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.�t�A '.'fi. .�." :�t, . . _ ..,��"--C----G—__- — __ --- <br /> _ -�_ � _f� L � . . . •4 �- ` , '' . --- .�� ..c _ L �,:���. <br /> "— .i..�GZ K. J,..�_ .. ._. _t . ' _ ._ � _ _. _ , 4_ ..c. . . . .. � �_ � ♦ _�� u _ .. <br /> . - t.` . ;... . C .t �t_�, , .� . � ' �� ` � '� . .c � � �.�� (� �` .. �, ';. <br /> . • � ��� 1�E �[DN�IIIEdi.� O[ bQp�f4��.0i�1� pIq�ERr•� � .�d�, '�.-?.. <br /> �` �.�reees,,mYslt�,mioa�t,a'1�oai��ied r�a,wa�a*i�ht*i:a seoc3�ana a2r r��4r I�+�iikr�t `' <br /> .p�et of 16e p�opaty.�All `saa�d�il sho 4e soMe�d by�s,sec�rihr�n�at.1U1,at tl�e'fot�eauia�li.`. . . <br /> nR�,rctd uy it�tk's S��l��as�4"�•., .. , _ . . . _ _ � , ' - . - , . <br /> � • , , • , ' r � ` � <br /> � . . � .H(�RSQwEtt�ODVgt,4rP�'s m�c aosrqwer i�ut�fut�jr sei�oa o�#he.�te b�by Qom►Qr�d aad�ts sha rl�it t��nl�!ud. . . <br /> ..__- -avnvs�t iAe Pt�apat�aad-�E�C�r i���trq�t��am�oa s�f,�eocn�-�aie+�r:�-ac¢w�l=- ` : . <br /> ifefeod�ly thc.titk w ihe Ytopaty a�qqmc all eWms�4d dem�oi�s,�utijec�to say,�oft�u[d. � � . <br /> . ., . • , . , _ s � , . <br /> ' " `, '�' �:�!7���Pr+���'M�d Lat�'�-Qornoa'es s6�U;pay whn due ibe pri�x3pd of,aod infaest an.tba -. ,. <br /> dd�Ee�►ide�#�y�a�e(�adl�rb d(3r�estfite�nder dfe No� . . . < << � . c - - ..-.-� - <br /> , c . . . � � . � . <br /> � ,. 2-�r Pl��r�eMs•�t Ta�s,I�c�awl Otlret t:lyc�.Bomowa'sl�all i�t4dc in tach muatWy paymeat, - . <br /> - . � togdi�a��ri�the prioci�[aM inla�st�s ett tlie Nooe aod any l�te iaSWlment arF aoy(a)ts�css�nd spocial <br /> ` as�asmaKS kvied or ta be levied�pid�t tbe Propaty. (b) k�Sd�Qld AzYmer�ts or gtaud�na�ts on t6e Pmpaty, �nd te? <br /> p��f��nsaraoc���►P��!4. . � ' : • , .. � � • <br /> . � . . . <br /> Fxh ynaKhi�r ii�stailmaiCfor itarts(u),(b),and(c}sdaU e�ual one-twelfth of the annu�l amatots,�s r�MY dtim�ed . <br /> by I�eMer,P�au smoar�t su�icknt ta m�maia sw ad�tio�mt balap�ae of oot mone tlnn une�sixth of thc�ed,�naoarks.TI�t <br /> . faU anuu�!aa�oaot fqr eacl�itom s1a11 be nocn�Oed by leuder adthso a periad endirg one month•befoce an item�wa�W . <br /> ,. 6xume dal�n�nt. I,rndes s6ili tald tbe aieouHS o�tix6ed ire uust ta p4y items (aj, (b?� �d (c) befont dkY ba�at�e <br /> �• ` . . • . • . • <br /> � . .' If at miy tune•the wtal of tl�e p�ynnmts held 6y I�endeF�ar iu�ts(a). (b). atd(c�. to8dher witb tha fuWre mombly , <br /> pay`maxs for such i�ems PaYable w l.e�der prior w die.due dates of suc�items.eucoods by mpnc than ono�sixth the estun�tod <br /> _ _ _�af�ryments r�qnirEd to pay suc6 item�when dne,�d if p�a�nc4 on�t6e Note�ce�r�ent.tben�iiersl�dl ei9�ec� - -_ <br /> sefwd tbe a�ciss rner onc�sisth of the estimated paymebts or crtdit the esass over one-suM oP tbe atiex�ted psymen�s to' <br />_. subsequent payments by.8orrower,at tbe option of Bornower. if the taal of the paymenta made by Ronower for item(a?,(b),. <br /> . cir<c) is inwfficient w pay tbe item whesn due. then Borrower sha11 pay w L�nder aay amonnt neoessary to makc ap� <br /> - deficiency on or befon @ie dats the ium becomes due. ` ' � ' � . , � <br /> As used in this Soe�rity L�strumrnt. ••Socretary,•means the Socretary of Housing and Urban Devetapaieat or hls or ber <br />� , designee. In any year in which ihe Lcnder must pay a mactgage iasutance premium w the 5ec�e[ary.each moot619 WY� <br /> sbalt aiso inctude eltf�er:(i)an instalGnent of tht annua!tportgage insurance pn7nium to be P�bY L�n�rw the Secnlary.or . <br /> (ii)a moruhty charge instead of a awrtgage i�e�premium if this Seauity ta�meat is IteW by tGe Sec�xasy. 8�ch <br /> . moirthly instalime�rt of the mort�age insarance premium sha116e in an amount sufficient w accumWau the full annual mortpge <br />= -insurana premium with ixnder one mamh prior to the date the full annuai mortgage insurance pnmiam is dae to the Sernetary, <br /> or if tLis Security Instr�noent is held 6y the Secretary. each monthiy charge shall be in an amourn equal to one-twelfih of �: <br /> on„�-half per�nt of the outstanding principal balanae due on the Notc. � � <br /> If Borrower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured 6y this-Security lnstr�rment.8orrower's aa�ouat shall <br /> �e credited with the�fialanoe remaining fot all instaliments for items la). (b). and(e)and any mortgage insuranoe premium <br />. . instailmqu that,Lcmder has nat beaame obligated to pay to the Secretary.and Lender sha11 promptly refund any excess�fun4s to • <br /> •Botrower. lmmediately prior W a fotectosure sale of the Properry or its acq�risition by L,ender. Borrower's accouM shall be <br /> credited wi�a�ry bafance remaining for alt insta�iments for item.a(a),(b).and fe). . � • <br /> . 3.Applkatbn n!P�yments.Ap payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shai!bc applied by Lender as follows: � , <br /> , ' � • . <br /> t}ie mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to ttie Secrewry ar to the monthly charge by the Secteuuy <br /> instead of the monthly mortgage insura�ue premium: ° <br /> any tas�,special�.ssesstnentq,leasehald payment�ar sraand rentr,��xi f7re.fl�wd and ather hazard inwtanc�e - <br /> . .•;.,f Premiums,aa required: � - y - - <br /> - <,;,�., interest due urnler the Nate; , • _ <br /> - �'•_�:� Fourth.ta amcmiu{tion aP the principal af the Natc: � , , . - <br /> ' - ~~� late chsu�es due under thc Notc. � - <br /> ��RlNE1 P�go 7 of e ' . _ <br /> . <br /> - <br /> - -- — . -- <br />_ . - <br /> - <br />_ _ <br /> . . , - <br />_� ,. .. <br /> _ 4` . <br /> _. __ ---- - - - <br /> .��-�-�--r-�:,...��b,�r� <br /> ---�a,.. —�- ?�s,,.�- ::-n...,�;,: _ <br /> —"__'�_�:_ . . r: . . .. . . .. . �:. .i+;�t�#!^W.��t,�"6i.�,!: 't r � • . T • . <br /> I,,,� . . . . � . , , �: ' " , <br /> — ' __ . ___ _... _-1...�. .. . . � s .�....�-kt-... ...._.w-,..1- W�Y.J ..a���Yi_j1_ .J�+� __'A��.ra..�t.�.as.�.,,4��c.=.- <br /> ��;l•r .. . � . . . . .-. . .. � ' ' , . . �. . 1. ' . . _. <br /> . . . <br /> � i .. �. .... .____.-__�.-'.______.__ _.___ ______ __ .'._ -_ __�_ -____.-_... __. �� -......_.�___.'_-.____y"__.' - _._".._-__ '__- r <br /> �. <br /> . .� . � .... : '. . . <br /> �.� ti • _.. . ' • . . � . .. .. . __ . . . . ,_ . . � . ,. <br /> .:;�� �= r n. . . 1 • � - ' � 1.. . . _ . ' .. . : . <br /> �Y'..s� ...7 '� " . . . ' � . ' . ; .. .. . ' . � . .1 ' <br /> �a�Y�N'���. � . . . . <br /> — - '� -�, j��� 4 .� .. . � . , ��:��� k : . . ' • � . <br /> � J� ! _ :t• =1--�ss:(�4}'-`-""�r'tan_.u.. . .. . _.. <br /> _. .__.�._._.._.._.u.....-..��_ . . — � . ~ �.:_ .�- . -- - - . . <br /> ' 1]nf�^ � T .�. � �+ . <br /> ---�r `y5a; G,. - . - — - --. . : Ar#,.. � . . , . <br /> "� Hrx"h'�'�`5 .i b7[ 4� + R.Ti.P� ' - . <br /> L-"-� .�,1R r- � �� t� z � <br /> ='�- —�+� a�. L f ='�^ . <br /> — �3 ��a� c : r : :� . .— � '�! � ' •. ` ' . <br /> �� ! ���� .��. . fY-�y+r L �, � - . . . • �.,'; � .s. TM� . • . . •. <br /> - -- f1�?`e i."_" a�'i:�i. � . '1 "' ..: j� . � . <br /> - �__ -- — .-__.��._. ..�.Y�f�l-Z.� . :�>ka\{t:di(r?�►�'Y. . .�'irfi.Yf\T '�_ . . <br />