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<br /> �'• �, 202�220�38463-202 FCa)o�o��t•oo� ' �
<br /> � _, . ' .. Elahth Ferm Cn►dli Dittrtol L
<br />�:����� � ' ADDENDUM Tp Ti�ID�T DE�D AR M�RTC�A�E ��f`. , � � ..
<br /> ���°���� � ..• (FOR USE UND�R TN6 NEBAAS1rA FARM HQM�STE�D F'1d07�CT/ON ACT) ��� _
<br /> � � In acc.ordanca wlth th�provi�lons a4 tha Nebrayka Farm Hom�at�ad Proteotlon A�t,Net►.Rov.Sta�Soction�7ti-19ot,et,eaq.�ae a \ � � • " '��'` ,
<br /> .� ��� pretace to ths��tecutlon,And�e Apan ot tha attached 7n�a1 Daad or Mo►tgapo,thv undarelpnad T�uator(a)1MoRflt�or(A�bolnfl tiret duly ,, ,�_
<br /> Y�_=• r. . sworn,mN1co�th�olactiao ma�CQd bobw. '�'�''' "
<br /> -_-- . -�-';���.-_
<br /> _ . (Choos�01I1y any: " .r��,�
<br /> •�4s ' '��� -
<br /> +�{y �• � �. '��
<br /> "6
<br /> \ «
<br /> • UWo dt�clalm tho right to doalynota a homoatoad on the proporty doaarlbad in th�nttaahod T�uat Cood/Mottgago, No part o1 � ___
<br />� �� ' my/ou�hom�atoad Ia pr�aont(y�ot In th�futt�n will bo,aituatod upan eaid raal ostato. WVo undorotand that it Uwo ostabliah a __
<br /> ` �•-t � homastud on sny part ot tho►�al estat�du►inp tho timo tha Truet Doad/Mortgapa romalns unaatlailod and a Ilon an the real _
<br /> `` ��• `� oetato.Uwo ehnil hav�no ripht to maka a doalgnation o}homastoad in tho avont o1 a forocbsura of tho martguge or a Tru�tae's �
<br /> . . salo undor the T�ust Da�d.
<br /> '�,�
<br /> ,_.� :.. � � �:�'� (
<br /> � UW�und�rotand that Uwo hava tho►ight to ma�.'co a doalqnation o1 homoatQad In tha attnchad Truat Deed�Mortgapa. Yhe ����'
<br /> �'.:t�_� , ox�ouilon ot this Waivor conatltutas a waivar of�18hts othornisa avallablo to mo/ua tor th�purpose ot attording mv/us the
<br />� . � , apportunHy to rctaln my/oun c�meatoad In tho avent ot a dotauR upon tho Trust Daad/Martgago. ,
<br /> �_
<br /> ;;�. f�l 4. �E�[r�!ATl�N�F H4ME9T�An: : 1.
<br /> �+ � `,t UWv haroby deslgnato tha following described porllon of the roal ostata descrihed In the attached Truat Osed/Martgago ae � �
<br /> , mylour homestead: �?
<br /> � L_ ' .
<br /> �- - � --- ---_.
<br />_ .. . . ,,, I =, , --
<br /> . I
<br /> �; .
<br /> ' � � �
<br /> ,. . � ,.
<br /> '.:; ,� �•: .
<br /> : � � �
<br />__ . � I ,
<br /> Funhor,Vwa upon oath stato and represent thAt:(1)ono or moro o}us reslde in e dwelling house looatod upon the homestead; i
<br /> � (2)all appurtonances to tho dwelling and an adequate aupply of patable water and an adequate syetem of sewac�e disposal �. ,
<br /> ���, , exiat upon tho homos4aad;(3)both the water supply and sewaga disposal syatem are located entirely upan the deslgnatod � , .
<br /> homostoad and neither wlll ►equlra acaesa to no� en easemant aaroas any part of the nondesiflnated agricultural IAnd ,,
<br /> • encumbcrad by the Trust Daed/Mortgage;(4j both the homestead and the nonhomestead raal estate oncumbared by tha Truat
<br />__ � • „ Deod/Mortgaga have exlsting legal axoss to a publia roadway;and(S)the tollowing is a complete Ilst ot all structures and otho� ' •
<br />__ ' ��,•' Improvoments situated on any poRion of the homestead enoumbored by the Trust Oeod�Rtartgago, and ara ail within tho i ,
<br />_ • homeatesd boundary and do not encroach upon any oi tho nonhommstoad real ostate eno�imberod by the Truat �
<br /> -� Deed/Mort�ago: `
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> L iJ
<br /> � �-��:; � ��,<� :t�
<br /> � t�ernard W. Coa xixY (a a ornard cos rxff) 9 ,
<br />- -- .--.-._-.-.__ - �s'�`"`�q —�—r� g Lola M. Co:� raf£ ta/ / ��i��s uo8yzaff} , '
<br /> !
<br /> Statv o1 Nebras��— ;89
<br /> Caunty ot J
<br /> The fore�oing Inatrument was acknowlodged before me on .r r,��,_L_,� 19�by Bornard W. Cosqriff
<br /> (a/k/a Hernard Cos riff) and Lola M. Coe riff a k ala Coa if aba
<br /> ' � . . if�Ml�TII�+S�11 M�1
<br /> ���.�R (l�p�a pnnf nvor unGraynptunl
<br /> �M4rab�lYMl�INt Notary PubHo In and For Said County end State
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> ' � - ----i �
<br />