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, 06%�1/99 MON 13:26 FAX 704 679 45Q0 EQUIFIRST C�009 <br /> 99 10648� <br /> 1ZEQUEST FOR 12LCUNYEYANC� <br /> TO TRUSTEE: <br /> Thc undersigned is the holder oC che note or notes recured by this Aeed flf'Trust. Said note or nor�s, tagether with all <br /> ocher indebtedne5s secw•ed by thc l�eed oi Tru.�t,h�ve been paid in full. You are hereby direet�d to cance2 s�id note or notas <br /> and this�eed of Tru�c,which are dElivered har�by,snd ro recoevey,without warranty, all the estatc now held b�you under <br /> this Deod of Tmst to the person or persons lcgr�lly entitlad thereto. <br /> Dat�; <br /> � ,, . , ,. � <br /> fP�ike An�'8 pu�,�a�! <br />