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. ..._ ._. __.. ... . �.: .,. ._.��..,...r `.--:. . .. ...._, .- - -• - '- - ----- ------ � .+S _..,y., =h - <br /> _ � ' �`.., . ... . : . . . . � , � . � � - . � • � . .- .---'i' . <br /> , . . , ...__"_— ... � .. ,i _ . <br /> L,.,.._,....�_.. _ .. .. . .. _._ _"__ —_ <br /> co�rs� o ' . - ��;.�`�' <br /> - � C� � 9�� �04�03 , -_ _-,�_ <br /> nhHp OF TRllST �i{ <br /> . • ((?pan h'nd Hinglo Noto) - _ `" ;p,. <br />' � � . y ana am�1, Michaal C. NuCChinAOn � .. <br /> "� � Thie ikiad of Trudt lo mndt+ Chfe_�7 rlt day af_, Ju►1.� . 19l�1� Y R--,�-._. �_ —. : - .- -:---- .. <br /> • nnd Wand�M. HuCChinsatt._._,_,_Ntlf�bttctd [end l�ifo��_____.___.,.__.._� haroinnecor rotorrad eo u� "'rruotar," �� <br /> • ' G_ i NG 6ak�03 Arond R. Aanak_ , <br /> Nhona �niling addrono so�223 Panne lvnnin Ave , ._.�aa__...:_._..._ p� p� Aox 79Q. �j�8�j�n��nd. ' ' <br /> Attorney at I�asr horainaftor rotoccud to ao ''iruuta� whooa wntalnR addraoo i� <br /> - — - - ' �._. � ,� <br /> and TNS OVt�At+1NA 1�ATIONIU. BltNCc UF CNANA ISI.AHD, harelnn€ter YaParrad to 00 "t�Anoficlary;' uhoeo reail oA u teas . -� . ----- -•- - <br /> !o P, o, fl�x 16fl0. Ccund Ialand� tiabcnska d8802� � ^ <br /> . I».. -- <br /> Far valuabla connldoration� Truetnr ireavacobly granto, trnnefore� conveYa 1nd ae41PR�" ee Trunece, lo truet� r_ .� � ; _ , <br /> wqpt� pouur of enlo, �'or tho hanofit and aacurity of flanaP.lcinry, undor and nab,loct to tho lacoo nnd canditiono � ,; <br /> of thia Dnnd oe TruaC, tha follor►ing daaaribud proporey, locnt�d !0 1IA11 County, Nabraalcn. !o-aiti <br /> Lot FaurCoon (14)� Hlack Ona (1), Ciipienl Haighte Subdivision. _ <br /> in the City of�Grand IBlund. Hull Cour►Cy� NOt11fABICA. <br /> .�-- i <br /> togathar eith oll 6uildinge, improvemanCa, 4lxturae, etrooke. nlloye� poeeagowi�YA� oueamento, ri�hte� privilagae <br /> nnd appurta�arcan loaatod thoroon or in any wny portaininp ehorato, nrtd tho rontu, leauoo, proPite, rovore�iona <br /> un�f eho rumnindoro ehoroo4, lacluclAng all such poreonal proporey ehnt la netnchnd to tho lmprovomonte ua au to � , <br /> conetiCUto A fixturo, all oP Nhich, including roplacomenta and ndditiano thoroto. arn horaby doclared to t+o e <br /> PATC af tho raal aatnto convayad in txuot horc�Ay, ie boing Agraod ehat oll o£ tha forogoing �haSl b0 horoinofeor . . <br /> ' . roforred to an tho "rroparty." � <br /> : FOR THE PURP09E OF SSCIlRINOs .. � <br /> (a) eho pnymont aE poraonal Sndobeodnose aWis� from Truetor to 9onoficiary. AB CVSd�itl:�d ' <br /> by n Promiseory NaCa o£ avon data horovith in tho originul principal nmount o£ _ <br /> _ �g �)i j <br /> � (b) tho paymont af intoroet at cha rato or rntoe provfdad in tho uforo-daectibad notu i <br /> and tho pnymune oe hoth principul nnd interoet on ony ond all ranowAla� niodificRtionA nnd <br /> axCOn�ions of euch natae; i , <br /> (c) the paymont oP principAl nnd intorast an any Puturo advance ae may ba ovidonced ' <br /> by promioeoYy natos atuting they ora eocurod by thin Aeed of Truat; providad, howovor, .. <br /> that tho eotnl princlpnl indobtednoea, not including aumn advancod to protuct thu aacurity � <br /> or lntaroet �ccrund, ohall nat oxca�d eho aum of TWelve Thausand and No/100----- , <br /> --------------------------�------------------------�--'CS 12�OOO�QO �; <br /> ___, _ ._ I._. <br /> (8} EAe parforwanca af s�ch sgreewent and c�v�nnnc oP Truetos hc+rain containadl and _ _ _ _ <br /> BonaPiciaryhundot�tho torms oPuthla D od ot' Tsuat.WtogotheT Wit�IOSIltPYOALrQtdLTIC TIS�{}108CdYAtB 4 <br /> � <br /> vrovidod in thp notoa socured horaby. <br /> T To prueoct Cho aecurity of thio Desd of Trvet, Trantor herahy covenenta anA oF.roos op iniioMa: -- <br /> , 1. Paymont of IndobtodnasH. To p�y whao duo, thn psinclpal af, und tho interest oo, tho <br /> indebtodnase ovidnncod by tha nota� chArgoe, feoH nnd nll other euma AD pravided in the lon� inetrumnnte. <br /> 2, Titla. Truacar ia tho ownor of cho proporty and hue the riFht and authority to axacuta thie <br /> Dead af TruaC in raspect to xhp praporty. <br /> 3. TAXOA &Ild AABQfl90l�i1tB� TO QAY� H11OR due. ULL COXPO� Bp�C�Al oennseimontN and t�l� other C}11lR�B -� <br /> againot the prop�rty, hc+fnra tho aamo bacoma dolinquant, and, SA G110 OV�nt Bonoficiary ehall so :oqulre, <br /> CG Afla CO CtlO QA}hGOI1t8 lQqU1T�a undar cho note BOCUTOd �IOTPby� 8UC11 d1110U11C Aa mny bo 9UitiGS011L 4U tlll� <br /> ablo Hanoliciasy to pny suah taxea, A900A8IDPi1i8 or othc+r ahargee ne thpy bacomo duo� <br /> - . A. Tneur�nco. To koop the improv�reantA now ot hereaPtar lacaced on tt�a roal oatate doacribed <br /> horc+ln inaured B�O�TIOt dAmage by firo und 8UC�1 Oi�1Pt hAPALd9 A9 Bonoficlnry �y InQcuae�oPnloae lql[�0T <br /> futd companioa tteceptablo to BaroficiarY. ttind with lose ayoblo co HonaficlAry. <br /> � such pnliclea� Honoficiary ia �►uthoriaed CG Adj118l� CO110Ct AAt� compromina� lil iCB Q19CTQt�011� All <br /> claim� thorawdar and, at ita aolo opelon, ie authoria.od to aithar apply tho j1TOCEfOQB to tha roetar�- <br /> tion oF [ho praparty or upon tha indabtadnese eecurud lioseby, but paYmontn requirod by eho noto ahpll <br /> continuo until the aums eocurpd haroby 1xa paid in full. <br /> 5. Ropnir, MainCananca nnd Uae. To promptly rapnir, ruetata or rahuild any buildin�s or improvo- <br /> monte now or horanfter on tha prop�rty; to kuop tha proparty in good condltian and ropeir, without NA8C0 • <br />- IIild PiOfl ftom mochanica OT OT}IOT �10q8 AOC 0X{�TOHBIV subordinntod CO C�10 lion horoo4; iP t10L 111Bk0♦ euffor <br /> ar pormit uny nuleanae to exiet nar to diminiah ar lmpnir tho vnluo af tho proporty by any act or omlaeion <br /> to oct; and ta comply with all raquisomanta of law with ruepoct to tha proporty. <br /> 6. CondemnaCion. In thn avent tho propeity, or nny p�rt Chcroof. Rhall ba tAkon by ominant domoin, <br />� 9onePicinry Sa entitled to colloct �nd rncoive all componantion vhich mny bc+ peid for �+ny propprty tukuu <br /> or for dmm�gae to proporty nat takpn, :u�d 9enpficlary ahall applY euch compcneutlon, �t ita aptlon, <br /> eithor to a reduction of the indobtednase aocurad hereby or to rapLir and roetoro tha proporty so tnkon. <br /> 7. Parformunco by 0anaficiury. Annoficiary may, hut HllAll 11AVP no obli�ution to, do any 1ct �+hich <br /> Truytar hns afireed buc failod to da, and Benaficiary miy a1NO do nny act it daams nocesanry to pratoct <br /> [ho 11en thereof. Crustor �t:rren to rnpay, up.�n Ja�and, any ::uma ao oxpended by P�neftciary for tha <br /> nbove purpases, o�d any aum eo oxppnded by Battaficinry nhall ba addad co the lndobtednoae aecusod horoby <br /> and bocame secured by the lion horaof. Benoficiary ehnll not incur any Pareonnl liobility becauao of <br /> anythinR it may do or omSt to do horoundur. <br /> B. Inepacttona. Bonoficiary, or ita a�ente, roproeantutivas or workmon, nrc� authoriaod to entor <br /> at aoy roaeonablo tlma upan ot Sn nny part af the proparty for tho purpoae of inepactinR tha acuna and <br /> for the purp�so of porformin�; any of tho ncte it le autharizod to porform undor thu �crme of any loan <br /> inetr�onte Qxocutad by Truatar. <br /> 9, Aqei�°i°_nt of. Ronta. Ronefieinry ehall hnvo tho rleht, poaer nnd nucl�oritY durinF [he con- <br /> tinuonco of thie Aood of Truet to collc�ct �ha ront�:, inauos and prafitY nf cho prapurty and of flny <br /> poraonal property loc7ted thoreon Nith or without takin� posaoaeion of thu prope•rty affocted horeby, <br /> nnd TTUeton c��rabY nbeolutoly a�d unconditionally naeiRnn nll such rentN, istn�ea and profita to <br />,. 9o�oficiary. Ro�oficiury, howovor. horoby con�+onte to Tru�tor's collaction nnd retontion af Auch <br /> , ronte, laeuoa and profite oe thoy accrue and bocomo pnynblc, ao lon�; ae Truxtor le not, nt auch timo, <br /> in dofault with ruepact to pr�ymont of nny indobtednaea eecurud heroby, or in tha parformunca of �ny <br /> , agcpemant horc�iu�dcr. If any event of dofnult doecsibod heraafter in raepoct ta tiiix Deed of 1'ruet <br /> � 1 -1- <br /> , 1 <br /> . <br />,, ` <br />