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<br /> � I..CIRN IF'�(lq��Tf.fltIflN 11NU A�alJPtl�TIQN =
<br /> �� Rf�tikFP1EN� LUITN HELf•._I1Sf_ � �
<br /> j ,
<br /> U►IIEIiEA5, I�ItImE 1'�l)I:ItJII. �AVINUS ANp LD11N A:iSUI:iA�It1N tIF Gf�ANI) i5l.ANl�. hr.rc+inaftc�r ! . -
<br /> rc�f'c�rrc�d to �s °flnmr� F odarul°� laz�nc►d ���1Ca r. GRUNTUHIIC� AND RO5� I�Af�IE GRUNTORA�. -
<br /> ___.___�_.__�._.._Y...�. i
<br /> '"--- - -` - husband �tid wifn hnrQin�ftor refc�rrE1W ta a� "Hoxrawcars"� the Q�i�c�in�l '
<br /> � __ - ---- --
<br /> � — - - .
<br /> � pri.ncip�l �um nr ' �' 1 ilal I� NQ 5 X ANIJ N[1/1❑ . ......... fl�l.l�rn '-- - ---------.
<br /> ..� � �11.____.�..��.a pRCD (�..-_....___.....�.;.�.;.r._.,-_ � ,
<br /> ($ 117,GQQ.QE] )� as avicle�'�ce�i t�y a martg7�yc: r�ot.r. cl:�tNd �l;s�ch 1� 197_!_ ---� and �
<br /> ac:curod by a mt�rtgac�o/dead of tru:�t dotQd march 1. 1973 a��d recarded as �ocumont
<br /> No.gonk fi�,Pn'�45 in tho Office af Che 17eg.istAr ot' Ueeds ir� HAI.�CGUn�y� NEBRASKA �
<br /> Nnd �
<br /> WNER�AS� soid Burrawers have sold ta tMe undaraigned PUTChc�9F3Ta the praperty
<br /> legally described as; '
<br /> A certafn part af the Narthwest Quarter (NI�I�;) of �oct.tan Tidenty-51x (26), In Township ;
<br /> Eleven (11) North� Range Ten (lU) West af the 6th P.m., mare particulaz�ly dascribod as �
<br /> fa.l�owa� to-wit: Frnm a point whero the North Right-of-Way af the Union Pacific Rail- �
<br /> road Company intersecta t•he e�st line of' the N'U� of said Sec. 26; running thence South-
<br /> westerly �lang and upon the North Right••of-Ulay line of tho Union Pacifi� Railrua�l Cam- •
<br />� pa�y� for a distance of G50.0 Feet to the actual pai.nt of b�ginning; running then�e North
<br /> parallol ta the East line of said NW� of aaid Sec. 260 22u.0 Feet; running thence ,
<br /> Southwesterly parallel to the Nprth Right-af-Way line of the Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> Company� for a distanGe oP 225.0 Feat; running thence �outh parallel to the EAst line ,� ,
<br /> of the NW� af Se�t. 26� 225.0 Feet to a Point an the North Right-of-Way line uf the �
<br /> Union Pacific Railroad Campany; running thence Northeasterly along and upon ths North :
<br /> f��t-of-Way Line of ths Union Pacific Rai].raad Company, a distance of 22A.0 Feet to the
<br />. poxnt���t�c�nr���hasers desire to assume and pay tha remaining indebtedness described
<br /> above as evidenced by the aforementianed note and mortgage/deed of trust: and
<br /> WHEREAS� Borrowers desire tn be released from any further �bligatian in respect
<br /> ta the above descrtbPd nnte and mortgage/d�:ed of trust; and
<br /> WHEREA�, Home Federal is williny to permit the assumption by Pur�hasers of �
<br /> �he note and tnortgage/deed of trust and release the Borrowers fram the a'�ligations
<br /> evidenced by the afor�described note and mortgage/deed of trust; subJect, hawever�
<br /> to a revision of the terms af p�yment of sai,d indebtedness,
<br />:� NO�I� THEREFOF�E, in consideration of the mutual covenants nerein con�.ainPCi, -
<br />; � it. is ayreed:
<br /> 1, The undersigned Purchas�rs hereby assume and agree ta pay the remaining
<br /> , .-----/.,.....a ....c �::::� '^'..� -
<br /> ; indebtedness @V1q8nC8p 1]y Lile aioTBOBSCt'iueu nu�.c aiii.� �Tiui ay��yai�acu .+ •+•• -
<br /> � oerform all oF Lhe obligatiuns urnvide�J Lherein and as mu�lfiev hereUy, lt L-einy
<br /> agreed and understoad that as af this date said indcbtedness is TEN THQUSANO EIGFiT HUN-
<br /> DR�D SIXTY 5IX AND 35/100------------------Dollars ($ 10,966.35 �.
<br /> 2, The tprms of the repayrnent aP the debt evidenced by the aforedescribed
<br /> note and mortc�age/deed of trust are hereby modified in that interest upon the unpaid
<br /> balance of said indebtednc�l :h�ll be at the rate of eight � 75F]�(}�arr.ant (8.75 �)
<br /> per annum� and that monttily payments sl�all be made commencing on �he lst day of
<br /> August , 1g 91 , and continuiny an the �St of each manth thereafter, it being
<br /> , further agreed that such payments shall t�e in the amount af TWQ HUNDRED TtUENTY FIVE &
<br /> ,
<br /> A1,�100---------------------------.._ Dollars ($ 225.41 ) per month, to be applied
<br /> first to interest and the balance to principal until said indebtedness is paid in
<br /> , full� and that� in addition. said Purchasers will pay the sum of SEVENTY NINE AND 33/100
<br /> � ' Dollars ($ 79.33 ) per manth in escrow estimated
<br /> � i -
<br /> ' ' sufficient to pay taxes�and or insurance on said property, which estimate may be
<br /> reuised from time to time by Home Federal� making a total current payment of THREE
<br /> HUNOREQ FOUR ANO 7G/100____________________________..___.po�lars ($ 304.74 ) per month,
<br /> �, Cxcept as ���odified hereby. the note and mortgage/deed ❑f tru5t abou� de-
<br /> � I scribed shall remaii� in full force and Pffect, and the undorsigned Purchasers promi�e
<br /> to pay said indeUtedness as herein stated and ta perform all of tf�e obligaLions
<br /> � of said mort9age/deed af tru�t as herein revised,
<br /> � G, By reason of this l.nan mo�l�ftcat.9nn �r�d 11��u,nFtion 1',greeinerit, Ilor��e f eder.al
<br /> s� hereby rele�ses and discharges the unders.iqned oriUinal ��arrowers from their personal
<br /> obligation upor said indehtedness,
<br /> , 5. If any torm� covenant, restrictian nr {�rovisiun uf tl�i5 ilyree�r��nt ls deter-
<br /> ' mined to be void. invalid or unenforr.eable� the remainder of the terms, covenants�
<br /> '. restrictians or provisians of t.his Agreement shall remain in full force �nd effect�
<br /> ` and the provisions of the note and mort.gage/deed of trust �mended or modified by
<br /> ' such �oid� invalid ar unenf�rceable part. hPreof ��hall be reaffirmed and enforceable
<br /> � t.o the same extent as if this Agreement f�ad not been executed,
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the undersigned have executed this instrument �n thi:; ?nd
<br /> , day of 7uly, 19 91
<br /> �� .i , ti--�/li. .,j<�•,,.r,�cn�
<br /> � �onna �I. Gruntnrad, unmarried �orrower
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br />