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� . J�N.25.1999 11�z5AM N RMERICAN MTG 5TL 9 9 1 0 s 5 9� N0.�60 P.25 <br /> � 5, Hazard or pxoperty Ynsuraacc. �rrowcr sP�sll keep the improvementa now ezisUi;ng or hereafter erected o� <br /> , the Fropert�insured against lase�by fire,hazards ie,cluded within tha tsrm "extanded oove�a�e" s.nd et�►other hazards, <br /> � iueludin�flvods or flooding, for which Lander requirem insurauoe. This insurance aE�al� be mnintained in the amounts <br /> and for the perioda that Let�der x'equiz'es. The insurance carrier providitkg tho islsursnce shall be ehosen by Botzo�var <br /> subject to Lender's approval which eha11 ssot be unreasonablp withheld.Yf�or�ower fails to maintain coverage described <br /> above, Leuder ma�, at Lender s optiou, obtairi ooverage to Qrotect Lender's rights xn the Proper�in accordancc wit� <br /> pnragrapY,7. <br /> All insurance polieies and renawsls shsll be acceptable to Y.ender aad sha11 include a standard mort�age clause. <br /> Lender shall hstr►e the right to hald the palicies az�d �lenvals. If Lender requires, Horrower ehall promptly give tia <br /> Lettdex a�l xeoe4pts af paid premiums and renewal notioea.Iz�the ev�nt of loss,Bormwer shall gxve prampt notice to the <br /> insuraaae carrier and I,e�der.Leadrs may malce groof of lose if�at rn.�de promptly by Borrower, <br /> U�I�e Tr4uder and Bonower otherw�ae agree ia w�titing,islsurance proceads shalI be applied ta restoration or rep�ir <br /> oi the Prop�rtp d�snaged,if the restoration or zepair is ecdnomically f�asible amd X,cnd�r's securitp is�t leasened,X�th� <br /> redtorat�o�or rtpair is not economically fea�ibls or Lande�'s sectirity would be lepsened,the insurance proceeds 5h�11 be <br /> ' applied to the�ums aecured by this Security Ys�stz�um�t,w+hether or not then due, with any e�cess paid to Borrower.If <br /> Sorrawes�abaadoaa the Pmperty,nr does not arrawer within 30 days a noticc from L�dcx��hat the insurance ear�ier hss <br /> offered to settle a claim, thal Lender rrxay collect the x�suxstice proceeds. L,ender may u�the proceeds ta repaix ox <br /> restore the Property o�r to pay sums secured by this Security Irastxumont,whether or not then due.T1xe 30'daq period will <br /> begia when the notice ia g[ven. <br /> UnIesa Lender and$orrower ot�erwise agroe in writin�,any applicatioxl of pa�oceeds to principal shall�0.ot extend or <br /> postpozae tkie due date of the monthly�apmcats raferrcd to�n puagraphe 1 and 2 or eb�az�ga the amount of the paytileslts. <br /> If undsr paragrapki 21 the Ptoperty is acquired by Lendex, �orrq'aver's ri�ht to aay ineu�sACe �olicies and proceeds <br /> resvlting from damaga to the Prpperty prior tio the acquisitian sball pass ta Lender to the exttnt of tb,e sums secured by <br /> thia Security Iastrument itxxmedietely ptiOr b0 the acquiaition. <br /> 6. Occupsucy,Frc�orvation, Maintensnce aad�rotsction of ihe Pro�erty; Harrawcr's Loea Applicatioa; <br /> Leasehpld�. Borrower shall ocoupy,establish,and use the k�ro�erty aa Horrowcr's principal residence 9vithin aixty days <br /> after the e�ecutiom o# this Security Instrument snd shsll coatiaue to occupy the Prapexty as Sorrower's principal <br /> re8ideace�or at least one pear after the date oi occupatse�,uuless Lender otherwise agrees in w�ritii►g,which consent eb,all <br /> not be unxeaeo�oably rvittiheld,or unless extenuatiag e�reumatanaas eaist which ar�beyoz�d Borrowe�s control,Borxower <br /> shall nat deatrop,dam�ge or impa,ir the Property, a�low t,�o Property to deteriorate,o�commit wasce on tha Prope,rtp, <br /> Borrower stiall be in defauat if Any forleiture actioa or prpceedit�$,whether civil ar erimiaal, is begtxn that in Lender's <br /> good falth jvdgmeat could reeult;s� fotfeiture of the Property or otherw'ise materially impair the lien created by this <br /> Security Inatrument or Lender'e securi�ty inbcrest. Borrowor may ctuce such a default and reinatate, as prvvided iu <br /> psrsgra�h �8, by causing t�he action or proceedisxg ta be dismissed with s reilis� that, in Lender's good faith <br /> determination,precludes�or�e4ture of the Sorrower"s interast ix�the Pruperty or other material im�airmcnt of the lien <br /> creatad by this Seeu�ty Ine'4ument or Leader's security i�terest.BorroWCr shall also bs iz�default if $orrower, duri;ag <br /> the loan applicatioa process, gave materially false or inaccurate information or statemeats bo�der (or failed ta <br /> provide Lender with any maberisl iaformation) in conaeatio� with the loen evidenced by the Note, including, but not <br /> limited to, representa�ioz�s conoeocniag Borrower's occu�at�cy of the Property as a priz�cipEl residence. If this Secu�,ty <br /> Instrument ia oa a leasebwld,Borrower s,Eiall comply with all the pror►isions o�the lease.If Borrower evquires fee title to <br /> the Fraperty,the lea�ehold aad the fee titla ahall not mex�re unless Lender agrees to t�xe merger in writing. <br /> 7, Protection of Lender's Ri�hts ia tha Property.If Borrower faila to pet�orm the covenants and agteements <br /> contained in thie$ocuritp Instrument,or there is a legal procceding that may�i�tl�fieantly affect Lender's rights i�1 the <br /> Property {suc� as a proceeding �n bankruptoy, �robate� far condemnation or forfeiture or to exitorce la�vs or <br /> re�ulations),th�Lendar map do snd pay for whntever i�necessary to protect the v�lua of the Property aad �der's <br /> rights in tha Propertq. I.ender's actions may include payi�.g aay sums secured by a lie� �hich Iias priority over thie <br /> 5�curit}►In�trument,appearisig i�oourt,psqing reasonable attoxnoys'fees and entering oa the Property to make repsirs. <br /> Althoueh Le�xdd�map take action undar thia paragraph 7,Lender daea riot ha've to do�o. <br /> Any amou�ts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionat debt of�oxrower secured by this <br /> Security Instrumesat,Unless Borrower sud I.e�der agree to othar terme o�payment, theee amouete ehall bea,r interest <br /> from the date of d�bUrsamdnt at the Nots rate and sha11 be payable,with it�te�st,upan notice frot�Lcnder to Barrower <br /> requestiag paymaut. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuraace. If La�der required morCga,ge ia�w�ance as a conditioa of malring the loan�ecur�d by this <br /> Security Instru�erit,8orrower shall pay the premiuma required to s�aintt►iu tho mortgaga i�sttra�ace in effect.It,!ox any* <br /> rCason, the mortgage i�uranae caverage nquircd by Lender lapses or oease� to 'be fn effect, BqYiower sha11 pay the <br /> prexaiums required ta obteia ooverage sabstantislly equivalent to the mortga�insurence previously in ePfect,at s cost <br /> subetaatislly eqtrivalent to the cost tp Borrower of tha z�os�tgaEe inaurazsce previoutl� in effect, from �u alternate <br /> mortgage insurer a�oved by Leader, If eubstantielly equivalcnt �drtgage insurancc coverage ie not available� <br /> Horrvwer shall p�y to Lander each month a aum equa�tp one`twelfth of the pearly mortgage i�a�nce premium being <br /> �sid by Borrower wh�a the insurranee coverage lapsed or ceased m be in effeot.Lender wi11 acxspt,use and ret$in these <br /> pay�nants as a loss reserve iA Lieu of mart�aga it�surance. Loss r�erve pay�klents may no longar be required, <br /> Farm 3q 8 0 <br /> �—BHM�I�of09k01 Poeo 2 or 6 �hitjalai <br />