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-- �- la � e� a'.?:A:v: .�..–. . —1 . 1 "� .t:}. . � 4.1-i. . . . ., . . . ..,. _ l:; . . , .. , .5.' ,i�5�._.,. <br />� 1�� - • � r . .. � S-�. •, "j�i��• � � -_ -- <br /> _ � <br /> ��a .� �c�. . _... .: _ , ' _ . � li .. <br /> . .�� <br /> ,��.,,�, <br /> , � : <br />. ___. . __ _ s '_ <br /> ._ . . _.___. .,-. -.'_r ".."' '. ... .. .. ,. __�_: ,_ . . .. _._._..."_`___ / ' . —"_� .. . _ __ <br />. . . . . . - � � . '`� �G - <br /> t�` � _' <br /> �..._.7�.,. . "' '_,. . . . . �. -- ._�-,. . ....:.4: ... � - _ __. <br /> , �—�,a.:..-_. _...-......-_._�..�-.......��..".___�.._�.-_.-e-...�.�a�.r-.._....�-....�......c.�._....._.__..�.:�_. . ......,_- ._ .._._. _..i���._.._.._v����..--....-..r .v�� °- <br /> �•-) -.1K �. <br /> � t�nlR <br /> I � • peJ '� _ <br /> ��A.}-_�� �' � �f�.• �^ __ <br /> .�ZA 1� J � ='1J K ..__. <br /> c a".�' �,��i��� ��:�. � .... <br /> �� <br /> - ;�: ��. T.�,�.,� <br /> - aP sa.^.atsi tl��s»t��i:�ciudin�Ihe p.�yc�t:��t oP lt:e 71•e�Ytcr'y f�ti�v act�s�l1�Incusretl,nat tu exa'c�rii 2.� `���►� �� ' - � - <br />_s _ ' Ihi principul am��unt ot Ohe n�fe ul tha tinm of Ihe d�wl�aruthm uP dcfiiulf.+ind rea�so�»>bti•att��su4yv'Pl'l'Y 119�1►!1•initlud . h ,: <br /> - _ , - by la�v:lbl tu nU nums���a�med bv Ih{v 4ectn•ily Instran�enh.ama lc!uuv excc�.c to the persun i�r peryu��!+Ie�i�tl��onlilled . .. __ h . <br /> ��_.,.�� tu lt. � - . _ <br /> -=_�', _ y xZ. Kl`tO��CypncC. Upun puyntrnt of idl sum� ,ccurod by Ihfr• Sccuri�y In,uumrnl, t,�ndcr,h�ill i�t�uc.t'Ii�i�tco t�� t •. .- - . ' ' <br /> .: rr��,nvcy thc Pro�c�ty and shuit surrcndr`this 5�.�.tiirity h�ira���c�+t�i+rd NII n�Hr�cvkk+klnk �kl�� +���4r�d hy eNlr ti�4urliy � -. ,: � -- <br /> - y�. Itlatcuul�:nt Io`lYusl«. 'il�t�titce �haii tCCUnvcy [ttC I'YO��erty �vithatt� �tiurntnly nttd witltuul Ch+tt�?e h� !hr ��ar,�1n�re per�un� L_ . <br /> _- - lc�slly snt111i�1�„��. �����i(i�•r�up ur�nrsum sh�fli n:fV ttI1V ECCUfllalttul�'o�lti. �'""'"'�'='='•�"'- -- <br /> �-_:: <br /> �`�,-i`.°�'' ti. �uAwtltutc'Il'nxtcc. Lcndrr,at its uptiun.ntuy from limr t�•titttc Rnuwr'IYustru;o�d i�ppuint n�urce.�ur Ii�u�lcc tu � - <br /> - - - - - .. uny 'IYuste�� uppnintrd herrundrr by an insUumt�ll R�:orded in the coun�y ii� whirh Ihiti S«urity Instrumcnt is r�cur�ted. <br /> -- . 1Yi�huut cunvcyunr� ot'Ihc Pruperty. Ihc surrr�+nr ltu•ter shall �urccid tu ull Il�e litic, puwur iind dutic,cuntcrrcd u��on ._ <br />��-d�. � 'IYustcc hen:fn iind by upplirnblc luw. , • .. <br />-e__ . �.I 24. Reyuest fur NoUccy. Borrua•rr reqursl�I�at rt�pie���f Ihe noticc�ot�dcl;tult und�ale ix scnt tu 13urruw�r�addr�.s � �. � <br /> =w- �� which iti thc Pro�xrty Address. . <br />"`7F��• ZS. R[dcrs to Ihlv S��urity lustcument. If on��,r mcvr ridrrs arrc rxccated hy Dw�ruwer und r�cor�icd tugrihcr wilh <br /> ^``- tliis Securi�y Instnmient, the roven:uuti;u�c!agrrements��ti cuch such ridcr�hnll he incorpuratrd into ,md �h,�ll amend and ' • . . <br />'�' ' ' supplcmcnt Ihc cc.,vcnanis und u�rcemrnts uf this S�cu►�iq•In,tnuncnt i�ti it'�hc ridcrl�)wcr�a��ul'�hiti 5ecunty Intiuumrm. �., . <br />`�'` , (Check upplicablr twxfcs)J • <br /> =�:;:� . <br /> �• , . � �Adjus�ablc Rutr Ri�hr �Cond��minium t�idcr �1-4 Fumily Ridcr � ' ..,�. .. <br /> =�`� � ' <br />��;` �Grudu�tcd N;�ya.ent Rider �Nlanned llnit Devclopmcnt Itidrr �tiiwcckly P;ryment Itidcr ; <br /> ' rti�• �B:dl��un Rider �Rute Imprrrvcment Ridcr �Secon�N��u�e Ridcr � ' <br /> �."'.�;;:, �. . <br /> ,`::�;., �Othcr(s)�tip�cifYl � ", - <br /> �. HY SIGNINC DELOW, �3orrua•er ucceptx and�igr�es t��the tenm and cuvenuntx c�mt;►ined in this Srcurity ln+trumrnt � - .�- <br /> • und in a�y rid4rl,)cxccutccl by Ron•c���•cr and rccnrdcd wiih it. ' ' <br /> .:• i ? <br /> - � �Yitnc:s.�rs: + <br /> i <br /> /� // o �i� " I ' <br /> � . -- _-.___._ _ _ C/ C��G�Gf l�•_��J[�L�i—�5�au ; , <br /> � Randall S. Mendyk -t�onm�cr � . '�. <br />" `�,'..�i;:,�"'t2i. Sucial Sccuriry Numbrr ��92—��..8_5?� j � <br /> ,_ , ,,:. , % -- - .� �- _ _ <br /> ` / , _ <br /> �r " _.�__ ( l���e..�-�-• "��.�..-e���Scal) . <br /> , Caral Renee Mendyk �H��R�����•� ' <br /> . . . _ . _. . c i�-s n n n n �_..__—_."-- ------ <br /> .a�_: - , � sociat�ccunty rvumocr .,u� G��,y.�,=._._ � - _ � <br /> - - _-.. . , ,. <br /> • STA�'G U�lVEBRASKA. H a 11 Cuunty.,: � � , <br /> . . . , <br />_ � , <br /> , Un t1�iy qtl� duy of July, 1991 ,h��ti�rc mc.the undcrsigncd,u Notary Nublir ' ., <br /> duly commissioncd and��:�al;firJ P«:s:+id caunty,penomd ly c:unc R a n d a�1 S. M o n d y k ��d`C��Q��,R e1h e e � <br /> MenclyE;, eech in his ��d her own right , and �s spause pf /.� St��k df� <br />. � 'i;.�'� identir.�]personsl�) whusu na�n:(>► ,:re.ubsrribe�l ti� the 1'uregoing instrument i�nd acknuwlcd;,sed thc exccution thereol to � <br /> t�c t��Gir .o!unt.►ry�actunddecd. � � <br /> t •• � Witncssmyhandaa • •° • ��:�;:-.'�� lend, NBbraSka /, in+aidcounly.thc � <br /> � datc aforesaid. GEAERAL MOiARY•St2�e c"N!biat� , �- /� . , . <br />_ �AVlD i,OC�1a�N ��c 1 t_ �`• ��E^'h-y� �s�-�^ ; <br /> _ ' My Cotr.mission expircr; � ����AU��� N�,��ry��h�„ <br /> i <br /> FGQI;EST FOR lt�C'UNV�YANCE � <br /> �' TO TRt�ST�E: ' <br /> The imdersigned is�he holder of[}1C i1utC ur 1t��les s��ut'cd hy Ihiti Uecd of Trust. Said n�+tc ur notc�,wcether wi�h all <br /> other indebtedness securcd by Ihis Drrd of 1tus�,havc bcen paiJ in full. Yru��rr herchy directeJ to canccl aaid ni�tc ur notes i <br /> _ and tf�i:s Dccd af'itust,which arr ci�.a�cccJ hcrehy,and tn recumcy,withuut warranty,all tnc cst:uc nuw held by y��u undcr j • <br /> this D4�d of 7ru,t to thc persan or p�r>on�Icgully cntiUcd thcrrto. . <br /> - Uatc: _— <br /> � l'urmW'.al v�SD �pueeh��lnpuer�i ; . <br />_ � <br /> _ -_: :-- --:=i , <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> .� <br /> �l _ � <br />