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"1 = �_ ��� �1!`��E*� � _ __ - <br /> � � <br /> t - na_ � � � _._, <br /> _,�. y ' TOci�ii'HIiR 1Vf'TH cdl Ihc improvcment± nn�v c�n c�ccattcr�rcctcd nn thc prc�perty�, und ull r�i�rrnrn�s,appunrntm«s, - ., �,�, ___ - <br /> ,� . '-- und fix�urrs nuw un c�rc+►i'ta•u purt al'Ihc pruperty. AU ropincCnlCnts und i►ddiliun5 shall nls��h�Cut�crCd by thi�5ccuri�y , , ;��`�-,,,�,-��-� <br /> �- �•. _ � ' ,. Instrumcnt. All ut'Ihc i'ureguin�;iv�ti fcmd t+�In thi,r•Sccurity laxtnimen�uti the°F'�apeny." , - �..�_ -___ <br /> - - -- . BORRU�VGiZ l'E�V�NANTS 1t�ut Bi�rra�ver ly Ii�wPully�ri.ed ui'�hi�c.t+nr hrret+y cunveycd iuid N��+�hr riHht tu E�raot . - , `=- <br /> `__ :- ._ nnd comey the Yropeety nnd ihut thc 1'�n�rrrty i�un�i��umtkr�d,r�crpt 1'i�e enc�m�hri�nce.r•uF r4curd. l�urro��•rr w;uriin�ti nnd F � <br /> ' �vill dafend Neneri►II�•the titlo tn tl�c Pruperty u�uiiist c►II�lidius and d�:mtittds,�►�n1��i u,any cncumbruncc.r•ut'r�run±. � - �.... <br />-s� `- - ` � 1fF{IS S�SCURI�Y 1NS'f�ltUNihN"� cumhincy uniform ciw�nani� G�r nt►liunul u+� unti nun•unifinm riweniuU. �v{li� F...I:.. T`� _ <br /> _- - ., limitcd vi�rfi�tiuns hy Jurisdicli�m tc��unsUtutc n unif��rm scru�iry im�nnncni covcring rrul p�•u�x rty. . �- - � `- <br />- ° UNIFURM COY6NAN'1'S, B�Rawer iind I.ender cuvennnt nnd ul;rrc ttr ti�llo�vs; <br /> 1. �'nyment oP E'rincipnl i�nd lnterevt;Prepuyntcnt imd l.ntc Cht�r�ev. Dorruwrr sh:dl prumptly pay whrn duo th� <br /> . • princinai of nnd intcrest on�hc debt cvidcnccd by thc Nutu+md uny prcpi�yment nnd liitc churgeti duc undc��hc Nutr. . <br /> -- Z, bl�ndy fo�'ibxes und lnsuruncc. SubJcct to i►pplicublc luw iir to u wriucn N�tdvcr by l.cndcr,Hurrmvcr shnll puy to - <br /> ' . � Lendcr�►n thc day munihly pirym�nts i�rc duo undcr thc Nute,until thc Nutc is pi►id in Pull,�► ,un�("Funds") for: U�l yeurly � .� � <br /> ' „ � ti�xes iu�d assr,stiment� which nuiy nttuin prlariry over tliis Securily In,Ir�mienl ati i�liun un the 1'�•apeny: lbl yciirly Icaschold � , � <br /> � - p�yments a� grnund rents �m thc Property, il' any; (c) ycurly huzircd nr properry insur:uur pmmium.r•; (d) ycairly tl�wd , • <br />. ' . insurance premiums, if i►ny; (c) yeurly m��riut�go insurunce p�•emiums, if uny: and (t��m�� sums puyuMc by Huno�vcr u� . <br /> � . L.endcr,in �icc��rdi►ncc �vith thc pn�visiuns of para��;raph 8,in licu of thc �irymcni af ivart�a�;�in.uruncc pitmiums. 1'hcsr <br /> , items:ue rallecl"E�cr�w Itenis." I.rndcr mi�y,ut uny time,cuUect.►nA h�d Flinds in an anwunt not t��e�ccrd tho nuiximunt � <br /> ° amrunt a lendcr far.� federully rclntcd mortbi�gc laun nxry rcquiir f'or sc�rru���cr�rxcru«�accc�unt unde�• the t'cdernl [tcul <br /> " • �state Settlement Procc:dures Act of 1�)74 n�i►mended f'rum timc to time, 12 U.S.C. ��b01 e��seq.("RF.SNA"),unletis unuthrr . . �, <br /> ' liu�•lhiit i�pplics t��thc Fbndz scts i�Icsscr►imuunt. If so,Lcndcr m.�y,ul a�ty timr,rullecl a�id hold t�unds in an amuunt nat tr . : <br /> exrred the Ic�scr amc�unt. Lcndcr nury esUmi�tc thu umuunt oP F�mdx duc on the hi�sis ui' currcnt data and reiixunublc � <br /> ,. estimntes af expenditums��f fu�ur��•scraw Uems ar otherwise in i�ccorduncc�vith nppliciible lii�v. �' � � �� �- <br /> T�e Fliads �holl be hcld in nn institution �vhose depo�itti i�rc inrurcJ by +i fcQornl i�gr»ry, instrumentaliry, or r.nUty , <br /> (includins l.ender. iP Lendcr iti such un institudun)ar in uny Federal Home�n Hunk, l.end�r shaU apply the Funds u�pay ;; _ <br /> thc �scrow Itcros. Lendcr miiy nat char�c B��no�vcr f'or h��ldfng imd i�pplying !hc i�und�,.3+inually unalyring thc cscra�v �;;� . �° <br /> " uccoun�, or vcrii'ying thc Escruw ltems, unlc.r•x I.rncler puys S��rr��wcr intcrext on thc Fund. and applic:�blc luw pcnnit, _ <br /> � Lender w mnke such i�churgu. Hw�evrr, l.ender m,�y require Borrower u� pay u onc-timc rhur�r fur an independcnt rri�l `- <br /> estatc tnx reporNng servlce used by l.rnder in connectivn with this luun,unless upplir�►hle I:nv E�ro�•ides c�thcrwise. Unlezti un E� `�' <br /> , ugrcement is mi�de or uppliriible Inw rcyuires in[crest to bo puid,l.cndc�shal)not hc rcyuired tr pa}�8arrowcr imy interest rr ' ti� <br /> cumings an thc Funds. Dorrowcr wi�l Lcndcr m,ry ubrco in w�idng,however,that inlerctit tihall bc puid un thc Flmds. Le��der � • � <br /> � sha►II givc tu surruwer,withuut chau•gc,nn i�nnulil nccounting of the Funds.shu���ing rredi�s:u�d drbits tu the Fl�nds a�nd thr . <br /> pumase for which each debit to the Flinds was muda The Funds arc pledFcd ax additionul�ecurity f��r idl sums sccurcd M• .. • + <br /> � this Security ln�trument. j •� <br /> . 1f tho Fundti hcld Gy Lendcr �xcccd ihc i�mounts permittcd to bc hcld b�� ;�pplicuMc law. Lcndcr shall accaunt t�� , . <br /> , Iiorrawer far the excess C'unds in iirrord�mce with the rcquircments of upplicahle law. IP Ihr amuunt uf�hc Flmds held by �• � � <br /> -;:,.--° Leada�nt ��y iftii�fc �ot s«1'�cie�t ta�Say the Escro� Isems Khrs due, l.enclea niay ::n notife� f3orr��:ecr in++�rititi�.und.In =—�-- --=- ,�� �� <br /> ; -----._.__ - . <br /> . such cuse Qarrower tihull puy t�� I.ender the amount neces,ury tu mukc up Ihe def'iciency, B��rri�wer shall mukc up th� � � <br /> d41'ulcncy in no murc thun twclvc munthly p.rymcnt�..0 l.cndcr�solc discretian. �' <br /> Upon p�rymcnl in full��f ull�umti xecurcd by thix Srcu�ity In,tnnncnt, I,cndcr shall pn,mpUy refun�l w Hurrotivcr uny s <br /> ---- —-• - �------._�..._----,___�. _ <br /> _ _-__ Funds held by Lender. If, under para�ruph lt, t�enacr ynali ucquire or scii�ne i'�opcny, i..cncicr,priar iu inr ucyuisiiiu��or �-- - - � <br /> xule of the Property, shiill i�pply uny Fundti hcicl by L�nder ul Ihc time af arquisiUon ��r s+de iis a credit agains� �he sunU ( <br /> sccured by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt. i <br /> i. Appllcudon uP Puyments. Unlcs, iip�licablc luw pru�•ides �ithcrwise, all puyments reccivcd hy Lender undcr • <br /> pnr.�grnphs I �iud 2 shAll hc�ipplicd: fir�t,tu imy prcpayntent churgcti duc undcr thc Nutc; sccond,to amounts payablc undcr <br /> pnragri�ph 2;third.ta interesl due;fuunh.ta principal duc;and Ia►st,to uny lute charges due undcr thc Note. ! <br /> . 4. Churges; l.iens. Harrnwer �ha�ll pay uU ta�xcs, asscs,ments, char�es, t'ines und impositiom alu•ibutahle tu thc <br /> I'raperty which may attnin priority over this Securiry Instrumen�,and Ie:i�chold payments or ground rents,if any. Bc�rrnwer i • <br /> ' '� ; shall puy these obligutions in thc munn�r pmvided in purag�uph 2,or ii'nut paid in thut munner.9arrowrr shall puy them on I <br /> time directly ta the persan owcd pi�ymcnt. 8onowcr sh��ll proraptly furnish to l.cndcr ull n��ticrs of anmums ta be puid undcr <br /> � •" this puaigruph, lf Borrawcr maker these paymrnts dircctly, 8orrower shull prumpUy furnish tu l.�nder receipts evidenring ( • �' "� <br /> the pnyments, � <br /> ' Horrowcr shull promptly dischurgc uny licn which hus prioriry��vcr thi�Sccurity Instrumcnt unleti,Bonowcr:IA)11�fC1'ti � <br /> in wrldng ta the p.�yment af�he�bliFatiun sccured by thc licn in a manncr acceptable tu I.cndcr;(h)contcsts in gcx�d faith the <br />, lien by,or defend�ngt�inct cnPorccmen�oi the lien in,Ie�;ul pr�xredings which in the Lcndcr�upinion aperute to prevent the � <br /> • cnforcement of the Uen;or(c),ecures I'rom thc halder at'the licn.m agrecmem sutisfactory io Lcnder�uhordinuling the lien � <br /> � ta this Securiry Instrument. If Lender dctenninrs Ihiu any pun uf'the Propcm� is suhjrct ta a lien which muy eittain prioritp i <br /> . mcr this Sccuriry Instrument,Lender nwy give Borco�vcr u noticu identifying thc lirn. Borrowcr tihull satisfy the Ucn or take <br /> onc or morc of�hc nctions sct forth atxwc within 10 days of thc�:ivin�c�f noticc. , <br /> S. Hazt�rd ar Prnperty lnsurunce. Borrowcr�hall kcep thc improvcm�nts nrnv cxi�ting��n c�reaftcr crected on�hc <br /> = ' Property insured ngi�inst Iosti b�•fim,har.ireds inclu�led wiihin thc tem�"cxtended covcri�gc"and any uthcr huzurd�,including : <br /> floods or flaodin�:,far which�Lender royuirc. inxurancc. This insuranrr .hall hr maintaincd in thc amounts zmd fur the • <br /> . Nbrm 302A 9»'ujn pnqrsi , <br />_ :.--- -..-.- =� <br /> ' �r <br /> � <br /> l <br /> �. .. � <br /> 1� ' , <br /> � _ _ _ <br />