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<br /> � TFiIS DEFQ OF TFtUSI'ta m�de thls 25�h . -.----, day ot___?�s ... . ..,.�__ —.... (_ _ . _.
<br /> �g 91_...__..._.,among thc�Trustor, Suza��Ai:__GnnO.�[L..�.ritL�iulS�tit1J!lV._GAnt�..on_ ���an and. '. '
<br /> ' __wi£a (hor•ain"Barrower"),FIrallor Bonk,Natlonal AssoctnUan, �
<br /> OmAha,Nobra�ka,(h�rt�in"TruFt���"1,and B�noflalnry,Firellar 8nnk,Ntttiannl Assoclntlon,Om�lha,Nob►uskA,fl �
<br /> corppr�tipn argc�nl.t�d and t�xlStln�1 undar tho lAws o1 Tho Unitt�d Stntoa of Amarica,whoso t�ddross l0 1700 � � �,: . • • ,
<br /> � F9rr1An1 StrF�pt,O�nL1h�,N�braska,801 Q2-2183(herein"Londor"). . '
<br /> 80RRpWF.R, in cansidorAtion of tho Indebted�ass he�eln recited c�nd tho trust hereln creAted, irrevocably • �
<br /> grants end conveys to 1'rustae,In trusf,wlth power o}sale,lhe lollowin4 descrlbed property locuted In the County .;;;.
<br /> o� Hall __ _ �. _ ,Stato af NebraskA; ��- •`•�� �
<br /> Pleaeant Vi�w Add Lt 31 Blk G to the City nf Grand Island Hall, Caunty Nebraaka I '
<br /> � .
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<br /> whiCn has ihe address of 8kG �ast Phoe�ix . Grand�a�a�d_,_,Ne. 68A01
<br />= Nebraeka 68801 '$"O°0 "'"�
<br /> .,_ �_ (herein"Property Address");
<br /> ISkl�o d��tl.:�D�:Otlul
<br /> TOu�THFR with all the improvements naw or hereafler erected on the property,and all easements,rights,
<br /> appurtenances,rents(sub�ect however ta the nghts a�d authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply
<br /> such rents),royaliies,mineral,oil and gas rights and proi�ts,water,water rights,and water stock,and all ilxtures
<br /> now or heraaflor attachod to the property,all ot which, including roplacements and additlons thereto,shall be
<br /> , �Qgrpg���be and remain a part o1 the property Covered by this De�d of Trust;and all af the,foregoing,togather
<br /> ' with sald propariy(or the leasehald estate i1 this Deed o1 Trust is an a leashold)are herein referred to as tha
<br /> ?' "Property,';
<br /> � TO SECUR�toL ND�R(a)tho repayn�onl 01 thv Indpbtedness evidenced hy Borrower's note dated
<br /> June 25, 19�1 _ (herpin"NOte"),in the princi�p�l aum ot �our �rhousAnd ri.ghx Hundred
<br /> '. Sixtv Dollara and 39/100--------�a�lars,with intere�t thp►eon,providing br manthly Installments
<br /> : af princlpal and interest,with tho balanca ot the indebtedness,i1 nat saoner paid,due and pAyable on
<br /> ,)une 25� 1993 ^� ;1ha paymant o1 all other sums,with interost thorean,advanced
<br /> in eccordance herewith to protect tha security ot this�eed of Trust;and the performance of the covenants and.
<br /> ;i agreemenls o1 Bor�ower herein containeq;and all renewals,extenslons and madifications theraot;and�b)the
<br /> � repayment of any tuture advances,with interest In thereon,madeto 8orrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21
<br /> hereol(herein"Futura Advances").
<br /> •, BORROWER covenants that Borrower is lawfully aeized o1 tha estata hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> , grant and convey the Property,that the Property ia unencumbered,and thal8orrower will warrant and defend
<br /> � genorally the title to the Property against all claima and demands,subject to any declaratlpna,eASements or
<br /> restrictions listed in a schedule of exaeptions to covarAge in anytitlo insurance palicy inaurinfl Lender's interest
<br /> ! � in the Property. �
<br /> , i
<br />