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<br /> �Id f11�li Iq�l►Q I�d��i�i O�Iht�Y- All ZCp�i��IO�t l6��flt0 6C CG�lIE����w' ,
<br /> (p�.�Alf 0�1�fC[t�l�15!lfClEt�/El jii dlli.$CCICIIy��{pC�`P�OpGtly• , . ?
<br /> ;, � BO�ROWFR OOVENAN't'S that Batevwrer IS L�rfnIIy se�ed,o[ibt est�tr beceby ca►veyaf a�►�b!�d�e ti�ht tu�at , '�°
<br /> and conv�t�e PkeQety aod t�t tbe Ptope�ty is uoe�vmbe�ed.exoe�pt tas�mbr�res of trc�acd. Bonu+ra waraets�n�t!
<br /> ' �t ddad g�aliy tAe utie n tbe Yrope�ty�ail et�ims aqd demm�s.subjec�ta�nY�of tecani. �
<br /> �7'�IS SBL'IJRIi'Y Q1S7RLi11�l�Tf eaa6i�s uoifarm euvee�a� far nation�l �ue aod noQ-unifam mveo�ots with
<br /> Gm;ted va�tioos bgr j�is�ain ra cvnstim�es w�ifam�se�itg i�maCat trn►ecia8 tat papatY -. : - _
<br /> UN�ItM CUVFNANPS. Bano�►u md Lwdarc�oveamt�ad a�ee a�fdlows;
<br /> '!. tij�eit�t hiaeiNi a�i�ife�es�h'erl�eat�i l.t1e�r�. Bariovrer sh�t►�vmptly P�►Y when due the .
<br /> princip�i of aad iu�aest an tbe debt eedeoced bi'We Note aod smY P'�P�Y�?�late ctu�ges doe widix�Na`e. ' ,
<br /> ' 2. Flri�I�e 1tu�s s�i Lw�ca�ee. Subjoct to�PPtic�bie taw or w a wnqeo waiva by Iretder,Bottowri s6a11 pa�t w .
<br /> l.eader an d�e d�y mondSY Pi►ymaxs�re due tmder tbe No�e.aml the No�e is p�id in fuli.a sma t•"�iods'}for.(a3:yerlY
<br /> qxes�od�aas�nents�rhicb may aaaio piority a�ver t6is 5enuity InsaurtiaK as s tia►m the Ptape[�y:.lb)Ye�IY leasehoid , .
<br /> � paymeits ar�a�od nota aa tbe P�bpetty,if ary: tc)Yady i�ezs�d ar pcapaey i�uaace prenumn�td}Y�Y � ` .
<br /> ias�naoce pnaniwns.d my:i�)Y�Y�Be iawr+nce prenuums.if wy:aad(t�anY sams p�Y�bY�°�'��
<br /> • I.ratdeG ia accocdance.vn�the pne�siarss of puag�aDh 8,ip lieu of tb4 PiY�pf��00C�°�' .� ,
<br /> i�epK xe called"F.scrnw Itrn�s." La�dec may.at a�►Y 4m!�i cdkcK aod lwtd�xis m a�unonnt mt to tacxod d�e maxtm�.
<br /> � aa�mt st kader fuc a tedcr�liy n�ted tractgag�Imm may requine for Barrower's esc�vw a�+ou�under the fedeial Ral
<br /> � ' £�te Stulemeot Prucedures Ac!of i914 as amended t'ram time w tune.t2 US.0�2�iD2�et seq.("RFSA'+"),un2ess aaadsa --.
<br /> .. :,taw th�t appres to the Ainds sets s k�sses amoant. If�o.Lendes may,at any tinse.cadlat sa�hnid Tw�ds in an a�naunt nat w
<br /> eaceed�e kaser smowiE,. I�der�g tsti�a�c tt�.�moapt af FuBds dae aa tbe basis oE ans�ent ttata aod teaso�We
<br /> � �oinixesof eupmdit�es of fuqmc Escio�T�s�atbawise ia accocd�noe with�dicxbk izw. ` � ` .
<br /> � _'li�t,linds a�ll be`NeW in an�_'��P�ts ane ins�rted 6y a fedeial agency. a�trmnaY�,'ur entitY .
<br />- — -' -���iacTn�nE Let�der.'rf t,.a�er is siich�n�Oa)or��y�rAi Hane l.oau S�st:. I.ender�l!�Y-t1i� tbe esaaiw .
<br />_ � � @�e Eu.�row Itams. I.ender may not�s Bormwa fa hoiding�d�pplYieB the Nwds,aare�11Y Y��B",._
<br /> ' a000uot,ar qerity'tng the F.�ce+nw.IOea�,.tu�iess I.ender pays Bamwer interest on ti�Fvnds and appliCabk ia�p�' .
<br /> - I.enda w�nake such a eha�ge. H�we�rer,Lender mry tequice Barrowa to pay a one-time chuge for an i�kp�d�ceai
<br /> ` • < .._esaretau ' savice a�odby Ixaderiu caaoectian witfttl�'ss fev0, ess,applicable law provides othe�vvLs� .ff��a_ ,
<br />_ _. , unl
<br />_._ . '
<br /> -- --- : - - -
<br /> .agro�ne�rc is madc oc appii�ible law�ic�mte�w be pai�1,I�e�ec sdall ms be r�qoirrd to p:ty Boss�owtr���.`
<br /> u ..eamings an the Fbnds. Bocrower and i�der:aay agEae in wnting,he�er:�e"�e�est st�il be paid oa thc�s. Lender
<br />- -- . sl�all give w Borrower,witlaut ehacBG��.annual aecaw�nng of th�Fi¢acts;slso�mg en�dits and debits to the Fwids and die
<br />- , ._ p�npose for which eacA de�it to the Fuo��.!�as msde. 11x ti�nds ac�gkdged as addidanal security for all sums secuned by ,.
<br /> - . �. this Secarit7�Insuumen� `::.. :, :
<br />-- ' �'.r If tbe Fiu�s held Iry l.rnder ex�r.i tl�e amc�iv's�ennitted'�o be held by applicable i2�;;i.�ender�xtl account to
<br /> � -- . Horrower for the excess Funds ia accardance with t�i�qui�ements of applicaMel`i-�v. If the�mt a�tl�lFaiads field by
<br />_- - i.a�der at a�ry time is not su�cient to pay the Fscraw tums when due.L.endec iasj so natity Bort�nwec ta.vi�ng,and.in
<br /> sueh esse Horrower shall p�y to.Leader.Qie atnount necessuy to malte,up the E3'eficiency. Barrower�st�'uake ug the .
<br /> deficiencY ire no more than twelve maailr��PaYments.at Lendes's soE�dc�qreaon. : ,
<br /> Upon payment in full of all stmrs secuned by this Securiry ta�xunen�Le�xkt shall P�P�Y re�LO�°�a� �
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,umder palagraph 21,Lender shall acquire or se11 the Property.i.ender,Pnor to tbe�cq,aisirion cs'
<br /> sak of dse Propeny.s1�Ii appty any Huids held by Lender at the time af acqni..sicion or sale as a credit a�-1 the sams
<br />° secured by this Security Instrncnen� .. .
<br /> 3. AppUatlon d gyments. Untess applicabtc law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender uader
<br /> p�r�g�apAs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fust,to anY prepayment charges due tu�.z thse Nae:second.to amounts PaYable under
<br /> pus�ph 2;third.to ime�est Que;founh.to principai due;artd last,to any late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> Y 4. CMa�es;Lie�s. Barower sfiall pay all taxes, asscssments.cAarges,fines and impositions attr�butabk to the
<br />::�;. Propenywhicl�may eRt�in prioriry over this Secanty lnstiumcnt,and leasehold paymenu a ground tents.iS�rsy. Barower
<br />== shall Qay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bomower sha11 pay ttKm on
<br /> :'' timo dimtly to tt�e person owed paym�nt. Brnrower shail promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amaunts to 6e paid under
<br />'�j' this pusgraph. If Bamwer makes these paymenta directly,Borrqwer shall promp�ly fumisb to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> � � �
<br /> �s� �Bo�rrnwer shali pranplly disct�arge��ny lien�i�ii has priority a�er this Securlty lastrument unless Botmwer:(a)a�Ca��
<br /> - in wridng to the payment af the obligaqan socurc�h�d*.e lien in a manner accepabte to Lender;(b)cantests iQ good faith the
<br />�° • !irn by,or defends against enfacement of the lien in,iegal praceedings whkh uF�ae l,ender�opiniai opera�rn pnvent the
<br /> - enfaeement of the lkn:or(c)secuces fratt the hoider of the lien an.ageeement s�tisfactory tv l�ender subass..';:s3ting the lien
<br />°":> w thi�Saurity lnswmen�. If Lender�te�nnlnes th�t any put of the P�operty is subject to a tiett which may attain prioriry
<br /> - over Uus Securiry Instrumen�.Lendec rtr�give Boirower a tatice tdentifying the lien. Boirav►�er.�ti:[1 s�te�fy!.the lirn or take
<br /> one or mo�of the xtions set forth aticve withla 1Q Jays af the giWng of notice. . . .. � ,
<br /> S. Hars�d a PropMy I�rr�e�a BorraRer shall keep the impravements now exist;a�cr l�ereafur�rected an the
<br /> - ' Property insured against Ioss by fire.hszards included within the term"eatendeA coverage"ar�d:,ny other haaards,including
<br /> floods or flooding.for whicb Lender r�uires insurarue. 'lhis Insurance shall be maintaiz�+i+sn'the amounts and for the
<br /> � , .
<br /> L`isnw3�L !!� Ipagi2oj6ya�xsl.
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