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<br /> � - ��� '?�'hn indol�todnoay soca�od by tho Dood ot Tz�aet nxoctetod by Jomoe B�McElro�r �nd Dovrc± A�,Mtt�1r4� — v
<br /> �'�' � aach in h�a end f»r uwiti riQhi� �nci ao ��aouac� af aoch o��r ----�. _r__�„T__._��,.,._.-. -
<br /> _ tr�.. e�s Trusttar� to� knacA. U_�_Ahlechwadn .�. - - — � ---_�
<br /> --- ;-..� as''rrustQC�,fur tha l�Qnofit ot The��uitable�Buildi�g�ad Laan �eaociation oi Grand Yslar�d,aa Qen�ficiary� ___ ��
<br /> _ -�. ���Q� ___ _ Se�to=muor �0 _��.18 �------_.end reeor�ta�i�tho ofiic�of the Regl�ter o�Desda
<br /> �'="" � � af_�n._..t191�..R�. ._ .�. . �._.._._..�.�Count�r�PdobrAekn ns Docum��nt Na. 8q�10a3TH � _ . ---.-__. ,
<br /> ,�� � ar in aock ��Agu.r_._ ,ha��na�patG.n�d i,it�Y2ttaficiary hza rvc�t:�wt°d�n � . � . .
<br /> _ __- ��`� writing thnt thls Dood af Racunvc�ynnco bo ex�cutad nnd dQlivorod as cantlrmad by its endorsomont balow. - _ _
<br /> ,�; _ e� = _--
<br /> '°"`=` In conald�rAtion of euch paymont cind in nceordNnc� with tho roquoat of tho Honoficiory� tho Truotet� � _ _
<br /> --_ -_ -_- roeanveys to tho peraon ur porsane entitled tharoto All tho r1�ht, titiv� intorest and claint acquirad by tho ��, ___
<br /> �3 � '•� ��. � Tru�tQO pursuAnt to tho Deed af Trust in the fapowing: E � -
<br /> "�' Pc�rt of Lot Saven (7) of tha County S�bdiviaion of part of the South Half (S'-.) af Sec�i.an �'� � - _
<br /> �"�'�- Five (5), �n Tawnahip Ninn (9) North, Renge �l�nc� (9) ��test oF �he Sixth (6th) P.M, in Ne1.1 = _
<br /> �' � , Coun�y, Nebraoko, mo.ro porticularly described as followa� towit; Bag inn ing a t e po:ln t ��..
<br /> ��`���"� 28,1 Fpo� Wost of the Narth�est cor�er af eaid l.ot 7; thonco running S�uthorly alang end upon =
<br /> - _ ;;_ a lino 28.1 feet Wost of and perallel to tha �asb line of eaid I.ot 7, a die�ence o£ 181.Q ��` �� ----
<br /> �= fae�; thonco runninc� Weatorly parallel to �i�e North line of soid l.at 7� a distanca of 327.0 , _
<br /> ���s ` � feot; thenca running Narthorly parellel to tho Eest line of said Lot 7, a distonco of 181.0 •
<br /> '�� � • feot; thenQe running Eastarly alang end upon the North line af said Lot 7, a distflnce of _
<br /> � f�� � 327.0 foet ta tha piece of beginning. �� : �_--
<br /> t
<br /> , " f�� , } `-
<br /> , � .
<br /> -� - ` /� ����`� � , . . � • -
<br /> :«- � Datad: July 8, 1991 _ C t�--...�.�_,� . '� �
<br /> '� Truetoo • _ �
<br /> ��:;�.�� e
<br /> {�
<br /> - :'y:. ,� � � .'�� ' -�
<br /> ' � STATE OF N�BRASKA � : ��°
<br /> •.� �..: � �.,. }s`� . .
<br /> _��;7;: � CUUNTY OF HALL , .
<br /> , :. . . �. �� 1
<br /> ' - .. . "- 'I`he ioregoing insiruma�ii w�s u�kra�t�tig$t3 h$fssrs m�vn L����; ��,»;�� , .- --,. ='_ -�--�-,.---
<br /> � �. ,.� :
<br /> �.;., ;:,�;,;:: .. �
<br /> . ��- ��`- by Eor1 D� Ahlschweda, a Memher of tha Nebraskt� State Bar Aasaciation as Trustee. . ',r�
<br /> "�i ;'; " / ,-. .i
<br /> �.�.:`.._-_�- - �_ 1��� -.�� (f'- �1- /��%�-f �lR�M01�l�d�_ ___-. +��_
<br />-. ,_. ' _ ' -��� �N ry PubUe � wa..o�.K�a.� . - ;-;--- _
<br />— .. The Beneflciary requests tho Truatee to reconvey the real estate deacrlbed Above ts the person or per• <' � . �
<br /> - � sons entitled thereto. �
<br />'''°`" .. � ' The Equit ble H ilding an�L Aa iation l ;
<br /> -= :;4�. ;� . ' 09 ra d I,s I�a � , : ,
<br /> - ,. �/ �.� 3
<br />��" .. � ,
<br />`� ,...,. '-J,W Olson Preaident/CEO (Ti e) � '
<br /> Beneficiary �
<br /> = � SS �
<br /> -= ' COUNTY OF HALL � . :
<br /> � ' ' The foregoin�inatrument was acknawledged before me an_.. July 8 ,19.��_.by � . �
<br /> �''''�� J.W. Dlson. Presideq�CEO (titlel for he Equitable Buitding and Loan ; ,.
<br /> Asaociatlon of Grand Island, as Benei'iciary. � •
<br /> ` � , \ � - �
<br /> -__.-:-♦:_ ____�-_ -- (i :-� t� / � . � �. .�-�-..ct �
<br /> ����� Notary Public �-�i�j`%`j�
<br /> M101�w Fk�lMt 5.1991 � � � ,
<br /> �Spacp Helow Thla l.ine Rosorved For Rocording Data) 6 ' �
<br /> , � , � ��. .
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