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.. 06%21/99 MON 12:35 FAX 704 679 4500 EQUIFIRST (�018 <br /> 99 10648� <br /> ARBITRATIUN R�D.�R <br /> (To Be Recorded Together with Security lnstrument) <br /> THiS R1DER is made th'ss 21 st day pf June, 1999 and i3 <br /> incorporated into and shall be deemed to� a�nend and supplement the Mortgage, bccd �of Trus�, or <br /> Security Deed (the "Security Instrument") of the same dat� given by the undersigned (the <br /> "Borrower") to secure liotrower's Note (the "Note") to EquiFirst Corporation (the "Lender") of <br /> the ssme date and eovering the property described ii�the Security Instruinent and located at: <br /> „ 1219 E.White Cloud Rd.,Grand Island,,N�68801 __ , <br /> . . . . ... .. <br /> � � (Property Rddr�ss) <br /> As used in this Etider, ihc tcrm "Lender" includes Lender's sucCessors and assigns and the <br /> company servtcingthc Note on Lender's behalf. <br /> ADY}Y'Y']ONAL CQVENANTS. In addition to the covettants and agreements made in <br /> the Securtty Instrument, Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ARBTTRATION OF DISPUTES. Any claim, dispute, or controversy (whether in <br /> contract, tort, or atherwise) arising front or related to the loan evidenced by the Note, including <br /> but not limited to all statutory el�ims, any claim, dispute or controversy that may arise out of or is <br /> based on the relationships which result frorn the Borrower's application to the lender for tfte loan, <br /> the closing of the loan, or the servicing of the losn, or any dispute or controversy over the <br /> applicability or enforceability of this �rbitration agreement or the entire agrcement betwcen <br /> Borrower and Lender (collectively "claim"), shall be resolved, upon the election of either <br /> Borrower or Lender, by binding nrbitration, and not by court action, except ss provided uttdsr <br /> "Excluslons fram ArbitratIon"helow. <br /> This arbitration agreement is made pursuant t'o a transaction invalving interst<1te commerce, and <br /> shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Acl (9 U.S.C. Seclions 1-]6) and the Coda of . <br /> Procedure of the National Arbitration Forum in efFect at the time a claim is filed. Copies of the <br /> arbitration rules ��d forms can bo oUtained and any cl�ims can hc filed at any National <br /> Arbitration Forum ofFice, e.� P.�. Box 50141, Minneapolis, MN 55404� on tl1e World Wide Web <br /> at www.arb-forum.cpm,or by calling(800)474-2371. <br /> This agreement to arhitrt�te sh�ll apply no mattcr by whom or against whom a claiin is made. <br /> �ny eleetiun ta arbitrate may be made at any time, rega��dless of whether a lawsuit has been ftled <br /> or noS, and SuCtt party rnaking the election may bring a motion in any court havirig jurisdiction to <br /> cornpel :►rbitration of any claim, and/or to st�y the litigation of any elaim pending arbitration. <br /> Any participatory arbitration hearing will take place in the federal judicial district of tlie <br /> Borrowe�'s residence, unless a d'iffcrent location is agreed to by Borrower and Lender. At <br /> Borrower's request, Lender will advanec the frst $150 of the filing and hearing fees for Qny <br /> claim which the Borrowcr may file against Lender. Tlle arbitrator will decide which p� wtl! <br /> ultimately be responsible for paying these fees, AI1 CI�im5 bGtwcen the Borrower a��d ender <br /> shall be arbitraled in�lividually, ana shall not be subject ta being joined or combined in any <br /> proceeding with a��y claims of any persons, or class of persons �ther than Borrower or Lender. <br /> The arbitrator shal( a.pply relevant law �nd providc written, reasoned findings of fact and <br /> conclusions of faw. Judgment upai� the award rendered by the arbitralor m�y be entered in E�ny <br /> court having jurisdiction. <br /> EXCLUSIONS FROM ARBTTRATION. This arbitration agreement shall not apPly <br /> to rlghts or obligations under tlie ]oan documents that allow the Lender to fur�close or otherw�sa <br /> take possession of property securing the loan, inclur�in� repossession, foreclo5urt ar unlawful <br /> detainer. Nor shdll ii be construed to prevent any party's use of banlrruptcy or judicial <br /> foreclosure. No provision of this agreement shalt limit the ri�ht of the Bnrrower to exerCise <br /> Borrowe�'s rights under the Uniform Covenant labeled "Borrower's Ri�ht fo Keinstatc". Subjeet <br /> to these limitations,this arbitr�tian a�reement will survivc the pay-offofthe 1oan. <br /> SEVERABILITY. If the arbitrator or any court determines that on� or more ternts of <br /> ihis �rbitrati�n agrccmcnt or the arbitration Code are unenforceable, such determination shall not <br /> Impalr or afFect the enforceability of the other terms of 4his arbitration agreement or the <br /> arbitration Code. <br /> NOTICE. WHEN YOU SiGN THIS ARBI'fRA'f1pN R1DLR, YOU ARE AaREEING <br /> THAT EVERY DISPUTE DESCKIBED A�OVE MAY B� DECIDED EXCLUSIVELY BY <br /> AR�31T1tAT1QN. YQU ARE G(VING UP RIGHTS YOU M1GHT HAVE TO Ll'fiG�1'I'E <br /> THOS� CLAIMS AND DISPUTES IN A COURT OR JURY TR1AL OR TO PAKTICIPA'fE <br /> AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR MEMBER OF ANY CLASS OF CI.AIMANT$ IN <br /> CONNEC'1'IUN W1'I'H A CLAIM OR DISPUT�_ DISCOVERY IN ARBITRATION <br /> PROCF.BDINGS iS L1M1T�D IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY TH1S AGREEMENT AND <br /> TME RULES OF' ARBITR.ATION. THE ARBITRATOR'S DEGISION W1LL G�NERAL�.Y <br /> BE F1NAL AND B1NDING, OTHER RIGHTS THA'I' YOU WOULD HAV�E IF 'YqU WENT <br /> TO COURT MAY ALSO NOT BC AVAiLABLE IN ARBITR.ATION. 1T 1S 1MPORTANT <br /> TI[AT YOU READ TrIIS ENTIRE ARBITRATION AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BBFOR.E <br /> SI(;NWG TH1S ARBlTR.ATION R1Q�R. <br /> BY SlGN1NG BELOW, Sorrower a.ccepts and agrees to the provisipns cont,3ined in this Rider. <br /> � _ __�S_.... .._ .. . <br /> $OrrUwCr <br /> , <br /> BUrrUw�r,, .. _._. .. ,.. ,, , , <br /> N�,�w <br />