. .. . .. ' , . � . . . . , . . . . .. . . • . .. . '..�y�:}1�;
<br /> . . ..�'`�li i
<br /> . ;•;�'.;:.
<br /> i . . ��.� ����o� .. �� �
<br /> � 9, C�ademnalton.Tho procaods o}nny ntivArd or clt�im fa►dnmtl��f�,dlrect ur c�nsaqunntic�l,I�i connooUun wilh any �
<br /> , candemnAtlon or olher taking at tho f�ropatty,or pnrt thoroof,qr fat c�nvuynnco In I lt�u ol Con�omntltian,ara horoUy a�elpnod I
<br /> i oncl sh�lt ba pnlcl to Lendar. �
<br /> .i In tha avanl 01 o totai takln{�01 thn Propahy,tho procaads ehall ba nppllod to tho sum�aacurod by this Oa�d o1 T�usl,with
<br /> � tho oxcasa It any,pald to�arrawor.In Iho ovent al n partlel tnkin at ihfl Wroportyr,u�loss�a�rowur nnd Londnr uthotwisp
<br /> npreelnwr�inp,thernahallbonppIladtoth�aumaeacurmdbylhls�oodolTrusieuchprapo�ilanofthoprocaedenelaequaltn �
<br /> � thntpropatt�uowhlohthenmounloPthesumesecuredbythloUoQdofTruslln�modiatolyp►lortolhadnteoltakinpbauretothfl �
<br /> ! I�ir ma+ket valua a1!h4 property Immodlntoty prior to thc�dAt�u1 tnh{n ,wlth the hala�co at tho proCOOd�paid to t3c�rrpwar. , _ ._
<br /> H thp Propa►ry Is obandanod by Sorrower,or It,�Rpr notico by Lan�o�to porrower Ihet tho condemnar ofiero to mako nn ; ------ --
<br /> - �werd o►petil�e w nlelm tar damuqe9.8or�owor falls ta rospond to Londor wl4hin 90 doys etter ti�e dnte such nottco in mallQd, ; ^ ^
<br /> � i.endof Is autho:lzsd to caHo�t t�nd r.pply the pracflaos,et�ender'e opUon,oiihe►tu tt�aiu�nliu��u��3Gdtr ut ttt:.!'ro,;srt;or ta �
<br /> tho auma securad by thla Oflod o1 Yruat. , .
<br /> Untoss l.ender and Horrowar othflrwisaagrae In writing.eny euch applloAtlon ot prnceads ta principal ehall not extond or
<br /> i astpone the duu date o1 tho manthly Inatalimante reton�ad to ln pA►agrapha 1 c�nd 2 haraol ar al�anpe the nmount of eucli .
<br /> Pnatallm�ntv. :
<br /> /0. Boir�w��Not Rtl���pd.Extonalon of the time lor peymant or madilloatlon ot amartl:ation of tho aume aoaured by this
<br /> Deixl ot T�uot grAntad by Londar ta eny su000saor In Intorest of Borrawor shull not oporAto to rel0asc�,In uny mA�nor,tha � ,
<br /> II�bllity of tha orifllnal Borrowar and Bo►rower'e aucceasore intereat.Lendor shall not ba requlred to cammenco p�ocAOdinpo ,
<br /> Apalnat euoh euccessor ar retuse to oxtond tlmc�for paymont ar otho�wlso modiry flmortlzntlon of tho euma soaurad by thls :
<br /> Ooed af Truol by reason ot any demand m�do by tha origlnal Borrorvor and Borrowo�'s succossore In Inte►oat.
<br /> 11. Fprbe�eanco by L�nder Nol a WYlve�.Any torbearenco by Landor In oxorcising any�Iflht or remedy haroundor,or
<br /> � othorwise aftorded by appllcabto law,shail not be a walver o1 or procluda the exorclse ot any suoh right or romedy.Tha !
<br /> procuroment ol Insurance o}the payment ot taxas or other IIeRa or charges by Lender shall not ba a w�ivor ol Lendsr'a rtght to
<br /> accelerate tho moturiry o1 the Indebtednass secured by thls Oeed ot Trust.
<br /> � 12. Rem�dl��Cumul�tivs All remediea provided in thla Deed o1 Trusl ure distinct and cumulntivo to any other rlpht or
<br /> , romody under thls Oeed o1 Trus1 ar aHorded by law or�qulty, and may be oxercised conaurrentty, independently or
<br /> , auccessively. ,
<br /> ' 13. &uacosson aod As�!paa 8aund; Jotn1 and Several 11ab1tHy; Captlon�. The covenonts and epreoments h�roln
<br /> oantalned shell bind andtfie�ighla heraunder shall inuro ta,lho raspeative suocassors and asslgne o1 Lende►and Borrower, q ,
<br /> � subJect to the p�ovislo�s ot paragraph 17 hereol.Ail covena�ts and agroemente ot Borrower shall 6e Jolnt and several.The
<br /> � aa�tiona and headi�gs of the pAragraphe of thla Oeed ol Trust are tor convenlance anly and are notto be uaed to Intarpret ar
<br /> i detina the provisions horeot.
<br /> + 1�. Notice.Exceptfor any notice requlred under Appucc�ble law to begiven in another manner,(a�any noticeto Borrower
<br /> provlded tor In thla Qaed o1 Trust shall be given by meilinfl auch�otice by certNied mail addressod to orrower atthe Pruperty
<br /> Addreas o�at such other addresa as Bor�ower may deslgnate by natico to Lender as provided hpreln,and(b)any�otice to
<br /> ' lender shall be given by certiflod mall,return►ecelpt roquestpd,to Lender's address stated horeln arta such otheraddress as
<br /> Lender mey deslgnate by noticp ta Borrower as provided hereln.Any notice providpd tor In this Dead ot Truet shall be deomed
<br /> to havo been glven to Borrower nr Lendor when given In the manner designated hereln,
<br /> iS. Unitorm Oeed o1 Tru�t;Qover�irty Law;Seve�abllity.The form o1 daed ot trust combinos uniform covenanis lor
<br /> nallonal use and non-unlform Covenants wNh Iimited varlatlone by JurlRdiation to canstituto a unllorm security instrumant
<br /> coveting real proparty.Thl9 Deed of Trust ahall be poverned by the law o11he�urisdiction fn whloh the Property Is IocAtod.ln
<br /> the avent that any provislon or clauae ot thls Deed of Tru�t or the Note cantllcte wNh appllcable law,suCh confllct ahall�ot
<br /> aHeot other provlslons o1 this Deed olTrust or the Note which can be given oftoct withc,utihecon111oting provislons,and tc�thls
<br /> � end the provlsions of the Deed ot Trust and the fVote Are declared ta ba saverable.
<br /> i'v. B'v�i3ti:P':^.�py BCj�a�+%s=g�4!!belt!inistted a r_.nninrmed coQy ot ihe Note erld 01 th18 008d 01 Tru9t at the ifine Of .
<br /> l executlon or after recordAtlon hereot. •
<br /> � 17. T�amte�ol the Prop�rty;A�aumptlo�.H all or any part o1!he property or pn intorest theroln Is sold or transterred by
<br /> 8orrower without Lender'sprior wntten consent,excluding(a)the creatlon ot a Ilen or encumbranceau6ordinate to thls Oeed
<br /> o!Ttusl,t�?�h°^-i`-"'�!^n nt a purchase money eecurlN Ihterest}or household eppllancos,(c)e transier by devise descent or by
<br /> operatlonotlawuponthedeatl�o}eJolnitenAniQr(d)thegrqntofanyleasenoipintarestotthraeyearsoriassnviconiaimngai�
<br /> pptlon to purchase,Lenda��may,�t Lender's option,deClaM all the aums secured by this Ueed ol Trust to be fmmediately due
<br /> And payable.Lander shall have waived such option to accelerate it,prior to Iha sale or trn�isler,Lender and the person to
<br /> whom the Property Is to be aold or tranaterred raach agreement In writing that the credit of suoh peraon�s satisfactory to
<br /> Lender and that tha Inta►est payable on the suma soou►ad by this Deed ol Trust ahall b�at such rate as Lende�shall requost.II
<br /> Lender has waived the optlon to accele�ate provided in this paragreph 17, and it 8orrower's successor in interest has
<br /> axecuted a written asaumption agraement accepted In wrNing by Lender,l,ender ahall re}ease Borrower lrom all obligationa
<br />� und�r thi9 DB�d oi Ttust and!he yoto.
<br /> li Lender exerclsea suCh option to accel8rat0, Lender shAll mafl Borrower notica o1 Acceleratfan in accordanCe with
<br /> paragraph 1 A hereot Such notice ahall pravldv A period ot noi Idsa Ihan 30 days Iruu�Ihn data Ihe nolice is�»ai led wllhin whlch
<br /> Borrawer mey pay the suma declared due.N 8urrower tails to pay such sums p�lor ta 1he explration o1 such period,Lender
<br /> may,wHhout tuhher notice or demand an Borrowar,Invoke any remedlea parmltted by paragraph 18 hereol.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANT9.Bor�ower aod Lende�I���the�cavenant and ayree as lollow*:
<br /> ; 18. Accoloratlo�;R�medles.Except as provided in paragraph 17 hareot,upon Bor►ower's breach ol any covenant o�
<br /> agreemant a1 Borrower In thia Deed o1 Trust,Including the covenanta to pay when due any suma aecured by thla Deed olTrusl,
<br /> � acllon raqul ed to ou�re such bre�ach��3)aldate.eatiasst han 3�0 da yes fromt he date ho otico la malled o Boh owerA,by whlch
<br /> ' suoh breach must be curod;and(A)that failure to cura such breach on or betora the date spacllled In the notica may result In
<br /> acceleratlan o1 the aums secured by this Oeed o1 Trustand sale ot the Property.The notice shall turthor inlorm Borrower ot the
<br /> rlght to relnstate aRer acceleratian and the rlght to bring a court action to asaert the non-existence ot a defauU or any other
<br /> � defenso 01 Borrawer to acceleration and sale.111he breach la not cured on or before tha date specilled in the notica,Lender at
<br /> � Lender's optlon may declare all ot the sums secured by thia Qeed a1 Truat to be Immedlately dua and payable wHhout luhher
<br /> ; demend and may Invoke the powe�ot sale and any other remedlea permitted by applicable law.Lender ahall ba entltled to
<br /> polleot all reasonable costs and expenaes incur►od in pursuing the remedies pravlded in the paragreph/8,inCluding,but not
<br /> Ilmlted to,reasonable attorney's fees.
<br /> .�
<br /> '; 11 the poWer o1 sale is invoked,Trusiee shalt�ecord a notica of de}ault in aach county m which the Nruperty or some pert
<br /> � thereoi is locatedand ahall mail cop�es ol9uch notice in the manner prescnbed by appl�cabla law to Borrower and to the other
<br /> persana prescribed by appUcable law.Afler the lapse ot sucn time as may be requ�red by applicable law.Trustae shall give
<br /> :i pubUc notice of sale to Ihe persons.and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustea,wlthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> ••, I ahall soll the Propartyat publlc auction to the highest bldder�t the tlme and place and undertheterms deaignated In the notica
<br /> i, f of s�tla In one or more parcels and In such order as Truetee may determine.Trustee may postponp sale of All or any parcel 01
<br /> �t � the Property by public announcnmant at tha t+me and placs ot any previoualy scheduled sa�e.Lender or Lender's dPSic�rtee
<br /> ,i mey purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon recelpt ot payment o1 the price bid,Trustee shall dellver to the purchasor Trustee'sdeed conveylnfl the Properiy sald.
<br /> The recftals In the Tiustee'a deed shall be prima facle evidence ot the tnith of the statementsmade therein.7ruatee shall apply
<br /> j the proceeds ot the sale in ihe fallowing order:(a)to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale,including,but not limited to.
<br /> Trustee's tees ot not more than 9b o11he grosa sale price,reasonable ariorney's lees and coats ot ldle evidence:
<br /> (b)to all aums secured by thls Deed o1 Trust;and(c)the excess,i1 arn/,to the person or persons legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 19. Borrower's Rlyht to Relnstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration o1 the suma secured by this Deed ol Trust.
<br /> Borrower shall have the rlght to heve eny proceedings begun by Lender to enlorce the Deed o1 Trust discontinued at any time
<br /> ' prlor to tho earller to occur ot(i)the liflh day before the sale ot the Property pursuant to tha power of sale conlained in the Qeed
<br /> ' ot Trust(iq entry a1 a judgment enforcing this Deed ol Trust if:(al Barrowor pays Lender all sums which would b�then duo
<br /> � under thls peed o1 Trust,the Nate and notes secunng Future Advancos,�I any,hAd no acceleratlon occured:(b)Borrowor
<br /> � cures all breaches o1 any other covenanta or agreements o1 Borrownr contamed in Ihis Deed o1 Truat:(c)Borrower pays all
<br /> reasonebte expenaea Incurred by Lender and Trustee enforcing the cavenants and egreementa of Borrower contained in Ihis
<br /> Deed o1 Truet And in anforcing Lender's and Trustee's remedies as prowded In paragraph 18 hereal,including,but not limited
<br /> S , to,reasonable attorney's fees;and(d)Borrower takes such aCtion as Lender may reasonably require to assure thet the Ilen ol
<br /> � thlA Oeed o1 Truet,Lender's Interest in the Property and 6orrower's obligation to pay the sume secured by Ihla Deed ot T rust
<br /> shall continue unimpaired.Upon such Payment and cure by Borrower,th�s Dved o1 Trust and the obllgatlons aecured hereby
<br /> � shall remein In lull forca and eNect as H no accoleraUan hF�d occurred
<br /> 1 '
<br />