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<br /> periods,6�C l�der�.'��sur�ooe c�ier p�o�we;nmranoe a1,�a�be�od������o i�d��s .
<br /> • �pp�or�t witicb sball not be umawnabl9 with6eld. ff Bo�rower fu'is w mii�tain col�e�ge desc�i�heid abov+e�l.eader uay.at_
<br /> Q i.enc�eF�soptia�.d�t�ia cweca�e w p�otxt I.ender's cigUts in tbe�P�oRnY m accacdanor with paragraph 7.° cfaus� l.atQer,
<br /> - A!!insutance pdicies�d rraewats sl�ali.6e a�cepnDtc ut i.etider and shali itrctude a sta�idatd matE+8t�
<br /> � sbalt l�ve tUe ri�ht to#aW d�e poliries tod�eaewals. If l.ender n�Nices.Boaower stiall p[ampUY SiYr m[rendec alt�occipts
<br /> , of P�id premiutns and tenewro�l natkes..Ip tLe eveut of tass,�o�sh�11 Sive pmmpt mtice ro the insurmoe c�rier�ad
<br /> Lender�taad�tR�►Y�F?'�fof lnss if not madc�y bY
<br /> sltial[b�: xd ta�tor�Nion a���
<br /> Unkss I�onder a�d BottawGi athetwise z�oe in,writin8.insurance proc�eds s�p�� ,
<br /> �hC pmpeny dait�aged,if tite issw�ation or.repair,is economenl�Y frasibk �nd Lender�s secunty is noE kssened-� if the
<br /> � rnuor�tla�ar tepsir is aot=ecanomically f�'bk oc l.e�r's security wauW 6e less�ned.the insuran�t p�uct�ds aba116e
<br /> appiied to the sums satircd�by.this Senuity Incuument,whed�er or na tNat du�with any oxcess picd to Bortower. if
<br /> Samnwet a6urdoas`We Propetty.or does not ansWrer�rit6irt 30 days a notice itom Lender tlut the in�wu�c�cacrier!�s
<br /> oH'aed w seale a ctaiao,tMr.l.ende�may`colk+ct thr insurance proaeds: l.ender may use the p�oceeclsod Nn'll��when .
<br /> thr prapsrty�or to pag sums savc+od Dy.ittis Soc�uic�L�sctnuuent.wttiah�r urna d�en du� 7Ue 30�day peri
<br /> - tt�tnoticcis: ' • -�� tv ' ' shall tat oxteM or
<br />__.. Un1�.4�ap�Bortowe�ottiawise agcee in writing.aay•appi� P�� P�
<br /> . postpone thc due date of the month.�Pa����wm�to in puagraplis 1 and 2 ar cTungc the wYw+mt of the p�y�ss•,if
<br /> - ut�du pua$mi�h 21 tlte Pc�npeng i�acq�bY�.�der:Botmwct s right ta:rty insur�ncc po�icies and P�s.t�u1U�8 -
<br />- ��a���o�rty p�iaa to-#�a�qc�sitian sis311 pass to Lender to the exttnt of the sums secuied b�sftis�Sew[it�
<br /> [nstrwaent im�odiately����,�nd Pralectloe ot tk� Rvper�Y3 Bvrsower'a�ie;�A�p�;�
<br /> �' �� �nd use the Prapeny � �-
<br /> i,qmel�old�. Batewersbaii�cap};�h. asBamwer_s ncipatiessidencewitttia��rs�r .
<br /> ..___ tfie executian of this Secusit�"1ns�'°t aad shall continue to occupy the Prapajig�Bormwer�s princiga�.�,�'o�.
<br /> �
<br /> - � � y��r.qi�ct�-af.a�c�x.y: unless �:erxler at�ecww�s�-a�_!�:�up8•_ whiclt coQSe�:sS�13:=i�►s:�� . -
<br /> �'ter -
<br /> = u�ueasonablY withGekl,�or�uai�ss eatenuatiog citrurt�.uances exist which a�e bey�i3 Boiiowa s contiot�'�bcieosc.e�'•vae�sha�p.
<br /> - �y��ge.pt icnpa.ir thr praperty.altow the Pmpe�cy to deteciaatq,ar cq�ztmit`Waste on the P�opett�.�-�Orso -
<br />=- be in default if any farfeiwre acciom or proceed'mg,whether civi!or ccuninal.is�egdn ih�t in Lender�good faith judg�eiat.:. .
<br /> ''� couid res�lt:in farfeinue of th�Prop�s►y or otherw�se mate,sialiy+•ifipair the lien create�bn,tlus Secunty Insaume�t:t�r•.':
<br /> � - i.endeir's'seearity iMenest:Barnsaes rua}�cuce such a defaultam�s�inctate.as provided in pa�18.by causing the a�aii�ri: -
<br />-- ar proceeding to be dismissed wit6 a 3u�"ing that,in l.er�der's gao�i faith determinarian,p(ec�u�:s�orFeitur�oi u��sanowa''s-
<br /> "J' . inucest in the PtapertY a'od�e���•���t of the lien created by this Securiry Insi`rument�x�ndert security
<br />::'•°_' � PP P�ss• Sa
<br /> interest, Boc�uwer shstti also be in��ti:if�Bntrower,during the toan a lication ve�sn�:erially fatse o�
<br /> inaccurate information or statemertc+ca Lcnder(or faited to provtde Lender with any materiat iriforma6on)in connection with
<br />.�_.'.' .- the laan evideaced by the•Not�m:;lncting,but not limited to i+epresensatians conceming Bor�ower?� accupancy of the
<br /> ,�,r p�p��y�s a pcit�Cip�l t�idet�Ce. Tf t�ls Security Instrument is on a le�sehald Borsnwe�'shaA cvmpty with aU the Provisions
<br /> of the lease. If Baro�t�s acqwres fee title to the Property,the te�schold arxl the fec titie shall nat merge unkss 1.ender a�ecs
<br />`�:' ', ta the mer Cs in� . � .
<br />:,�.• S 'n.�-� �
<br />°•:;:�. 7� Pro;ectiaa d'I,ender s Rigl�ts in the Propertys. Tf Botrow�ee�;fails.to perform�tlK CpyC11a[i�s.�1��
<br /> cantamvd in�this Ser-+iity Instnun�.or there +s a tegat p�x�;�g:tli�s�•iiiay signrf'icanlly.affect Leir3br;�'r"�h'.�;�.�i�e
<br /> �. prcrperry(such as a ptoceeding in banYiuptcy.probate,for ca�i�s�aon:orfotfeiture or ta��foiee taws oi rguia"tiaas;�:.'::��i.�
<br /> • Lender may do and pay far whate'�zr is nec�sar�ta pratect tfie vatue of tfle Property ast�fr�tt8er'.s�ighu in the Prmpa�y:
<br /> l.ender:s actions mag icr'�Iude paying arry�sums s..��e3 by a tien whicG has priority over th'is Serurity Iti�eM,appearirig
<br /> �. � in court.paying rez�nabte attomeys fe�s ac�en��ng on the Property to make repair.s.Aithough Lxrrd}�s'enay take xtion
<br /> r under this parngraph 7.txnder doea eaal h2::a to�o sa.,•
<br /> . Any amounts disbursed by Lc�dtr under�h`sc paragraph 7 shall become additional deSt of Borrower secue�ed by this
<br /> date of disbursemznt at the Not�e rat f and h 4 be p�ble.1witb in ere.tPu�not ce ftom Lender to Bomawer�requestm
<br />` . P�Ymen�
<br /> S, Mortgagt Insurance. IP Lender require�mortgage in.gurnnce us a c�rtditian of making thc taan secure6 bY this
<br /> Security ln�ttument��Bnrtower shall pay the premiams res{uire4 ta mainta"sn th�mortgage insurance in effect. (f.far any
<br /> reas�xr„•th2 mongage iaRUrance rnverage required by l.ea;.'te�c Q�,�:+es or cea.� to be irt effecK. Borrawer shall pay,eha
<br /> • pre�z:c:s,�z�yuired to obtsin�eo�prage sabstantially eyuiti�a'.�x�a��3he mortgage insuratt�G�eviausl}+ in effeet, at a c�x
<br /> .._'r�, substacrra�'T equivaS�7 to�the cost to Borrower of the mostgr:���+nsurance previou�ly in eL��a:�..i'ram an altemate ma�'�e
<br />.;F::; .. insurer a ryoved'� �.tmder. If sulntantially eyuivalent mort�age�a�urrnce coverage is no�as'W'.»�G2_Baatawer shall pay to
<br /> Lender ach month a 4um eyuat to one-twelfth ot t�sr�ycarty mo»guge insurance premium be�z�±,'�G;::��3rrower when the
<br /> = insurance caverage la�sect or ceased to be in effecd.�lxnder will uccept.uw and retain�hese p�;rr.�»,����ass reserve in lieu
<br /> ' of mortgage iasurance. Loss rexerve payment�c mAy no longer be reKuired,at the optian��L�x�'�;v�t:�"•='�ortgage insutance
<br />_ � coverage(in the amounl and for the period that Lender requirtsl providcd by an insucer ap�aY�3 b�l.e�der again beromes
<br />.V•�"��`, „ available and is vbt;iiexd.Bor�aw�shaQ pay the premiumti requircd to maintain marl�ge:r��r.�'ce MefFecl.ur to provide a
<br /> �-.;• toti.g reserve.until th:aeyuiremem for mortgage inxurance ends in accard.�ncr with any wntt�a�reecs:�t[ietween Barrower .
<br /> � '', x;�: and Lender or appti�t6Se taw. ,
<br />. q 1RSpection. Lrnder or itx agent may makc rca.�unubt¢entricy upan and inspection.s af the Pru�.'s'ty. l.ender shall
<br />.,r��.;.�: give Bcxmwer notee�at the tim.:of•ar pr�nr tv an inxpecticro sg�t�;ing reysonabte cauar for�1s�:�-�s}sertia;s. .
<br /> _ 10. Condemn�Non��'1'he prueeedw of an��uard ar cF�l_s��'ur dama;ev,diie�,h��r con�tyu�:tial.in coi�.7eation ai�ls any
<br /> - r 5inglc('amily--Y�nnte�i��Xtd�ie;ltac['�IF[1R31 I�STRl1t1F�iT••tnii�:r.•z Covrn�ni� �b9b a�+.:r,3�;{r,7%�y�u
<br />-.: . • e,nM iwa�uv��rr,r�,i�,# ,
<br /> � ��- tuuranc,n i�a�,►•.+3,f�+��9�•»a1 • .
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