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. .. � .r,, i-�;sl,,fc �;; t, , ..:�. , . . . s: � . . , .��ti���.� .:,�s.s .a0.•: . . _ :- <br /> > } . ,� , _`�.. y , � _--- <br /> . �• <br /> .. �, , � , - - <br /> , ' __ <br />: . . _ .• , . ,,, ��` - - <br /> t'. .. ' " '"'":_" "'.-- _._...-1F ""'_'_"'_'_� .._. . '.. "�t" " � '_ . _"'_. ..'__ _ . '" ' - - <br /> ` . , <br /> . . , .. .. . ti_ � . 1l. <br /> ' . � �� . �C'1.. ��� .. � .. ;;. .._.. __ <br /> . . � . \.. . . � � ---. <br /> • \� J "._^........�. . ; ____ <br /> � . -.... . .._-. - ,�f+�.w�l-y-_ <br /> • . _ <br /> . . ; . .. . . _______,__-- <br /> . .... <br /> .... � .. �;.:.:=� "'..... . . .�. _._ . .,. . � ' <br /> L:.�:'J-��. .�_�---•-..._..x.'_'.._._.__., _.... ... <br />� . ��� �V���O _ _-__ _ <br />._ .'„ <br />� ., 1. Paymen/oP Pelncipul,lntcrest�nd l.utc(.'ht�r�c, kloreawcr nh+►II pny whLn duc thc principal of.imd intcrrst on, � _ - - <br /> �' � ' � tha dcht ovidenccd by thc Notc i+nd Intc chnrgcr duo undcr Ihc Nutc. _-�_. <br /> .- - - 2. Monthiy paynients uf'll�xcv,intiueun�a o�tci Oihcr GhurRes. B�rr��wcr hhnll inrludc in cach montidy p��ymcnl. :':-��.�-�R.,_,= -- <br /> � to�ether wi�h tho pdnclpal an�l intcresl us kel fcntB in tho Nata nnd uny Inte;churgev,un inytnUmrnt at�011�1(Jl�(tlXl`9 llllll ';_�'�;=��=rt___— <br /> - : spCC{al a9cestimcnls luvfed or u�Ix levted ugulnst Ihe Nmp►:rty,lb)ici�srh�dd pt►yn�cnty�►r g�auud��ents on Iho F'raperty.nnil �; .-r a�, <br /> . ---- _ -- - (c)psz�utiums for inrueamc rcquired by S�urugruph 4, ` - —-_ <br /> -f� �tt�h monthip insu�ilntcnt fi�r itcros (u), th)nnd t�3 shnll cqunf n�+r.-t�veHlh o�th� a�u�u+►1 amuunt�,u�reusrnnbtY �_ � i <br /> osNmntcd by I.endcr�lus nn um��un► huffi�icnt to mnintain :u� addieion:+l haltun:e al not mc�r� than ane•sixth nt' tl►c <br /> _ --- .._.; � ., .� ....... ,... ,�,,.0 n,.N�•� �►dntrd hv I.t:n�icr �vithin i►prilat cndln �mc � �' � =- <br /> - - .--` eSliiiliit«'�1ii18UT1i."•. tttC ttil�euiiiurit ieiiil•F�iij �•^•• ••••.�•••.2:: �t.�.. ._ .._tL11.. . � ` <br /> . " month beforr�m itcm wuuid bccm��o drlinNucnt. Lendor xhi�ll h��td the�unuuntw cnllcctcd tn tru.r•t to pay i�cros(ol�I�)lltlti �. ,.t..� .._'a=- <br /> - � ' '. � (c)bcfase thcy b.come delinqucnt. ° , <br /> • 1`cs�t+r►y timo thu wt:d ati the p��ymcnt�h�:ld by l.�ndcr far itcros(ul. lb)i�nd(c). �o�clhrr wilh Ihc fuu�rc manthly . ,.'�' <br /> payR�entw for such item� p��ynblo tu l.rndcr pri��r t��the due datcs of surh items, exccci�x by mon.' than anc•sixlh the , <br /> '.�� •� � cstimated amount of pc►ymentti required to p�ry such itcmti whcn duc,and if payments c�n the Nota nn cunrnt,lhen l.cndcr ,; <br /> shnll citlle�r�Pund thc cxcetir ovcr anc-sixtl�of the esdm�ited p��ymems or c�edit thc exccss��vcr one-yixth of�ho csUtni�ted , . <br /> • puvmene.�e ta subsequent puyments hy Borrawer, ii�tha optiun oi'Qorzuwer. li ihc total ni'�hi paymcn�s mude hy Iiortawcr .. <br /> � foi it:m(a),(b),ar(c)iy insufficient to puy the itcm when due,theo Bnrrawer shall puy t��l.rnder imy luuuunt necesx,►ry ta , <br /> m�ke up the do�cicncy on or b�furc thc d:�tc�he itc�n bccomes due. , , <br /> � � Ay used in thi.r•Security Instrument,"Scr.retary"meuns�h�Secretury af Houying iind Ufian Qovelopment ar his or her , . <br /> ;.:_. ., dcaigiice, ln�jny ycar in which thc Lendcr must pay u mortgnge insurnncc prcmium ta�hc Scrrctury,cuch monthly puyment <br /> shall tdga include cithcr: (i► an installmcnt ��t thc unnual mortgagc inrur�mc� pmmium t� bc p.��a �►y ��na�� w Ihc , <br />� � Secretary,ar pi) u monthly chiuge inxteud ��1<i munguge insurimce prcmium iF�his Securiry In.r•tn�ment is held by the <br /> ' Secrct:uy. hach manthly instoliment af thc man-�r,iigc in�uranee premium shull be in un iuiwunt xufticient to uccumuliue the � <br /> � � ful� anmc+l moct;;aga insorimce prr.mium �vi�h Lender une month prior ta the diite tho ful) nnnuul murlg+�ge insuriaice , <br /> � premium is dur to the Secreta►ry;or if this S�rurity Inxtrument i�hcld by thc Secretary,ci►ci��uuiuhly churge shuU lx in un � ••�,� .. <br />" • � iimount equul to one-twolf'th��f one-ht�if perccnt af thc aulslunding principul bidi�ncc duc an the Notc. ;� ,,, <br /> ' • ' lf Barru�ver tendcrs ta Lender thu Pull pa}�ment af ull sums secu�ed by this Securlty Instrument. Bormwcr�account , <br /> shall t+e credited with thc bnlnnce remadning tur ull inytnllment+ for itcros (n), (b) und (c) und i►ny m��rtgngc insur.�ncc <br /> • ' ;,,;;, premium installment thln l.endcr hay nnt hccnmc nbligutcd ta puy to the Secmtury,:uid Lende�shall pramptly rcl'und im <br /> ' . rxcess funds to Borrmvor. Immediately priar ta a fureclosure�.ale of the Pro�cty��r u�aa uisUian by Lender,8orsower� <br /> Accaunt shnll he cndited with►u�y halanco rrm�iining far all inxtnliments f��r items(01,(hl am�lr). �� R <br /> 3. A licait�m uf f't►ymeNs. .�lll pu�•n�ents undcr Piirugrnph�1��nd 2�fia1f hc applied by Lrnder iis follo�vs: <br /> 5 ,to the ntoriguge msuruncr prorn+um to be pi�id by l.ender tu the SecrNUUy or to ihe m�mthl�•churge by thc �.,,. <br /> Secretury intitea�d i�P the monthly mongiigc insurimc�premium; <br /> �CnNn,to any tnxc�,�pec+al usscssmcntti,Ic.+schold pi�ymcnts o�grrund rrntz,imd 17rc,flcx�d:md nlhc�hnzurd <br /> insuriuice premiums,i+s re�uireci; • <br /> �'�1RD,to intcrest duc un�er ihc Notc: <br /> �QIJFZI'H,toamonizudon ot'thc princip;+l oithc�.�te; <br /> '. �}�,ro late ct�tvQez duc under the Note. <br /> _ ____ __,___. 4, �'�r�,Ftn�d und[)ther Hvterd lnsurrl7lCe. Borrowrr shull insure z+ll impravcments un thc Pruperty,whethcr nuw _ <br /> in cxistence nr subsequently erec�ed, iigain,t any hivards,ra.r•ualties, und conlingencies,inciuding i"ire, i'ue whici� L�adcr � <br /> n:quire.r•insumnca Thih insurance shull be maintumcd in thc amc�unts und for�he perird:�hat l.ender requires. 8���rawer <br /> • shall alsn insure all improvcnirnts o»ihe 1'ropcny,whcther now in existcnrc m�sab�equently ercctcd,uguin�t lo+�hy floads � <br /> — , ---- i�the s:xt�ns re�u!re��;!t!�c�•�•mt:�rv. All intiurance shull btt ct�tt'ted �vilh t�mpuniex apprcrved by Lendce. The insuraner <br /> __ _ _ _ <br />= . policic:, iu►d nny r�nc�vul.r• shall be�cld b}� l.endc�und shnll includc las�puyubte clnuseti m tuvur o�, nnci in u ionu � -==---- - <br /> ucceptublc to,l.cadcr. <br /> In thc event of lu�s, [3c�rro�vcr shull givc�lcr immcdiutc nnticc by m.�il. l.cnder muy mukc prooi of loss if m�t t <br /> mnde pmmp�ly hy l�orn�wer. Eiich in�urince company cuncemed is herchy uuthori�ed und directed ta make payment Por r <br /> yuch loss directly tc�l.endcr,inxtead ai't��Horruwer c�nd to L.rnder jointly. AU��r unyp►rt uf�hc insurance pmeeeds m�ry he � <br /> applied by l.endor,ut it,��ptiun,cither lul to the r�duction ot'thc indebtedncss undcr thc N��te and this Security lnstrument, <br /> first ta uny d�lin�uent umaunts sipplicd in the ardcr in Puri�gra�h �, and �h�n �n prepayment uf'principal. or (bl ta thc f <br /> - restorutian or repmr of'�he dumi�ged pr�,perty. r�ny upplication ut thr pnxr�d.r•to the prinrip:+l+hull nc�t extend��r p��stpcme ( <br /> thc du�duw ul'1hc manthly payment�which uro rct'crrod ta in Y:u�agraph 2,nr clu►n�;c �hr umaunt of xuch puymcnts. Any i <br /> cxcess insurancc prucecds over an iimaunt rcNuircd ti� piiy uU uut�tandmg indeht�dncsw undrr th� Notc und Ihis Security � <br /> lnstri�mcnt xhi+ll be pi�id ln the rntiry Icgully cnti�lcd thcret��. j � <br /> ln Ihe cvent��f fareclosure�f�hix Security histrumrnt ur uther trimsfcr��t'tiN:tr the i'roperty thut cxNnguishcs the ; . <br /> lndchtednes�,a�E rigM,titlr iind intcres�of Bnrcc�wcr in und u�imurancc poliries in ivne xhall p.�ss to thc purchuscr. <br /> i <br /> ` ' S. Occupuncy. i'reservuUan, Mai�tenunce and Pr��tectlon uf 1fir i'ropertv; flurrower s l.aun Applicution; t <br /> ' l.easehuldy, Hottc�wet shull cxcupy,establizh,nnd usc �hc 1'ruperty a�Sorrotiver's principul residence within yixty duys � <br /> npter the exccut'ton uf thi�Security Inrtrumcnt and tihall r��niinu�to u�rup� the 1'�uperl>•.as Borcawer's principi�l residence , <br /> for at tcast onc ycn�uf'tcr thc�latc uf uccupuncy,unleti,thc Srrn�:�ry dutcnninrs thi,r�yu�rcment�vill cuusc unduc h:+rdthip � <br /> for 6urcowrr, or unles. cxtenuiuing circunitituncc� cxi.i ti�hich aru tkyund Borrowcr's runtr��l. Burcowcr xhull notify <br /> Lendars of uny extenuiiting cii�cumstanceti. BurroH•cr �hall nr1 cummit��•aste ��r de+truy,damcige or tiubstuntiully rhunge � <br /> ihe Yroperty��r:►qow the 1'rapeny t��dctrriorutc.rcasonablr�vcur and trar cxc�pted. Lendcr mi�y mspccl the Pmperiy if�the , <br /> ,,. Property��vucam or uhundonrd c�r thc Inun iti in dcfault. Lendcr ma�•take reascmablc actiun tn pmtrct und prescrve tiuch � <br /> v�cant or abandaned 1'roperty. B��rcuwrr yhull ulso br in d�fauU if Ai�rrcnvcr, during thr luan applic�nion prcxxc��, g;rvc ; <br /> mnterially f'nlse i�r inurcurace inf'urnuuii�n ar +tatcmrnt. to Lendrr l��r failyd t�� pruvidc Lendcr with an} matenal <br /> ini'oi9nudon)in connec�iun�.ith thc I�,un rvidenced by d�� Notr. inrludin�.hut nut lin�aed tu. roprr�entutians�:c�ncrrnin� . <br /> = 6lorrower:occupancy uf thc {'rnpcny as a principal rc,►.!cnc�. It'thi. Scrurity In�tr�nncnt i�un u Ica�rhold.Rorro�ticr shall <br /> � comply with the provihiuns uf►hr Icu,c. If 13�,rruwcr acquiec.(rr iith to thc Prnpuny,thc Icuuh�,ld amt fc�iitl� .hall nut : <br /> = be merged unlr��Lcnder agrees tu thc mcrgcr i�i writin.. <br /> � 6. Char�;ey tn Horrawer and ProtecUan oP l.e�a¢1er's Fti�hts ia�he Yroperty. Nurcowcr tihaDl pa. all�;o�emmrmul , <br />,�' - or snanicipa!chargr�, fin���u�d im�ositionti Ih:u arc n.�� includ�d in i;ua�;raph 2. Hurruw�r ,hall pay Ihrx��hh�;:j�inn.on . <br /> �' t�me directly to the cntity Which i� uwcd thr p��yment. it failure tu pa� �vuuld adv�rsrl� a11erl Lrnder'ti interrtit in thr <br /> Praperty,uQon Lcndcr's rcqucsl Horr�nvcr�hall prumptl� iorni.h u�L�ndcr rcrcipt�evidcncinp thr.c paymcnt�. <br /> �, lf Botto��er 1't�ils lu makc Ih�yc puyments i�r thc paymrntti rr��uired hy I'ara�:raph �. i�r t�aiilr In perfurm uny �,Iher <br /> �{ cuvenunts and agr�ements contnined in ihi,Security In,trumcnt,or�hrn i.a Irgal proceedin�:Ihal may•ignificanUy affect <br /> .�j Lender\rightti in lhe Prape�ty(tiuch+�y a procecJin�: in hunkruplc��, li�r cundcmnuti�,n ur i��rnfurrr I;i�vr i,r regulatiun.), <br /> t� then l.cndcr may do und p�ry whutcvcr iti nccc�hary tu prutcct thr valu�ut'Ihr 1'rupc��ty and l.rndcr', ril:hts in thc Prnperty. <br /> � including paymcm c�f tuxes,huzard insurancc and uthcr itcm�mcntinncd in Paragruph?. <br /> � Any amount,dishurscd hy l.cnder undcr�hiti Para�raph�hall hrcunu:ui addtuim;il drhl u(Hnrru���r and br xrurcd <br /> by this Security Inytrumem. "fh«c untuuntti tihall txar intrrr�i frnm thr i1a1�i,f duhunrmrni. ;�t Ihc �ntc ralc. and at Ihr <br /> option of Lender.shull be imnudiatrty due an�f payahlr. <br /> 7. Condemnutiun. 1'hc proc�eds uf any;nvard��r rlaim fur damagr,.dimrl ur cun,r��urntial. �n runnrclion with:�np <br /> cundemnation or uthcr iaking ul'any pan uf ihc Yru�x��y,ur fur runvey;inrc in plarr ul runilrmn;uiun,arc hrrchy a,�iEncd <br /> � and shull he paid to l.cndcr U�Ihr cxlcnt of thr fidl�imi,um�,1 thc indehtednc�,that rcmain� unpaid undcr ihc Nutr and U�i� <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. Lcndcr tihall apply tiurh rnxccdti�u thr redurtiun uf thc indrhtrdnr"undrr Ihr Notr and�his Sccurity <br /> Instrument, first tn uny dclinqucnt anu,uotti applicd in thc urdcr pruvidrd in 1'ara�:ra��h 3. and �hcn ��, pr�p:rymcnt uf <br /> � principnl. Any upplicutiun uf Ihr prurredti u� thc principal �hull nut rxtcn�l ur putilpunr Ihr duc datr nf thc munthly <br /> ��I <br /> I, i���it�•'��l d��ue�•., <br /> ��. � <br /> � _ _ _ __ --- --- — --_ <br />