' ' - - . ' _
<br /> r c' .c.. _ - - --- ---- --� � -�-=- '--
<br /> � -- �- - -f�+ - -- . � z u . �..___. . .; ��_� c . - ...— - .. .
<br /> •Z` ��s�...J..�! _ ____ _— =_ L __ ' . ._ ' — `"__ — ` _—_ __ t.— �_ ` . . � - , � § .
<br /> - . .- _ . , . . . _ =. - ���5��-=:f a45o8� �
<br /> � - 'I�0(�w177i.0 uK impm�►�S t�►a haa��;�ea aa u�propat�►:aaa au�.apr.�a.ace:. ` :
<br /> aod futt+rs un+r�c ha�eafler s prt of tGe piape�tg. 1W rc�laoe�rx�.s and sdditioas.slWL also be.covere¢Mr_tbis Sucvity,
<br /> inmu�neot. All otlhc faCgoin�is�efared to in ttis Secudry Tn+�umeot as the"Plvpaty." . - -
<br /> HORROWFR QOVENAN't'S tlat Fortovrrr is lawfuqy seised�of tlie estate 6eaby conveyed and bas the aghE t�o�Flnt
<br /> aM oonvey the P�a�pe�ty and tA�t�e Propary t�a�c�,�qept for eec�wn�inces of cuad.-Barruwa+��ants a�d�
<br /> w�t aetem�ed[Y me atle w the Ptopnty.s�ainu, de�od4. bjocc m any encumbnnces of�ecor,d.
<br /> TWS SEC[JR1TY INSTRUIY�M'cambines unifond�coveaxits far nationat use ond non•unifarm cove�nts widi
<br /> ; limitodva�is600sbyjuris�f'ictioutacaasiitutcaunifa�s�scauityi�us�cnteo�cg�wtpraperty.- ---_ — -=- .. --
<br /> 11iVII�ORM�OVEt�tAN7 S. HaROwerand t.eader covenant aod sgiec a�fi�lllows:
<br /> • 1. by�e�t o[lrL�eiM1�[�Eeres�P�+eNJ�e�t aN Wlt Cde�s.Ba�owcr sb�1l pramp�lY pay wha�due dle
<br /> prioeipal of wd intecesi an tlie dept ev�denced 6y ttK Noie�d anY P��Y���td late chugts due utWar t6e Note. .
<br /> 2. Fr�is�ir 7yses ari t��rcG Subject w�pplic�bie!aw a to a�vntte�►vaaiva by l�ender.Borrower slal!py w.
<br /> i.,ender an t6r'day morMAIY P�Y��llue iu�der dre Nate.anh't the Naoe is�id irt fuU.a sum t"�s")[a:t�}ye�ly
<br /> tues and�whic6 rnay attain p�ionty over tAis Secutity lnsuument as a 1"�en art the Prope�ty:lA)yaHY iwsehold
<br /> P�Y�a� �s ae t6e Phope�tg,if any: (c)Ye�rt9 hsza�d oc ptaperiy u�utanct pemiums; (d)Ye�IY tlood .
<br /> imunoot premiwns. if any,�(e)Y�Y�B�B��P��if any:ao�1(�any sums pay�ble by Burtowa to
<br /> — E.afder,ua accacd�nee witH the pn►visions oF parag�spts&in liw of dr payment of mortg�ge insura�ce prnn'iums. 'il�ese
<br /> items are c�Ikd"Esc�ow Itea�c_" t�a�dp�inay.at any Gme�co[k�t md hoid Funds in�w amounc na ta eac�ed dre roa�cuuum
<br /> amount a lender fa�fede�lty mlued nwrtg�Se tosu�m�y rtquin fa Boirower's escmw xcount under the f�deral[ttal .
<br /> -- Estate Settla�at ptocedu�es Act of 1974 ac arnended fram time w time�I2 US.C.�2601 et seq.t"RESPA").untess amtHer
<br /> law that applies w tbe Funds sets�lsssec aa�our►� If sq,l.ender may,at aay.time,collect and hold Funds in an vnauit na to
<br /> excbed tbe les�er amaw�t Latdec may estimatc thr aauta�t a�Aunds due on,ihe bacis of cuRene data aad,msonabte
<br /> esumates of a�paidituros of futun Fsc�ow Itans or otherwise ip accandmce witlf.appticabk law.
<br /> - �. : . ... - .- T�e R�a��ntl�Ne hel� in an.,institntiaa wUose dep�4if3�InE.�.bY a fed��ral.?SP41�:7!,!�����Y+°'�'`�tY.
<br /> fincluding L,ender,if l.ender is such.aa u�stiwtio�t)or in any Frder.�Flume Goan Ban�: Leadet siu1�apply the I�*aWY�— -
<br /> the F,st,�v Itea�. l.enslc,l may not ch�rge Bormwer far lald'mg aad applying the Funds,aoiu�lly analyz�ng tbe escmw
<br /> account.ar verifying tbe.�SCigw Items. unless La�der WYs Bom�wer interest on the Fun�ls and applicabk 1aw.pennits � �
<br /> Lender to m�ke sucb a eba�ge: However,Lender mny�equire Baruwer to pay a�-ti�e charge fa an independent real
<br />_- _ estate tax reportiag setyice used Dy l.ender in connectia�n with tdis Ioan.aaless.a�iv�Ie law Pcuqides otherrv_ise. Unless an _,._ _ ,
<br /> agament is made or applicabte law E+equkes interest to be paid Let�er sfrall not Ge�u�to pap Borrower any intenesl ar�
<br /> e�mings on tbe Tw�d�. Bamweraod I.eader may agr�e in wnting,however,that intec�st at�atI 6e paid on the Wads. I.ender
<br /> slall Bive w Batuwer,wittaut dargw an annoai aQeurmdng oF tbe C^unds,showing 4'r+�dits and deb'sts to the Fiwds and the
<br />' �upose for which each debit to the Funds was ma�ia 'Ebe Fvnds are pledgeA as addiuona!security for all sums sxured by
<br />_ ttis Security Insuumen� .
<br /> If the Faocis held by Lender exceed the atnouRts pemdtted tci be held by applicaWe taw. Lender siiall aocount to
<br /> — Bamwer fa tBe eacess Funds in accordance witb the tioquimrnents c�f applicabk law. Ii the amouat of tl�e I'vr�ds held by
<br /> Le�der at s�tene is not suffcient w�the Escrow Items when d'ae.I.ender may so natify Bonower in wricing,and.in�
<br /> s�h case Boimwet shall pay tt►I.en�e+a't£te amount necessary to make up the deficiency, Boirower shall make up tt�e
<br /> deficiency in no more diza ts�elve mcmthiy PaYmenu,at l.enderk sole iliscretias.
<br />=: — Upon paymeat in fvS1 of all sums s�cured by th�s Security Instrument,Lenr.L�shall promptly sefund to Barrower a�
<br />:�; Funds betd by Lender. tf.w�det paragr�h 21.Lender shall acquite or sell 1he Avperty.L.e�sder.ptior to the acquisition ar
<br /> sale of 1he Froperty.shall apply any Fiietds hetd by irender at the time of acquisit£on a sale as a credit against tbe swus
<br /> - secured by this Security Insanmen� �
<br /> 3. Applicstioa o�Pliyments. Untess applicable law pmvides otherwise,ali payments recetved by Lender under . .
<br /> paragraph.41 and 2 shaU be applied:ftrst,to any prepavment chuges due under the Note;secoad,to anwun�s pa.yabte under
<br /> paragnph 2;third to interest dne;fourtb,to principat�e;and 1�s�.to any tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> q, CMar�es; ldeps. Barrower shall pay all taxes. assessmer�t�.charges,fnes and imposidons attributa6le to the
<br /> propeny wTsir.,b may attain priority mef tt�is Securiry Instrument,�.Ieasehold payments ar gm►tnd rents.if any. Barrower
<br />' shall pay thac obligadons in tlie manner.pcovided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner Eorrower shall pay them on
<br /> time directly to the person owed paymen� Barrower shall promptly fumish to L,ender ap natices af amounu to be�ud under
<br /> this paragraph. lf Borrower makes these payments dimctly.Borrower shall prom�t.fiy fumish c6 i.ender�eceipts evidencing
<br /> the payir�ents. •
<br /> Borrower shall prctr�ty dischar�any lien which has priority over this Secndry Instrameut;�snless IIorrower.la)agrccs
<br /> . � ' in wrtting to the payment of�he oblig:�Eex�secured by the tien in a manner acccptabte to 1�:(li>contests ia good faiU�the -
<br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender�a�si�ion operate to pevent the
<br /> .enforrrnxnt of the 1ien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreenxnt satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> . Lo this Soc�rrity lnstrumenl. (f Lender determines that any part of the Ptope�ty is subject to a lien whiGh may attain priority
<br /> over this Secudty lnstrument,•l.ender may give•Hor�ouu�era notice idenhfying Ute lien. Barower sh�ll s�tisfy�tr�lirn ar taice
<br /> , ' �: one ar aso�cf the actiorts set Fath above witbin 10�ys oi the givi�g af notiee. � -
<br /> ,�+ • S. •Haxard ar Property UsYr�lt+� Bonower sh�ll kecp t�e imptovements now exisNng ur hereafter ttectM ort 1h�.
<br /> •'• . Ptoperty instued against loss by fse.,[r,�;rds included within the term"eatended coverege"and any other liazards,includiri�.
<br /> . tloods or ftoading, far which �.Fr.�s.'reyuites insurance. This insurance shall 6e main�ained in the amounts and for�,
<br /> i'�3i2s !!� IyacelnlhYQB�y ,
<br /> ,r_�u'sF�.;i�: � . . .. . . .- :_-�._- �--. ._ .. .- .... - __ . . _.
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