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' t ' �[ �� [ • � ' �� " , ♦ _ <br /> _ . •�l�Q,O�F��t���C1f��i�fC[i�IC��OC�l��b0l�E��iC'����t� < <br /> , �bt �' ,: � . , . � < <br /> c <br /> � ` ��C11l��'!f i lOt�l Of 1� i�bC ID(�1C 5qfd4 Sli�d f� ., <br /> ` �e�,�d ar aot��vid�aay`+�`s��c+�BoaniueL�Ia`�evem[4��p�ti�t.ffi�E at'd�R�Y n . . <br /> � �tbe f=�et v�d dre FYo�eet,y�Y tidae ie�is eqoal w oc�esrc dwn.thaaa�aet af�¢s�ms ` <br /> ` . aeaieed'ty d�ix Se�it�+ ' �befa�e�be�.�iess B}t�r�a ae�f�,eadera�raw�ise �r w�tirt�i�. . •. <br /> � _. t�e s��_b!'t���ao��1�e cti+�hc�e�d Qy fl�t 7r�wanK�flre pcooee�m�ipTied�e tdiiowri� � � <br /> - = : � �i�)il�e t�aRit aso�c�tbe s�os soc�ed�aa�ii�6tfaR t��lo�.�Qi�b9{b)�he f��vai�t�'tE� <br /> c� ` . -`�rapa'�r;amea•wery,ee�ta�me a�: Aay 6ai�s6�6b pia tu Bama.rec. ia t�c e�na�of:p�rt�10�1�of�be - <br /> . gkopetty ia�t6t 6ir matttx vat�o�f�e F4vpdtg i�1dy 6eCane drc tiking is kss�haa�die amo�nt a�We� <br /> set�t�d i�eeetT�9q befae��� Baao�a ad Landx a�a�t�e in�a��� <br /> a�el�e�r�nides,d�e��aoeeds s�D be�ippd'�ed to�e s�s sna�ed by Ues Soc�ity Ira�n�art�ac pot�e a�aC��e : . <br /> tYa d�e.. . . . � , <br /> ` ` !f d�e PJiap�t� abridoead by Ba�n�I��ira�b�ireider to�s�er dat die`coadi�aeor a�as�a atf�� . <br /> .° a awa�d a selde ic��d�es.Sciio�rfnls w tespo�d ro�rade�.�in 3U drys atler tbe��e saticie es�i�m. � < <br /> � � Lender is aebQimd w ooDect sd appiy the ds optioo,ei�ar b nstaratiao or tep�ir of tbz Ptopatg a so tbe � . <br /> - � saaa�saca�edfydrisSxairyLasaw�a�t,.�urmtdren,doG . " . , <br /> � Uaid�I�er ad Bocro�er od�nrvisc a�r,ret ie��vrrtiffi.aiY�a�P�ooen�!o Pi�iip�s�A not"e�nr � � <br /> pos�pane tbedoe d�e dlbe mo��ly psymdr�s tdare�ro in p��eapl�s!aod 2 erdi�nge d�c aoioml of sad�payma�ts.: <br /> . 11. M*w�e� Nit �eka�e� Fw�e�ra�oe a9 Leaier Ti�t s Waiver. �of tbe ame fa psynaea or . <br /> aiodifica�iop of���af tbe wms s�+d 6�rh�Sea�city�t grantod by l+ei�da w any a�oaess�6�6waRS� <br /> af Bdin�et s�E,aot apet�e��elr�tle 1i��6Tny�f d�e aaiEinal BaRa�ra ar Baatswer�s wooessaes ia mie�st=Iradrr � <br /> . �ap 4at Ue m�ed�o�aeAOe p�ooee�s�any�toir in intaest aAr�ef'ase�a t�iad mae fa�paymZat� <br /> ` ad�vQise moddy a�no�fir�tiion�of 15e s�ms seruaad by s�u5 Secatay�t 6y�on oiaay dett�d et�dt by t!�ari�nat <br /> BonoMer a�a�v�e�l�swo�ssars ia i�: Aay fa6eaa�oe by Lender ie��ny dsht a mriedy sbaD aa be a. . <br /> ` w�aivdc ef ar peclabC die efta�ise of�ny _ ar�aQedg. ' - <br />-- - - lt S�omrws ad.A��E�M'�.a�d Several 1.s�6ity:C.asi�er�. 11ie covrn�unts apd�graanants oP t6is <br /> - ' ` Soauiay baamomt s�0 6iad aod benefit tbe a�ooesars aod assi�of l�et�der and Bcx�owas sabje�t m the pvvisiats of . <br /> _ - p�r�aph IT:8a�zo�er�s on!veme�s aaA aaaeetaerts slnA be piat aod s�red.Aay BaaaR�rr who ou3igns shis$ecanity- -- • . <br /> �eat baa does na exaate tl�e Natr: (s�)is oo-sigaing drts Sea�ry Im�mnera uaIY��BG•���'�Y� <br />-_ �a�vwak�a��ne Ptopa�y or,aer t�e r«ms of a►ia sowric�►� ro��no�pasor�aUy obr,gatea w,�� � . . <br /> senaed by this SeaQiay I�aA:�d(c)z&sss that l�1ec a�d�ury otba Bamw�mry ag�ee m e�dl. . � <br /> ` ' or awke ary saoomsnodarioas with tagud w the te�ms of this Stcariry incanmem or tbe Nooe witbaut that Bamwet�s . <br /> - co�ant, , , , , <br /> `- - 13, Iw�C� If d�e loan secuird 6X this SevarieY b�nua�nt is subjoct to a taw wbid�se�+rtnaimum laan <br />__ � ch�,ynd dat law's fin�lly inteipreted sa tlsu'il�e iratnest or otba lo�cbatges collected ar to be oollatod in oam�ectmn <br />= wab dre twn eaoe�od th pamitiod I�mrts.thrn: (A)�y safi Ia�charge stfall 6e nad�+�ed 6y tbe a�noant aeassaty to�eduae <br />= d�e ch�e w the pamitted limi�and(b1 aay s-u�ale�eady oolkcted fran�o�towu wlti�ch exaeded pe�aittcd Tuaits aiII be ' <br />- -- tefinded to Batrower. Lender may ctwose w make this afund.bY�8�Pi�P�owed wder tbe Nou ot by m�king� <br /> - d�t pr�yma�m 8o�t+owu. if a rcfund nAuaes prineipak iAe Kducuon wc11 be t�ed as a pa�tiat piepayment aithoat a�sy _ _ <br />= Pr¢NY����da the Nore. -- <br /> ' t�. Natioea My nnuoc ta Borruwa provided far in this Secnrity Insnument shatl6e giva�by delivering it or by =_ <br /> ,mu'ling it by fRSt class mail anless app2irable la�v rcyui:es use of another method.71�e naice sl�a11 be diractai to tbe Pcaperty = <br /> A�ddas4 a�y aNxr address Bomuwer designates by notice to I.ender. Any notice w(.ender s�all be given by first class �_ <br /> a�to lau0er's addnesc statod ha+ein or any ahet add�ess l,ender desip�ates by r�e to Bonower. My notice pmvide�for �- <br /> _ • u�this Soc�ity instmmeot shalt be deernod w have boeu givea w Borro�er or L.ender when given ac providod 'ur this =__ <br /> E..-__ <br /> - � �Govs�i�I.t�v:Severa6jlity. This St�curity Incttwytent sfiall 6e bwverrsed by federat law�d the taw of t1�e �'_ <br /> _ jeisdiction in wbich t1�e Propeny is located. In the eveat that any provi.aan or clause of this Securiry Inswment or the Note �'�: <br />�� _ ooaQi�tc witb applicable law.sueh confiict shall not affect ather pravisioas of this Securiry Imwment or the Kate which ean . : - <br />= �be given effxt without tlx contlicting provision. 't'o this end the pravisions nf this Security Incitutnern and tt�e Nate att '-' <br /> ' declated to 6e severablc. . <br /> �k�� lf� �rower's Copy. Borrower shall l+e given orre confotmed copY of the Note and of this Security[nsuumen� ' <br /> 17. 'lFa�ater d tie Pnnperty or s Be�effcial 1Mtr�st ie Bono�•er. li all or any part of the Ptvptrty nr any intemst in �-,`_ <br /> • r-.=� , it's sold or aansfemcd tor if a brneficial irttereyt io Bomnwer i��old or transfemCd and Bomnwer is not a natural person) --- <br /> re <br />_- � wrtl�out�derk prior writun cansen�l.ender' it�aQtion.require immediate payment in full of all wms secured by . -_ <br /> --- y ttis Savtity Inswmeru. However.this option r�hall nat be eae�rised by Le�tder if exercise i��prohibitod Isy f�!law as of <br /> ' •• -•_�- . tbe date of ttus Sect�rity Imtrument. <br /> : `'�'. lf LeMer exere�ses this aptian.Lende��hall give Burrawer notice of acecleration. 'll�e irotice s1�+11 pr�wide�period of _ <br /> _ •�,�:;�, nO <br /> ,�i:�•,_= .•- noi less than 30Qays fram the date the notice i�delivered or maeled within whlch Borrowcr must pay all sums scrured Dy this <br /> _ ,.4�:�•-�_ Smcutity ln5humrnL If Bomuwer fail�to pay thesc�ums prior to 1he expiration of thi.ti periad. Lender may involce any <br /> ' -�..- temedies permiqod by this Serurity lastrurnem withont funixt notice or dem�td on BorTrnver. <br /> "�"��. � 1�. 6on�ower's ltight M Reinstate If Bocrawer meetx certain condition.w 8orrower shall have the right to have <br />= rnfoiocment of this Seavrity lnstnrment disoontinued at any time priur ta the earlier of: Ial S days(or such ather Qetiod as <br /> �i , Singk FamlJy--FaMb l►tadFYad/k itlae I;�IFOR�f 1�STRl��fE�T••Unifrnm Cmenms l,Y� �pv�I��Jb pa�n1 <br />`� • ' � . . • <br /> �� — ,. • ' , . ; • <br /> _ —- -- yil'sJs..��-�:r �.c �:-- -�,.....::.a+w.:.. -.�:.�,},yI.�oc�... .wGrNCCM���+�1'y� �IiiML.��hW;r�a:�r'dN�r�;:...rwv.x'.. , . <br /> r �'•.,�x. <br /> -- S,!'• �..._._.. 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