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<br /> � . d ttie p�p�r1Y•a[ar canveyanec in iieu af co�emn�wio�.�hertby�►csi�ned aed� ,
<br /> candemoation ot dher:taking o��nY P� . � �
<br /> . ehall De p�f to I�eridef . ' � ` ' ° <
<br /> In tl�event 6f a tatal taking oi the QtopertY.the proaeds`sAa11.6c applied to ttre�umt srcured ity this Secunrity .
<br /> ` ` I�i�n��t.q,)�ether ar not ef�e�due..wiW any ezcrr.s p�to Swmwer: In the evcat of a p�tial wkin�u!the�Ptriperty in� . , .
<br /> , �ri��lr�fair�a v�Iue oE:11K Ptoper�Y immedi�rslg befae tfie t�i,ing is equal zo ur gre�ter tT�ut tAe mn�uN of thr sums
<br /> seswed bY.this Secuaty Instrument imnediately befocr t6e t�icing,untess Bamwer and LcnJcr atherwisc ag�ec in writing. ,
<br /> the sums secu�ed by ehis Securit�r Inslrumrnt shali!x nduced 6y thc amount ot the proceedr•.mu�tiplicd by U�e f�llav►�ing
<br /> �' ��: .(�t�e Wt��.tinrq�nt of t(�e sum.�secused�imcnediatety 6efae thc taGing`,divided tiy 1b!ihc faiv tqarkd vatuc of the . �
<br /> - P4vperty iu�uxJiate{}r befaie tht t�lcing. Any Fral�tectsiral!�c.�id tR-i�C?sr��e: in the eaccat of a_pretiat.t�lcit�uf t�n-- -;
<br /> Property in which t8e hir martet v�lue af the Pmperty immediately befo�the ta�ing is tcss id�n the amaimt pf ti�sum� ..
<br /> seeurM imrrkdiatdy Ixfonc 11i�taiciag,untess Bocxawet and l.nder ahec�vi�e ng�e m wciting or ank.0 appiw�abk taw
<br /> . ahetwise provides.Ihe p�ceeds shal►be applied to ttie sums se�ured by shi5 Secnrit}fnxuumetu wt�ether or not tfr,sums�re .
<br /> tt�endue. .
<br /> . If the Pt�aperty is a6a�dvned bY Bacmwer.or if.after noticc by Lender ta Boaower that the condrmnor ofters to malce
<br /> �rt awa�+d or settle a claitn fa;dunaSes.Baaawer Wils to iespand to t:endcr wittna 30 days after the date the notice is gi�ren.
<br /> t,.ender is authori:ed to colle�t wd appiY thc prooeed.�.�c its��-eieher to rcscoraticm ur rep•rir of the P�oprrty nr ro thr
<br /> sums secured Ay this Security tnsuum�en4 whetNer or oot tAea dur
<br /> !3nlas Lender and Boaawec ott�ervrise agree in writing.�r►y application af pcaceeds to princi�►ai stwU not eatend or
<br /> � pastpone ihe due d�we of the mondtlY P�3��4��efe�d to in paragrrp6s 1�nd 2 ar d�rge the amouat af such p�ytnents.
<br /> 11. Borrawee NoE.Rde�sed; FosbeAnrncC BY 1•� NW a Nrs�ire+r Extension of t[� time for pay�runt or
<br /> modifiption of anwrt�zation of titie sums secured Dy this Securiry Tnstrument�d by LeRder to ar►y su��sor in intemst
<br /> 'af Bacawer sh�U.not aperate to tete�,ce titie liabitity.of the orig'u�l liorrawer or Bomower's successars in interest.[.endee
<br /> 's1�a11 not 6e requi�d to cammence pcoccedings agatost any s��in is�terest or rifase to esuad time far paymene or
<br /> aherwise modify amatization of the sums secumd by this Security insaument by reason of nny demand made by the origu�l
<br /> -- - ..�. ._B!►m�►wu ar_Bortuwecs sacc4ssots in intecest. Any focbeaiance by l.cnder inexencising�ny right or�emedy shall not be a
<br /> , . . . - - - . - °
<br /> __
<br /> walver of or pmclude tLe exercue of any ngf�c ariemedy".=- -_..-_-��._-
<br /> I2. SYere�sors a�d As�s Bo��d:,ldat and Sere�al l.i�►hi�ity;Co�aers. Thc mve�ants and agreements of tAis .
<br /> Security lnstrument sball bind ud benefit the successors and,a�.��Sn�of Ler�der and Sorrower.�subject to the prurrisia�.s of
<br /> p3ragraph 17.Borrowcr's cavenants ah�agreements shai�be loint and several. My Barrower wha co-signs this 5ecuriry
<br /> --_— insaument t,ut eMes not execute tdelYaoe: ta)is co-signing tGis Securiix Insnument only to mortgage,-grrcu and convey that
<br /> Bot�ower's inten�t irt the Property under the terms of this 5ecvrity lnstrumen4�1i),is not petsonally obtigated to pay the sums
<br />-- = secured by this Securiry lnstiumenx and(e)agc�tFzac Lender and any rnhet Bn�rt►wer may ar,ree to exeertd�mai�fy.forbear
<br /> or maice any accommodations with regacd co��.'itns of this Secunty t��tccadem or dre Nate witRout.that Bocrawer's
<br /> consen� • . �
<br />- = L�,I:o�n Chprges. If the loan secured.4y��S SecuritY.��'��-'"'-ef��S subject m a(aw which setc ma�cimum tau►
<br /> � charges.and that law is finally interp��so cAat�;i�terest urc�ier ioan ch�cs collecteit ar to be coltected in conneetion
<br /> , with the loan eaceed the permitted ti�r,;.s.t�eic.fa!�'suc�►�':�?Y�a�rge shall be�educed by ihe amount necesscary ta reduce
<br /> _ ' thecharge to the pem�itted limi�an���Q-�y si�'s.:.?�dy:�.,��#from Borsa��r which excceded permitted limii�will be
<br /> refuaded to Borrower.Lend�r may c�to matce this refi:,�zd�kducing the principut owed under tfie Note or by making a
<br /> dimt paymeat ta Bortower. Ii a tefer�seduces principal.ti�e c�ction will be treated��s a�artial prepaymeat withant any
<br /> prepayrrkt�t charge under the Note.:�
<br /> 14. Natiecg. Any notia:ta Boaower provided for in tHis Security Instrumem sha3['�given 6y delivering it or by
<br /> � mailing it by f rst class mail unle�c applicable taw reyuires use of unother method.The nocice shall be direc�ed eo ehe Pmperty
<br /> � � Address ar any other addr�Horrawer designates by na[ice co Lcneter. Any notice to Lender shal!be given by first ctass
<br /> - maii to Lender's uddress stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by no�ice ta Rarmwer. Any notice provided for
<br /> ` in this Security Instrumeat shall be deemed to have been given to Borraacr or Lender when given a.c provided in this
<br /> P�S�►Ph•
<br /> 15. Gaverning Law; Severa6ility. This Security Iasuu��c*-!-�shaU be��ovemed by federal law und the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in whicb the Propetty is located. In the.ever.i t�;�;+;so�i+iur��u�av.�e of thi.Securiry in�trument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with applica6[e lsw.�uch confl�et�hall cx��.'��et��.�:o�"itiiar.s�"5r�'•5ecurity I��trument or t�re Note which can
<br /> be given effeet wittscu!:c,�-eonflicting provisiar�: :Ta t�::�er.c��..prnviti'rcx.:cif thi�Serurity Instrumer�t�d the Nate s�re
<br /> eteefacedt�6e sevec��:.: ,,. � . :
<br /> �6:•Boerower?s,�opy. Bar�nic�shall be given one conf'r.�•sad wpy of the Note and vf this Security Instrument.
<br /> - !�,;i'�anste�rcr$.�e propertY�a Benetict�3ntcrest is��arrower. Ii all or any part of�he Propetty ar any interest in
<br /> aF is s�7�ar transfer'�3,tor if a benefirial inter:r�an 8arrawcr is sald or transferred:un�i Bartower iti nat u naturul person)
<br />- _ �,� RLL.�3;i.ender's pciar�ivdtten can.sent. I.ender r?.��r:at its option.rcyuire i:r�^t;diate paymem in iull oi all.sum�secured by �.
<br /> ��,;, , -. t�^_,i,4 SaS:�;ity lnstrumem. However.this option 3;s�a,trot be execci.ed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law a�of
<br /> �''r'ie c�r�e�this Security instrumem. � .
<br /> - . � ���.ender execcises this option.Lend�v sT!all give Boaou�:�+'.ruiiee af accelerution. The notice shall pravide a pedod af
<br /> 'i not k�s than 30 days from the date tne ret::e i��:livrred or r�:r�H.{within which&�rrower mu�t p�y all sums secured by this
<br />`,' • •• Security lnstrument. If Borrower fai:s ia pa.1 s��c sums'privr t�the expiratian of�hic pericxf. Lcnder may imroke uny _
<br /> � remediec pennitted by Ihia Secunty lOs2sun'ert v::wz��ut funhet notice or derfland on Borrower. ,-
<br /> � ' ' 18. Borro�rer's Right to Itkia7�state �f��arrawcr mcets cettain car.�itions. Banower chall have the right ta have
<br /> _ enfnirement of thIs Seaurity Ia�trus-���ae dircontinued at any ti�±.(�rior.ro the earlicr i�f: (a)S days t�v cuch ather period ar•
<br /> � Sin�'c F�r.X�.--Finnie t1aHFreQdk Uuc 4!1fiORS!(�STRL'�1P.�1'--l�niluttn('rnrnant. !!!S ry,ace4��jb fwcru
<br /> . �
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