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. • ,,: <br /> � ,,. , - <br /> ' __ _ _ i_ ; f ^ — = - - . � - - t- _ . - `= = --�- �,� <br /> ` . - -,_. . `_ �'. `. ! F <br /> __ _ vhc-.�p -� ,r .. <br /> �.�`- �� Y� � <br /> � � �II ; ��` <br /> L 2 � r <br /> ' ' ' •'. . .._ . ` . . . < i . ` __' . i. ` . . . . �� ��Y?������'���,�`3'4'_` <br /> i;.�;.::.}?F� n <br />. . �� . . , . , . . .. ;�t:3�.+:c�Yaiti.-?!�t,�,�,{_,F,•': <br /> . _ . .. . _ . �. _ <br /> , . . � . .. . . �_. . fF.{' � Y� 4�7�.+_� . <br /> . ` . : �� �� ,\t J 2�� ,° <br /> `��~ pe�;o3s �[.e�du rtqai�ea. Thc inwr�ecr cairier prQv�dre i�alu�l!bc cha�en try�vra 1x I�a�,� , �.:�,��f�,: <br /> ��� �: <br /> rifiich sln�lt not be unrwsonabty:rrithhelQ. If Horrow�er f�l�to mfinl+�c�ove�e deRCribed+bc�v�e,I.a�xta�?�;�t ,��;�f��r- <br /> - � <br /> �bt�a�covera�e to piobcK�rtdet'k tifhts in oheP�p�ny in acccmlance with pati��pir 7. �.�� � �,�`ti.` <br /> .Lmder�s`optioa. ��aad�wsts ahalt be�ic�epuble to l.tMrr+itfd�11 inclnde g sty��f�d�M moKB?����,�t�� �>:,i..::.,�.y,'�.,. <br /> /�IffiUJ�ICE �'•`^"pl�}�f�C t(T i.i�r�c:i�1CLY1 7 i .."'";''t <br /> � sl�aU bave the right tc hoW the poticies ird a�new�ls: iEl.ende�tcquir�es.Elatax•cr shall Pt�°�,::;;`��:.:^s;` <br /> of p�id iremian�c�ad renevral�otices.�.in the event of[os�:8aR'�wer ehilt givc prampt notice to the iasur�ma�carrlera�' � �*��v, <br /> I.endec i,ender_ malce of lose if nat m�de P�'adlxlY bY'9aRor�et. �;3 H`r``� <br /> -- -- -- � � �n rvritin .i�u�ttco�roreed�c stw}i t�c rpplied tu restoratian or-te�'� ;�'a F� <br /> � Unkss t.ender md Botmwer othenvisG ag�ee� j <br /> �he propeKY d��3f the testoruian orrep�ir Ls economir�lEy fas�bk a�ld I.ender's sccudty is nof kssened. if th,c.�;.-;.�%%i;.;��,��;: <br />. reston�tino or�spa'u is not ecaaomicatty fes�sibk a t.ender's security wauld 6e kcse�ed,the inwrance pmceccLq shatf� ,�;1 r > <br /> app�icd m the stuns secu�ed iry`this Savriry L�ument.whe�her or aot thm due,with�ny oacess paid to Basuwe;:'��,�,.;._,;,.....•... <br /> Bor�cMrer a6�ndo��s tbe Praperey,or doac not answer within 30 d�y4 a natice fmm Le�dtc Ihae thF insurance�r:bas�`;;,,;;;; ;;,;;;,;`:�: <br /> 4 r•.. <br /> offend,w�etde a claidb thm LeMer may cdkct the insw�r�cc pe�nceWs. Lender may ux tfu pra�eedc to Rpair�c�;`..:...:.:..:.`';,: <br /> . tt�:pf±i�ietty a to pay sums securai 6y ihis S e c u n t Y T n s u u m e n f.w h e t h e r a r�t h rn d�e. 7Tie 30�da y p e riod wil!begia a1t�i..:.,;:_,.;_:.,r�,;__ <br /> ':tbesoticbis.given. _ ' . <br /> ' °;`.t�i�ess LaKler and Bormwer oti�erwise agroe in w'rit�ng.any applisaticxt of pcoceed+to principai stiall nat extend oz . .,._;. , �: <br /> � `:.:.}�ostpt,ne'�e:�ua date of tltie montbiy payments iaferi+al to in paragra�hs t and 2'or chsnge t1x amount�the�ayments. If':,:_"':;:•`�;��': <br /> ��the Ptopetty i�acquited 6y.Lender.Bortnw¢�t�..riEt�t to any iiexurance policies wd_proceodti c�ul�ng:�;':::�;:�•;.�:: <br /> ,.�p�ph°:: <br /> - -� f�m d�maga ti�the pmperty prio�w the.acquis�non shall p�ss ta Lender ta the excent of the sa�tu secured 6y this Secnrity;:;:;`:�_';�• , <br /> � Tiisuiunetu�immod�aocly prior totheacquisitiort. g��er'e La�n A lcadou; ?.:�����;:�:�:''�". <br /> _�:"bc�t�cy,P�+eseevatiou. 14W�enauce �nd Proteclba af Ihe Property: PP� :;-: <br /> �. Hormwer shail occupy.est�blish.and nse the Bmp�cRy as Borrower�princ�pal residence within siaty days aftor �;;-;:";_':?:,,; . <br /> <�'iateixuion of this Security insu�rand shaU continue ta occupy tix Ptopeny as Homawer�s principtl nsidarce for at `::..::.°'�`;�';- ., <br /> - - .�;i�ie�ear_aftee the..dats�of occap�ncy,,untess i.ender ahenvise sgrees io �siting. wfiich cansent�shall aae 6e - <br /> ;�Oda�bly wit6tietd,or untess extenwti�g c�r�umstAr�ces e�wfii�fi aie i�eyonci�onoWC+r's"contmi �urrow�r shati'� � : <br /> < de�t�no�r,:damage or imp�ir the Propecty.allow ttie.l�q�erty to detericx�te.or sammit wasta an the Ptinpeny. Barower sbafl <br /> ` bt:in ckf�ait if aoy forfeiw�e actiun or Procceding.whether civi}or bcgun that in l.ender�s goad faith judSmenl <br /> � euu2d�result in forfeiture af the Propeny or aherwise materially impair the tien cceatal by this Sccurity Instrume�t or : <br /> . , ���eetsfety interect.-Borrowu t�y cuc�e such a defuult artd provided in parrgraph!�.by caus�ag the srction :;";.'',. <br /> or proc�ed�ng to be dismissed with a ruling ti�a�in Lender ri gwd faith determinatiair.�reciudes forfeiture ogif�e-Boriowec�s�"_;``."`.�:. <br /> in�in•:the P�vpeny or ather material impoirment of the lien crcated hy thiti Securiry Intitrument or Lender�s securicy <br /> ` intecest. ;Barrower shalt atso be i�defuule•if�Borrower.durin& the laan applic�tiixt prae�s.g�ve rnatcrially false or <br /> ii�cci�at�.infonma6on or statements to l.ender Ior failed to provide L.ende►with any materiat lafatmationl in wnnec{i pf the <br /> o�m <br /> the..;u�e-evidanc,�ed'by fhe Note,including. but not limited to. reprcsenwtians cwueming BQrtower?�occupancy - <br /> pFctpeity a.s:aptincipa!residence.,1f thls Security Instrumem is on a le�elald.8orrower siiatl cornpty with all tite provisinns , <br /> 4f t�e kase:If B�rmw�taaquiresfee tiile to,the Property.the leasehald and the fee title siall not merge uniess Lonckr agrees <br /> �t�merSer in v+[iutb. <br /> - :.:.• 7. Yrokcbioa�;at.Leader'�R�hts in the Praperty. Ii Bortower faiiti to perfom� tAe cavonants and agreemen�s <br /> �t�i�ted in t6i�.Secu"rity Instrunten� or there is a legal procceding that may significantiy affcct txnder� ri$hts in the <br /> �e�ty(su�Iias��pioce�dmg infianlcrupccy.probace,fa condemn�tion ar fart'eiture ar toenfarce laws or regula�ians).then , <br /> }��y.�and gay for wharever is neressary to protect the vaiue of thc Praperty and Lenckr's right+in the Pruperty: <br /> �.;ende['s-acdons may include paying any sums secured by a Ilen whicb hus priority over Ihis 5rcurity Instrumeni.oppeanng <br /> ia•i�ouit;paying rea5onabte attomeys'fees and entering on the Property'to make repai�.Atthaugh l.ender may lake action <br /> qntt�x;U's�paragraph 7,Lendes doEs not have to do so. <br /> .:•qny amountc d�sbursed by Lender u�der this paragraph 7 shall becamc ad�itiona!debt of Boaawcr recurcd by this <br /> Securiry in.strumen� Unless Barrower and Leader agnee to other terms of payment,thesc amauntc shall bear intercyt fram the • <br /> date of di�bu�ement at the Nate rate an�sha!!6e payabte,with interes�upon notice from l.ender to Horrawer reyuesting <br /> t <br /> ��5. �Mortga&e lnsuea� If Lender requirzd mortgage in.gurance as a canditian of making ttie laan secured by thi� <br /> Securiry Insuument,Hortawer shAll pay the preruiuR�s reqwred to maintain the martgage invurance in effect. li: for ony <br /> neason. the martgage lnsutance coverage requ�red by l.ender lapses or ceascs ta be in e[fect, Barrower shAli pay Ihe <br /> p�s�ms zeq�irnd zo obtain coverage substantial{y equivaient to the m�rtgage insurance previausly in etfect. �+t n cost <br /> sUi�a�tially equfvaiont ta the�ast to Barrower af the mongage incur.mce previou�ly in effect. fmm u►���itemute muttgagc <br /> ur�appm�edby 1Rndes:.�f sabstanttally equivalent mortgs�t;e insurance cwerage is M�t avrilable.BPIT(�WCf tili�ll)p:/y 1P <br /> ��rch mantta a surn eqvai.'to one-twelfth of Ihe yearly mortgage insurnncc premium bcing paid hy H�+rrnwcr when�hc <br /> insurance coveragslapsea or c'ea�ed to be in effect. Lendcr wiU accep�.use�nd retam thc.e paymcntti a�a tuy�rescrvc ln lieu <br /> of mnttgage insarance. La�reserve paymems may no tonger bc rcyuired,at the�ptinn af l.e�uler,iY nuirigs�ge intiuraace <br /> � eow�ae(in Ihe amount a�d fai Qia periad that Lender requirey)provided hy an in�urer�pprovcd by l.en�IM ugain t+ccomc. <br /> av�iia�le and is obtained.Bosro�a��hs+��paY the premiums required to maintain mortgage�nsur��ncr m eficc�,or w!�r�+vidc u <br /> . losa reserve,until the teqairem�t fvr martgage insurunce ends in uccordance wi�h:�ny written.��recment betwcc��tiurruwrr <br /> and Lender or app3ia+ble law< <br /> 9 lnspect�.- Lender oi its p�ent may make reusanabte cntrics u�n and in�pcctionv��i thc 1'ru�xrly. I.cndrr•h:dl <br /> give Hoaower notice at t�+e time o�or prior to un inspection speciiying ren�ont,bte cau.e(or�M:im�xction. <br /> 1p. Condensnation, 9'3te praceeds of uny award or ct�im for damages,dircct ar c�mve��uenH:d,in eumKCtion wi�h a�y <br /> 5iq�1r Faniity..Fannie NaelFreddie Nac U\1FIlNt11�5'i'ItUt1F.�'1'..1'nit�tinn t'u�rnant+ 4t11! ip�rcr!„/!�p����•�� <br /> . �ieK 1A�a Mwtnrr Yuro+.let � <br /> • � ' • - . TouUer�Ul N�d/3:lU939:If��R\IttK74DU-�) <br /> � � H.+-��,�.� ';':�'�.:�;�-,"r�;r."�r�': . - `- _. <br /> ,�,t +f`°�'�'� � �'i.R'nn. . . . . . . . • <br /> --.1Li1(1�•!`4��+{.e� _�,IJ4��i�1i1 � ;ir _�r • ' . . , , ' � .{ <br /> - � � <br /> --��'L�'�'�}.S,�� �Li{,.. r ,..��.. '� � - <br /> ..__—�__;;•., � _. --.. ..r�_ '3' . ., a . , . r. . . . . _ .-a- _ ' .- --_ <br /> - _—__-__•�'r1.�-" . r�}'� "'� ._ . . _ • . . .. <br /> . <br /> +4- .-�n-.�-_�.',.}�i�_. _. .i;. 1 - �. � �, � . - • . . • ._ .. . . - . - : � . <br /> : r sad A�I�u�+d ..�. _ . <br /> -'"H.�.`.. ���7���r+��`l� ' ' ' ' 't,l, y 1 , . ' " . .. . . • '' , <br /> { �' . ' � ' . � . . . . .. . . . <br /> . �T�_ . � • � .. . . . . . . . , <br /> --_ _ �� • . • _ . t�.. ..�h. . �" ' ' � . . • ' . . • , . . . <br /> �—i]�f.'�� � .t.a , _ � � . , <br /> __`.LIrY-t°iqY'�`+f r ' ' � . �. . , • ' , � , ' �. . - . . . . . � . <br /> --_a�rr.�:=. _—c� " <br /> _ _ �.---•�- — -- --- — - <br /> ___:..— <br /> �¢„� . . . , . -- - -- -- : _ --- . <br /> 's�4e:'��',a , . , ... . . '•�, '. .. , • . . , �. . • . • <br /> _' �c° • •4.� ...-_4. . t '��' .'' ' , ' . .. � , , . . � . � . . � , .. . . <br /> 1 �t..''. - �r`�� � " . . <br /> �z - ! '�t �µ��� . . . . . . . . . ' . f • . ' . . <br /> ;�y � i � ,}y�}�'Y,w t' y'�.'�{��� : . ' • ' • • <br /> _��.3 �• s#-,''' ' a � t -5 � . � ,r�� <br /> - �_.�ti- �Yt.�hS.:i:1a.. .. .., _,. , .. �. � . . ... _. <br />