_� ,:;
<br /> ,t-�--�,� -�:. . •
<br /> — - .:CL y ';':+f -- ._ _ ----- , =,�'i� _ - ,� —
<br /> .�. .a:._.�_�• . � n:: . ._.. _
<br /> • � �
<br /> ' .� .. '.L� . . _ . .. .. '� G t"_."__
<br /> /i�_ . � .
<br /> - [ _
<br /> k t :`;�� � - —,- . . — — � � - _ ' . } _--_-
<br /> `-� ,�° • .. <. ` . - � . �- ts - -i � '` -- 4 r4 �-��� - � .
<br /> < . ��T -.-- �- -. . . . _ . � ..__. . ` ^ , .
<br /> � for xi�?�beExe s�ic a[t�Aa�aty pt�su�or�o aa�►Pow�er at sde ooata0e�i tds '
<br /> _ ,,_' �pp�a��7�9 < a�dut Haaa�wer. (�) ..
<br /> •' , , Savtitr Imocun�ar(b)aao�►ot a judyneat�fa�t��y� 'iiwce cacd�a,a4, .
<br /> �p�ys I.eadrr a11 wmi�icb 16en�rould be dut uoder tNs SeaeritY lm�m�e�aod t6e Na�e is if tw�ooeje+atioo ldrd -
<br /> � . ooc�rze�(b)cn�ea aa�►d�f�uit ofanY aiher oovemots ar�teemeot�(e)Paya a�`�xpaua i�u�in mi�cb�g 1Ws Sat�ritg` -
<br /> , tmtn�ent,iaciuding.l�ut not limiied to��nsoo�Die at�cn�eYs'feex�nd(d)ntes sud�action as L�eadet�y c�asoablY � .
<br /> � naquire�o asw�e thu tbe lia►of t6it Saa�uity 1nsti�mnent.Lmdeth�rl�ia the PtoQerty and Borrower'�oWia,�tim_oQ pag 1he
<br /> -.--. .y��py�$�y-� shal!aoaat�e��oged._ ITpon_nir�Dement 6y Barm�ret:t5i� S�t� _---_
<br /> Ia�t aod tbe Qbli�,atiom'secu�ed Me4Y���Y et'ffx6ve as if m acoelasticn bad occ�red._�,� , ,
<br /> � �igbt q ranstale�atl mt apply m tbe c�e i�aooekratian wida p�pH 19. .
<br /> , 1�1 Ssle�t Not��7��e d I.oM Senieer. '!1�Na�e ar a p�tist i�est m�e Nott(to8ed�'�,'*'a1�d�s��Y
<br /> - �ns�t)?rc�Y;6e sold aae ac more dmes wi8wut p�ioc�w BaeovPer. A sak msY mun'ia�1�u8����Y .
<br /> (Icoo�im aa,tir��'?1.,aiit Savioer")tb�t collats moa�thly pYmeats due wwiattthe;l,lae aud Wis S�caorttj'�fes�vmeot. 71�e aiso •
<br /> �t
<br /> � - s�r#��:o�mo�e cdnges of tlu Ldu Se¢vicer uooel�ted to a ss�x4£tT�e;.i�iaoG.If t6e�e is a ch�of thc Lwe Savica, ' . .
<br /> :&aawtr.±es�l fie siven wiittea noti�e of the ch�nEe iQ accad�o�e;v�paragra�h 14 above and applicable bw. Tlie notice
<br /> =-: •�n1t sme.tl�i�me�d address of the aew l.o�a Savic�a aM Waid�rts�s�o.wtmdi��sUouW b�matla'Ibe notice vv�t
<br /> ____ also a�a�ay od�er mform�tica�equii+ed bY iPPlipble 1aw. � `. - • :• .,•.
<br /> 2l�;��c�e�s Sr�s BoauMe.t s6all not_cause ar p�it tbe ptesedce.use,d'isposak storn8e.ot,'rdeasc of any.
<br /> Hazs�lo�St�6staoces on cr io t6e IRupe�ty. Baauwa sh�U not d�;aor allow anyao�eis��dii,a�thi�g�NecdnE�r
<br /> PbopesEg tL�Eis in vioWian af arry Favfcao�t,a�r. 1be pmeceding two senteaces shalt noE�.so t�e pcesajoG�.. _
<br /> �e oo d�e Pn�pc�ty of smill qwotiues uf fl�dous S�tl�at ace Sa�ttY soco�ind to�e appiop�+�:
<br /> • �ddeait tcses and to maiateo�noe of tAe�Y�.. ._:: .,". - - - � .
<br /> BaaoRretab�Up�onp�th�.SiveLeadtt�rretttspaOiotc�ang.iavestig�ati6n,e�iucds;deraaid.,l�wsaitorotbeca�sianlsy,my .
<br /> • S���n8�7►�Y a P�����:�8�:�P�Y and u►y l�la�rdous Subswpe or F�viro�amaual.
<br /> T _ _ - --}�C�sf=��h�Taarer�ts•sebvak���,�uv.�1ers+!�toc�s�t�nti�ied.bi►�Y.&��� ��� � _
<br /> ' � �Aori{Y.iWt wy iemo�v�l qt dber tem�tion o€s�`�cdc�s�Sabstance affecting the Ytopetty Is neas�wiy.Bo�mweF .
<br /> - ` �.s�}f p�on�ptiy p�ae all�cess�y�dial acdats iu ac�u�ce with Bavimtuuent�l I.sw. , ,
<br /> � � � As used in this pwtagaph 20.°Hazudcws Sabstamoes"are t6ose sabspnces defukd as Wxic oc h�xatdous substansas by
<br />= .. Envimn�nental Law and the'follawing substances: gasoline.fce�ene.o�r fl�mn�bte a toxic peuoleudt�od�cts.toxk
<br /> — �. . °:pesticides and Imbittdes.wtatite -ea�a�nS_asbe�s-�-f°rtnaidehyck,and���'�-'�:
<br /> :ased in this pata�ph 20."Envimna�ental Law"meaas federal taws and iaws of the jwisdictioo whec�tUe P[upecey is to�tG� '
<br />_ .th�t ielue to#knUh.safery or eav'notunental ptotecaau- ;��`�.
<br /> t t -
<br /> - � NON-UNIFORM COVEN Bamwer a�td t.ender fn�ther covepaot and agae as foltows: .
<br /> 21. Ac�ekratlor, Ra�ed��a9 sive�ke to Bocrower Priar to aooekr�tia�tdloRiig Boreo�rer's
<br /> 6eracl o[s��caves�t ar s�reewnt i�trts Sa�'ity Ias�maR tbat not Prto�to saelerstios��der pars�s0i 1'�.
<br />= ��s�abte Itw pros�Aes al�eniiet). 7Ue�olrce aMQ spe4�ts: {a)tie dds�lt;(b)We actto��ired a w�e tie�'.
<br />- id'�it'(c�:ii dak.eot kss t1u1113�da�s leom tbe date Ne�Mice is sives to Eoa+u�ras bJ rllidl tiE�fadt��ic
<br /> e��ad(d)tht t�[e W cw�e tlit iet+�lt o�or betor�e tMe d�te specified�tbe�Miee�.s�tt i�accderatioR�
<br /> f�oe e�ss xcved bJ ti�i�Saurky I�est aed s�te of t�e Propesty. Tre wlice slu�Irirtiet i�fon�liorrnwe*o�
<br />- �e ri�t to reMst�te aRer scoeia�tior a�d tre rlgt�to bfi�t s c�oYrt actio�W aaeert t6e i�a�eaoe_at s dd�dt oe
<br /> iqy Mier defehe ot goimower W sa�ekntio�a�d snle. U tMe de�a�H[s iot nred oi or lietae!r tre��� -
<br /> �:� _ tLe u�tke.l__,eMkr pt its aptba m�y reiNire imme�te payment io tuU otsdl sa�aecuraf by�t�is 3a��Iestramest
<br /> wit�wat f`rtLerdenu�ad sad msy iavoke t6e pov�er ot s�k and asy otLer remedies ptra�ttea bp ppplica6k la�.
<br /> Leadtr shall be eetitted to oollect all a�peaxs h�currM b pursoiu�the remedl�s pro�ded�b tl�pan�rspM 21,
<br /> ioelodlK,b�et�ol limited t0.ressoiwbk attorneys'ins�ad oosts dtNk evide�ce.
<br />: Ii tl�e powa�d ssk b imotced.7lrostee sl�alt�t�a notke aI defaelt h�eacs ica6le IaR to Borranr��d to
<br /> . property is loeated s�d sisU nadf copks otaacr wtioe In�t6e m�aer p�sed ! VP�
<br /> . t�e ot�er pereo�s prescrlbed by appNcabk faw Aitee tbe Hse reqaind Ay�pplicabk la�v.'Itnatee srsY aivf pa6ifc
<br />' aMk+e d swle to t6e persons�ad in the ma�ntr pre+cri6ed by spplkabk b�. 71r�ste�witMoot de�a�d a�Botro�er.
<br /> ' a6�11 ee11 N�e 8roperq at pahlic audlon to the 6i�Mest 6idder at ttie time and place aad un�kr tbe term+desi�sted in
<br /> .!6e naNa d sale ia one or e�ore p�anoa �swa�a!a�E flre time and place ot�y�lo�usfy hedu�led a�a�l,ender ue�tys
<br /> - -.parcel o�t6e Propeety b9 P� .-
<br /> , . desigaee may purctaase t6e Propesty�t 2�y� . �-
<br /> � ppos eecetpt ol p��ment of t6e pritt bi�'f'susta sh�ll deUver to the purchase�7iru�teds dced conveyias tl�e
<br /> =
<br />