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<br /> -� ::���� .-
<br /> �: - �= �_--- -.-
<br /> �.:_�-,>��-:- -°- -
<br /> � '� � upplirnh►n lu�r mn�� s�xciFy ti�r roiush�tcmrnU Ncti�r� salv�►t'Ihc 1'mpetty pursuunt tu uny pu�vcr ot'sule c�mu►inr�R in thls �; -� _---
<br /> ��� `�"' Security Instn�ment;��t lh)rntry��f+�JudFlment enfurcing�hi.r•Sccuri�y Inwl�untetit. 'i'twsc am�llUuns lu�e thiu llorra�ver: (u1 ��; - --
<br /> � '- �--.- pi�ys Lendcr ull sun�s which thcn woi►Id t�e due u�idcr thix Scrurity Instrumcnt und thc Notc us iP nu ucccicri�Uun hnd �� �•e°�°°°�_
<br /> - -�'.�^z_` occ:urrcd;(b)cu�cs nny cicfnult of uny athcr covcnants ur�►grcrments;(c�Pnys nll cxpcnsc.r•in�turrd in rufurclnb thi�Srcurily �-� .�"',i�-=="'"`..
<br /> �-==` -,� . • : -�-
<br /> ��;,-�-:.,;�: Instrunicnt, in��luding, but not Ifiuited lo, rci►sona�blu iiUomcy,r• t�es; und(dl ti►k�s �uch iicUun ns (..��ndcr mi►y �tii�runi�hly .�.r....,�,.;-;.-__
<br /> ' ' �cyuiru to assu�c tlEnt thc Ilen uf this Scrarlty I��strununt,l,�:�►dcr�cigttlK in thc lfiypc:rty i�nd C�or�•��wceti ohligutl�n tc�p;sy thc �;� � � -
<br /> ="'�"� � sums sccured by this Securlry Instrument sh.ill ca�uintie tmrhnnt;cd, 11ixm rcin�tetement hy I�oni�wcr, thiy Srct�rity =�`T
<br /> _ • hlspu�itvnt attd th�^.�bligatiaas sccuc.,d hc�chy shatl rcm�in fultp offGCdvc ns if n��urrcicrntton hsd�:ecurted. Ho�vrvrr,thiy �-� '?-�� "
<br /> �� ���``° � rt�ht to rcinst�w shnll nrn apply in thc cusu of nccdcrntiun under pari�gri�ph 17. - ��. ����-`M���z;°��>
<br />���.r�=��_�___�` 19. Snlo oP Nate; Ch�nge of I.o.�n Se►wlcc� Thc N��tc or u pniyiid intcn;st in thc N�tc Ua�;cthc�wUh this Sccurlty �
<br /> �`. � ��� I�stnimen�)mny bc sold ane or maru times withou�prior noticc tn Bi�rr�►tivcr. A snlo muy rrtiult in �i ch�tngu in thc undty � , ` . �
<br /> . ;. ...
<br /> "��� � (kno�vn os thc"Loan 5crviccr")thut coliccts monthiy pi�yments duc undcr thc Nntc iind this Srcurfty histrumrnt. 'fhcrc ul�u �� . . �
<br /> `r'+= `, ;. mi�y bc►on�ar m<�rc chwiges of the l.oun Servicer unr�lated tu i�snle of the Note. If lhen�iv n ch�mge��i'the l.�n►n Servlccr, �
<br /> -�"�` �' � t3�orra�ver wlll bc glven�c►ittrn noticc��f the chtui�,e in accordance with pnrngrnph 14 nbove nnd applirable Inw. The notice �'
<br /> ,Y�i. .
<br /> �;��. ,r.;. � wlll sti�tc tltc n;unc imd a�id�vss af the ncw Luan Scrvlccr i�nd tho iid�iress to wMch piiymcnt.r•shnuld bc mt�dc. 'Thc na�lcc will
<br />=�A-. „� nlsa contuin:u�y athcr inti�rmallon reyuinrd by upplicahlc luw.
<br /> Y �t 20, Huu�rdous Suhctances. Borrowcr shull nut cuuse u�permit the presenco,use,dispusal,srorugc,or roleiise uf'uny �
<br />:� ,,._ .
<br />,,,,�`?;; �'� Ha•r.ardous Sub.r•tances on��r in the Nraperty. Boim��•er tihall nat do, nar��Iluw nnynne clsu t��da, unything af'fcc�ing the , •
<br />,;,,}r • , Nri�pony that is in vialatian uf uny Environmentiil L;n�•. The preccding two sont�nees shidl n�►t iipply to the pre�cnce,use,or • ,
<br /> ' 9[OiAgC OO IFIC P('(1�1C('tY O`SIIIAII l�l1Af111I1�S pf HiIZAI'(Il�US SUGSlanres thut m�u�rncraU��roc���;niicd tu hc i►pprupriutc tu nurnuil ..
<br /> �;`�;' ' , <;�,;� �esidentiid uaes nnd tu midntenunce of tl�e Piraperty. , ; :�.r-;-
<br /> • : .� Barro��•er shi►11 promptly give l..emier�vrilten n�aice uf uny invrxNgaUun,cluim,dcmund,lua�.uit ur othcr uctl��n hy nny ,
<br /> ;��,�i:,,.•, .�i3';;�'� t, F B Y P P' b P Y Y ,
<br /> ,;;,�:F �av�rnmeut��l or r ulaton•n cnc ar rivatc ar1� im•alvin• the Yro ert und un Huzurdoux Subsiance or Envlronmentnl •
<br />`_��,;;� ;°. `, ,,�;� , Law of which 8orro��cr h:�.r• iutuul kno�vledge. � If Ba•rrnver lramr, ��r iti notiGcd by iiny govcrnment��l ar regulntoq� ,
<br />_;ti��;_ , ';,:;�;.�;�,; authority.that nny rem���•a!��r ather nmedi��dan of any Hazardaus Suhxtance iiffecting the Prape�ty is necessan�, Aorr�����er , w �� = .
<br /> ' � ,��;;, shnll pro»�pt9�take all neccssnry ren:cdi;►1 i�ctians in ucco�•dance���ith Environmental Li�w. :
<br /> ��,�4�;, A��3sed in thls puragraph 2U,"HA"2.U1'tI(]Uti SUt1\lAl1Cl'S°ure thast�subsmnces define�t i�s toxic or hi►rardou�substimc�s hy r ;� {��;
<br /> , ;,i:;�,., Enviranmental I.aw a►nd the fallawing sub.r•tances; gi�soline. kerosenc, ��thcr flan�muble or toxic petrolcum pruducts, toxic , `�'
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides, vc�lntile xolvents, m�ueri�ls contnining i+shestos��r fo�mnldehyde, and rudivactive m:nerii�ls. As ' ��.
<br /> ;��. � used in thiv pnrngrnph 20,"6nWmnmentul l.iav"me�m.r•federal Imvs nnd Inw,of the Juri�diction whare thc Proprny is I�cutcd 9
<br />-� , • � thiit relate ta henUh,snfety or envi�onmenti�l protcction � t
<br /> • � � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lcnder furthcr covcnant and agrc�us i'ollows: ' {
<br /> "- -, ' 21. Accelerntiom, Remedles. [,ende�yhnll give notice to Borrower pri��r to acceler�tlon fbUmviag Aorrower's t
<br /> •'�'�t��� breuch of n�y covennM ar ugreement i� this Security lnstrument(but nat priar to nccele�ution under purugruph 17 �
<br /> �;��•;�
<br /> • ,�; unless t�ppllcuble lu�v provldes other�vlse). The nuNce shull speciPy: (u)the defi�ult;(b)the acUan required ta cure the +
<br /> � ' .''�:.r default;(c)n dute,not�ecv thao i0 dAya it�om the dnte Ihe natice is�iven ta Borrower.by�vhich the dei��ult must be - �
<br />, . �`,,;�t;'; cured:und(d)thut Pa�9�re to cu�e the defAUlt un ur hefure the dute speciiled in ihe notice muy result In pccelerutiun oP �=
<br /> ����,�?:_ 4he cumvi cecure�l6y thls Secu���y l�c4rumenl nnd tiu�e of the PrppeMy, The nutice shnll il�rther InPorm Hnrru�r•er of `� .
<br /> •�-
<br /> , _: ��� -- - -- - ;
<br /> the riqht w relnstate uf'ter nccelerutiun and the rlght ta bring a caurl uctlun to u�.sert the nun•e�cistence aP u deiuult or x�
<br /> ' uny other dePe�se oP Borrower to ucceler�don und sale. If Ihe dePi�ult 1s nut cured on ar bePure the diite speciAed In ,
<br /> , the natice.Gender at its optlan may�equire immedii�te pnyment in full uf ull sum�secured by this tiecu�ity instrument
<br /> -- --= i��i�ii3iii id�,ici ucli�&ii� uiiu i�i&y {i�i�iiCc i,ic js8iic'i a'ii aii�8 aTi1�i aii}' i.i,iFi icu��t�iic. �'i'2iii�i�icG� ttf a�?js=;rai i8 =a::. �=-
<br />