of this Security[tcstrurtser!or the�
<br /> conflicts wiile applicabk law.such conflict shalt na 3ffect other Aro�'Si°°q of this Securiry Insttument or tbe Nate which catt
<br /> be giren effxt w�tlxwt the canflicting provision. To�his end the provisions of tfli�Securicy Instivment and the Note'�
<br /> � dectaKd w be severabk.
<br /> 1� �rK's Copy, gort�ower shallbe given oae confnrmed copy of the Note s�nd of this Security 1 otrume nteren in
<br /> _� •����a$�e�eAcisllnterest In Bm'rmver. fi'altor any psut oi Ihe PropeAy Y ,
<br /> it is sotd oc transf�rred(or�i a brneFcial intereu in Borrowec is.��d ar'tra�►sfcmd and Borrower is not a na[urai{x�x�t.
<br /> witUoue Lendcr g prior written consenG Lendcr may.at its optian,iai�ire immediate payment in full of ull wums secunM t�
<br /> �S�ecurity ZnsaumenG However.this optian wh�U na be execaised•by 1..ender if exet�cise iy prohibited bY federal law as af
<br /> tAed�eof.thisSecurirylnswmenG �
<br /> . If Lender eaet¢'t.sey tHis option,Lender�ftall:give Borrower notice of acu�leration. 'fhe notice tiha0 pnavide�pet�ad of
<br /> not ks,g tha�e 3p dayy from the date tfle irotice is delivered or mailed within witf.cll B�wer must pay alt sums Secttr�d:[r1.t�tls• - - ,
<br /> : 5ecurity Inswment. [f Bomower.fuits co p�ay these sums prior to the eapiration of this�eri«1. tendel maY �n�°k�'u�3�: .
<br /> �tmedies pertnitted by this 5ecuriry[ttsuument without further notice ar demand on Borrax�r. �
<br /> T� ��,K+�g�to� If Borrower meets certain coriditians, Bonower�hall have the right to hay�
<br /> eaforrement of thl�5ccuntY ln�tru°�ent di�continucd at�ny time priur to�he.e�rlier of: tal 5 dvys(or such other periai ay
<br /> _ SingleFunily..Van�k!HadYeeddkNacUtiIFURSt11S7RI,MF•tiT•-�nif��rmCuvanant� !Nf (/wge4�J41wR�sl '' ,.
<br /> e,
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