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u — � <br /> .. : <br /> : _ <br /> .. . <br /> . -. _:. . . �,: : ._ = _.._ - <br /> i,.._�`._ � �-��� _ , � .- - ` _ . .� 4 .. �c. _.�� ��_ . .� . � `` _ . ` _ ` . :r� • .i � ' <br /> . . ( , . . ..,<=4` � � ' . . .. . � tc_'y � _. �MV �-���� ' • �r; � . <br /> - � . i�����r����'� _ ������� YWa�����.�����.. . . <br /> ` is fol�c���ai�iC a i�+at f�a Hona�e;ti�fold or�ad Bmt�nw�er.iR eot i-�,�krM�2_�1�� - ; <br /> ` Lmder's prior written coneaR, 1.Rndcr n�aY;�t,its o�tiao: raquine ameedtlle P�Y�aeet�i� full d al� �umc a�c�ted bjr i�is .. `F_� <br /> Sacarity I�r�.��thisoptian�dI uot be e�d Iry Ieoder ile�ise�pto6�i[bd liy fidlsat frir asoftbe drle <br /> ', ��If�.e�oaeises' 'dns optian,t�strill g'�ve Boicawa not�ae of aooeiaa�pn.l7u potice s6rl!p�o�►ide a pa'iod.of mt F. � .. <br /> ' tess thia 30 daps from tl�d�te tbe n000e is de�ivcnad or a�!•wridw�Ririch Ho�r�+er�t p�y�ali soas seaced�fiy 1f�t .. . <br /> ` 5a�a�lqr�ame�.If 8oc�wer�tb pay�eae snn�prio�ra t6e`ac�oaoa af tlns�paiod.r.�ader msSr imroi�o�.aS►�iasedie� � <br /> _ _ p�itted Gy this.Socun'ty imwmeat wiBnat fua6�notice�r8d1�bn Bart�aw�s° ' - : _ - . ;- .° --� - - -. - <br /> ` • ' IS. BOflOwle's�l�t�O �G If BOIIOwC� IIICEtS l7�t�►oo� �OI107YCr 3�1�11S1tC t�lf'r Ii�lt �O_11WG . <br /> � eafo�t of t6is Secarity ins�nmait dsopaanoea ar a�r time pri�w tb`e �ar�fs�of: (:j S days(ar s��er per�od�fc .. <br /> • appiitable lavv may specify for r�m�t?bdoct sak of tLe Pt�eety pucs��aot�ts a�r po�rer of sak ao�itained 'w.diis .' •�. <br /> .Sacnt�gr i�mr,or(�r�eoa�a�'a jud$ma�t a��dds Socwf�Y b�una�eat.Those 000�tions sre dut Bacm�+ec h1 Qqs . _. <br /> � . I.ender alt sums'which t�ren aaeltt be dae uuder tbis Sax�ety Iratrumat�d t6e Note a4 if m aax�'�a tisd ca�r�d;(b�� �; <br /> cu�s aUy defdt d auy o�er aovemats ot��;(a)prys aiL tspe�es i�arr�ed-�a�fumo6�S Samitp�� <br /> inet�idiva,6u4 not limitad tn,_�hie��twmeYs'�'as:�(d)tslces such aqiaa�La�der msy._�a�nai6�y�.q4iie pi.a�pns' ` <br /> • ' that tUe lien of this$eamty Ia�ummt.'j�'s n'$1�s iu tbe Propaty�ud Bonowa's o�d'iSation w pY tbe'swa�aeared by • <br /> . .t6is Secu�itY insttum�d�C s�ali aoatime•�od. ilpoo nu�taa�t bY Botmarer, t�s Sa�ritY:In�mmteat �d fi� . <br /> ` oblig�tious socured dertby,s1�U nemain fi}Hy effaxive as if nat aceei�ian had oc�rred.Haw�ver,titis�6t w�e al� <br /> uot applY iu the case of�relaat�oa u�Jer P�eaBraph 1'7. � � ` �� . <br /> I! S�k ot Nut�Cb�sge ot Lo�n Savfoes Tbe Note or a g�rtial iu�enst in the Note(toged�et witb tdis 5ecvrity ' .. <br /> __ Tnmvment)may 6e sold one or mocr times wid�uut ptior not(ice to Bormwer..A sak may nwtt in a cMmge in the eotity(known , <br /> --- . as the"Loao Se�vic�r")tit�collec�s monti�ty p�npa�tg due under t�Note�d this SaRrety Ia��'Rure s�may be o� . <br /> - br m4re changes of d�e I�Senricxr�uelated to a sak of the Nate.If thene is a c�age of the Lo�a Sa+rloer.Bnm�we�will bt <br /> given writ�a mtice of the clqage in a000rdanoe with pacagrnpti l4 above add applipble taw.The aotioe W{tt st�e d�e t�me aod ' <br /> addrtss,�oF tbe aav Loaa Senricxr a�rd the address to which paymeats should be ma�k.Tlu mtia w�l also aantain a�at6er,. � <br /> �' information roquired by applicable law. . . � . : <br /> ;�- Zb NaTaR�SoEe�taooes. Boifower shail�at caase or peradt the pnsenc�,•use.dispos�l• starage.�or rdease of airy <br /> Hamidous Substanca un or in the Property. Bomnwer shaU not do, nor al�ow anyone else w du. anyd��g nffecting tbe <br />- PrvpeTty that is in violation of any Envimntneatal Iaw.T6e�rMMin�tao sentenoe�shall not apply w the�nscnce,use,or <br /> P��Y <br /> stotage on We Proputy of senall quantides of Aa7atdous Sa6stances tiiat arc gena�ltY�8����aPP�Priate ta a�r�i - - - <br />- - residemial uses and to mairaeasnue of the Property. <br /> eas e <br /> Boaawer shall piom�ptly g'�ve L�ender writte�c�rotice of any imestigation,ctaim,demand. lawsait or a�her acsion Dy any <br /> im <br /> - gover�m�entat ar�gulato�r a8�9 or P�'�O�Y imol4n�the Property and atry Hazardoas Sa�ace or Enviroranemsl <br /> of wdich Bomuwer h�actual knowtedge.If&rrroaer leams,or is notit'ied�by any governmental or r�egulatoty authotity,that <br /> ���1 athr renwval or ather remodiauan of m►y Ha�ardous Substance affecting the Property is neces�ary.Bormwdr shaU P�PUY� <br /> all c�ssaiy temedi�acciar�s in acxotdanee with Environmattal Law. . <br />_ ." As used in this paregraph Z0, "Hazardons Snbstances" ar�e those sabstances definod as toxic or ha7ardous subs�6y <br /> - - Environmetqal Law and the following sub.ctances: gasaline, kerosene. ather flammable or toaic peuoleum�rQducts, touic <br /> . ..,�•,... . pesticides and herbicides.volan'le soiven�s.materials containing asbescas qr fom�atdehyde.and radioac[ive matenals.As usod in . <br /> ��!"L�a"�ri}1S� this h 20. "Environmental Law" means fedetal laws and laws of the jurisdictioa where the Propetty is located d�at <br /> • �� s--:,.�-J P�S�P . <br /> :��'`.,;•�`.`' � relate m or environmental pcotectian. <br /> � ' '�� ' ' '��' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant und agree as follows: <br /> :�;•d�},_... . _.�,._�..,- � <br /> :y�� .�. -.` •�� Zl.Aa�elecatbn;Remedles.l.ende�ahall give notice ta Borrnvaer prbr to aooeteMion folimving Boero�ra's bracli <br /> ':''-=�- • ;'��.; ': ot aay coveaaut or agnee�meat in this Secarity G�strument (but not prlor to aooeteration ander pasagr��ph 17 unl�ss <br /> - • : � applica6le law pe+ovldes ot�rtse).The notiee sha[I specity: (a)tbe ddault;tb)the actton�eqaired to en�t the defaolh <br /> . ���'_ ..� --�'�; (c1 s�date.aot te�thAn 30 days trom t1�e date ihe tatice L4 given to Sorruwer.b3'wMicA tbtdetautt magt be cuned:and <br /> _ � ` .���{` t�tlwt failure to cui+e tUe detautt on oc betore the date speciffed in the notice may resalt ia aovele�tton ot tbe wms <br /> ..:n=:,"=.� <br /> cu+e <br /> �' ���•',. � secured by this Security lnstrwnent aad sate of the Pmperty. Tde nottce sbaU furtl�er inform Bormwer ot tbe right to <br /> �� ,.. -. . . _ reinst�te s�tter aoceteration and the rig6t to bring a caa�t action to�sert the nan�existe�r ot s�defaWt or any otUer <br /> ._ _ • • � detence of Borrawer to scoeteration and sate. lt the defanit is aot cured on or betore the date spedfied in tbe natloe, . <br /> ' . ` � � IRnder,at iR�option,may.nequire im�nediate payraeN in tull of all sums securcd by thir►Socurity Imtruroent without <br /> .' . �' -:.$•,�.. . turther demand and msy invoke the power of rate and any othw mmedies pe�mitted by appitcable law.l.end�er slwli be <br /> ' eMitled to oollect all expet�cx incumed in pun�vin�;the r4nredies pmvtded in this pAragraph 21,including,lwt not limited = <br /> ° '� ta reasonaMe atwrneys•tt'ES IIAd C05�.R Of NtIC CVidCC11CC. = <br /> � It thepnv er o!sale t�invoked.Tn�stoe shall�+ecord a notice oi defaolt in each pmnty in wf�ch aay patt ot t6e <br /> - . . pnopectY is Wcated an�f s1ta11 mail wpi�.w at such notice in the manner prescribed by appiicabie fs�w to Boer�bwer and to • <br />_ ' � �� ' tlie other pa�on�prescribed by spplica6le law.After the fime reyulred Ay applicuble law.Trustee shal!give ptblle aotkr _ <br /> � '�"�. ��; ' , of sate to the personv and in the manner pr+�crlbed by appUcable luw.Tru.�tee,withaut demand on Borrowe�,siwli sdl = <br /> ' ° the Pruperty at publlc auNion to the hlghect bidder at the time and plucc attd uader the ternrc desi�nstled in the notia ot _- <br /> � '�:,� .: ' s�te in ane or mae penels aml M atry ordcr Tnnlec detc�rmin�.Tn�ee may pa�tpune tiale of aU or any parcd ot the - <br />``'�• '' - Ynuperty by public aanouncement at the time and pluce ot s�ny previously schcduled sale. I.ender or i�v d�si�nee mAy = <br /> _ '�,<-; .;..,-:::-_- _. r <br /> _ . � purchase the Property at any!�ale. • <br />