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� - <br /> 99 � 06635 <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 8487 (Cont.) <br /> the west line of Allen Drive for a distance of Eighty(80.0) feet; thence east on the <br /> south line of Faidley Avenue for a distance of One Hundred (100.0) feet; thence <br /> north on a prolongation of the east line of Allen Drive for a distance of Eighty <br /> (80.0) feet; thence east on the north line of Faidley Aven�e for a distance of Three <br /> Hundred (300.0) feet; thence north on a line Three Hundred (300.0) feet east of <br /> and parallel to the east line of Allen Drive for a distance of Four Hundred Seventy <br /> Seven and Three Tenths (477.3) feet more or less; thence northwesterly on a line <br /> Three Hundred (300.0) feet east of and parallel to the easterly line of Allen Drive <br /> for a distance of Three Hundred Sixty and Seven Tenths (360.7) feet more or less; <br /> thence north on a line Three Hundred (300.0) feet east of and parallel to the east <br /> line of Allen Drive for a distance of One Thousand Nineteen and One Tenth <br /> (1,019.1) feet more or less; thence northeasterly on a line Three Hundred (300.0) <br /> feet east of and parallel to the easterly line of Allen Drive for a distance of Three <br /> Hundred Twenty Two and Eight Tenths (322.8) feet more or less; thence <br /> northerly on an arc with a radius of Six Hundred Thirty Seven and Ninety Seven <br /> Hundredths (637.97) feet to a point on the south line of 13`h Street; thence west on <br /> the south line of 13th Street for a distance of Three Hundred (300.0) feet to the <br /> east line of Allen Drive; thence north on a prolongation of the east line of Allen <br /> Drive for a distance of Forty Five (45.0) feet; thence west on a line Forty Five <br /> (45.0) feet north of and parallel to the south line of 13th Street for a distance of <br /> One Hundred (100.0) feet; thence south on a prolongation of the west line of <br /> Allen Drive for a distance of Forty Five (45.0) feet to the point of beginning, all <br /> as shown on the plat dated June 18, 1999, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and <br /> incorporated herein by reference. <br /> SECTION 3. The following street in the district shall be improved by paving and <br /> other incidental work in connection therewith: <br /> Allen Drive from Faidley Avenue to 13'h Street, in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br /> County, Nebraska <br /> Said improvements shall be made in accordance with plans and specifications <br /> approved by the Engineer for the City of Grand Island and approved by the Mayor and City <br /> Council. <br /> SECTION 4. All improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost thereof, <br /> shall be assessed upon the lots and lands in the district specially benefited thereby as provided by <br /> law. <br /> Approved as to Form ♦ � <br /> - 2 ' June 23,1999 ♦ Attorney <br />