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<br /> , nppllrt�Ul� lu�v nta} sp�cify f:�r rcinslatcm6nU Neii+re �i�le of the F'mperty �ur�u�ml tu u�ty�K�wcr oi sale coruciincd in tlds —
<br /> :"_°`"� `-' Sccw•it (n�+tn�nunt;ur(h)rntr ��P n u�1��r�unt cni'urrin Ihls Sccuril Instniimnt. '1'ti����cm�ditl��m nre thut I�unu�vcr. (a? ----_ ----..---
<br /> ;�:;�:_:s�- ' Y 5' J u 8 Y ��
<br /> '`� :' p.►ys �.cndcrr nll ti�nus �vldch thcn wuulQ hu duc undcr this Scr�irlly Inst��in��nt und Ihc Nutc us If nu ucccicrnUun had _.� _ -- —
<br /> :-�'... - ��...---
<br /> � oc:cure�al:tb1 cures uny�lciuult t�f'uny���hcr cuvcnimtr ur���tncmcntti:(c)pay,r•ull expcn.rez incumd in cnt'urcing�hi.r•Srcurity .�==:�---_
<br /> �"�` : - Iutilruntcut, inciuding, hu1 nul Ilu�itcd to, rc�iruniiblu t►Itorncys'fcc�; und(d)lukos .r•uch ��cllwi nti I.r.udcr m��y rcuwtuibly �� _h --
<br /> _ ir��ulrc tn i�tisure U:nt Uic Ila�ul this Srrurity In�trumcm,Lcndcr��•ibius in�ha I'��o�x�rtv und 1luiruwcr�ubli�;i�Uun tu pay thc � - __�_-:
<br /> _ � � cu�nr secu�id hy this 5ccurity inhtrumrnt �GaH cyn��inue uini��n};�1. l►�x+n �rins�.►icnk�Ei hy C�wruti�cr. this 5ecuri�y �- ` � __-__ -
<br /> In;uununt iind ihet obtigations ticcumd Nrrr.hy sNall �cmain fuliy ei'!'�titivc n+1f��u nceelcr�Wu�t hncl�u•rurr�ti.l. IIr�vFVar,titlw �
<br /> -' - - � IiE,�4��l�Il`letl�!ti!'•+tklii�lu��{=:iii?�:1 S�k C:l"..^.flt�1CCC�::C.7:+:):1�.!!:•ICr�°�!'il�;f•!��1��. :f - _.. �
<br /> "��, , : 19. Sule at Note; Chun�c uf Loun Servlcen '1'he Note nr u p�trtinl intcrcst in Ihc Nute�tugcthce wilh Ihis Sccuriry �� _, _'
<br /> _,�; . Inxtrumentl muy bc suld nni ur niarc Um�s wllhot�i pri��r ni��ico t►� tiurruwer. A sule nwy rrsult �n i�chim�;e in�he enNty 'Y � -
<br /> - , tknown ne�hc"Loiin S�:rvtccr")Ihiu cullccty munthl��puymcnt�duc wedcr ihc N��tc a►nd ihis Sccu�ity Instniment. '1'hcro iilsu ., `""
<br /> • • miry hu ail�s���•murc chungex uf'thc L��i�n Scrvicer unn�lated to u w te al'thu Nutc. II'�hcr.�is u rhungc ut'thc l.uitn Scrviccr, .'
<br /> � . Bun������:P tvlll be given wciu�n nuUcG oF thu ch.mgc in lic4nrdi►n�r with n��r.�,;rnph 14�ihuvc i�nd iippUci►bic luw. Thc uutice
<br /> ����� will�tntc thc nnmc und nddress af tlir,tt�:w I..onn Scrvlcrr und thc ndd��ss tu which pnymrnts shuuld hc mudc, Thc nnticu►vill ��',�`
<br /> ' ��Iso c��ntuin uny othcr infbrmuUon r�ytti►'��J by up��li�+�blc I:iw. S•': ;
<br /> . E0, Hacnrd��ua���bstnncew. �nrruwcr shnll nw cnutic ur Ncrn�it thc proscnce,usc.di.r•pusal,stcua�;c,u��ala;�tiu of any , . . ,,, .
<br /> . Hocurduus 3uCstimr.r.s on ur in tho l�raperty, Burruwcr shnll not d��. nor allaw nnyimc �Isc to du,nnythinf; uffccting tho • . ,,. �.;�;x'='
<br /> • � ° Pruperly Ihat Iti in violntiun of uny f?qvironmcntiil Luw. 'Phu preccdin�;�wn sentences shull not a�pply ta ihu pratiuncc,use,c�r •., ~ _-�:
<br /> � sti�ri�Fe on�h�Nm�x:ny of rmull qauntities uf Hazurdous Subtitiinces thi�t urc gcnerully rocogitU�:�t la be npp�up�i+►tu to nc►ctty�l _ i':'��'.',''°'��
<br /> • residentinl uses nnd tu muintennnce of tho Properiy, • ��`'�;u' ;' -.��
<br /> .` BoROwcr shall pr�miptiv givc l.rndcr wriucn noticc ul'iiny invcsti��uian,rlaim.demund.Ia►wsuit or uthcr uction hy un `_.
<br /> Y ' , i`=�._z-�,.
<br /> � , govcrnmentad�►r rc�,uli�tary apcncy or privulc pivty inv�>Iv ing t he Pmpc r ty und i►ny i lu�ur da us S u bs ti u icc o r F n v i�o n m e n t n l " . �,; •';s=�---
<br /> ' Luw af which Hort��wer hus nctuul knu�vled�e. If Bon�ower Ier�rns, ur is nutlficd by ��ny govemmcntal ur r�gulutory � '�•��±�•
<br /> . � authurity,thnt uny rcmovi�l ar othcr►timcdiiuio��ot'uny Hazurduus Substuncc uffecting thc 1'rupc�ly is nrc�.sary,Eiorc��wcr � ; f�=—
<br /> . shall promptly u►kc idl ncccssiiry remcdinl action.r•in+�ccurdancc with Environmentid Li�w. , "
<br /> ��;�;.
<br /> ` �. ' As tised in�his puriigrapti 20."H�u.urauua Su6stunccs"nrc�hosc rubstnnccs dcf�incd a�toxic or hivacduus rubst;u�cc�by ...;
<br /> ` � E�vlromuental l.uw and thc f'ollawing substances: gi►soline, kerasene, uUic:r tlunimuhle ur tc�xic pctrulrum pmducts,wxic . ,
<br />: - . pesticidc.r• and herhicidcs, volnlile ,olvents,mntc��ials c�mtaininb axhestos ur fornn�ldchydc, iuid r:tdiv:icti�•e mutcriuls. A, , —
<br /> uscd in this parngruph�0,"F.nvironmcntnl Liuv"mcans fcdcr:�l I:nvs ttn�l laws uf thc jurisdicd��n whrn thc 1'r��perty is locatcd � ,
<br /> that rclale tu I�ciilth,saifety nr envlronmentul protecliim. �
<br /> � ' NQN-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bartnwcr+md l.cndcr funher covcnunt iind ngrrc a�follaws: • � .
<br /> . . 21, Acceleruttun; Remedles. L.ender shnll Five notice tu Hor�awer priur tu aa��clrraNan tuDlawing durrower'.y
<br /> ' brei�ch uP nny covenant ar n��eement i�tMs Security instrument Ibut not prlor lo atti�eleratlun u�der pi�ragei�ph 17 � ' '�� .
<br /> uole�.5 applict►ble Itf�v pro��ides otherwlse). '1'he nuttce tihul1 ypecifW: lni the dePault;161 the uctlun rcyuired W cure fhe ' ` �
<br /> defuplt;l�1 e date,nut le.�.s thun JO doys Pr�r�,�the dnte th�nutice iti gi�•en to Borro�ver.by�vhich the�fefuult mu!�t be �
<br /> . ����.
<br /> � cured:+md(dl lhut fuilurc tu cure the detinui¢un ar 6efure the dute specii7ed ln the�otice muy resudt in ucce1eruNan uf � U';
<br /> - the yu+ns secured�by thls Seturity Instrument a�nd siile oP the Property. 'I'he nut(ce shi►11 flirther inPorm N��rru�ver uf' l �'::
<br /> -- . : iire'ri-t;�i if�i�iBS'�&i2 ii�'t@P uct�lsrat:un aas!!!ic r3gh!!a b�:n��zsntri a�'!on!Q x.�.�ri!he nan-f�l�!��nc�+of;��efault�r L----.-- � i ��
<br /> . i�ny other defense of Horru�ver tu uccelerud�in imd sule, If the dePault ns q�t rured un�ir hefore Ihe dnte specif7ed in � �..�''�
<br /> lhe notice.I.ender.it its opUon mi�y require immediate puyment In f�ll u1'nU sumr secured by this Securily Instrument � �•.,:\
<br /> wlthout It�rlher demi�nd and mAy invake Ihe powcr oP sule u�d uny uti�er remedles permltted by i�ppllcf�blc lu�v. i °
<br /> -- __ - ._ . . .��_ � ,! ,..... .._.._... _..__��,+
<br /> LClllltil•shaQ Be enlltled to cattect Aii expc�scs incarred m pursuinK ��te rcmruiry pruri�cii it� tuta Nr���K��Y�� � � �'---"------^—'-�'-"
<br /> � indudln�,hut nut Umited!�►,reusunuble ulturneys'Pees i�nd cast�of litle evldencc. ; ,
<br /> ` ' IP the power oi'rule is Imuked.'Irutitc�e shull record u noNce uf defttult In euch cou�ty io which uny pi�rl uP the
<br /> Property is locided nnd shull mail copi�w of sucl�o��Uce in Ihe mimner prexcrl6ed by uppqcnble lu�v tu Norro�rer imd to � �
<br /> the other pen�mti prescribed by uppllcable linv. APtcr the dme rei�uired by i�ppUcablc linv,71�u.rtec tihall �Ive pubUc
<br /> nodm oP 9ule tu the pe�•suny und in the a�unner prescrl6ed hy uNplicuble I���v. 7lrustee,wUhuut demnnd on liorrower� ,
<br />-. shall seU thc Prupe�ty ut public uucUon tu the hi�hest bidder u/the Ume imd pluce uad under the terms desl�;nuted in � . ,
<br /> • the avtice��f sule in one��r mure purcely and!n iu�v order'iYustee determines, 7lrustcc m�y posipnne ti��le��P i�U u�uny .
<br /> � pHrce!oP the Pruperty hy public i�nnuuncement ut the tlme and pluce ui'nnv pre�•iously�cheduled si�le. I.ender or its ;
<br /> . designee may purchus�the Property ut i�ny sule. .
<br /> Upon receipt of pnyment oP the price bid. "Ihustee shi�ll deU�•er t��thr purchutier '1'rustee'r deed conveyi��; the ,
<br /> P�uperty. The recltals in the'IYustee'.r•deed shull be primu fucle e�•ldence oP the Irulh oP the stt�trmeat.r•mude thereln.
<br /> � 7Y�estee shall upply the pr�►ceeds af the sule i�the Fullua•In�;urder: lu1 tu iill a,sty imd cxpenses of exerrlsin�;lhe po«�er ,
<br /> � . ;;�: .
<br /> 3�.
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