. JUN.25.1999 11�z7RM N RMERICAN MTG STL v V 1 O� � v� N0.060 P.27
<br /> ' 16.Borrower's Copy Borrower shall bo given one conformed copy of the Nate aud of thi.s Sceurity Yustrument.
<br /> 17. Tr�u�fer of the Propert or a Beaeiicial Iatereat iu Borrower. Xf all o�aay part of tha property or any
<br /> inte�rest in it ia sold or transferred�or if a bene�cial in�t in Borrower is aold or transferred and Sorrower is nat a
<br /> s�atural person}without Lender's pnor written conaent,Lender may,at its option,require irnmediate payme,at i�#u�10£
<br /> atl sums sec«red by tbia Securlty Iflatrument. However, this option shall flat be exerciaed by Y.ender if eserei�e is
<br /> grohibitad by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> I!�.et�der eserc.ises this option,Lender stsall g�ve Sottowe�t�otice of accelaration.Tha notice shall pm�vida a period
<br /> of rwt lees than 30 days from the data the notice�s dalivered ar meiled w�thin which Horrower xnugt pay e11 gus�q,s�ecured
<br /> by this 5acurity Instrument.If Borrower faile to pay thasa au�spr�or to the exp�ration of thie period,Lender may invoke
<br /> any remediee per�mitted by thie�Seaurity�trument witho�ut further aotice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> 18, Borrower's Right to Rainetate.If Bori�ower maets certain conditiane,Sonower shsil have the right 2a have
<br /> enforcemont of thia Seounty I�sLrt3mCnt discoutinv4d a't e.ny'time prior to the earliet of: (a}3 days tor sUCh other period
<br /> ss a�plioable law t�aay epecx�y ior xeis�state:tt;ent)befoPa eele of the Propertp�ursuant to enypo wer of sale contained i�
<br /> thia Securit Xnstrurnent• or {b) entry of a �udgment enforci�g thie Secur�ty Ins�rument. Those conditions are that
<br /> Boxrower; �s} paye Lender a1.1 sums which then would be due u�deac tbi� Seourity Instrument and the Note as if no
<br /> aco�l��ratio�c�.had occu�;ced; (b}cures amy dcfault o�aay otllar covenants or agreern8nts; (c) pays all e�pet�es incuned in
<br /> e�,Pptcis�g t,�i�$ecwrity�trumet�t,iticludiug,but x�ot 1im'sted to, reasonAble attorneys'fees;and(d)takes such actiom ae
<br /> Le�der xziay xr,a�oaab�y tequire to asau�that tb,e liez� oi tk�i,�$acurity Instrument,Lender's rights in the Property aad
<br /> �orrower 8 obligation to pa the sums secured by this 3ecurity Ynatrument shail coatiuue uz�c�,a�ged.LTpon t�oit�statement
<br /> by Borrower,this Security��ument and the obligations secvred hereby shall remain#ully e��ective as tP t�o acc�leration
<br /> had oceurred.However,this right to reinstate ahall not app ly in the ca�e o!acceleration under parseraph 17,
<br /> 19.Sa1a of Note; Chauge of Loan 5ervicer.Tha Note or a partial interest in the Note(to�athar with this Seaurity
<br /> Instrument}may be sold one or more times without priar notice to Borrower,,A sa1,e may reSt�lt an a ohanpe in the entity
<br /> (knawn as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly paymante dua undet the Note sad this 5eaur4ty InsLrume�,t,There
<br /> aleo may be oae or�ore ehs�gea of ttxe Loan Sez�vicer umrelatsc�#a a sale of the Nata.If there ie e change of the Loan
<br /> Servieer,Sorrower will be given written notice oP the chst►ge�m accprdauae with paraEraph� 14 above and appIicable law.
<br /> Tha notice will state the name and addrese of the new Loan Servicer and the addres�ta which payments ahauld be made.
<br /> The notice wi11 slso contain any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. $azsrdou� Substs�oes. Borrower shall not cause rnr pe�mit tk�e�e6eac�, uQe,disposa1,sEorage,or rcltase of
<br /> aqy Hszardous Substanees on or in the Prop�rty,Bortowcr shall aot dq,�a11o�v aupona else to do,an�thiag affecting
<br /> the Property that is in viola�ion af any Environmental I.$w.The preceding two senteflc�s sha11 nat app�y to the presence,
<br /> vse, or storage an the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are geaerally reeognized to be
<br /> spp�p��ate to normal residentigl uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrowsr shall�s'amptly give Lender written uotice of any iflvestfgation,claim,demand,laweuit or othe�actian by
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or private party x�vplvi�tg tb,e Pro�arty and si�y Hazardoas Substance or
<br /> Enviranmeutal Law of which Borrower has actual knawled�e.If Borrower learne,o�is no�i��ed by at�y�arrernmantal or
<br /> rBgulatory suthority, thas ar�y rez�,pva1 or ather remediat�on of any Hazardaue Subetanee affectin,g tl�e �ropert�r is
<br /> necessary,Borrower shsll promp tl�y take sll nec�ary remedisl acqioas i�n accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> .A�used ia t,�ds paragraph 7A, Hazardous Substanceas" are those substanoes defined sa taxie or bsa�rdpus�ubstances
<br /> by Et�vlronme�tal I.aw at�d the folloa►ing substanees:gasoline, kerosene,other flamma6le or toxia pettoleum,producta,
<br /> toadc pestic�de� as�d herbioide�� volstilo solrrenra, materials cvntainu�g asbeatos or formaldehyde, sad radioactarre
<br /> matsriels.A�used ia thie peragraph 20, "Enviroamental Laa" means federal laws and laws of the lu�ieci�ict�ion where the
<br /> �
<br /> P;rope�ty is located that relata to health,saPety or environmental pratxtion.
<br /> N�N''C)'NTY�ORM COVENANI'S.Borrower and Lender furthcr covenant and agY�ee as fq�lpwQ:
<br /> 21. Acceleration; Remediea, Leader sha11 �xvo �,pt�pe ta Barrawer prior to acceleration followi��
<br /> Borrower's breach of aay covenant or agreememt xt�thxs $eourity Instrument(but not prior ta acoelexatiou
<br /> uf�der p�rsgraph 17 unless applicable 1aw provides otherwise).The motroe shs11 sgecifp: (a)the dafault; (b}the
<br /> actiaa rec�usred to curo tho default; (c} a date, not lase thaa 30 days from the date the notice is Eivea to
<br /> Borrowe�, by whiCb�he default must be cured; snd (d) that failure to oure the default on or before the date
<br /> specified in the aotioe mey t�esult i�aooeleratic�n of the sum�secured by thi�Securzty I�strument an�aelo of
<br /> the Ptopert�. Tba notioa s$a11 further inform Horrower of the xight to reinatate after ecceleratioa a�d the
<br /> ri�ht to bring a eonxt eatxo� to assert the non�xiateace of a default or a�n� other defena� of Borrower to
<br /> accaleration aad ealo. Yf tha default i�not ovred on or before the date apecified in the aotice, Lender, at its
<br /> optiau. may requ'ue immed,iate paymeat ia fu11 0! s11 auma secured hy this Security �n�txu�xent withou�
<br /> further demaad and may invoke the power of sale sad aay nthe� xemedies permitYcd b�y appticable �aw.
<br /> Lender shall b�Cntitled to collect all expenaes incurred in pursuiug the remedies provided in.this parag�aph
<br /> �1,iaclvdiag,but not limited to,n�b1�atto��y�=foo,��nd casts of title ev'idence.
<br /> If tlxe po�ver of salo is invoked,Trustee mhall record a natice of cleFault�n each s.ouflty in which any part�f
<br /> the Proparty is located snd shall,mail oppie� of �uch notice ia the manner preseribed hy applicable law to
<br /> Horrawer and to the other persons preacxxb�dby sppllcable law. Atter thetime requ�red bp spp1iCable law,
<br /> 'J�'rustee�h�ll giWe pubIic notice of sale to ttte pe��o�as aud i�L$a manner prescrlbed by appliasble Illw.Trustee,
<br /> without de�and an Dorrotver, eha11 se11 thc Pxop�ty at public auction to the hi�hest bidde,�c at tbe time and
<br /> place and under the terms do�ig�ated in the notice of sale 3n oae ox�pre�rcels and in any order'Y'rustee
<br /> determines. Trustee may poetpoae sa�e of a11 or sny psrcel af the Property by public anuouncement at tbo
<br /> tx,�e amd place of aay previously scheduled aale. Lendex or its da�i�nee may purohese the Pro�erty at an�
<br /> , salo,
<br /> , Fonn 3 ! 0
<br /> ��BHME�L9407101 P��Y 6 ef 6
<br /> Initlalo: ,
<br />