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<br /> r�-��� �T ' 'iYHili'1'lllitt WO"t'll;►II Ihe impruvrmcnic+nuw or hotcnl'trr rrrctcd an�hu prapri�y,++nd ull cnsemrttts.11�1�lIIfiCI11111C1'ti, � �
<br />: ���; _-• und lixtu��rr• iiu�v ur hrre��l�tcr n p;uy of Ihe pruprr�y. All rrplaccmm�t,i�nd uddlUons,hali x1,n Ix cuv��r.d hy �hiw lccw•Ily � _..Y
<br /> w -. - In�mimcnt. AU uf Ihr lin�hulot�1+r�lcrr4ci tu in�Idr Sccurity In�tnimcnt iiv t{ir"1*r���xrly." � -_ —
<br /> I1O12120WC1i CY)V[iN�N'I'ti ihnt Nur�a�ver Is luwllilly hris�d�d'11��estutr Itt�r�GV �unveyv�l nud ht+s Ihr ri�ht lu�!ruut �- _ -
<br /> � - - .- �ind con��y the t�rap��ray und thnt thr i'n►��crty I.r�u�r��umtx;r�d,excep�li�r euc�mtiheui�ccs uP rccurd. Horrowre wnrrnnts und r. :..
<br /> will di`fcntl�;ence.dly thc dtic t«ihc F'��,p�rty u�;ninst adl�Inimr and dcmnndv,auhj�ct tu uuy rncumhrnncc��,P rccurd. - -_
<br /> � �-. - -- 'i'Il1S SL'CUt:i7'Y iNSI'ttUltl�R'!' tt�►nbl►tcy ��nlli�nn cavcnauus ti�r uuliunul us� mtd nun•uniti►rm r��vcniutly wit h
<br /> �_ `�.._...`-� .: --
<br /> � '.. . flmitcd vi�rialiunti hy JurlsdicNun tu cunsd�utc ti uniti,rn�+ecurily lur:lrun►Lul covcrinu rcul pruperiy. � �` ,..,� �, -
<br /> :"`: � UNIFOIZM COVBNAN'PS. Hurn�wcr and Lrndcr cuvcniml und ugrc��us fulluw�: . .. .._._± �_ _ �� �
<br /> ,,_,
<br /> - - � l. Ptiyment oP Prlocipnl und Intere,t:Prcpnymet�t nnd I.nte Chnr�c�. Horc��w�r shuU prumpUy puy when duc�hc
<br /> - � - principal oF nnd intcrest on�hc drht cvidcnrrd by�hc Nutc und imy prcp;►ymetu i�nd Intc rhi�rgcv duc undcr�hr Nutc. -
<br /> - t. Ft�ncls Pnr 7Uxc�nnd I�iaurancc. SuhJcct to npplicublc li��v ur t��i�written�vi�ivrr hy l.endcr,t�urruwrr+hid!puy ta
<br /> � ,.. l,endcr��n the d��y manthly pi�yuicn�s ar�du� undcr thc Nutc,�inUl tNc Nnte is puld in iull,;�,um("r►uid.r") fur;(u)y�`urly ..
<br /> ti►�es nnd msussmca�s�vhich nu►y nui+in priurity uvcr Ihis 5ccurity Inrtrumcnt us.�Ucn un Ihc{'�oprrty;(hl yr+►rly Icu�chnid
<br /> � . paymcnts or gruund rents on the 1'iruperty, if' nny; l�l y���rly hnu►rd ur ��ra�xeny insumnrc prcmium�; ldl ycurly 11ood . . , .
<br /> '�-`�:, • • (nsurancc pn:miums, if uny; (rl ycm•ly mortgi►gu inxurnnce pr�mium�, ii�uny: imd 1t�1 uny sums paynblc hy H�irrawcr to
<br /> Lcndcr,in uccordancc with thc pro��isians ot'pari�gruph N, in licu of ihc p��yment ut'mongugc insuruncc premitnns. 'Phcsc ..
<br /> ` = „ , items,ue culled"rticr��w Itents." Lender n�uy,;u amy time,cullect amd huld I•lmdti in un umuun�nu!to exceei!Ihe mi►zinunn • ,-
<br /> � � umount i► Icnder tbr u fedcrully rcla�ed mnrtga�c loam m�y rcquirc fc�r Aurrmvcr\ escrrnv nrraum undcr �hc 1'cdrral Rrul
<br /> , �stiuc Setqement 1'ruccdures Act aP I�)74 as amendcd t'rom dme t��timc. I�U,S.G p 26Q1 i�r si�y.C'RtiSPA"),w�lc.,+�nuthcr ; =_i t,_;*�
<br /> .-- luw thut upplics to thc hUndti sots u Icsscr itnu�unt. If so,Lendcr muy,at uny timc,rnllcct nnd huld Funds in un um��um nut tu :
<br /> ---- , -.. _ .._ cxcccd thc Icsscr iunount. Lenctcr muy c�timatc ihc �►mount o� Fumla due ��n thc hiizis ��f curcent dutn imd r�uvon+�hlc .,. .°_;__`.
<br /> '� cstimutes af expcnditums c�f futurc�scrow Itcros ar athcr�visc in lucorduncu wiih+ippli�:ublo luw. � � ��:.�
<br /> ' The CLnds shnll bc hcld in un in�tituliun whosc d�posUs nrc insured by i� federiil ngency, instrumenti�lity, nr cntity ,��-.•
<br /> ' � • (including Lendcr,iP Lcndcr ix tiuch un instituNonl��r in a►ny Fedcral F1omc Luiia Bi►nk. l.cndcr shnll►ipply the Funds to puy �*y
<br /> tho Escraw Items. Lender mi�y nut charge Bocrmvar fur holding a►nd a�plying ihe FUnds, amnui►Ily nnuty�ing the c.r•cmw `
<br /> � nccount, or verii'ying ihe Gscraw Items, u��tess Lender puys Hotr��wcr mterest an Ihe Flmds und uppliruble liiw �xrmit� n ,�r
<br /> ' • ' l.ender ta muke such n charge, However. L<nder may rcquire Burro�ver t��pay ►i�mc-time churge far+m independent rcal �,
<br /> estnte tax rep��riing servlce uticd hy Lender in connection�vith thiti laan.unlex�a►ppliciible law pr��vidc���thenviso. Unlesti�m ,
<br /> ;►grccment Is nmdc c�r upplicablc luw roq�d�es intcrest to bc pnid,Lcndcr.hi�U not hc rcquircd to puy Barmwcr nny intcrest or T
<br /> �• carnings on the Tlinds. 8onuwcr and l.ender may agrce in wriUng,hawevcr,that intcrc,t yhiill hc puid��n thc Fund.r•. Lendcr �
<br /> � - shall�ivc tn Burruwrr,wlthaut chnrgc,am��mival uccounting nf thc F�mds, shawing crcditti und dcbit�to thc Funds und thc ;
<br /> purpasc for which cuch dcbit to thc Fund.r• wux madc. 'Phc fl�nds circ plcdgcd us udditioniil sccuriry f'ur stll yums sccurcd by �;
<br /> ' this Sccuriry Inxttumenl. j
<br /> ,. lf thc Funds hcld hy Lendcr cxcccd thc umounl� permiUcd to bc hcld by .�pplicublc law. Lcndcr shall .►rcaunt to �t
<br /> Hc�rruwcr fbr the exces.r• F�imd.in:►ccordance�vith the irquirementy uf applicnble la«�. If the i+m��unt of'thr Fun�i� hzld by . �
<br /> --- - - � I.endcr ui uny tii�t�i�n�t sut't`i:isr�t ia}�.z� ihe�:cr:zw!lem.4 whe�d���,l,e���er mny so notiPv BaRO��•er in��ritin�,�ind, in 1
<br /> � _ - - -- :
<br /> such cuse Barrower �hull puy tu Lender the umnunt neceti�ury to muke up thc def'icirncy. 8orr�«•er ,hall mi�ke up the . ,
<br /> deficiency in no morc�hi�n twelvc monthly payments,at Lenderti���le discrotion.
<br /> ' Upon payment in 1'uU of i+ll sums securcd by thix Securiry Intitrumem, Le�dcr shall pramptly refund ta eorro���er uny
<br /> .-"_ ' -- ... ` nr nr n !�t � u mul
<br /> . __._._. ._. .._ .__ ...___.
<br /> - Flmd�held by Lcndcr. li.unacr para�rapn«i, i.anurr.iu�ii u�yui���,� ,�i{ ih� i'�a�s;.ri.!.°r,d�..;..4..r!.. .h' �_ _..:itinn nr �._�..--- - -_--�_
<br /> � salc af'�hc Praperty, shull ��pply uny Funds hcld hy I.cndcr ut thc iimc of acyuisitian or+alc uy u credlt against thc rumx
<br /> secured by this Securlty Instrument.
<br /> � 3. ApplleaUan oP Pi�ymenls. Unle+ti upplicahlc la�w p�ovides otherwise, all puymen►s receive.d by l.endet �mder
<br /> ' (1itTA�,'Iilpllti 1 nnd 2 zhall bc npplicd: i'irst,to uny prcpaymcnt rhar�;cs duc undcr lhc Nntc:�ccnnd,u�amounts payahlc undcr
<br /> parngrnph 2:third,to intcrest duc;fourth.t��princip�il du�; :�nd last,tu�uiy lat�chau�eti duc under ihc Nuir. .
<br /> 4. Charges; I.iens. Rarrower tiliull puy nll taxcs, atiscssmcnts, churgcs, Pines und impositians utuibutublo tu thc
<br /> Prapeny which muy.utnin priority over this 5ecurity Instn�ment,und Icasehc�ld payments ar grnund ren�s,if any. Horrowcr ,
<br /> ' shall pay these abligutians in�hv mannrr pruvi�lrJ in para�;raph�,or it'not paid in th;tt ntunner.Horrower�hidl puy them��n
<br /> time direcdy to thu person m��ed pa�•mrnt. Sorrc�wer shull promptly furnish t��Ltnder ull nntices of um��unu to be paid under
<br /> ' this paragrnph. If Satruwer make�t�eae payments directly, Borrower shall prompdy furnish to Lender recelpts evidencing � �•
<br /> ; • thc pnymcnts, �'��
<br /> ; ��+� � Burrower shi�ll pmmpth•di�churge uny lien which hi�y prioriry over ihis Securit}•I�strument unless Bono�.•er:1:►1 agree+ , �•;+�`'�:''
<br /> � ' • in writing ta Ihe paymenl�f the obligution sccured by Ihc licn in a mnnner:tcceptuble t►�l.endcr:(bl cantests in good f�ith thc ''� , �
<br /> lien hy,ar defends i►guin�t cnPorcemcnt uf'Ihc licn in,legal pr��rcedings which in Ihc Lcndcr's apinian apemte to prevcnt the �',;.���� ��.�
<br /> enfnrcement of�he licn; or(c)secures from the halder of thc lien un agrecment satisfactary ta l.endcr subordinuting thc licn ,
<br /> to this Securiry Instrument, lf'Lender drtcnnines thut any part ot'the Pruperty i�suhject w li lien which may Uttain pric�rity !
<br /> � over this Security Instrument,Lendcr may give 8arcower u nutice identifyin�ihe lien. Borrmvcr tih.ill satisfy the lien or tukc �
<br /> � �ne or mare ni the ncd�mti set farth i�bove within 1l1 duys c�f the giving uf notice.
<br /> � S. Huzard or Property Insurnnce. Borrower xhall keep the improvemvnts now existing or here:�fter erecte.d on the •
<br /> • � Prope»y insured�►Riiinst los�hy fire,hazurds included���ithin the tenn "uxtended cm�zrage"und any rnher haz.lyds,including �
<br />- ;��•� flauds or flooding, for which Lender re��uires insuranca This insurance shull he muintnined in the amounts nnd far the `
<br /> I
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