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. ! <br /> EXHIBIT "A" 9 9 10 6 6 2 �. <br /> . <br /> Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (SE; KE;) ia Section Twen Seven 27 Taans ' e <br /> t9 � )� hip Elev n (11) North, Range Nine (9) Nest <br /> of the 6th P. M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as .follos�s: <br /> Beg�nning at a point on the east Line of said Section Tsrenty Seven (27), said point <br /> being One Thousand Eig�t Hundred Farty Seven and Sia Hundredths (1,847.06) feat south <br /> of the northeast corner of said Section Twenty Seven (27); thenca southerly along the <br /> east line of said Section Tsrentp Sevea (27) on an ass�ed bearing of S 00° 12r 13^ E, <br /> a distance of Ainety and Siaty Four Hundredths (90.64) feet; thence S 58° 57' 11" R a <br /> distance of Nine Hundred Fifty Five and Thirty Nine Hundredths (955.39) feet; thence <br /> S O1° OS' 23" A a distance of Oae Hundred Niaety Six and Seventy Five Hundredt�s <br /> (196.75) feet to the south line of said Northeast Quarter (NE;); thence N 88° 57' 15" <br /> W and along said south line of the Northeast Quarter (NE;), a distance of Four Hundred <br /> Eighty Seven and Thirty Five Hundredths (487.35) feat to the southwest corner of said <br /> Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quazter (SE} NE}); thence north and along the west <br /> liae of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE} NE}), a distance of Seven <br /> Hundred Siaty Sia and Eightp Five Hundredths (766.85) feet; thence N 89° 48` 37" E a <br /> cliat:tnc:P �F One Thousand Thr�e Hundred Nine and Forty Seven Hundreths (1,309.47) feet <br /> to -the place of beginaing ; . � . . .-� . _ <br />