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<br /> y.r,� . - - . . .. ... - - _ - __
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<br /> �.` � . . . . —' . —.. — _ . .. C e
<br /> , r ,�^ . � . . ,
<br /> , _�.� ._�.:! . - - - • .
<br /> �=-- �-_� , , - .. . .� .: . �� = --- -- - , , -. ; . =� 9�-�-1o���7s ��:,
<br /> , � . � � � .� � _ � � - .
<br /> : P,9�P�,"���tefarea Zo ia�a�niph 2,or d�ak moon�t cf such p•ym�tt. Anx ticoas procads vvar m , �.
<br /> ., �•aa�t�e8 w P�y+1i�!��tWer�the No�e�nc1 thit Secmt�€y.Inst�ument s6�li be pid iv ihe en�ity= ': , .
<br /> �mtukd We+e�p..•
<br /> I� l.eades msy cu0ec,rt fas aad ctur�autira�rimd by`the Sec�►• , , ' ' '
<br /> !• ;s�d the So�,�reury a die wse of pyment defwit�
<br /> (�����y� '�a�tW!���secur�tt�i�5ecud In�att if ' .
<br /> - - _ �(j Bonowsr��bY fW�w P�p in full ay mandJ�r P�Y��'04����'��� _
<br /> ' ' t�a oa tLe due d�te af tbe next mo�hly P�Y�°� ���
<br /> , (ii)Baaower de8i�it`sbY fWing,for a period�d�Y�Y��p�am an�!udter o�ttE�s ,,�,„�� .
<br /> , ��g���j�t�A�e+Nal.I.ende�s1wU.if pennittod byr appl'�ca6i�kw�od witb tl�pria�pp��a���:�
<br /> � Seceet�ry.tequi�o u�e�i�t�P�Y�in fuII of all the.s�ms secw+ed by this Se�urih!.�� ��soW a
<br /> (i)Ml ar•p�t cf tbe ,a s 6enefic➢a1 i�uetest m a ttii'st owning�it ac pui t�,�PYVPenY �
<br /> q(ktwiye ua�ftaRd i��bY de�►isc or desixnt�6}�the BanowFr.aad .,
<br /> (i►)'tbe_Aopaty is not accapiod b�►tbe Pu�f�ser a�a4 his ar 6a priociPV�e•oc tbe pu�ha3er
<br /> _ .__, � � � � �y � �y but kis�oi her cc+edi[:�bss not boa� approved in aaxxdaace-
<br /> wnih dw iequiiemaug of the Sa�WrY• m fnll.bat l.endec.
<br /> � (c)No N6�Ever. If cu�a���'�P�t L.ender to requiie immediatc pa t� .
<br /> does nocra�ui�esucdpayments.L.ender daes aot wtive it�rigMs vrttli respxtto snti�a4�en
<br /> � (i)R�epiMi�d flUD� ta many ci�iu�utances ngut�ti°ns�ssuod d!'the�i'w�l Iimit.La�da�s
<br /> ri�hts.ia d�e c�t of payment defwlts,ro ra�uur immedisce.pay�t in fuit ard faectosc of tbe�• .
<br /> . . Sccurity Insi�ua�a'ttdoes not autLorize accelerahon or fa�ctostuie if nat pemiittod6'Y regul�tians
<br /> _ � -_- : =-(�}�����s,e� Bo�ac:�r ag+ees�t sM�M tfic Security Inst�aeut.tmd t11G���Y�._, :
<br /> � � ix elip'6b fa�uts�Mx w�der the Natimal Hausing Act within Q �1�onths �°�e_.-... .. :_. _
<br /> date I�etieof,l.eader may.at its optiga aad notwitl�tnding anYthinB�o Para8r�p1�9;taNite immadiatE W►Yment ia
<br /> -- � full of Wl swns socuied,by this Security Instrumen� A written statemeat of any antiwrized agent o�tbe Sareta�Y
<br />: - - - � ��due:dsubse�umtt�-- 8=�lonths from the date hereof.declutu�g to insune this Socariry .---=y=- _
<br />- Inshurtkpt and the nate secured shecebY,shall be damed caicius�ve proo�f sacA i�li$Ilsilit�I�Fo►vr�ti�twd�8
<br /> ° the fa�egoiag,ttus optian may not be exercised Isy Leader when tt�e w�aYailability of inswance is sokty due t�
<br />- 1.ender s failu�e ta temit a mottgage insvtance puemium to tbe SaTetary. m fui{becaase
<br /> 1�. RRi�te�e�tf. Bamwer tws a right to be reinstated if Lendet has requind immediate PaYment�.
<br /> - of Bart�ower�s fa�ure to pay an amount due under the•Nate or this Securiry Insttumen� This.nght appUes even afiec
<br /> fu�ecbsurc pmcadings aie�nsutuud. 1b reinstate the Suuriry In�nt, Borrower shall tender in a tump sum�Il
<br /> , artwu�us Rquired to bring l3orrower's accamt current includinS,to the extent they ace ubligatioas of Borrower under dus
<br /> -:_ , �����f����y��d reasona6lc and customary attomeys'foes and expenses p�nperly assaciated wiJi
<br />-_ the forocbsurt procading. Upon ceinstatement by Barower.this Secunty Insuument and the abGgatians that it secwes
<br />- siwll remain in effoct as if Leader had not rec�uired immed�ate paytnent in fi�ll. liowever.l.ender is nol reqwc�ed to Qemut
<br /> ' reinswtement if: (i)Ltnder has aceepted ninstatement after t1�e commencement of faeclosure proceedings,wnthin two
<br /> � years immediately pieceding the commencement of a cumnt farcctosure proceed�ng, (ii) reinstate�nent w�ll proclade
<br />�� - foteclos�u+e oa diffeuac grounds in the fumre,or(iii)reinstatement will advelsely aft'ect the prionry of the l'un created by
<br /> this SecuritY Inswment.
<br />- 11. Barrower Not Released; Forbearance b� [.ender Not a Watver. Fa�tensian of the time of payment cer
<br /> modifxarion of amonization of she sums sectrced by th�s Security lnsaument granted by Lender to any successor�n intecest
<br /> of Honuwer shall aot operate ro release the liability of the original Borrawer or 8arower's successor�n intecest- Lender
<br /> ": shall nat be roquired to commence proceedings agamst any successor in intesest or refuse to eatend time for payment or r
<br /> '+= othenyise modify amortization oi the sums secured by thiy Security Instrument by reason of any dcmand made by the
<br /> "°; origln�l garruwer ar Borrower's successors in interest. Any fmbearance by L�ndcr in exercising any right ar nemedy sl�ll
<br /> nat be a waiver of or pmclude the exercise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> � IZ Soccasors and Assi�Bound;Jdat aed�Several Liability:Co-Sipura. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> this Secadty Instrument shall bind and benefit tiic successors and acsigns of Lender and BoROwer.subject to the provisions
<br /> of Patagraph 9.6. Barrawer�coveaants and agreements shall be joim and several. Any Borrower who cas�gns this
<br /> _-- Secuaty insuument but dces not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument onty to mottgage.gr�t and
<br /> -�~ cunvey that Borrower�interest in tl�e Pt+ope�ty under the terms of this Security Instrumcn�(b)is not personaUy obligated to
<br /> " .- �y��g secured by th�s Security Insuumenl;and(c)agrees that i.ender and any other Sorrowcr may agae to exund. .
<br /> - modify,foibear or make any ac�commodationa with regard to the terms of this Securiry Instrument or the Nae wntaut that
<br /> -- Borrnwer�s consent.
<br /> -= 13. IVoNces Aey twtice to Boaower pravided far in thi�Security(nytrumcnt shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> =`-:� � mailing it by�rst class ma�.;, unless ap licabte law reyuires use of another mcthod. 'Ihe natice shall be directed to the
<br /> � �. Prapetty Address or any other addres.4�orrower designates hy notice to Lender. Any.natice to Lender sfialt be given lry
<br /> first class mail to Lender's�address�tated hcrcin or any addre�.Lender designatcw by natice to Borrower. Any rtotice -
<br /> _ . �rovlded for in this Security Instrument shall be deemcd to have txcn givcn to Harrowcr or Lcnder when given as provided ;:
<br /> ,-:'. �n ttiis psuagsaph. _
<br /> 11� Governinj l.s�v;SErerabHity. This Security fnstrumcnt tihall bc govcmed by Fedcral iaw and thc faw uf tia� _
<br />° jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In[he evcnt that�ny pr�vicion ur clause of this 5ecurity Instwnent or the _
<br /> Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect ather provision�nf this Sccurity lnstrument or the Note
<br /> w6ich ean be given effect withvut the cantlicting provision. Tc►.thi�end the provitiion�nf�h�s Security Instrument�nd the _
<br /> � Note.are declared to be yeverabte. _
<br /> , 15.Bore�o+rer's Copy. Borrower shall be givrn one canfnsrned copy af ihi�Securiry.in�trumem. _
<br /> 16ti A�nmtM b�RMta. Borrowcr unccmdition:illy a.�.tigny:�nd transfcr�ta l,ender alt the cents and revenues of the _
<br /> � pmperty, Borrawer authorizes Lender or Lender`s a�ents to coltect thc rents'and sevenues and hereby dimcis each tenant oi
<br /> . the p�,�pc�ty to pay Ihe rents to Lendcr nr Lenderv agent�. ttowevcr.pdo'r tv Lendcr's noti�g tn Bcirrdwet ot Barrower's
<br /> bnxh of any covenant dr agreemene in the Security lnstrument,Boaowcr�hall cc�Ncct attd teceive all redts and revcnue iif
<br />-:'�>`' the pnrperiy as�trusta for thQ be�t of t.cndcr and Bnrrawe�. '!'his assignmcm��f rentr cdn.siitutes an absolute asyignii�r�l�; _
<br /> �ed not an a5signment for additional securiry only.
<br /> If Lender�ives notice of breach td 8arro�er: (a)all reniti rcceivcd by Borcnwer�hall bc hetd by Bormwer as trustee -
<br /> ' - � fot benefit of Lender anly.to be spplied to th�sums xcureJ t+y ihe 5ecur�ty latitnuncnt:lbt l.ender�haU be entitled to
<br /> ' �_ � collect and nceive nll of the rents oi.the Property:.md(c►each ten:u�t uf the Roperty sh:ill pay all rents due and unpaid to
<br /> L,ender or Lcnder's•agent un Lender c writtcn demand to the tcn:mt.
<br />. � . Borrower has not executed:u�y prinr assignment nP�he rents nn�l hac n�t and�vill not perfom�,any nct that would
<br /> ptevtnt Lender from exercisin�its rights under this P:u�agraph 16.
<br /> . - Lenckr sltall na�be reyu�nd to enter upon,t�lce contt�l of nr m:dntain th�: Prupeny be,fore��r aftcr givin� nutice of
<br />� brexh to Borrnwer. Howcver:Lender or a judni�lly�inted rereiver may do�n:it:u�y dme there is a hrcs�ch. Any
<br /> - ` � �¢4icatlaa of tents�h�tl.nnt cure ur waive anv�iefauli ur tnv:llidate aay uthrr n�ht ur remcd�of•Lcn�icr. 'I'his assignment
<br /> a
<br /> '. _. .;.• of tents oPthe i'roperty s1w1�tcrminate when tfie de6t secuicd by thc S�urityr tas-fni�citt ic pacQ in fnifi.
<br /> . . � ' - -. : . . _ • '
<br /> - /�r�r��q rr�g�s1_ . -
<br />