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Leltder msy.�at img 6�e,aotkct and boid Fuads in sw amount�mt to esoce�dfe les�x amoant. <br /> � Y.pider may estim�0e 46e�mount of Funds doe on tbe basjs�uf aunnt d�ta ancl.�SOrqbla atiaqAes oi acpeadiwres of iutot+e , . <br /> � � Elcrnw 1teo�Qr od�awise in aaeada�oe vvith�pplic�bk l�nv. . � , , <br /> � Tbe Fards slwq be heW in sm ��fiose depasits m imutod tiy a faler�d �, �Y. or�!�Y <br /> : fmclod'mg t.ender,if I.eMa is such an ia�ihttion)or in aay Federal Home Lra�ts B�tk.L�ender shall apgly tbe Fwds to pay the , <br /> _ Esccow Iteo�s. Laidet�tY nat cha�8orm�va for holding aAd appiying tlie Fands:�Y�Y�AS-Ebe sscmw aovount.or_•. ,,, . <br /> verlfying the Fs�mw Ioems.unless I�ender pay's Hori�wer iaterest on the Ftmds and appliw6k law pecnsiu I,mder w moke snch . <br /> a charge.liowever,.t.ender may nquire Borrower to pay a on�.time chuge for an uidependau nal euate tax repoitiAa serviot <br /> n�ad by"Lender in comiectioa arith [bis loan, unless applIcabl,e !aw pruvides ot6ei�a► Untess an ag�oem�it is mide oa <br /> - applirable law rp�ai�es inoe�w,be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Bor4ower ahy iate�est ar�on the Fwds. <br /> Aorrowet aad I.ender may agroe In writing, lawever.that i�ueresc shali be paid on tbe Fmds.l�ender sl�ap give to Borrower. <br /> . widaat cl�rge.�u�nnt�1 acc�nting of the Funds.showing endits and debits to tb�Fuads and Nip patpose for whlel�each <br />-__- debit to the Fwids was s�iade.The Funds are pledgod as additional�avritY for all sums secund by this Soc�irity IncKament. <br />_� — - Tf tGe F�nds beld by Lmder exooed the a�nou�ts permitted w be beld by appticable faw.Letder sda11 axaunt W Bwnuwer` . <br />- for the exass F�nd4 in accondance with the re�ai�ts of applicable law. If the amount of tbe FuMs betd by L�ender at Any <br /> 6mie is n�t sufTiciem to pay the Lscrow Items when due.Y.cnder may so notify Borrower in writing.and,in such case Boaower . <br /> ,: � sdall pay w I.e�der the amomrt ner�ssary ta maice up the�ciency.Borrower sball tnake up the d�ciency in no more than <br /> � � taelve montWY PaY����s soIe disa+etion. <br /> i Upan•payment m fuU of aU sums secund by this Socurity Inctrument, L.ender shall promptly tefund to Barrower auy <br /> �- ; . Funds held by l, pa�agraph 21,Lender shall acqai�or sell the Pmpercy.I.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale . <br /> ' of the Property.stralt apply any Puads i�eeld by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a ceedie against the sums securrd by <br />- this Savriry Instrument. . � . ' . <br /> - , 3.AppNcatbn ot Pl�yments.Unless applicable!aw provides otherwise.atl pwymert�s received by I.�der m�dcr pacagrs�hs <br /> " ••=��, 1 a�x1 Z shali be applied:f a�sy prepayment charge�Que urater the Note:secand.w amoums payable uRder paragraph 2: . . �, = <br /> '�-'-- thiN.ta interest due;fourth.w principal due:a�xl last,t�any tate charges dae under the Nate. = <br /> . .{,•. � �x <br /> : � , 4.C1�rges;Lkit�.Barrawer shall pay all�es. tines and impasitior�amibntable to thc Property � _ <br /> _, � which may attain prlority aver this Security instrument, and teasehold paymcnts�r�rnund rents. if aay.HorroWer shall p�y . _ <br /> . . �`, ' <br /> these obligatians ia the m�u�ner pFOVided in paragrnph 2.or if nat paid in that manncr.Borrower shall pay U�em on time directly <br /> . �,r•� . w dte person owed paymerct. Bormwer shap pramptly fumish ta Lender all nmices of amounts to be paid under this patngraph. ' <br /> -'�"T'':" � IP Bonower makes th�e paymen�.s direcdy.Barrower shal!promptfy fumish to l.ender rcceipts evicicncing the paymeats. <br />_�< �`�' '' Bc�rrower shall promptly dischatge any lien which has priarity over this Security Instrument unless Aorrower.(a)agrees in _ <br /> _ �..,�,: <br /> `��` �''�'' writlns to tue payme�tt of the obligation s�acured by the lien in a manner_nrcepmble ta Lender.(b)oontests in good faith the tien -: <br /> �:�,�... . t e _ <br /> �;'..: . � by. ar defends agalnst enforcement of the lien in, iegal praceodingy which in the i.ender s opinion operate to pnwent the � _. <br /> � ,,.��s;:', ..�: : eaforcemem af the lien:or(c)secnres fram the halder of the lien an agreement�tixfactory to Lender subordirpting the lien to <br />,.!� �;_�•" this 3ecurity lnstrument.If Lencier determincs that any part of the Prc+perty iti xubjat t�a lien whicb may attsiin priori[y over <br /> " - thia Se�curity Insttumentt l.ender may sive Borrawcr s�nnticc idc�ifying thc licn. &�rrc�wcr shall wtitify thc 11en or takc one or = <br /> : , �' . �mone of the actions set forth above within 10 days of thc�iving of rtutirc. , ' • i'- <br /> - - '��'��,-'K • • � Famn 3028 81�0 � <br /> ��., .. <br /> - '�- . oageTolB • � <br /> • � s. <br /> - ---L ___ -- - ..... �.:_. ....,.�'�_ . 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