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<br />�;_-,.,.� , rundetnn�Ulun ur u1Na�i'I+�F�ing ut�;�ny pnrt�►i'Ihr 1'�upeity,ur G�r r�,iirc�:atcc in Ilru ut'rund.nu�aiiun,nrr h��n�hy u.�i►;nrtl,u�d ;_ .- -_
<br /> ,:, --- slr�ll iw p,+icl!u l.ent!��r. —� . �----
<br /> �� " In Ute ovr1U ui u lulul UiAinl: af Iltc Prupcily, ihr prurccd� �hnll hr np��Nrd p► 111i �wn� �rrinrd by IIIi. \rr�u�lty . .
<br /> - In,lrunuiit, whc�lur ar nut Ihcn duc. �siil►uny �xcrs.p;dd �u I�urru���r, In ih� r��rm ��1'n partinl ���I�ii��:��I ihr I'�upc�i�• in , . - _
<br /> -° �vhlch tl►c Puir mur�ct��uliir ul'�hc I'ruperty mimc�liutrly hrl'���t�I�r�ul�in�;i,r����n11��ur�!reiurr�h;m�hr un►umi����'d�r��m�. ,
<br /> - • -` }�.`� xcrurcd h Ihis Sccu��ft•ln.►rumrm i�u�nrdliUrlv hrfur�: �he lukin�;, untr.�liarr����rr ancl 1.rn�k��u�hri��i,r uE�n�r iii���iUn;�, , , -- . _-
<br /> t -- . - --- y S � ------
<br /> �� , .
<br /> �--. -- thr.um� ,rrurrc! hy t{�ir .�',�tiurUy hntr�unri�i *hnp tw �ti�iu�cd I�y d�c iunoi�nt ot'thr pmcc�d� muUi�,li�d 1��• Ui� I;dl�►��in�� r° --- --_- : _. _
<br /> -`_ . _j frar�iun: lat ihc tul��l i+mtnmt ut'U���su�uti srrur��d intrncdliuch�heti�rc Il�e InF�in�:,�li�•i�l��l h}�11�!tln liiir m;u1..1 �ulu���d Ih4 �.. s
<br /> - - i M•openy mmudiutcl�� hrfurr �hr luRiny. rluy Li�l,�n�� •h,�tt tx (ti.tld ta lie�rcu«•cr. In thc e..er.t c•r; j,.�,��;.�� �,�t����� ���dti,� _
<br /> - - -- Pruprrty in whlch thr ti►ir miu•ket �•:due��f tl�� I'ropr�iy imnu�liut.ly heti�ro tlir ta�in�; i�lc•,thnn ihr amuun� ul Uir ,►nn, `• . -; -
<br /> -_ �ccurrd i�nmediutcly hefum dic lahi�tg, unlcss lfi�rroa•rr und I.rnilrr wh�r�ai�r u�:�Yr in wrilin!! ur unk., u��plf►�ublr law �
<br /> � uthcra�i���pruvfd�s,thc prurrcds.hi�ll hc applicd tu thr sum��crured l�y�hi.�c�urily In�trumcn�«hr�hrr ur nul�he,um�nre ' . .
<br /> Ihen duc.
<br /> II'iha Pr„pany is abundimcd Ny Hor�•a��•4r,ur il',t�fl�r��ullCe hy I.��lder tu liurru����i'Ih;it Ih��unilrmnur u114r,lo t��ul��
<br /> ;�n nwprd��r•�Ulc n cl�iim ti,r di�mageti,f3urra���cr 1'uiln tu n:zp��nd tu l.�nd�i'�sithin?U�In1's i�ftrr�hr d;u�Ihr nuticc i�pir�n. , •
<br /> „ I.rndcr iti+�uthorizcJ tu collccl iwd npply tli�prurr��:1�, aI II�uptiun,cithcr���rrtiu�r;�iiun ur rcpair uf�hc Pruprrl�• nr li�IIIc
<br /> .rumti ti�ttu����l by Ihl�S«u�•ily Insp•unt�nl.��•hcllttr or��o11h4n tlue,
<br /> - Unlc.rs l.rndcr und Rurruwur u�hrr�viu ;iRr« in wridn;:, ciny uppli�uliun ul'pruccrd.tu prin�ipal ,hall nul urtrnd ur
<br /> pi�stponu thc duc dutc uf�hc mamhly p;iymcnts nfrnrd tu in parapraph� I un�l 2��i•rhnn�!�ihc antnum ut'�uch pa�•ntem�. .
<br /> 11. Horro�scr Nut Rcict�tic�l: Fl�rbci�rn��r Ity Lendcr Not a� 1M1itit�cr. G�tcn+iun ut' tlu iim�� fu�• puymc�u or .
<br />. � mudifieution i�f antunitiui�,n af�hc.rum,,ccurcd h��thi,Scruri�y In��rum�nt crun�cd by Lrn�irr��,any ,urrr„ur in mtrr�,� ,, ' ..
<br /> uf Ht�rrtnvcr sh:�ll ntri uperittc tu r�l�+��c the lia►hility ��F Ih� uriginal B��rn��cri�„r I�urru��•cr� ���««�ur� in inlrrr�I. L�ntl�r
<br /> ' � sh.�ll nt�l be r�yuir�d ti�runtmoncc proc�cdin�s t�gtiintit i�ny �ucrctisor in i�uei���l ur rrTu+c ��� rxt�nd lintr fur pu)'m��N ur ,
<br /> uthcra�i�e mudlfy nmurd�+�don ol'U�c.um.r•�crured hy thix Sr�uriq• In�Irumc�n hy r�asun uf�iny drntund mudc hy Ilic uri�inul � •�
<br /> � 8orru�rer ur Burru��rr\tiuccestiur.in intrrr,�. Any t'i,rheui:inr�h�•l.enil�r in cxcrritiin�:any ri�;h�ur rcmrd� ,hall nut h�u x -
<br /> wai�•er ot'or preclude the eecrrisC nt�an�•ri�ht or rrntrdy.
<br /> .. 12. Su�cer.tior�itpt7 Assl�;ns Nuund:Juim i�nd Scvcrul l.inhllity;t'��-si�;n:�rr. The cuvrni�nt,and a�r�rmrnh�►t'�hi+ .
<br />. � ' Serurity In.uumont +hull hind und hcncl�il thc �uccr�sars und a�tiignti ul'l.cndrr and Narr����•rr,tiuhjcc� w �hc pra�•i,i�►n,ul' ,
<br /> . . . p:�ragraph 17, Burruwcr� cuvenunts and u�;rremcnt. shnU h�Juint iind ticvcrul. �1n�� l3i,rri,��rr ��•hu cu-.i�;n. thi. Srruri��• �
<br /> '. • Instrum�nt hul diny nu�exeCU�c the Nate: l;U i�ri�-�igning Ihi�Srcw•ity hi�lrumont i,nly ti�m��i1p:�4�,prant and nmvey Ih;U -
<br /> ' ;"�" Barro��rr\intcir�t in ihe Pr���kny undcr�he tenu��.f thi.Security In.trument: (h�i,nut penunally ohlicatrd tu pay Uic.um, t , '.
<br /> xecured hy thl,5�curity In��rumrm::ind lr1 ugrees that l.cndrr unQ a�ny u�hrr Harroacr m:i� a�rcc tu r�trnd,mu�lil�y,lurhrar ' .
<br /> ��r mnkc any itcrmm�x�datians �viih rrgard ta th�� tenns oi' thiti tirrurily (mti�umrm ur ihr Nut� wilhuut Ihut liurr����rr'+ ! �.
<br /> cnnscnt. � .
<br /> 1�. Lofm l:hur�;es. II'�hr luan .rrurcd hy �hi, Security In,trumem i, .uhj.rt ti� a la�v �vhirh �c�� muximum luan � �
<br /> • chargcs,and that la�v is finully intcrprrtcd su Ihal Ihc intrrc.t or i,Ihrr luan rhur�r.cullccted i,r ta h�ruUcc►cd in cunnrctiun
<br /> , with Ihe luan exceed the rei�nti�ted lintits.thrn: (w an)•tiurh luan chiirgc,hull hc��cdured h}�th�amuunt mcc..ury ta r�Jure � '
<br /> the chi�rge t�thc}x»nitt�d limii: and Ihl any.um•al�e;idy rullcctrQ 1'i�c�m Huri�u�c�r a•hirh exc�cd�d pirntillcd limit���ill Ix f ?
<br /> -- - -_ _ _ -- ru!'unclrc3 ts,9s,rs•t:u�er. l.endcr niay chtx�,��tu lnak.e thi.e�fw�d l�y redurine the nrinri��:�!meed under thr N�,tr�,�•hy making a � ;
<br /> ilirect pa��mrni to{3i�rn,wrr. If u r�timd rcdurc�principal,the redurtiun will hr trr:ue�i a.a partial p�cp:��mrnt ��ithoul unp � "
<br /> prcpaymcnt chi�rgc undcr�hc Nutr.
<br /> . 14. Nullces, Any nulice �u li�n•rriwcr providcd t'ur in thi, ticrurily Imtrunnnl nhall be civrn hy drli��erin�: il �u hy ' .
<br /> .-__'_.--__,_ � • �'.......1.........M�� � 1 11 l�n��� 1 �tn t�t�����Y��k•r1V
<br /> ... . . ._ .. � .• �.. .. ' _
<br /> ___.__ _.. .._ - - .._._.. . _______'.___..
<br />. .�'� manm�;�i n�•ti���ci3lti.l Illilll t11I1L•��it����llCitt�IC�at�r IcNiiii�'.i iiit ii�.��n.u��� u..Z • . !2:.^.1`..::.:.'.:!.. •'�•" ` ---- . -
<br /> � __.. . .. . .. _._.��
<br /> - Addross ur:�ny uthcr iid�trrrti li��rruwer dcsignatrti hy nt�lic�In I.t'nttcr. Any nulirc I�� Lcpd�r�I►uU b��ive�l h}' IIT.rt rl.��s '
<br /> muil i��Lender`iiddre�h,tmcd I��rcin ur anp uthcr:idilro„l_rndrr�Ir,igmilr,h� notire tu Nurro��•er. An)�notir�pruvidrd fbr i -
<br /> in thix Sccurity In�u�umcn� tihidl hu durmrd tu hu�•r hr�n ei�rn tu 13urra����r ur l.rndrr ��•hrn gi��rn m pn+��idrd in �lii�
<br /> � par,igruph.
<br /> 15. Gi�vernln� Lu��•; Sc��criibi111�•. Thiti 5rctu•it�� Im�rununt �h,dl hc gu�•rrno�i hy t'rdcrul la�v and ihr la��• ul'thc .
<br /> juritidiction in«�hich ihr f'ruperty Iti Itk:nlCd. In th���'Cnl lh.0 any� ��ru�•itiiun ur clau.c i,t�Ihi,Sccurii�� In+trumrnl i���Ih: Nutc i .
<br /> ccmfli�tr wilh upplicahlu law.uirh runtlirt tihall n�,t aflcct�nher pro�•isium rt'thi�Srrurii�•In,u•umm�t ur th�Nutr which can ,
<br /> hu givun rt'Ircl with�,tn thu contlictin� provision. li� �hi� rnd thc pru�'i,i��n. ��! ihi� ti�curny In�tnunem iuul ihr Nuir a��
<br /> ,� dccliircd u►hc,�vcraMa '
<br /> , 16. 8orru�vcr'r l'upy. Nnu�o���cr�hall hr pi��cn unc crn�fnrmr�l ru}�� �,0'th�!�atc and i�t'Ihir Srru�'iq�lm�rumcn�. j
<br />, 17. 'll���ntife�uP thc Propert}��r u Nene�iclul lnlerest in Hurroo•er. 1i aU ur any p:vi uf ihc 1'ru�xrt�•ur;oiy intrre�i in I
<br />� il is �ald or Irunsfrrrcd lur if u h�•nrticiul intcrc�t in Borru�ti�r i. .�dd or U•+in.t<<rrd:u��l B��rro��•¢r i� nut a nutural prr�onl
<br /> � wilhout l.rnder;priur�vrittrn r„n�enl. l.endrr ntuy.:u it.updrn�. r�quire ii�unr,liate paymrnl in I�ull uf all�um� �crtu'rd h�• ;
<br /> � � �hi.Srcurily In.trumem. Nrn��evrr,thiti uption.hall nut hc rrrrri.ed h. Lri3dcr it rrcrriu i, �,ruhihitrd h�•trdrrul I;iw;n uf' '
<br /> �hc datc oi thi,Sc�urity Imtrument.
<br /> If l.rndcr�xcrcitirti �hi.optiun. L�n�lcr.hall�i�•c Hi,rm����r noticr ut ucrrlrrulinn. '1'hc nutir�.hull pru��idc a�kriud ut
<br /> nrn Ic+�thnn�0 duy,frum ihc datr Ihu ni�tirc i�dcli�•rrrd�n�mailc.!��ilhin�rhirh I��,rn»�rr nui,!pa�•all tium,,rrui'�d h�•ihi�
<br /> ' 5ecurity Intilruntrnl. II' Bnrru��•rr i'ail. h, pa�� ihc.r .um� �,ru+r ti� �h� �����iru�ion ul' Ihi. ��rriod. Lrndc: may in��nl�r uny
<br /> � rctnc�lic,p��milWd h��thi,Sertn•it� In,lrumeni ��ith�,u�funher m,tir�ur d�mand�,n Hnrru��rr.
<br /> ' 18. Horrowcr'ti Ni�ht Io l2cipstutc. lf H��rr�����r mc�i. ccil;�in c�,nditi��n,, I�urru��rr •hall ha�r thc ri�;hl Iu h:��•�
<br /> enPorrrmem ut'thi� Srrurity ln,trwtmnt di,runlinued aI am linx ��ri��r w thr oarlirr ul: la� :+ �la�,��n•,urli ulhcr periud in
<br /> � timcl.i�.mul�-�F'annlc�Lu•'FYeddlc\l:rc 1�IFtiRV I�ti 1 Hl�IF.\1 � t u�i„�n,t��..•n.in�, �1-9(1 �ra�cr a�d r�p,�e�„
<br />_ �
<br /> . •
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