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F {� <br /> t.. ` E � C<•C. a � _�. ,� <br /> � C • �1, !• / �`!( � •. . �'`i���Mr� � , � F �r ` <br /> .. . .. . .._ .t, <. - <br /> < � ' �: ' ' O .. � < .. , t , a i - . , c . . , <br /> , _ . -O�E�Q W�'�1�1�Cf��t df I�IC'•`7'7vf`Q fOP C0���It�Cpl�.K'���- �. <br /> �h�ii bt p�id 10Ld14ez , •. . � `' <br /> . ` in�he tvaitof a mel-�Imo�af tM FboPert�'.d�e p�u�ee�'s�tl1.6�ayQlied Ec'the sul�s tiY�us:Se.c� �• - <br /> � Ias�aeat,vr6ee6er oc aot t6m due.with�ny exc�ss piid to Baaow�a in tbe^event d s ps6�f�of tbe Fro��F ia `, • . <br /> , ' .� wfiidt We fitir�loet value a�t�r Property im�e�iel9 befae�be dtin8 is aWl t�o��t�°.d����� � , .. <br /> . �,CU�d by�S S�a�rhY b�t�eiq bet�ine tiic fa�'uniess�e�mw�aad �aGa��e wr� --- <br /> . ,< t6a wmns�1►Y dds Sa�u�[j��t�be tdlOCad i�jr�e amom�t of�he p[ot�eed4 me�'���6c� : _- <br /> � ,� - � 6�tia� fs�d�e totaE aa�ouo�of tiie.aa�as sexmed�u�une�ly 6dq�e d�e�,�'cv!ded bY�bl Mc�'r�m�et vaiie af tbe ` <br /> p�y�y�'��q�ina, y►�r�hooe p�id b BoQu�e�t W t6e erent of a p�cua[`nino�iaf t6e `� , <br /> �t�opert�m w6ittt the fa�lr mahst r�fue si tpe�Yopect�r immedi�melY betcce the ral�is iest�than the�a�nt ot dr�swns . _ <br /> . � � seaned�r 6ef�e iUe t�.��ad i.ender at6env�apee�n:w�#x�a�lesa spplic�bie'1aw _ <br /> . ad�awii�p�rides,the dxoceeds`s6d{�be applied to the s��aaed lry t6is Saurity b�sonanentwT�er oi not�sams ai+e.. � . <br /> d�a�(lu� : . � <br /> YG � � <br /> ' ' � �il1E��'OpCITY 13 .�OOE�'��$OfNWCt•af t�;iRtf OOf1i��,LL�►�II�C4 LD$�iONC!1�1bt�A�C4��!b lOt�fi`� . <br /> 0 S�i�af SC�QC 7 C�811D fOf���CE�d17S�1lSp0O�t0'�.GlI�GE WIthID�f�i�S��!!1�IG d�1��AOIIQC lt;{Y�, `- <br /> - °L�der is a�ori�m oolbcc a�,a,�ly ux�o�eas.u;�S opt�w,.�er to�a�a�on ar����Y��� . , <br /> . ,w�aa,vrtd Oy tbis S�tuiqr Ynst�ent,wIrctl�er or adc i6ea dae. - ` ' ° <br /> • Untess Is�der�d B�mova otber�rise sg�oe in writiong,�Y��P���Pn�s�U noC extead ar _ <br /> poapone d�e doe daca�f dre momhtY WYmencs refen�ed w in p�graphs 1 a�id 2 or ct�nge the'aa�owu uf sw�t payme�. <br /> _ !�. aae�enwq:Npt Yelea�edi �.al �'��� WiWer. Fataision of t1rt wne for piy�dit or <br /> - I�nupenR L�er�dee to my sooce�sar tn ime�est <br /> — mo�pon oP sunar�n of thc smns sacaned�tE�s Seamt� S�anted by �me�e <br />-' of�Ba�rower a6a11 not opetue t+o tekase tbe�ty of 1be atigi�I Bocmwer flr Bu�mwer�sucetasoRS ut utte�t:�a�der <br /> 'sielf not tie ioqmrod to cummenoe procee�ing.4 sSaast aaY sa��in inte�est or neiu.s�on exund mae foi pa�m�eof uc <br /> • ,, abawise madify sanoitizatia�of the sums seaauod by 8�is Socurity lasdcaimatt by rea.wdof�ty�d dnde by ibe arigbiil , . <br /> � HoeioMrer or Batmwerk suoges,wrs in inoet�st. My,�arbeuanoe 6Y Lender in a�ercising any right ar iemedy slaiU aot 6e s . <br /> aaiver of orprxtude the ex�ercise of a�ry rigM ur n�nedS�• ' _ � <br /> � � IZ Snooea�ars aod A�Barnd:,laiat and Stveral I.bbUity;Co�as. 't7u cove�ants aod agr+eements of tdis <br />- - 5=_ _ Soc�trity las�ent shalt biud�d-beae�t the�uccCSSOrs aud?ss.igns vf Lender anii Bonower,subject to the pcavisions of , -- <br />. pocage�pb t7.Baimwer�s cov�and ag�eements ahall be joitrt and seveial.My Bormwer who co-si�s this Sopmcy . <br /> , Iast�mneut 6ut does not taecute the Nota (a)is co�8nin8 this Security Instrument only to mortgage,$rdat and canvey that . <br /> " �oirowas iuoaest in die Ptqiecty under the tenns of this Socurity In4trumen� (b)is bot personaliy obCigatattu pay tbe sums , <br /> ���• � secared by tltis Security Iamu�aad(c)agrees tdat l.cader and any otf�er Bormwer may agrcc to eztend.madify,fpsbeat <br /> or make any accAmmodatioa4 with mgan0 to the tenns of this Security lnsdament or tt�e NeKe without that Bormwer's . < <br /> -_�:,. _t_y , . °0�°�' �C� If the loan secund by this Securs`ry Instrument is subject ta a law whicb sets mazimam loan <br /> s ;� , chargcs.and that law is finaUy iruerp�eted so that the inteiest or othet ioan char�s coAected or to be collec,t�ed in�waneidon <br />�- "` with tha loan ex000d the pem�iuefl limits:tfun: (a)any.such loan chazge shall be reduced by the amount nexs4ary to reduce <br /> "� � ,� .d�e charge w the pesmiaed limi�and(b)@ny sums alceady colle�ed from Borrower wtucb exceeded pemuued Gmits an'II be ' <br /> `. _ - refi�ta Barrawer. i.ender may clmose te malce this�efpnd by iedaci�g the principa!owed uMier�e Ncxe or'by makiug a <br /> ��;-�:�i r ♦• <br /> ,�,,. . � ^ daect PaYmem to Borrower. If a refund reduces principgl,the redicction will be tmated as a partial Prepayment without any <br />• - ' prepaymcmt charge under the Note. , ` <br /> � � 14. Nott�+es. Any notice to Bormwer pravided for in this Security Iasuumem,shal!be giveu by delivering it or by <br /> - - • � � • . � mailing it by first class mail unless appticable law cequires use of another medsod.The notice shall be direcied to the Property � <br /> •' _- . .. � � :� Address or any other address Borrower de!�ignates by notice sa l.ender. Any notice to l�ertder shall be given by Pust cl�ss . <br /> ' � ' " ma7 w lxnder�s address stat�d herein or 3ny�other address L.ender Qesignates by notice to Barrower. Any nodce providect for . <br />� � '.- '�'� i a t h i s S e c u ri ry i n s u u m e n t s h a l i b e d e e m e d t o h a v e b e e n g i v e n t o B o rr o w e r o r L e n d er when given as provideA in this , <br />"' � ' ' " ' �'. . '� �Governing 1.Aw:Severa611lty. This Security ln.�tntment shap be governed by federal Ifaw and the law of the = <br /> � L jurisdiction in which the Praperty is located. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Insuumem or the Note ' <br /> . , �� - - ` � canflicts with applieabte law.xuch conflict.rfiafl rtot affect other provisiom of thix 5ecurity Imtrument or the Note which ca� - <br /> , �• • � '•' , be given effect aithaut the conflicting proviston. Ta this end the provisions of this Security In.ctnunent and the Note aze = <br />_ ,. • . declarcd w be severable. = <br /> � - '. ' lb. Borra�vrer's Copy.-Bortower sh:�il Ee given one wnfonned cnpy of the Nate and af this Security tn.�nenG - <br /> - ' � •� 17. 1lrander.otthe Property or a Bet�eticlal lntereRt in Bomower. lf all ar nny part of the Property ar any intem.�t in = <br /> � " ' � •It is sold or transferred(pr if a beneficial interest in Borrawer is sald ur transferred Artd Barrower is nnt a natural pe�son) . - <br /> � ' -;.• . without Lender's prior written ccrosen�Lendcr muy,at itz aptian.require immediate psyment in full of all sums secured by = <br /> �� � •�-._ . . this Securlty lasaument. Howcvcr,thiti aptian�hall not bc ezemixed by Lender if exerclse is prahibitcd by federal law as of = <br /> the date of thix 5ecnrity fatitmment. � �- <br /> :•' :�� _ _ ' If Lender eaercises ihls optiun.I.ender shall give Burrawer noticc af acccleration. The rtotice�hull provide a period�of �` <br />_`�r� '• "" . '. ' � not less than 30 days from the date the notice is dclivrrcd ar mailed wit6in ahich Borrower mu�t pay aQ sums secumd,hy this <br /> ��•- � . - . . • Secutity lnstrumen� lf&�rrawer fail.ti ta ps�y thcsc+um,prior to thc expir�uian ai this pertod.Lender moy invoke any �, <br /> , � remedies permitted by fhis SeSUrity Inctrumcnt without t'urther nmice nr drmand on Borrower. , <br /> � � 18. Barrawe�'s Rigdt to Reinstate. If&�rrawer mcctc certuin c��rtditionr. 8orrower sh�ll have the right'to have _ t: <br /> � ' ' • 4nforcement of ihis Security ln.rtrument diKUntinucct at any timc prior to thc ca�lirr��f: 1�)5 day»lor such uther period s� <br />;� . ' ° ,• . ... .�..: .._'.._.. <br /> _ . Single�•unity..lannkbtaNFrMdk:ltarU�liOR�11K71tY�1R%T�•t�mtotmCavcxlnti 9/911 rpugeo„/eprrxr�� . <br /> L'--- ' .,,------... - _ ' . <br /> �.. c, . 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