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<br /> �� - < . `��:oas 1�i�tr�� �2Zisl� . : , . ` � , . , _ , ��'�` ��04��Q ,
<br /> . � lloe�tta� lbdif i�tion Aae�RlMmti�iftd� llircb' ZA,.� �991; by �pd bttvrssn � .� '
<br /> � llart D li��iat��� aad �th�rsia .�DorroNer�1 . ` . ` •
<br /> ` sad�wor�st Wnk �braR�cs, Ifstio��2 As�oci�tion �6ere�n •Lend�r��?. ' . `
<br /> . :—� � . , . , , �
<br /> ` � lt�c�tsls s. . . ; _ _, _ _ ; � . ; .° �_ . �
<br /> � A. 8orcaver is tAe 1lart�s�or or an Oblf�[stor� end Lender #s _ � � , . �.
<br /> tDe ilortRa�sa` ot a �ort�s�� dat�d Av�st 21, 190�, ,
<br /> - vbich ��certp� ar��inal3� s4cured p��reAt of�� ioaq in the - ,
<br /> � a�ount of i 2�.500 Plus interest :st the rste of 13.�0000� � � -
<br /> per s�►t►��, Mturin� on Septesber: 4990, as cYideaced bY �
<br /> -� NoLe. of LDe saaie date esaauted b� Borrovar. � _ - — _—
<br /> $.. � �pr�� ;s re`corded�i�t the.-b�'�ica ot' tbe Recarder of :�_::�:
<br /> ` ` es ot► a
<br /> �---�- `-#i�i i Covatr ��;#E� /� t�OC. i85t004039` of lfot'�a� . P L!� :, ,
<br /> -- ,, sti�sl:�e#�BL��c�ttaLrd�s����':::;�;��—_ , �:., . s,�
<br /> ' ���'��i�:�.�`:. - - �--.- - ,: __ ..
<br /> <�.,;�� �Coyqtl;;:�,�ci��?�ed as follovss::; �t .Fuur {4) fa��1h� �Z) Daa.e�.. .� : . ,-t��
<br /> 9ubdivis�Qia�,' bf tlse,.F,�st Half bf the Soutl�est`C�arter t81/J.SWll��.�� Sectica .� :._-:_�.'.:_�•r
<br /> _. _ Fa�teen (14�, ��+a�.��.hp3�py�*S�levea (11) Nprth, Ha�t� T� (10) i�Test a�;:l�e�6tb PrincipeJ.; �: :::, ;
<br /> - �MPT';f1;1Rf���,1 !w�w�!''71,f l�i��• . _ �'. . . ,_ . . . _:::: :;'';' . _r�_•" � r --- —.
<br /> C. Hori�oveF,��i�i;d `Lr.r�der des��iC- tha�4.��:�l�a Nort�aQe an�'�#ote.
<br /> be aodflied ss`:herei��.:provided but����3 ail ter�s �o�`,so . - ;
<br /> tlodif,ied re�si.n.una�ed snd in fu��:�'orce ana err��a. ::;r;��:�. .
<br /> . _::,.:� .
<br /> Now: therelarc, ia coAaiderstion of �.�ie �utusl coveAants �er.e���. �` -
<br /> � caat�i�ted, .it �s a�read: - � ' " �
<br /> 1 . Asount Oua: BorroWer aaknowledQes��there ia as of LAis date
<br /> due and oWina on the aforesaid l�ortiaaae and Note the pcincipai -
<br /> balence of : 23,016.99 piva 6ccrved iaterest.
<br /> � 2. Payaent Schedule: The psy�ent�schedule provided ia ssid � .
<br /> lfate is hereby �odi!'ied ao that psywante of �princip�l and
<br /> � interest shsll be �ade as tolioWSS �
<br /> l259.59 on 05/01/91 , and s like a�ount
<br /> ,on the sa�e ds� of eacA wonth Lheres!'Ler uatil
<br /> �4/01/2016 When Lhe eatire su� a! vnpeid � �
<br />— �� . �rincipal and inLerest shsll be paid in t'ull. �.
<br /> 3. Rate: 3'he interest rste provided in the Note is hereby� .
<br /> �oditied te :f�e 13.00�. ?he late charae Lherein provided
<br /> ;s� �odltie�` ta be �t.00% of sny �onthiy inatsli�ent not
<br /> reo�ived w�thin 15 dsys slter the instsll�enL is due. _
<br />-- .� 4. Other r��iricatiions: None ' , . �
<br /> — 5. Varrsr�ty: �Borroaer aovenants and asrran�a Lhst the eaid �:
<br /> MorLRs�e �ao- ?a lien upon the rea� estate deacribad above. , a=_
<br />-- . s--
<br />-- 6.. �Ifo�Other �lodi��cation: E:cept as provided above, tbe sa�d ¢
<br /> = Mo�*��aQe and lfote s�d all proviaiona� therao!' sha3.1 reaain F_
<br /> -� vaat'tected and unchanaed by t�ia ll�reet�ent and sll Ler�s, . �
<br /> coaditions snd proviaioaa of said Aote snd Nortasae not �odified =
<br /> are hsreb� rsti!'ied� and confir�ed in aii re�pects, and 8orrowcr �
<br /> ' prorfses to psr Lhe aforeaaid sus vttt► inLereat ane in the y
<br /> �� �anner stated �bove. - - - �
<br /> .;� ` :
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