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<br /> � , ,R,tic,bie ln„.�r,pecit�►_iaer�1e�)i�s�k af a�a�'i�o������ � � ;;.
<br /> , . ;�c�r lrmra�a(b)a�►d�t���01�f�s�7 �aM We Na�e ss if�u ao�� .
<br /> , phn l�eoder aU�etr�vtiCi�1��ronia be due Medet Wk Sa�itY �����x
<br /> accoeia�tb)cr�:sny Qef+s�tt of�y ad�cmau�a�������� -
<br /> t�waaea�iociWdin�b�l aaE limiled t0.�a�Ys�foes:�od td)niu� aad FaRO�a4 obtigtim ia�
<br /> ,� rp�i�c a�we d+�c d�e!Kn aE mis Sec�titY�.Lmder'!ri�md�e ptuq�tY Baao�rer.this Secuntg. .
<br /> . , s� aecured Iry dw,Secu�ig► t�a�t �1.oaietin�nac�- vP� �� ���
<br /> —- - . �t�dd;,�v�����aatin falll►�v�e as if na�htd o�ca�ied-.
<br /> - __
<br /> tisUt 10 ieip�lc�It eot�ppt�r a the ca�e uf�ooek��ti000�d�p�p�i.• ' -- . _
<br /> ' 19.9�1e�t N�CM���t Lw Seniaar. 1'6a Nole ar s pEt�d mlaest in t�e No�t����'�" -
<br /> �Tnsmnbmt)maY_11e ad�aae ar mo�e eimes*�Q�p�iac notice w HoQOxes A sile m�Y rasult ia a chan�e in the a�jt
<br /> � (todwn as the"La.�n Savioa")tWt co�ects mao�1�►[�sYm�s due under d�e rTo1e�nd this Secu�itY I�n�t. 7M'e aiso . ,
<br /> � mry be aoe a mo�e drao�a o�t�Lvri Savioa ua�ei�ed o�a�Te of the No� If Wene is a c6�nge aE tBe L ca�t Se�vvka,
<br /> �ri� 14 above aM�ppli�e 1ir►r. '!be nolioe �
<br /> Haru�+er�t bc pven�rritlea•�.af tbe d�e in�oca�nae P�P� sLouid 6e madG 71�e r�ce w�i
<br /> wiU swe die wqne�d ad�+es�of d�e ne�v I.a�n Se=v�oaaqd die address to wUich pa�s
<br /> aiso 000aia aay a�6er i�f'amrOoaieq�ireQ��p�b1e tbe p�o�.use,�sp�.�•ac Mase af�ny
<br /> . �.Hsar�s Srl�..Boeo�QSMU mt c�tss ar pamit dse to d�.utyti�ing a�ecting the
<br /> �iaand�ous Substtoces ao aF�t tbe PropettY•� Ba�OV�s�U nat d����t aot sppiy ut the p�esmc�use,or
<br /> P�nppecty ti�t is ia vjoi�tia�o�'a�Y E►�Law. '[1►e��46 _ ����nacm�l,
<br /> �c m ti�r P�npe�ty of smaII q�ti�s of Harudo+�s.�ces tl�t�e ga�raUY�
<br /> resid�omi wes.�d w m�inteaaooe of tbe Ptcpe+tY. .� ';:"� � °:`. ctaim,de�n�.I�wsuic or oiLuu ac�r�y�uy •
<br /> Baao+�sidlpromptly�B�voLeadet.vw�tta►maqe�i€.a�s��'�. C° ° ,
<br /> - a �a•�dini�ag the R�+tt���Y Ha��dous Snbsqnce ar Fmiroomeotai�. .�:�:..
<br /> e�amta�ac�egul�aY�E�'�. P���� -, .:_.
<br /> - � �,���� If�ower laacn�..r�is notified 1ry�Y S��°�°��°�°ry
<br /> pd�er n�ndi�.h'�' e�of mY�Sab�nx�ffec�ce8 �Y��`'� -
<br /> - --_ ...._a�oeyty.�tanj���l at'._ �� _.. , - .
<br /> R - : `
<br /> - ��6oi�si�accot'd�ux�ds�irss� '
<br /> . sh�li piompti��C` �9 � .
<br /> •M used�t�is p�ragr�ph 20."fLza�dous 3ubstaoces"�re dnse aa6stmoes defined u m�tic as lnz�rlous subsances 6Y
<br /> ��l:xw a►d the followiag�nbs�ooes: Sasolia.kerosenc;a�6es Oamwbk a wuc pemnkum produc�s.toxic
<br /> pesticides and t�bicides,volatik solvents,m�uri�ls containin8 asb+e�t'as or formalde6yde.nnd radioactive matenals. As �'��'
<br /> m �s locat�d . .,:_�:.
<br /> used uudis p�rag�aplt 20."gavc�unmenw Ia�a"mear►s fadaral tsws��of the jur�sdicuoa where the P�opeitY,_:f. :,�,�.:.�..��
<br /> 11�treLtewhealth,a�tfety ar�ivi�onrnentalA+otaeEi°a ' as foltows: - '�� :`' ;'� . :`
<br /> • NOI�Ul�IIFORM COV'E:YAN�S. Bonowa aAd I�der fuAl�er covanat and�ee �.�::.
<br /> - ZL Aaak�;A�dies. �.e�de�aYdi�ive�atke to Borro+►a'W'���f°u°wi���.
<br /> brrac�d aq coveaaot oe s�raa�ent i�Ws SecwrH9 I�stn�eat(�t aot Prtor to�ocdantio�a�der Pan�'��� �:.::
<br /> ■deat s�ie+ible�w prorid�s otl�eeRise}TYe watice aMD specif7: (a)t�e defsl�@)tre actio�req�icM to cve t�e :_::';,
<br /> def�dh,tc)�i��ot ie��3�dys firow ttie aate tl�e�otioe is�ive��sAe�'°�'xottee'baay r�lt i��a�d.�� ;'
<br /> e�red;a�d(a)tbt fa8�re is�r+e tl�e ael�it o�or 6d�rr tYe date speeUled
<br /> 1�t a��r�w�ed by tMr S e�+i�L 7��t a�d s�i r d t i e P r a p e r t 7• TI��a�i��fb�i�torn�Borroen'ot
<br /> tlK�t b neidtate aRee aocekatioa sd tMe rt��.i�riK s corrt�to�sert 1Mr�at-esis�oe af a�dsvt ar
<br /> a��dMa ie6e�ae at Barrower to sooelerMio�siW s� It tl�t defi�U b�ot ared o�ae befare 1Me d�te�in
<br /> Ue�oti�i�ewiter at ifs optio�iut�req�ir!i�sediate p�'st�af alf sa�s secand b�t6is Sec�rily 1�te�n�nit
<br /> iu
<br /> � wii�t fi�rtl�demad and e�sy iavolce tbe�iec�N i�porsuiaL rswedks I�ovded i�N�is p�rs�pR 21,
<br /> l.esder shaU se ent�tkd to oollect all enpemd ,teesad�aet+o[titkevide�
<br /> i�clodls�,bpt�ot limited t0.���Js
<br /> U tYepower o��sale Ls invaiva,7lrosta�11 reeo�d a eotke at default i�eacb coaoty is�rlicb�ay put d tUr
<br /> property i�iocaied aad s1u�D mN oopk�d a��adce i�the�er P�'escribed bl�PP���law to Borrow'er a�d to.
<br /> tre ut�pers�s?rescejbed by spplicabk la�v. Atter't6e time reqai�'ed bY lPP�icsbk�w.'lY�tee sM�ll f��V��
<br /> �olioe al sf�k iv�e persons aad b the twMer pee.terib�d b7 aPWic�We la�v. 1tMSfe�wltraot deeta�d ow Barr+awer.
<br /> sMs��eri tiie Propert�sE pablic aactiow to tUe b�bldder at tbe tipie aiM P��a�er tre tera�s de�iP�ted 1�
<br /> tre�otke d s�le io one oe morc pucds sad in any order 7tastee determises.71rn�tee�s'PostPo�e s�le a�aN or a��
<br /> � pual d ttie Propaty by po6lie anraunctment at the Ume aad piaa ot aey previorsly scradakd ssk. la�der oc ib
<br /> . deaipec�a��wrc�ue tUe P�rapaty at aoy sak.�a stiall deliver to tbe pYrci�e�71n�stee'a deed ooave�1re �
<br /> U!��a�P�Ymea/of tlie prke btd,
<br /> . Y�operty.,Tbe recitat�in the 7lrast=e's deed sM+O be prima tacla evldence aI tMe trath d 1Ne�tM�b mwde t�erei�.
<br /> TnWee a6aN appl!the proceab d t6e s�(e M ttie foNo�ris�order: (s)to all oaets aad eupeese�otexerc�t�e Po+►�
<br /> ' ... i'N�J�2/ !A� (PpS�s�6pag��)
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