I , OB%�1/99 MON 1a:23 FAX 704 679 4500 EQUIFIRST l�004
<br /> 99 106486
<br /> Borrowcr tihall pro�xlptly disChtirge any lien which has priorily over tlus Security In�trutnent unless 13orrowcr: (a)a«t'�es
<br /> in writillg to the paymanl nf the obligation sacurCCi by the lien in a ml�iar accx:ptahie to Lender;(b)coneests in good it�ith the
<br /> lier by,or defen�.y ugetinst enforeement of the Lien in,le�al proc:c�cdings wliicU in the Lendc:r'h opinipn operate Io pievent�he
<br /> enforcemanC of Iha lien;or(c)securzs fr�m the holder of the li�n an agreement satisfaccory to Lender suburdin�ting thc]ien to
<br /> this Seeurity Tn�trument.Tf Lenrlc:r determines that any parc c,f the.Property is subjcct to a Iien which m�y s�ttain prioriry over
<br /> ChiB Sccurity Instn�ment,Lc:nder may 41vt$ornowcr a notice i[letltlfying Lhc licn_B��1oWeP Sh�ll StslitiFy the lien o!t�lce onc or
<br /> mnre oF the actiona�c:l•fc,rth above wit}vn 1 U c�ys of the giving of'natice.
<br /> s• Huzard or. �'roperty Insurance. Borinwer shalt ke.ep the improvemencv nnw existing on c�rr.xfter erected on tl,e
<br /> Prop�;rty insured �gainst lora by fire,hazarcJs inc:Iuded wichin the term"exle:nded coversge"�nd any other hazards, including
<br /> floods or floodin'�, for which Lcndc.7 requires insurance. Thi;, inqura��ca sb:�ll be maintau�ed in the amounts and
<br /> for the periods [hat L,ender reqult'es. The insurunce carrier providing the insuranca shall be chosen by Borrawdr�,ub)ect to
<br /> Lender's approva] whi�h shall nuc be unreasonably witrihelQ.Tf Horrower f�ils tn n,sintain cov�r�ge de�cribed above, Y.encier '
<br /> m:�y,at Lender's optiun,ahtain covei�ga tu protcct Lende.r's rigl�ts in the Properry in aeeordance wi,th plra�rsph 7.
<br /> All invurunce polici�s�nd rencwala shall bo ticecplablc to i.ender a�ic] sh�ll include a stan�ard martga�e clAUSe.Lc:ndcr
<br /> shull have the riaht to hoid the policies c�nd rencwaln. f F T ender re uirc;ti, Boimwet'sllail rom tl R'
<br /> n �1 p p y e�ve ifl I.ender all recei ts II
<br /> of�aid pt�tniurns and renewa�notieas, in the event of loss, l3orrowcr sh�)1 give prumpt no6ce to tlte insur3ncc carrier ud
<br /> Lender.Lcndcr m3y malce proof of]otis if noC made pramp�y hy Rarirower.
<br /> Unle�,�y T..ender Fuld Borrower pd�erwis�sgrtx in writin„iqSU�CC proceeds s11a11 be Spplied to restoration or rcpair of
<br /> thc: Property dat'uag�@, if the restoration or repair i� ecouomicrilly Fcar•ik�le and Lendcr'�; tiecuriry is not letisened. If the
<br /> re�cocarion �r rc:�,�ir is not eeunomicul]y feasible or Lander'ti secUCity would bc lesseued, tha insursnce proceeds shall he
<br /> applied to che �ums s�curcd by [hia Security InsUUment, whethcr ur n�c then dua, wi�h any excess pauci tn Borrower. If
<br /> T3orrower abandonh the Praperty, or docr not. answzr wiChin 3i) days a nodcc tTonn I,ender thst the inyurattce carrier has
<br /> offered to settle a claim,ch�n L.ender m�y cullcct the inxurance pracccxi�.Lender may usc�hr proceeds to n:p�ir or restore the
<br /> Proper(y or lo pay sums secured by lhiti Security lnsirument, whether or nof thcn due.Tl7e 30-dc�y pc.�riod wi]I begin when the
<br /> noticc is given.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd 8orrowet Othcrwixc agree ii� wi7tin�, any applicatlon at Proeeeds ta principal hhall not extend �r
<br /> postpone thc duc da�ce of ihe monthly paym�nts rcYcrrcd to in�aragrnphs I and 2 or change �he amouut of th�payments. If
<br /> under parag�•aph 21 th� Property is acyuii�d by Lcnder, $orrower's right co any insur3nce policies�r►d proccedti resulting
<br /> L'rom damage to the Property �rior tu the ac:yuis{tlon sh�ll p�atiti �a T ender to the cxtent of the sums xccured by this Sec;urity
<br /> instrument immcdiately pi9or tu ihc acquisition.
<br /> 6. Qccupa.ncy, Preservatio�n, Maintens�nce and I'rotcetion oF the Property; Bu�rower's Loan A,pplieetion;
<br /> Le�,,eho�ds.$orrower tihall accupy,c:,tablitih,and use thc Properky as Borrowc•.�. pi-incip�tl resid�nce withln slxry ddys after
<br /> the exzcutinn of thi�SecuriCy lnxcrument ancl shz�ll ccmtinue!o oeCUpy th�Property as Borrower's princip�l rctiidence for at
<br /> 1es.Rt Une yeu af[er thc date of OCCUpuncy, unless LeudCr olherwlse 3gxcet, in wiritin�, WhiCh cnnsent shFill not hc
<br /> unreasonably withheld,OC ll211C9y cxtenUZtll]g CirCUmtitsnce8 OXISC WFIiCh 3re�y011d $OYYt�wer5 C011tT01. Borrc�wcr sl�all not
<br /> dastrny,dama�,e or imp�ir the Ptnperry, a11ow the Property to dcterio►�ate, or commit waste ai thc Pr�perty. Borrower sh;�U
<br /> he in default il'�ny f�rFeiture �etioa or proceeding,whcCher civil or criminal,ia be4un thnt in Lender's good L;iieh judgtnent
<br /> could resutt in foi�feitur� c,F the Property ur ocherwise materi:�lly impair the lien crEated by thi.� Secunty I1lSttLlrltCnL oi
<br /> Lendet'S security intere5t.$4CtOWer may cuYe�UCI1 A CI�Idult and reinStatZ,�s pr�vidod'1n par3gr�ph I$,by causing thc action
<br /> or proceed'utg to he dislnlssed with 3 n�lii�g that,in Lcndcr's 000d faitt�dctcrmination,pra;ludes forfeiture oi'thc Bc,n�ower's
<br /> 'lnterest in the Property or otiter nl�terltil impairment of the licn cr�ntecl by thi� Sccurity Instrumtnl or LendeC'S �Ctuity
<br /> interecc.Borrower�hall a14�ba au del'ault if 8orrowzr,during tl,e�oan appliea�ion process,gavc materiaqy falsa ur iaaccurate
<br /> information or st�uements to i.endcr(or failed to prc,vidc t.endec with:iny mateiial informaGon) in conneetian with the loan
<br /> evidzncui by the Note,includin�, but not limited r.o, represenrx�tions concerning B�aower's oceupancy o#the Prapc�rty d�a
<br /> principal resldancc.If this Security lnx�ruru,ent is on�lca5ehold,$arrower tihall comply wi�h�11 the pibvisions uf the lease,lf
<br /> Borrowcr�cquires fee title to the Pi�operty,thc leayeho�d and the fe�Nl1e shall not mcrge unless Lencier agrces to the m�rgcx in
<br /> wrien�.
<br /> 7. ProtectRon of Lender'b �ti�hts in the Property, rf Borrower fftils tn perform the eovc,m;�nls ancl agreemcnt�
<br /> containecl in tlus 5�c;urity J�astrument, or there [s a tegal proceeding thst m�y si�nifictuttly affect Lender's righty in tlae
<br /> Property(sueh.�s x proceeding in b�nkruptCy, probatc,fpT CDt]dBQlnAtiUn ar fOrFeltUt'�OY t0 cnfqrCe laWS Or m,gulahpnS),ehen
<br /> I.ender m:ay do and pay for whatever 1s nacess�ry to protect the v�lue of tl�e Yroperty nnd Lender's rightti in d�e Prop�rty.
<br /> Lendtr'3 acLionS may itiClude;pd.y�g;�y Sum.v tiecttreei by r11iCn which has priorify over thas SeCUiily In�,trumell�,appzciring in
<br /> court,paying reason�blc atkomeys' feas:�nd entering on rhe Pmperty Go make repairs,plthough Lende.r may t3kc:�ctian undzr
<br /> this pa��agraph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> ITEM 1915(9705) (ruX��M��P�es} Form 3112ii!!Y�
<br />