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<br /> =�L: _ '�_,�- � . - ; _. . - . _; - � � �. :�=i�0�47�- _ , _ -
<br /> ` 1'�.���lF t l�!�l�1'f�t i�' �����t�l�ll!!w��Ot i�►��t�1E�10�,�1 Or��. m� `
<br /> ` js���.(Cf If i�1CIi�jqWClE!II 80RONC�IS�a[�i�BORd�YCt!S OOt i�li�p!tl0o}�II� .
<br /> _ .i.ender'a prior�rritten oom�eot. i�eoder mry,s its apoan:�seqaue immedi�te paynieat ia fuU•ot alt sums seavted;bg tlns
<br /> � ` Se�yrit�r I�t.Howeva,tdf�option ahwl!not be e:asisd by lmdtr if exacci�se is,pmh�'bitod 6ry�fe�kra�!�r s:of dre d�le '
<br /> "s: of t0is Secetity In�tume�t• : � '' ` .
<br /> iE I.eader e�cacises this option,lROder stiail give Bormwa mtice of acakntion.Ttre notice sAW!pmvide a peria't of not
<br /> � lest drn 30 drya fiam the d�te Wc Potice�.t dGlive�ed os mailed wlt6in wtic�Horro�rer mut pty all sums soatred by dds �
<br /> � Se�vtit�taauumeot:'If 8ortower fals to pry the3c sams piioc w tJk expir�tiaa of this peri�ott,i�tlder rnay invoke aay ranodia
<br /> � prau�iqbd 6y d�is Soc:v�i I�om�d�E�futt6er natice or dem�ad oo Botrn�rerr , .
<br /> Ii. D�re+a�re�'s� ta Iteirtala If 8armv�ier meets art�iu aoodiBoqs, 8ocrower si�l1 have t6e rigGt w 6m
<br /> enfavanent af tdis Seaiety iasaamen[disoo�inuod aR aay tima prior oo the adier of: (a)5 days(or�ch otl�er paiod u
<br /> �pp�i�+ble Vw maY specifY for rrracmtammt} 6efoze sale of tl�e Pmgttty p�itsuans,to any powtr o�sak aonqined in this •
<br /> Seenriry tn�varrat;or tbl�cY��i���n8��M3►Tn�y�nt-1Lose cooditious ase t�at Eormwer:(s)prys
<br /> imder ai�sums�tMt woutd be aue aroer tbis savritg 1n�u4�a�t�¢rlie Note as if no acaler�tioQ b.a.oocuaed;ro)
<br />-- a�e+"any defiuit of amy adrer wven�nts or ag[oanents;tc)P�YS aU acpq�s�N�med in eaforeing this Sa��ity I�um�4� � .
<br /> iacludi4E.btK aoE li�d ta.tra�bk�ttornays'fas;and(d)Wces sud►scpoR as tender may.ieason�b[g raquit+e to aswie
<br />__�_ ` d�at tbe liai of tl�is Sewrity?n�ment.Lader's rigbts in the Propeity aad Bo�rower's obli�aan to PQY We z�s sxured 6ir .- . .
<br />_�; dtis I14�C11i4�eat siqli ooatiriue ua�pged. Upon=reins�tement by Bomower, tbis Se�vrity �me�t wd LGcc _
<br />`'�= obL��tl�!►sh�ll csmain fu]Iy��ve as if oo aaxteratio�had axvrred.However,this rigbt to��.��sinit� . .
<br />'-.�. mt�pply ia the case of aocekration umer}�g�ph 17. •
<br />-- .�. 1! S�ie at Nott;t,'i��t o[I�Saviaer. The Note or a putial interest in tlie Note(together rvitb t6is SecAr�ty �
<br /> � � fmuumait)nay be soW aoe oc�mre tinrc.c without prior mtice tn Bnrrower.A sale may nsult in a changa ia d�e eatiry(lmown
<br /> _' - a4 t�`Loon Se�via*'7 t6�t colkqs montdly.parynnents due under the Nate and t6is Seca�rity I�urnnt..7'tKCe also may ix oue
<br />`�L�: or mone ch�es oftLe Lo�n Se�victc an�etatod to a sale of tbe Note.if tdeleis a clrm e of tbe Loan Semcer,Borrower virill he ' - �-.
<br /> v
<br />"r pva�.�it��i�x af ihc dWnSe iu acc�fanae,with p�61.4.�ove�ad.�pplic�e]sw._The nopcG wiU state�name aod-_. ...
<br /> — - --- �ddt�ess of d�e new I.o�Serviai and tbc�ddress to w6id�paym�s sbauld be made.17�e mtii�e v�rilT aiso con�in.any utba
<br /> � iafom�tian�eq�iimd bS►aPP�icabk lavv. . ' �
<br /> "=A' 2i. �S�bipw�oe�.B�r sdsU not cause or the n�seacc. use,di � -
<br /> P� P sposal•storage.•or ak�se of
<br /> � H�cdaus 5ubstaaces oa or in tLe Property. Borrower_sinll not do, nor alta�v anyone else to do;anything affecting tbe —
<br /> pnopetty tlqit is 1n viot�tion of arry Envirnntnental I.aw.Tf�e prqoediag two sa�shall not apply to tl�e pt+esence.Qse,�ot -
<br /> _ - i j: ���-tR��tS+af smalrqu�af tl�rrdars 3a�tltat are genernity�niz�ed ro be appcapriate w no�m�l •=�=
<br /> , �rsidendal uses aad w matntenance of dse Prnpetty. •�`�---
<br /> .�:_ —
<br /> • . - Borrower shall Proa�ttY give L.e�:written na�ce of any iavestigation.claim.demand,�awsuit or other action b�aay =-_ —
<br /> � govEmmental ot�urY aB�Y a*P���p�Y iuvoiving the Ptuperty and any Hazallous Substaoce ar Envimaa�i iaw � _�.
<br />� :� of which.8oaowar has ac,�tual lcnowledge.If Borrnwer Ir,rrns.ar is notified 6y any govcmmentat or regulawiy authoney,ii�t _._
<br /> . a�nmoval or atikr n�mediation of aay AaTaidous Subswnec affectir►g the Property u aecessary,Bormwer st�aU promptJy.talce -, --
<br /> � all aaes.�cg mnediai aetions in accondance with Eaviinnmental Law. ,_
<br /> -. As use�ia tbis pamgrnph 20. "Hazardaus Substances"a� t�ose substances defined ac toxic or,hazardous substaac�bp --_-
<br /> . � F.nvironarmt Izw and the foltowiag s�t6st�: gasoline, keroseae, atxr ftammable or touic petroleum products, to.�c
<br />� pesticides aced Netbicides,volatt'le solvea�s,materials containing asbessns or fom�aldehyde.and radio�ctive materi�ls. As a�in —____
<br /> this potagr�ph 20, "Envimnmenml Law"rn�ns federal laws a�d�aRS of the jurisdichon where the Property is EacatecE traat �_�,�,�;
<br /> h
<br /> " alate to t�w th,safety ar emiman�ent�l protection. • �'��:�'-
<br /> NON-UNIIiORM COVENANTS.Bomnwer and Lender fur�hec coven�t and agree as follows: "- _�'"�r �-=�
<br /> � � � 21.Aooderatioa;Ramedie�.Leu�et shall give nottce to Basower pdor to aooderation tdbwi�Borcovre�s 6� '`�' .`=,�"
<br /> ud
<br />� _ ot as9 covewd or s�e+eemeet ia tlas Secuelty Iasttwnao! (b�E uat prbs to aaodaatlon�kr prusg�ph 17 onkss `��`.'�_ _
<br /> �_-Y-r+i-�
<br />' applitabk taw provide�s ot6ecw�se)-1Le uotice sbnA spedty: (a)tlrc detaak;(b)the actbn neqWesd to cone the ddaalt; : : _
<br /> (c?s d�te.not-kas tl�3tt�jts fi�+�a tlie date tre�Mioe is�Svm to Bon+o�c�sr.by whkb U�e defsaN mmt be cacsd;wid ��-.-,--'-
<br /> (�tat faA�e tn cne+e ti�e det�lutt an oe 6efare t�t date specitkd in tbe notloe msiy rrsah in Aooder�tioo ot the suo�s '�i:':.�:,__
<br /> .'`��:• sec�e+ei by t�is Sec�itF i�'�uqeot a�d sWe ot ti�e Aoperty.The noNce stiall farther fafam Bon+ower ot tbe r1aM to .-:�._
<br /> . e+drtatt atter aooda�Ws aud tl�t ri6M to 6riag�court Aetio�tQ aseeK tbe noms�teaoe ot s ddwit ae aay otyee- - -'. '.� •
<br /> ddea�e o[Baruwa to aacelaaHon and sak. ii tde defsai�is�ot cuny!on ar beta�e t6e dste spectfkd in t6e notke, _ . .
<br /> ' k: l�der.at it�optbu,ms�eeqa�e i4uaedtate paymeat t�firii orf nll simns secuted by thi4 Stcudty L�rame�witiroat '��
<br /> ' fi�rttier danaed�nnd msy invo�e the powrr o�satc��y ottur rimedies permiued by applk�a6k bw.�eeder s6sU be �;
<br /> --. -- �to oollcct afl es�ses inemTCd in pnrsaitrg t#ce r�em�e�:es peovided rsr eI�ls pasa�apb Zl,inctndirt��bnt not lis�ited ��"�'+ .
<br /> ! s ���_: -�: =- ; . :
<br /> �e,r�o�bk atta'�eys'fee8 aed oosta ot titk evi�xe. • � ,.;;.,-r.
<br /> ' • ' U tLe power ot sde is brdced,.Tnatee�il rreoi+�a �Ner al defsalt in arc6 aaaaty in whkb aoy pret oE t�e i ' ,,,�..t;;
<br /> pro�a�ty b laeated aed�lali m�il eo/ies ot$ac6 eotke fio tie sanner prracribed by appUcabk law to Bornuw�a�to ,P.a;;:i:"-
<br /> fie atYer per�p�w'i6ed by aVPiica�k tsw.Atter ihe tlme requirod by applicable ta�v,Tru�tee sball sive p�k�iioo �;••�
<br /> a�ask to t�e per�osr�1 ia tbe manner prrsc�fbed by applkable Isw.Tn�stce,wit�out denwed oe Borrovrer.s1qi1•seD .�� ` , � _
<br /> tl�e Pt!eperty at paMic snctbs to t6e 61�St bi�fdce al the tia�e artd_ql�ce and unde�'thr terms daai�pated is We uotice at .
<br /> � sb is a�e ar moe+e p��+ctb wd in aty at+des Te�sta dettnei�es.Tru�ta rnaY P�P�s�k ot atl or aeY p�rce!-a�tie l; �
<br /> ' ' A�n�erl�bS' Poblic aanouaoement aE tie time and plaoe ot�sy prevlou9ly schedukd sala I.eader or its desiasec ma}� •
<br /> !t^y'���{'. ���i1���81kL �. '
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