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_. _-}f .� ;`��� � •E�- _ < _ .� l __.r.—Z,`=�;` <.^' ` . _ .... . <br /> __._ _ `fL�� .�` _ ` . � .(- � . <F . (� ` ' a � •_ `� a .'. . . , `� • � �_G _' � <br /> ---- — �". . �r: . _ .� . . . �. . . . <br /> � � . � . < 'f' y ` ' � .. ' � ' . ` ' , `c <br /> �` � � ``� � '�CKMOwLEO�EMENt 4F DEE��F Ti��T', ., � . � ��� ' <br /> `TfWST�D�REI1D�BFFORE�. ' � , s. : `s` • `. . .� ' ` ` <br /> . . 4t��tmdwtl�dslEYt�doa�tMMtT�timrt��!►adb�ulthiD�idO�Tiy�tandi�tatiio�l�IpitrldtlNfwtpo�iM � — <br /> � ofs�lep'cMd�dtostnfrR�atTtwtPr�ld�swbmn�t: ri�Msandobii�6�nsbTrwlor�nanw��in�awnt � . � <br /> aaa.�c�a+w��d�+��n.o..earn,str noeamhwa�ti+.�.«�a.r �e+ana�s�n.�owr�raow � <br /> bY f�Ti�MIM 1Mf�IOUt anf►1�dM�P►��Tii�o� wa�s Mdp�n�n�ras�oa�cubdby� ` . <br /> Tnqk�i��f1i�n of11w Owd aFTrwE: �; - - .- F. ` -.. , - . <br /> . � , � . _ <br /> , < <br /> � • , . . � � �. Tiats3cit T 0' � T �� R � , . <br /> _ • , .. Y Ttudor F � , . <br /> . � ':, �. � . � . , • � <br /> . . � . . . ��oF TausT wmi �a��av�iNCCES � , � . <br /> ` ` THS�n�oF TAU�is maae as a n�e�.d!r d �. �a�c• .1s..`�.t� amon� <br /> _ th�tTrw�or. Patriak T O•1�1� . siaOU � ° ' � � ` <br />--- �" . 3�11 lsantroo� !1 6acsud Lleod ` M fidMi•?22Z • <br />.—� ���M��� ` ' ��Q��ri��«�a� `, ' <br /> � � �Trup� Fiw Point� 3�nt. a NDsa�ks Cprpora'tioA � �, ' <br /> _ �� ������ P.O.� bs 1�7 6e�i�ad Island. at f,�Z, �retn^Tru�ss'7.and � � — <br />_ , . �, _ — _ <br />_- �g�ry, Fi� Poit►b Mnt � . -—-'_ <br /> - wtwes malllrg addreas is 2�� !� ��•f+s'arM 1�1�, MQ.�-f�W2 1'Jrl �h�«�•x _ i�°-: <br /> :� <br /> ��:- <br /> FOR VALIlA6LE CONSIDERAT�ON.induding.lender's ex0enaion of credit iden6tied heretn to -��--- <br /> � � . s��-�; - <br /> '' ' (heretn"8orrower".whether orte or more)antf the trust hereln createa. • ��<;= <br /> ,�ai•�� s O 6or1� <br />- R�e receipt of which b hs(edy acknowbd�ed.Tivacor hereby irrevccaby grants.transters.canveys and asaipns to Truatea IN_ ��'"T=�- <br /> TRUST.IMTM P0IAIFA OF SALE.torMs bsnsf'�tand eecurttlf of Leader.under and aubjectto thsterms end conditlona hereinsfler�st �:~�:: <br /> torQ�.ths tp11 properly.d�aCribsd as tollowx . �� � <br /> um� we �9�. �ocs � �s�, ��ni000 su�msia, n � ci�r oR wuu�m �:—=� <br /> -. - zsut�. �uu�. c�ois�ri. �s�sc�. . , -�r:�_ <br />. - _ •Y• . ' ,' ���_ <br />-_ .�r:.� - , ��.. <br />_ :__�;' � _r-..�;;..� �..i:'�7�D"`�:� <br /> ��"'�` � s, Topather with all buitdiopa,improvemema.fixtures,street�s.alteya,paasa9eways.easements.rishts,Orivite�es and appurte-. .��__ r_ <br /> ;�>�::`;'r;F t,,o- naflces tocated the�eon or in anywise peAaininp thereto,and the rents,issues and profRS,reversions and remainders thereo�and , <br /> ; '^�`�:;,�;3 . � euch peraonal propem that fa attacAed to the lmprovements so as to constiAiEe a fixture,includtn�.but rtot ljmited to.heatirtp arM ��, <br /> '`• '' ��`�� � eopUna equipmen�and nopeUter with the homestead or mariffit interests,if any.which interests are hereby releaaed and wahreaall '-. <br /> � '"�` �� ' of whlch,inctudlnp replaCeme�ts and additlons thereto,ia hereby declared to be a part otthe real eatate secure0 by the lien ot this V `�_ <br />;� ` ;�'.,�r. Oeed ot�TNSt�na ap ot the fore�oinp beinp reterr�d to herein as the"ProOertY"• .. <br /> .F;rF°''�.,. This pe�ea pf Trust ehall securo(a)fhe payment o!!he principal sum snd interest evldenced by a promiseory rtote or credtf -;� <br /> � ' r_t._, .z:��� . .. . -a.� _. <br /> � .1Ps'C''.:f?"... �� � 1� � • <br /> - '.,-"r' ���:`" dQfOEtIfE111 QB�I ,.�'��r;� �••w 1993 �having a maturity date of_�0�—.� . . . . .. <br />- c_.�_. .'�1't':, <br /> > �y,,�;.-., �:', in ihe orl�lnal p►Incipal amount ot= M artd sny and all moaiflcatlons,exteriatooa and re�ewata _ <br /> - �..:,:��':=_�•� 67.Ne. <br /> -:. _ • .' �� . lhe��pt or thereto and aml artd all tuture advances and readvAnce9 to 8o►rower(or any of ti�em it more than one}herounder , , <br /> '"•� ���`��'� purwaM to o�e or mors promiasory notes or credit agreements(herein calted"Note"x(b)the payment of other aums advanced by � <br /> '1.� ..i. � ' <br /> "'�� ' I.endM to proactibs�scurity ol the Note;(�)the pe�(o►martce ot a11 covenanb and agreemenb ot T�ustar set torth herein;and(d)aN <br /> ,...�•. � - <br />_ _ -j�*,�.-: •k� pre�snt atK1 futuro irMebtedness and obH�tions of Bo'nower(or any oi t6em i1 more than one)to len0er whether•direcf.indlrecx • <br /> ' abtolufe or c,oMin�ent and wheMer arlelnp by note,�uaranty,overdratt a otherwise.The Note,thls Deed ot Truae and any artd sll '' ' ' <br />- '?�-•�� ' other doCUSnb Ihst secure tAA NOte 0r Otherwlse executed in connectian t�terewith:includi�without limitadon�uarantees.�ecurity , • � <br />_ .-'=.� ;. . s�r�ements and assi�nmeMs oi lea=es artd�ents,shall be refer�ed to herein 8s the"Loan Instruments'. r � � { `•' <br /> , _-r� Trusta covenarns and a��es with I.ertder as toltowx ' . <br /> � .. • •� 1.Pa�nNnl d fnp�bbOn�M.All indeDtedness secured hereby shatl be paid when due. ��-"����-"� <br /> �;.;;�,�,:;��' ' 2.TiN Trustor b the owner o!the�Property.has the right and authority to canvey the Properry,and wanants that the Ilen <br /> '"e.': . cra�ted Qereby Is�flrst and pNor Uen on the Properiy,except for tiens and ertcumbrances set fortb by Trustor in wHUn�and � � � <br /> ' �°`:i'"y dellvered to(.�nder bslors execuNon of thls Oeed of T�ust,and the execution and depvery of this Oeed ot Tlus�daes�ot viotffie ar�y � � , � <br /> �'.-':�.r••`•.� C�flbtC1 or othsr obApaBon W which Trustor is subleat • ' • „ <br />_ . � z:'. . <br /> .. '���:;'.��' ��� ' 3.TsxN„ANMNMnb.To pay before de8nquertcy atl taxes,speciat assessments and at�other charges syainat the PropeAyt <br /> ;.s,, ,' � • oow a heroatEer�evted. - <br /> . e y�.,-=i' .., . , r ; <br /> ; '��;.�a�, ,- 4.NNwanC�.To keep the Property 1naUied against damape 6y tire,hatsrds included wlthin the tenn"extended caveraQe",artd ., - <br /> •�; wcb olt�r hazards as Len�may requlre in amounta and with companles ecceptable to tsrtder,namirt�Lender ar an addidonal <br /> �'1�=`� nain�d Insu��d,wlth tot�psyabts to the ca�e olloas urtder such poltcle�the Lender is authoNzed to ed�usL colbct artd � • . <br /> _ �-:' compromi�s all Ctalms therounder anA ahall have the opNon otapptying atl or part of the insurance proceeds p)W amr indebtedness � : <br /> - ' �r �°= �cund f�areby anb in sueh order as Lertder may determiae,(ii)to the Trustor to be uaed tor the repair cr�esto►aton of the Property , <br /> a�I�Ta sny alh�r puq�ossor abJ�c!satlsiacWry to lertder wl�aut atfectln�the tien ot ttiis Oeed of Truatim the tult amoun!�eeured _ _ <br /> ` h��by b�Por��uh p�yerteM ever took ptace.Any apPlicaUOrt ot proceeds tb indebtedrtess eball not extend or posfpone tl►e due - • - -- <br /> — AM�d an�r p�ynNnM uM�c th�tJd�,or cure any datauN theraw�der or hareunder. <br /> S.Eseev�r.Upon wriaen demand by Lende►.Truator ahall•pay to Lender,in sueh manner as Lertder may desi�aate,suf(ielent <br /> su <br />='b�� :ums W enabte Lender to pey as they 6ecome due one or mOre olthe tottowin�(�alt taxes.�aases�menUr andotl�er efiaryes eQai�t ,- ' <br /> ::i=q� tl� tMs premiums on ths propeAy lrtaurance required hereunder,and nii)the premiuma cn any mo�e ir�aurance - . • , <br /> �6.�M�MN�n�INp�frs and CpNpp�ne�wNA Lrwa.Trustor shap keep Me Propery ln pood condltton and repatr.shaN . <br /> �n <br /> . ptpmptly ropal►.or reptace anY imprcvemant whicb may be dama�ed or destroye�shall not oammi!or parmit an�t.waa�e ar ` , <br /> d�Nrioradon of ths Properl�r shatl not rontovs.demofi�h or substsndally alfbr any o1 ths imprcvemenb on the Property;shatl not <br /> = odnrnl��uM�rorqrmNanyactto bs Qone in or upon ths Properyt in vlotadon of any npulaHmr,and shall psy�nd � . <br /> :,: <br /> _ <br /> �;.�.°�-y- ' -�tF���iwt�'s�lae��a!llleae.encumbtanceaa�cl�eafe�tee i�nposedor�edagsinsetba...� _ . <br /> �:_.._.. , <br /> . . — - ==-� <br /> . P►aPNtY or any'P�rt 1he�'eof. ' �- . <br /> = • 7.E�MMM OoN�r.Lender b heraby�slprta0 ap canpenaation.8w�rds.dampa�and ather payme�ns o►roUtl(hereinalter i <br /> "Prooe�di'�in connsctlon with condemnatlon or ofherfeWrip olths Property or pert fheraat.or tar conveyance in tiau ot corMemns- � � . <br /> . tbn.LMfd�r ahdl b�witltl�d at ib opUon to aommancs,aPPeeu in ana Proaecuee in ib��cliaf o��inqs„�nd . <br /> - �Iq11 dq bs�itled b m�ks any compramiss ot aettfament in connecHOn wNh a�h Wd a tri q1! poAion al . <br />_ . �es�7Mrwr�.ro«1iMr.anr . � • . <br /> `_'�. OtlMMrr.i�rrwe....r.TrwqirlM«wM..err.n,triern,�wrw. ' - , - <br />