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<br /> ' , j�. l�Of 1bC�OIC�OlQ�,Ii IC��101U I�tl1i�C�1[��'1�tbC Rl'0�'!�� '. �
<br /> � ' � . �0��CQ{��[�1A1�T�S i�t HO[101AfN�S�iIYF{tilj/iE�SOdO�[�fGCSa1E bE[L'�►Cd1Y�d�fld bN f�iC i�M�O.p� �
<br /> � aod oo�ve�r`tbe AopatY aod tlpt tbe PmpatY is�.�fa a�abc�cxa af.recad. 8onowet w�r��and =: `.
<br /> - �1 ddaid�ndauy t�ntk ta th�Pnopeicy a�punt a1l�t�u�s�od den�nds.subjccc w soy eacu�nDc�nxr of rocaiQ. ._ ` .
<br /> TfSS S�iCt7RITY 1NS1RU11�NT oanbipe.s�mifatat oovenmts fa nuionii use and uotNUnifam coven�nti wid� �
<br /> - : _ 'I'moi�oit��i�tTansiry�ctioa�°��pmif°ea��Y���tlB�P�'�Y• - . � : ' - �- - -_ - . -=
<br /> � Ul�IPORM OOYENAM'S. Boao�+Q�i�eaider cova�aot md�giae zs fdbws: sh�it wbat due thc i�
<br /> L, �qiat dlri�ciMl aM Lk�ra�!�'eMl�t aM l.ale CM�. BoRower promPUY�Y .
<br /> princqial af ao�iataat m tbc deM evidancxd hY the Note aad mY P�P+�Y�!�late cha�es dne under d�e Nda.
<br /> Z. Fw�iaf6�'!�S a�d Lwirs�oe. Snbja�t�°�ptic�lawar w a whtt�waiva byr La�da.8atower�h�li p�y w
<br /> _ . l.ander oa me d�y moa��.�a!yma����maa the xae.urui'i d�e Nae is p.ia in fulb a sum("Ei.�da"?fa:t•)Xe�ty. ,
<br /> asseaame�s w�ieR m�.�g ataua priaritY m�er dus Secmi$'�sb�s a liea aa the P�vpe�ty;tb)Y�Y�
<br /> �;�:`is�s�od cr �4s.:�:?i�.�+c�a�Y•if mY; t�)Y�S►�°� F�nY in�a�x pemiuiaa: (d) �Y �
<br /> �::�.. � --. . m�c�ce pmniums.if any:�ad(fl�Y�P�Y��Y Ban'owa w
<br /> _ _ �_�oe`�cemi�ms,if s��e��r�9:?m�8�� �y��of moct iasur�ao�pCenuwa�. 71K�e .
<br /> :�;.;_ ��. � s a��CS�o�h:8.in lia of the B� ,
<br /> i,mde�id�� `�!'?�,�--�, callat and�oW Eiuids ia an amount not w exotedtbe mauimum
<br /> `:� ilems.umalted"F.srna�'�.L�a4.". �aaty}.at�Y�. �utdef�e tedem!Rad� ,
<br /> _ '';:::.;�; ��Y t'b4�ite for Baruwer's escr�ow ..
<br /> - , amoiiot s l�der€a:.:�e�Uy���:,;..
<br /> , ::',;::';','�stsie Seukme�t Pm�.itzs�lct oY 1974.�ls�fram ua�e to Ume,f2 U.S.C.�2601 et seQ.("RESPA'�.unkss�
<br /> ' ;:�::�a�►ti�e.�pp2igs to drc��s a l�sec#�o�t.�If so,l.ende�may,u�ay tjme,colkxt aod holA 1�LS in an amuur�t not to
<br /> ,�'.;:°c;:<
<br /> `r espae�1ir�:�e�a a�o� La�dei�e�Aim�te tbe aitlooat of Amds�e ou the basii of cartent d�ts and ceasan�bia
<br /> ' ,. p��:,�....�. t�f futu�e F.s.cr�av.�tee�a ad�erwise iax�oadance witb aPPlicabk law. ,
<br /> xso � .oc eotit7 .
<br /> � fie�ie1d in,m ii�aauian.�vhose aeposits�uie insiued bY a fede�xl a�eo�oY.io�umrnt�l��!'
<br /> • Tlie:...: s�:..,.-::.., , � �
<br /> -_=---:_���; ;�e��el►aaimRiwtianiac�'1�1Y�d_e_��!1_HomeLoat �- -��nwAiiy�iYzi�Bi�t.^.t�c�asv__ J _
<br /> . ���:�;i�e Etccvtv..�tems..Lea�ale,t�msy not ebaBe Bonnw�.for hot�ing�od iPP�Y�B
<br /> � . '.;� �rxarK.ai�are�ifYinB die Bscrovr�.�mless'E.�kr PaYs gcXnower intaest an t6e Ru��od apptkabie bw pemdts
<br /> ��::Lender;�►:�e'such a ch�rga Howe'ver.LeMer msy requue.Bonowel�WY A a�e-sime charge for an�adepencket tr�l
<br /> � . . ,��� �avice nsed by Lendec In cmnecdon witt�this loan,ualess agplicable taw provides otl�erwise. Unku an
<br /> ._ i�k#�:�8
<br /> . :�°;.�gC+ee��3s inaae or applirable iaw sequiers interest tn be paid.l,.ender s6atl uot be roquued to p�1y Bartocver any i�eeest a
<br /> 'e�emngs an the F�mds. Bamwer and Lender msy�ee in writing.however,that inucest siu1116e ppid on ihe Funds. I.crder
<br /> , > � s'hsll give ta Barower,witbout chuge,an umual aecouapn8 of the_Funds,sbowIng credits�nd debiu w the Fund.s and tde �
<br /> far whicti ach debit to ttre FLnds was made. Tbe Fimds aie pkd8ed as additional socuriry for all sums aecured by
<br /> P�..:.. �
<br /> this Seca,�y Insaumen�. .� :
<br /> • If 1ha;i�uncls 6e1d.bY l.rnder�c�d tbe anw�mts permiued to be beld by appik�Me lsw. Lender sAall accaunt w
<br /> ts of 1t law. If the amount of the Funda held by
<br /> $onov,`�r�bt the exxss Funds ia accottlance with tt�e�etnen aPPii�b
<br /> . I.aKks aR,any wne is not sufficient W pay the F.sciow items when due.Lender may sa notify Bormwer in wdting.and.in
<br /> : au�fi c�xse$asmwet stwtl PAY to I.ender the amoant necessarY w make +iP the deficiency. Bonower shall m�ke up the
<br /> defic'se�c.y�•AO moro than twetve mo�thlY PaYmen��:�c I-e�d��sote disc�e6on. � �
<br /> UPnn PAYmen�ia fnll of all sums sa�rred By ttdss Secruiry in�ti u�shall P�PUY�fund w Barawer any
<br /> Fuads hekt by Lender. IF.undec paragcapi�21,l.endec shall acqaire or sell the ProPertY•Lender,prior.to the saiujsition ar
<br /> s�le of the Pmpetty.s6a11 apply am►Funds held by Lender at the tlme of a�cqnisition or saie as a credit sgainst the sums ,
<br /> s�bY this Security Insvuurtscn�
<br /> 3 AppUc�tio� af Pytyments. Unkss applirabte !aw provides atherwise. aii payments received by I.enckr undet
<br /> pangnpha 1 an�!2�hall be apptied:first,w any prepayment charges due under the Note:secad,to amounts pwyabk urWcr
<br /> ' p�sph 2:tl�ird,YO interest due:founh,W princlPal due:aad laskw any tate charges due undet the Note.
<br /> 4, Cltsras;Liea. Borrower shall pay all taxes,a�sessments,charges,fines and imposidana actribupbk to the
<br /> property whioh m�y atts�in prlariry aver this Security lnst�ument.and leacehold paym�nts or ground rents.if any. Borrawer
<br /> . shai!pay these obligations in tUe manner provided in P�S�Ph 2.or if nat paid in that m�aner.Barower sh�lt psy them an
<br /> time dincdy to the pesso�owed paymen� BomuKC��.hall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts W be paid urdet
<br /> this pu�s�ph. If Bor�rower makes these paYmer.�i!�Ctly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lendcr recelpts evidcncing
<br /> the p�3��s•
<br /> Borniwer shall promptiy discharge any lien which I�as pricxisp over this Securiry lnstniment ankss Bamowec(A)�agree.4
<br /> in_wrlti�g w the payment otthe obligahon secnred by the�ie amanner accepable to Leader,(b)contests in goa!vent the
<br /> " �.1iat by.a defe�ds�gainst enfotcement of tlx lkre;e.T�at�ceedinga which in the Lender's opinion opetate to pce
<br /> ..;, .;;�:enfaceaseat of tho lien:or(c)secures frnm the tx�'Sdaro��rfiiea an agreert�ent satisfactory to Lender subordin�ting the iien
<br /> "`" to th'rs'S�mity Lnslrument. If Lender deurmines t�ac say pat o€the Pra�eKY is subJect to a lfen which may atWo priodty .
<br /> over t�n��acuBty lnsuumen�1.adec may give Borrower a�o6ce idendfying the lien. Barower shall s�tlsfy the lietr ar take
<br /> O�C OI 1ti�d Of tI7Q iCtlO11S 8Ct f0��y0 WithLl 10�AyS OYS1t 8��8 01110t�CC.
<br /> S. ila�urd ar pruptrtg"II��. Horraw�r shall ketp the improvemL�nts now existing or tieresfter encud on tNe
<br /> p�riy{nsund agai�o Casa i�}�:.hazards incDias�ed within the trnn"extended coverage"and any other hazacds.iucluding
<br /> tiuods or flooding,fcx�G�cisb#.ender requires ins�ce. 71�1s lnsurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts and far the
<br /> ' - — Pen�3Y?� !!!� fDwt*��16paR�ii -
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