� _ ` . . `,_ ` '-- -� . . � ._ (_ i _ c �4� . � `..���� �t ` -
<br /> .. . . .. ` . - . . ... . � �.iPYiwlsl�ws Vl� i�W7a � ' . . . . — . - ; e �� �—�: -
<br /> � - . , ' . . . - - i � � - t '..
<br /> . ,' . j 'i . (_ .. - :: ` a .. _ . . . '' • o
<br /> '_ " ' �i ALTi 111�,f�_'!�E l�ESE�F.�f '111it 'llli O11lrlilsd'XIlL10M2 fi1�T[-�1`'6YMIla:���y � 4',
<br /> � '�-s cospo�atioa, ti� }srty,oi tlts�fis,i��Pax,�, in.:con*tdsratiaa� of tt[e ia� of ' . . . .
<br /> !if �,,,�t�F�►T t�o� �i.� �1s� � iaEi - ILza: to it.in �tifi<<,_�.�
<br /> . . a.Corporstioa, tii� tait� at tlr� ;
<br /> �co�d TMre, rtcslpt M�er�of is rs6r ac i�d�u1. i�ss �rant�d, as!i�d �si ` �L . �
<br /> -- - -� tta�sf�rri� �tbd;by't1MHt Presant� �oss graiat:-�sisa-aAd tranefsic.natp.,iti._e�ct�r.s_ _z,_.--�
<br /> ssit �saf�• a. c�rtsia '�stt��-De�d ��tsr�is the. sai� T6s OvsrLad. NatiopRl sanic ot.Graad
<br /> isl� is leueficfaslsi'Do�fe1 �A tiard� aid rTl A. Wra. Hu�d►and and yi��_,_ � ` _
<br /> •is truKtor, aad:,�+�ERl��H4X��E+tni� of Cawrce Trusr ud 5s�iass l►saociation ss =sws... ,
<br /> • v��ci� -Tru�t..D��•:tr�41�F�;d+4tqd the 12th da� of , 19 , aod xtco�d�d tl�a . -
<br /> 1 t�! da*.o�:.. �,�� , 1991 _. as Docu�cp►t lb. . ���4 0�,tiK.�i
<br /> t��ard�o�:. ��� � tg, llebraska aa�d �i�ts��� tftl.e aad..3ntarest to
<br /> . th�,.gz��t� thers��t described, a�► folloars, `to-+r�.t: ��, f25) ��a'El.oct Kf►"'-� .
<br /> � � #a.�'sikvfa�t Subdivision, located ia the lio�th�ut'Q�sLer�-(�iS}�=se�``-3ection ` . --- - --. -- -- -
<br /> ZM�snt��ins t29� aud tbs lbrthvsst Quarter (11i�}3 of 5sctiaa 1�reutq Bight...(28), : - .
<br /> . .aii`�n Tc�tsl�ip E�evui�(11� Norths..Bange Niue:(9) Rest of the�5tb P.Zi.. ` . � . � . ,
<br /> .. -" '�B4�.1 Couuty, lf�ebraslcs., � � � \ , , �
<br /> , , . , . . _ . . �.
<br /> � ._._ ` � .. . . �
<br /> � Togather vith the prowiissory note therein deecribeA, and ttis aoney due or to
<br /> beco�e due thereunder, .facluding iaterest theseaa, aubject onlg to tise provisions�.
<br /> of aaid Truat geed therein contaiaed. � •'�.
<br /> IK iilTligSS NHEREOP, Ttte Over�and Hational Bank�Q�.�sand Island, .��curporation, :
<br /> hns.caused this Aasig�nt of�Ttast Aeed t4 be executed, Tsy its .. Presi�►t � , ,
<br /> and attested by itg �- Qfce Inr�s�dent/Cashier `s aad .its earporate sesl ta be '
<br /> hereunto aff ixed tbis I2th _dag fl� �Jul�c • �`�; • ' �
<br /> „� :(", The Overland N ional Bank of Grand Ieland,
<br /> ._ • ' �,j� . 8 C0� �
<br /> � � � �, , —
<br /> '' . . A_. � . .
<br /> , �3� �.•. y•
<br /> • ��-
<br /> • ` � . , ;��.' . �L' � Attest: �� ���. ��
<br /> =
<br /> b"tll�:t�$ NEBRASIUI ) ,
<br /> . . )SS
<br /> , QO[1l1�'L�OF Aall� . � . .
<br /> tSn this'. 12� tb day af 1�1y , 19 91 , before ra� g ��tary.public duly
<br /> ' cowriadivned aad qualffied in and for said county and atate,'personallq° car.te the above .
<br /> e'.. . . v,.:...,r,a �
<br /> and ^�••�' D Svanson of.The Overland Nat�anal Bank of . _
<br /> Gsand Ieland, vho are persona2ly knoc�n to me to be the identical_persona vhose n��ea , _
<br /> � are`a�fixed to the above Asaigm�ent of Truat Deed as the ?resident �
<br /> aaa Ss. Vice Presldent/Cashier of said corporatiun And���heq acknovledge the
<br /> inatsu�enC to be theix voluntary act and deed and the volun�acy;�ct� and,deed of said -
<br /> � cospqtation. , ' -
<br /> . {iITN88S �y hand and�.bfffcial seal at Grand Island. Nebsaska , in eaid
<br /> caunty, the� date aEoreaaid. _
<br /> � �.�,. 71 . 'l r��f�.c/ _
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> - 1�R CONI2SSIOH FJIPTIiES: �IMJArL�wMOl�� '
<br /> •- w6�a6pMia lSi,1!!f� ' =
<br /> 1tE?UAN TO:
<br /> ._�_. •
<br />-s .
<br /> ,, • _ , .:_ .
<br /> _.
<br />